483 research outputs found

    Simplified Metrics Calculation for Soft Bit Detection in DVB-T2

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    The constellation rotation and cyclic quadrature component delay (RQD) technique has been adopted in the second generation terrestrial digital video broadcasting (DVB-T2) standard. It improves the system performance under severe propagation conditions, but introduces serious complexity problems in the hardware implementation of the detection process. In this paper, we present a simplified scheme that greatly reduces the complexity of the demapper by simplifying the soft bit metrics computation having a negligible overall system performance loss

    Cellular stress management by caspases

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    Cellular stress plays a pivotal role in the onset of numerous human diseases. Consequently, the removal of dysfunctional cells, which undergo excessive stress-induced damage via various cell death pathways, including apoptosis, is essential for maintaining organ integrity and function. The evolutionarily conserved family of cysteine-aspartic-proteases, known as caspases, has been a key player in orchestrating apoptosis. However, recent research has unveiled the capability of these enzymes to govern fundamental cellular processes without triggering cell death. Remarkably, some of these non-lethal functions of caspases may contribute to restoring cellular equilibrium in stressed cells. This manuscript discusses how caspases can function as cellular stress managers and their potential impact on human health and disease. Additionally, it sheds light on the limitations of caspase-based therapies, given our still incomplete understanding of the biology of these enzymes, particularly in non-apoptotic contexts

    A la Congregacion de San Pablo, primer hermitaño, sita en el cerro de Nuestra Señora de Belen de la Sierra de Cordova

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    Se ha respetado la puntuación originalAutor tomado de final de texto que está firmado por Don Joseph Lopez de BaenaPie de imp. consta en colofónTexto fechado en Cordoba a 23 de Julio de 1773Sign. : A4Letra capital al comienzo del textoH HAZ/1790(10

    Kinetic insights into agonist-dependent signalling bias at the pro-inflammatory G-protein coupled receptor GPR84

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    GPR84 is an orphan G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) linked to inflammation. Strategies targeting GPR84 to prevent excessive inflammation in disease are hampered by a lack of understanding of its precise functional role. We have developed heterologous cell lines with low GPR84 expression levels that phenocopy the response of primary cells in a label-free cell electrical impedance (CEI) sensing system that measures cell morphology and adhesion. We then investigated the signalling profile and membrane localisation of GPR84 upon treatment with 6-OAU and DL-175, two agonists known to differentially influence immune cell function. When compared to 6-OAU, DL-175 was found to exhibit a delayed impedance response, a delayed and suppressed activation of Akt, which together correlated with an impaired ability to internalise GPR84 from the plasma membrane. The signalling differences were transient and occurred only at early time points in the low expressing cell lines, highlighting the importance of receptor number and kinetic readouts when evaluating signalling bias. Our findings open new ways to understand GPR84 signalling and evaluate the effect of newly developed agonists

    Algunas Concepciones de la Práctica Pedagógica en estudiantes practicantes de X semestre del programa Licenciatura en Matemáticas y Física de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

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    Se dan a conocer algunos de los resultados obtenidos en una investigación realizada entre los años 2008- 2012, la cual culminó en un trabajo de tesis, que permitió optar al título de Magíster en Educación, titulado: “Concepciones de la práctica pedagógica de los estudiantes practicantes de X semestre del programa Licenciatura en Matemáticas y Física de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira” cuyo objetivo fue interpretar la concepciones que tienen los estudiantes sobre la práctica pedagógica; investigación que se desarrolló dentro del macro proyecto “Concepciones de la práctica docente”

    Algunas Concepciones de la Práctica Pedagógica en estudiantes practicantes de X semestre del programa Licenciatura en Matemáticas y Física de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

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    Se dan a conocer algunos de los resultados obtenidos en una investigación realizada entre los años 2008- 2012, la cual culminó en un trabajo de tesis, que permitió optar al título de Magíster en Educación, titulado: “Concepciones de la práctica pedagógica de los estudiantes practicantes de X semestre del programa Licenciatura en Matemáticas y Física de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira” cuyo objetivo fue interpretar la concepciones que tienen los estudiantes sobre la práctica pedagógica; investigación que se desarrolló dentro del macro proyecto “Concepciones de la práctica docente”