71 research outputs found

    Lymphoid organisation in labial salivary gland biopsies is a possible predictor for the development of malignant lymphoma in primary Sjögren's syndrome

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    Objective The development of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) confers a high risk of mortality in primary Sjogren's syndrome (pSS) patients, but the sensitivity and specificity of proposed lymphoma predictors are insufficient for practical use. The performance of lymphoid organisation in the form of germinal centre (GC)-like lesions was evaluated in labial salivary gland biopsies taken at pSS diagnosis as a potential lymphoma-predicting biomarker. Methods Labial salivary gland tissue biopsies available from two Swedish pSS research cohorts (n = 175) were re-evaluated by light microscopy in a blind study in order to identify GC-like structures as a sign of ectopic lymphoid tissue formation and organisation. A linkage study was performed with the Swedish Cancer Registry for lymphoma identification. The risk of developing NHL in GC-positive patients in comparison with GC-negative patients was evaluated using Kaplan-Meier statistics and log-rank test. Associations between GC-like structures and clinical and/or laboratory disease markers were also determined using. 2 or Fisher's exact tests. Results At diagnosis, 25% of pSS patients had GC-like structures in their salivary glands. Seven of the 175 patients studied (14% GC+ and 0.8% GC-) developed NHL during 1855 patient-years at risk, with a median onset of 7 years following the initial diagnostic salivary gland biopsy. Six of the seven patients had GC-like structures at diagnosis; the remaining patient was GC negative at the time of diagnosis (p=0.001). Conclusions The detection of GC-like structures by light microscopy in pSS diagnostic salivary biopsies is proposed as a highly predictive and easy-to-obtain marker for NHL development. This allows for risk stratification of patients and the possibility to initiate preventive B-cell-directed therapy

    a European registries collaborative project

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    Funding: Individual registries had entered into agreements with pharmaceutical companies (AbbVie, BMS, Hospira, MSD, Pfizer, Roche, UCB, Samsung and Eli Lilly). The pharmaceutical companies funding these registers were, however, not involved in the planning of the project, the statistical analyses, the interpretation of the results or the decision to publish.BACKGROUND: Lymphomas comprise a heterogeneous group of malignant diseases with highly variable prognosis. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is associated with a twofold increased risk of both Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL) and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). It is unknown whether treatment with biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (bDMARDs) affect the risk of specific lymphoma subtypes. METHODS: Patients never exposed to (bionaïve) or ever treated with bDMARDs from 12 European biologic registers were followed prospectively for the occurrence of first ever histologically confirmed lymphoma. Patients were considered exposed to a bDMARD after having received the first dose. Lymphomas were attributed to the most recently received bDMARD. RESULTS: Among 124 997 patients (mean age 59 years; 73.7% female), 533 lymphomas were reported. Of these, 9.5% were HL, 83.8% B-cell NHL and 6.8% T-cell NHL. No cases of hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma were observed. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) was the most frequent B-cell NHL subtype (55.8% of all B-cell NHLs). The subtype distributions were similar between bionaïve patients and those treated with tumour necrosis factor inhibitors (TNFi). For other bDMARDs, the numbers of cases were too small to draw any conclusions. Patients with RA developed more DLBCLs and less chronic lymphocytic leukaemia compared with the general population. CONCLUSION: This large collaborative analysis of European registries has successfully collated subtype information on 533 lymphomas. While the subtype distribution differs between RA and the general population, there was no evidence of any modification of the distribution of lymphoma subtypes in patients with RA treated with TNFi compared with bionaïve patients. © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.publishersversionpublishe

    Haematological malignancies in patients with psoriatic arthritis overall and treated with TNF inhibitors : a Nordic cohort study

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    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the risk of haematological malignancies in patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA) overall, and in relation to treatment with tumour necrosis factor inhibitors (TNFi). METHODS: We identified that patients with PsA starting a first TNFi from the clinical rheumatology registers (CRR) in the five Nordic countries (n=10 621) and biologics-naïve PsA patients from (1) the CRR (n=18 705) and (2) the national patient registers (NPR, n=27 286, Sweden and Denmark) from 2006 through 2019. For Sweden and Denmark, general population comparators were matched 5:1 to PsA patients on birth year, year at start of follow-up and sex. By linkage to the national cancer registers in all countries, we collected information on haematological malignancies overall, and categorised into lymphoid or myeloid types. We estimated incidence rate ratios (IRRs) with 95% CIs using modified Poisson regression for TNFi-treated versus biologics-naïve PsA patients and versus the general population adjusted for age, sex, calendar period and country. RESULTS: During 59 827 person-years, 40 haematological malignancies occurred among TNFi-treated patients with PsA resulting in a pooled IRR of 0.96 (0.68-1.35) versus biologics-naïve PsA from CRR and an IRR of 0.84 (0.64-1.10) versus biologics-naïve PsA from NPR. The IRR of haematological malignancies in PsA overall versus general population comparators was 1.35 (1.17-1.55). The estimates were largely similar for lymphoid and myeloid malignancies. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment with TNFi in patients with PsA was not associated with an increased incidence of haematological malignancies. Conversely, a moderately increased underlying risk was seen in patients with PsA compared with the general population.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Complement C4 Copy Number Variation is Linked to SSA/Ro and SSB/La Autoantibodies in Systemic Inflammatory Autoimmune Diseases

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    Objective Copy number variation of the C4 complement components, C4A and C4B, has been associated with systemic inflammatory autoimmune diseases. This study was undertaken to investigate whether C4 copy number variation is connected to the autoimmune repertoire in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), primary Sjögren's syndrome (SS), or myositis. Methods Using targeted DNA sequencing, we determined the copy number and genetic variants of C4 in 2,290 well-characterized Scandinavian patients with SLE, primary SS, or myositis and 1,251 healthy controls. Results A prominent relationship was observed between C4A copy number and the presence of SSA/SSB autoantibodies, which was shared between the 3 diseases. The strongest association was detected in patients with autoantibodies against both SSA and SSB and 0 C4A copies when compared to healthy controls (odds ratio [OR] 18.0 [95% confidence interval (95% CI) 10.2–33.3]), whereas a weaker association was seen in patients without SSA/SSB autoantibodies (OR 3.1 [95% CI 1.7–5.5]). The copy number of C4 correlated positively with C4 plasma levels. Further, a common loss-of-function variant in C4A leading to reduced plasma C4 was more prevalent in SLE patients with a low copy number of C4A. Functionally, we showed that absence of C4A reduced the individuals’ capacity to deposit C4b on immune complexes. Conclusion We show that a low C4A copy number is more strongly associated with the autoantibody repertoire than with the clinically defined disease entities. These findings may have implications for understanding the etiopathogenetic mechanisms of systemic inflammatory autoimmune diseases and for patient stratification when taking the genetic profile into account.publishedVersio

    Genome-wide association study identifies Sjögren’s risk loci with functional implications in immune and glandular cells

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    Sjögren’s disease is a complex autoimmune disease with twelve established susceptibility loci. This genome-wide association study (GWAS) identifies ten novel genome-wide significant (GWS) regions in Sjögren’s cases of European ancestry: CD247, NAB1, PTTG1-MIR146A, PRDM1-ATG5, TNFAIP3, XKR6, MAPT-CRHR1, RPTOR-CHMP6-BAIAP6, TYK2, SYNGR1. Polygenic risk scores yield predictability (AUROC = 0.71) and relative risk of 12.08. Interrogation of bioinformatics databases refine the associations, define local regulatory networks of GWS SNPs from the 95% credible set, and expand the implicated gene list to >40. Many GWS SNPs are eQTLs for genes within topologically associated domains in immune cells and/or eQTLs in the main target tissue, salivary glands.Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH): R01AR073855 (C.J.L.), R01AR065953 (C.J.L.), R01AR074310 (A.D.F.), P50AR060804 (K.L.S.), R01AR050782 (K.L.S), R01DE018209 (K.L.S.), R33AR076803 (I.A.), R21AR079089 (I.A.); NIDCR Sjögren’s Syndrome Clinic and Salivary Disorders Unit were supported by NIDCR Division of Intramural Research at the National Institutes of Health funds - Z01-DE000704 (B.W.); Birmingham NIHR Biomedical Research Centre (S.J.B.); Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany’s Excellence Strategy – EXC 2155 – Projektnummer 390874280 (T.W.); Research Council of Norway (Oslo, Norway) – Grant 240421 (TR.R.), 316120 (M.W-H.); Western Norway Regional Health Authority (Helse Vest) – 911807, 912043 (R.O.); Swedish Research Council for Medicine and Health (L.R., G.N., M.W-H.); Swedish Rheumatism Association (L.R., G.N., M.W-H.); King Gustav V’s 80-year Foundation (G.N.); Swedish Society of Medicine (L.R., G.N., M.W-H.); Swedish Cancer Society (E.B.); Sjögren’s Syndrome Foundation (K.L.S.); Phileona Foundation (K.L.S.). The Stockholm County Council (M.W-H.); The Swedish Twin Registry is managed through the Swedish Research Council - Grant 2017-000641. The French ASSESS (Atteinte Systémique et Evolution des patients atteints de Syndrome de Sjögren primitive) was sponsored by Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (Ministry of Health, PHRC 2006 P060228) and the French society of Rheumatology (X.M.).publishedVersio

    Associations Between Rheumatoid Arthritis and Malignant Lymphomas

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    Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are at increased risk of developing malignant lymphoma, although details about this association remain unclear. The aims of this thesis were to investigate risk factors for lymphoma in patients with RA and to characterize these lymphomas regarding subtype, presence of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), clinical manifestations and prognosis. The Swedish hospital discharge register and the cancer register were used to identify RA patients with lymphoma. Two case-control studies were performed, one smaller including RA patients with lymphoma hospitalised in Uppsala health care region 1964-1983 (n=41) and one larger study of hospitalised RA patients with lymphoma in Sweden 1964-1995 (n=378). RA patients from the same cohorts, but without lymphoma, were matched as controls. Medical records for cases and controls were scrutinized for exposure information. The lymphoma tissues were reclassified according to the WHO classification, and presence of EBV was analysed by EBER in situ hybridisation. The most important risk factor for lymphoma development was high RA disease activity. No association was determined between treatment with traditional disease modifying drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin, peroral and intra-articular corticosteroids and lymphoma risk. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) was more frequent in RA patients than in lymphoma patients in the general population and displayed stronger association with RA disease activity than other lymphoma subtypes. RA patients with DLBCL had increased extranodal involvement and more advanced lymphoma stage at presentation than DLBCL patients in general, and the prognosis was poor. A further subdivision of DLBCL into germinal centre (GC) and non-GC subtypes by the expression patterns of CD10, bcl-6 and IRF-4 showed a predominance of the non-GC subtype. This suggested peripheral activated B-cells as the cells of origin in these lymphomas. The presence of EBV was low in lymphomas in RA patients (12%)

    Associations Between Rheumatoid Arthritis and Malignant Lymphomas

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    Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are at increased risk of developing malignant lymphoma, although details about this association remain unclear. The aims of this thesis were to investigate risk factors for lymphoma in patients with RA and to characterize these lymphomas regarding subtype, presence of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), clinical manifestations and prognosis. The Swedish hospital discharge register and the cancer register were used to identify RA patients with lymphoma. Two case-control studies were performed, one smaller including RA patients with lymphoma hospitalised in Uppsala health care region 1964-1983 (n=41) and one larger study of hospitalised RA patients with lymphoma in Sweden 1964-1995 (n=378). RA patients from the same cohorts, but without lymphoma, were matched as controls. Medical records for cases and controls were scrutinized for exposure information. The lymphoma tissues were reclassified according to the WHO classification, and presence of EBV was analysed by EBER in situ hybridisation. The most important risk factor for lymphoma development was high RA disease activity. No association was determined between treatment with traditional disease modifying drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin, peroral and intra-articular corticosteroids and lymphoma risk. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) was more frequent in RA patients than in lymphoma patients in the general population and displayed stronger association with RA disease activity than other lymphoma subtypes. RA patients with DLBCL had increased extranodal involvement and more advanced lymphoma stage at presentation than DLBCL patients in general, and the prognosis was poor. A further subdivision of DLBCL into germinal centre (GC) and non-GC subtypes by the expression patterns of CD10, bcl-6 and IRF-4 showed a predominance of the non-GC subtype. This suggested peripheral activated B-cells as the cells of origin in these lymphomas. The presence of EBV was low in lymphomas in RA patients (12%)

    Efficacy and safety of rituximab as maintenance therapy for relapsing granulomatosis with polyangiitis-a case series.

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    The objective of this work was to study the efficacy and safety of pre-emptive rituximab (RTX) in a series of patients with severe relapsing granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA). GPA is a systemic vasculitis with a high relapse rate despite successful remission induction. Drug toxicity with repeated induction treatments and long-standing immunosuppression poses a problem. Based on the findings in reports on RTX for rheumatoid arthritis, we treated patients with severe relapsing GPA with pre-emptive RTX, 1,000 mg 2 weeks apart every 6 months, aiming at achieving sustainable remission. All patients at one centre with relapsing GPA in spite of traditional maintenance treatment, who had received more than or equal to three cycles of RTX as regularly repeated pre-emptive maintenance therapy every 6 months, were included in this retrospective study. Information on disease manifestations and activity, treatments, lab parameters and adverse events was extracted from the medical files. Of the 12 included patients, all with a positive proteinase 3-anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies, generalised disease and a median disease duration of 35 months (21-270), 92 % (11/12) achieved sustainable remission during a median follow-up time of 32 months (range 21-111) from first RTX treatment. Concomitant immunosuppressants were reduced. Infections were the most common adverse events, but infections were an issue also before the start of RTX. RTX administered every 6 months seems to be an effective maintenance treatment in a population with severe, relapsing long-standing GPA. Granulomatous as well as vasculitic manifestations responded equally well. Infections are a problem in this patient group but no new safety problems were identified

    Efficacy and safety of rituximab as maintenance therapy for relapsing granulomatosis with polyangiitis-a case series.

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    The objective of this work was to study the efficacy and safety of pre-emptive rituximab (RTX) in a series of patients with severe relapsing granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA). GPA is a systemic vasculitis with a high relapse rate despite successful remission induction. Drug toxicity with repeated induction treatments and long-standing immunosuppression poses a problem. Based on the findings in reports on RTX for rheumatoid arthritis, we treated patients with severe relapsing GPA with pre-emptive RTX, 1,000 mg 2 weeks apart every 6 months, aiming at achieving sustainable remission. All patients at one centre with relapsing GPA in spite of traditional maintenance treatment, who had received more than or equal to three cycles of RTX as regularly repeated pre-emptive maintenance therapy every 6 months, were included in this retrospective study. Information on disease manifestations and activity, treatments, lab parameters and adverse events was extracted from the medical files. Of the 12 included patients, all with a positive proteinase 3-anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies, generalised disease and a median disease duration of 35 months (21-270), 92 % (11/12) achieved sustainable remission during a median follow-up time of 32 months (range 21-111) from first RTX treatment. Concomitant immunosuppressants were reduced. Infections were the most common adverse events, but infections were an issue also before the start of RTX. RTX administered every 6 months seems to be an effective maintenance treatment in a population with severe, relapsing long-standing GPA. Granulomatous as well as vasculitic manifestations responded equally well. Infections are a problem in this patient group but no new safety problems were identified