8 research outputs found

    Tritium Labeling and Phase Distribution of 18-Crown-6 and Its Derivatives for Further Reprocessing of Radium Waste

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    To date, the world has accumulated a large amount of long-lived radioactive materials that need to be disposed of or reprocessed. Such materials include nuclear legacy objects containing 226Ra, which is an important material for obtaining a wide range of isotopes for nuclear medicine via irradiation in reactors, cyclotrons, and electron accelerators. For the selective recovery of 226Ra from waste materials, crown-ether (CE) 18-crown-6 (18C6) or its derivatives can be used, which, however, have not been widely studied for these purposes. In our work, the key property of 18C6 and its derivatives, the phase distribution, was studied using tritium labeling. The possibility of introducing a tritium label into CEs molecules using thermal activation of tritium has been demonstrated; a high specific activity of the obtained compounds was achieved (from 18 to 108 TBq/mol). Methods for chromatographic purification of the studied CEs were developed. The distribution of 18C6 and its derivatives between various organic solvents and water was studied in detail for the first time. Subsequently, the obtained data will allow us to choose conditions for the selective recovery of 226Ra from aged sources

    Adaptation of a Bacterial Bioluminescent Assay to Monitor Bioeffects of Gold Nanoparticles

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    Our current study aimed to adapt a bioluminescent bacteria-based bioassay to monitor the bioeffects of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs). Luminous marine bacteria Photobacterium phosphoreum and AuNPs modified with polyvinylpyrrolidone were employed; low-concentration (ā‰¤10āˆ’3 g/L) bioeffects of AuNPs were studied. Bioluminescence intensity was used as an indicator of physiological activity in bacteria. Two additional methods were used: reactive oxygen species (ROS) content was estimated with a chemiluminescent luminol method, and bacterial size was monitored using electron microscopy. The bacterial bioluminescent response to AuNPs corresponded to the ā€œhormesisā€ model and involved time-dependent bioluminescence activation, as well as a pronounced increase in the number of enlarged bacteria. We found negative correlations between the time courses of bioluminescence and the ROS content in bacterial suspensions, demonstrating the relationship between bioluminescence activation and bacterial ROS consumption. The combined effects of AuNPs and a beta-emitting radionuclide, tritium, revealed suppression of bacterial bioluminescent activity (as compared to their individual effects) and a reduced percentage of enlarged bacteria. Therefore, we demonstrated that our bacteria-based bioluminescence assay is an appropriate tool to study the bioeffects of AuNPs; the bioeffects can be further classified within a unified framework for rapid bioassessment

    Estimation of Uptake of Humic Substances from Different Sources by Escherichia coli Cells under Optimum and Salt Stress Conditions by Use of Tritium-Labeled Humic Materialsā–æ

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    The primary goal of this paper is to demonstrate potential strengths of the use of tritium-labeled humic substances (HS) to quantify their interaction with living cells under various conditions. A novel approach was taken to study the interaction between a model microorganism and the labeled humic material. The bacterium Escherichia coli was used as a model microorganism. Salt stress was used to study interactions of HS with living cells under nonoptimum conditions. Six tritium-labeled samples of HS originating from coal, peat, and soil were examined. To quantify their interaction with E. coli cells, bioconcentration factors (BCF) were calculated and the amount of HS that penetrated into the cell interior was determined, and the liquid scintillation counting technique was used as well. The BCF values under optimum conditions varied from 0.9 to 13.1 liters kgāˆ’1 of cell biomass, whereas under salt stress conditions the range of corresponding values increased substantially and accounted for 0.2 to 130 liters kgāˆ’1. The measured amounts of HS that penetrated into the cells were 23 to 167 mg and 25 to 465 mg HS per kg of cell biomass under optimum and salt stress conditions, respectively. This finding indicated increased penetration of HS into E. coli cells under salt stress

    A Use of Tritium-Labeled Peat Fulvic Acids and Polyphenolic Derivatives for Designing Pharmacokinetic Experiments on Mice

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    Natural products (e.g., polyphenols) have been used as biologically active compounds for centuries. Still, the mechanisms of biological activity of these multicomponent systems are poorly understood due to a lack of appropriate experimental techniques. The method of tritium thermal bombardment allows for non-selective labeling and tracking of all components of complex natural systems. In this study, we applied it to label two well-characterized polyphenolic compounds, peat fulvic acid (FA-Vi18) and oxidized lignin derivative (BP-Cx-1), of predominantly hydrophilic and hydrophobic character, respectively. The identity of the labeled samples was confirmed using size exclusion chromatography. Using ultra-high resolution Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT ICR MS), key differences in the molecular composition of BP-Cx-1 and FA-Vi18 were revealed. The labeled samples ([3H]-FA-Vi18 (10 mg/kg) and [3H]-BP-Cx-1 (100 mg/kg)) were administered to female BALB/c mice intravenously (i.v.) and orally. The label distribution was assessed in blood, liver, kidneys, brain, spleen, thymus, ovaries, and heart using liquid scintillation counting. Tritium label was found in all organs studied at different concentrations. For the fulvic acid sample, the largest accumulation was observed in the kidney (Cmax 28.5 mg/kg and 5.6 mg/kg, respectively) for both routes. The organs of preferential accumulation of the lignin derivative were the liver (Cmax accounted for 396.7 and 16.13 mg/kg for i.v. and p.o. routes, respectively) and kidney (Cmax accounted for 343.3 and 17.73 mg/kg for i.v. and p.o. routes, respectively). Our results demonstrate that using the tritium labeling technique enabled successful pharmacokinetic studies on polyphenolic drugs with very different molecular compositions. It proved to be efficient for tissue distribution studies. It was also shown that the dosage of the polyphenolic drug might be lower than 10 mg/kg due to the sensitivity of the 3H detection technique

    Surface characterization of the thermal remodeling helical plant virus.

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    Previously, we have reported that spherical particles (SPs) are formed by the thermal remodeling of rigid helical virions of native tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) at 94Ā°C. SPs have remarkable features: stability, unique adsorption properties and immunostimulation potential. Here we performed a comparative study of the amino acid composition of the SPs and virions surface to characterize their properties and take an important step to understanding the structure of SPs. The results of tritium planigraphy showed that thermal transformation of TMV leads to a significant increase in tritium label incorporation into the following sites of SPs protein: 41-71 Š°.a. and 93-122 a.a. At the same time, there was a decrease in tritium label incorporation into the N- and C- terminal region (1-15 a.a., 142-158 a.a). The use of complementary physico-chemical methods allowed us to carry out a detailed structural analysis of the surface and to determine the most likely surface areas of SPs. The obtained data make it possible to consider viral protein thermal rearrangements, and to open new opportunities for biologically active complex design using information about SPs surface amino acid composition and methods of non-specific adsorption and bioconjugation