2 research outputs found

    Monitoring the performance of petrochemical organizations in Saudi Arabia using data envelopment analysis

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    The petrochemical industry plays a crucial role in the economy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Therefore, the effectiveness and efficiency of this industry is of high importance. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is found to be more acceptable in measuring the effectiveness of various industries when used in conjunction with non-parametric methods such as multiple regression, analytical hierarchy process (AHP), multidimensional scaling (MDS), and other multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) approaches. In this study, ten petrochemical companies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are evaluated using Banker, Charnes and Cooper (BCC)/Charnes, Cooper, and Rhodes (CCR) models of DEA to compute the technical and super-efficiencies for ranking according to their relative performances. Data were collected from the Saudi Stock Exchange on key financial performance measures, five of which were chosen as inputs and five as outputs. Five DEA models were developed using different input–output combinations. The efficiency plots obtained from DEA were compared with the Euclidean distance scatter plot obtained from MDS. The dimensionality of MDS plots was derived from the DEA output. It was found that the two-dimensional positioning of the companies was congruent in both plots, thus validating the DEA results

    Hepatoprotective effects of bioactive compounds from traditional herb Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum Linn) against galactosamine-induced hepatotoxicity in rats

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    Ocimum sanctum L. (Tulsi; Family: libiaceae), also known as “The Queen of herbs” or “Holy Basil,” is an omnipresent, multipurpose plant that has been used in folk medicine of many countries as a remedy against several pathological conditions, including anticancer, antidiabetic, cardio-protective, antispasmodic, diaphoretic, and adaptogenic actions. This study aims to assess O. sanctum L.’s hepatoprotective potential against galactosamine-induced toxicity, as well as investigate bioactive compounds in each extract and identify serum metabolites. The extraction of O. sanctum L as per Ayurveda was simultaneously standardized and quantified for biochemical markers: rutin, ellagic acid, kaempferol, caffeic acid, quercetin, and epicatechin by HPTLC. Hepatotoxicity was induced albino adult rats by intra-peritoneal injection of galactosamine (400 mg/kg). The quantified hydroalcoholic and alcoholic extract of O. sanctum L (100 and 200 mg/kg body weight/day) were compared for evaluation of hepatoprotective potential, which were assessed in terms of reduction in histological damage, change in serum enzymes such as AST, ALT, ALP and increase TBARS. Twenty chemical constituents of serum metabolites of O. sanctum were identified and characterized based on matching recorded mass spectra by GC-MS with those obtained from the library-Wiley/NIST. We evaluated the hepatoprotective activity of various fractions of hydroalcoholic extracts based on the polarity and investigated the activity at each phase (hexane, chloroform, and ethyl acetate) in vitro to determine how they affected the toxicity of CCL4 (40 mM) toward Chang liver cells. The ethyl acetate fraction of the selected plants had a higher hepatoprotective activity than the other fractions, so it was used in vacuum liquid chromatography (VLC). The ethyl acetate fraction contains high amounts of rutin (0.34% w/w), ellagic acid (2.32% w/w), kaempferol (0.017% w/w), caffeic acid (0.005% w/w), quercetin (0.038% w/w), and epicatechin (0.057% w/w) which are responsible for hepatoprotection. In comparison to standard silymarin, isolated bioactive molecules displayed the most significant hepatoprotective activity in Chang liver cells treated to CCl4 toxicity. The significant high hepatoprotection provided by standard silymarin ranged from 77.6% at 100 μg/ml to 83.95% at 200 μg/ml, purified ellagic acid ranged from 70% at 100 μg/ml to 81.33% at 200 μg/ml, purified rutin ranged from 63.4% at 100 μg/ml to 76.34% at 200 μg/ml purified quercetin ranged from 54.33% at 100 μg/ml to 60.64% at 200 μg/ml, purified epicatechin ranged from 53.22% at 100 μg/ml to 65.6% at 200 μg/ml, and purified kaempferol ranged from 52.17% at 100 μg/ml to 60.34% at 200 μg/ml. These findings suggest that the bioactive compounds in O. sanctum L. have significant protective effects against galactosamine-induced hepatotoxicity