41 research outputs found

    From sequence-defined macromolecules to macromolecular pin codes

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    Dynamic sequence-defined oligomers carrying a chemically written pin code are obtained through a strategy combining multicomponent reactions with the thermoreversible addition of 1,2,4-triazoline-3,5-diones (TADs) to indole substrates. The precision oligomers are specifically designed to be encrypted upon heating as a result of the random reshuffling of the TAD-indole covalent bonds within the backbone, thereby resulting in the scrambling of the encoded information. The encrypted pin code can eventually be decrypted following a second heating step that enables the macromolecular pin code to be deciphered using 1D electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). The herein introduced concept of encryption/decryption represents a key advancement compared with current strategies that typically use uncontrolled degradation to erase and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) to analyze, decipher, and read-out chemically encrypted information. Additionally, the synthesized macromolecules are coated onto a high-value polymer material, which demonstrates their potential application as coded product tags for anti-counterfeiting purposes

    Applications of discrete synthetic macromolecules in life and materials science : recent and future trends

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    In the last decade, the field of sequence-defined polymers and related ultraprecise, monodisperse synthetic macromolecules has grown exponentially. In the early stage, mainly articles or reviews dedicated to the development of synthetic routes toward their preparation have been published. Nowadays, those synthetic methodologies, combined with the elucidation of the structure-property relationships, allow envisioning many promising applications. Consequently, in the past 3 years, application-oriented papers based on discrete synthetic macromolecules emerged. Hence, material science applications such as macromolecular data storage and encryption, self-assembly of discrete structures and foldamers have been the object of many fascinating studies. Moreover, in the area of life sciences, such structures have also been the focus of numerous research studies. Here, it is aimed to highlight these recent applications and to give the reader a critical overview of the future trends in this area of research

    Stereocontrolled, multi-functional sequence-defined oligomers through automated synthesis

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    In contrast to biomacromolecules, synthetic polymers generally lack a defined monomer sequence, therefore one of the challenges of polymer chemists these days is gaining more control over the primary structure of synthetic polymers and oligomers. In this work, stereocontrolled sequence-defined oligomers were synthesised using a thiolactone-based platform. Step-wise elongation of the oligomer occursviaring-opening of the thiolactone, resulting in the formation of stereocenters along the backbone. These initial studies indicate remarkable differences in the strength of non-covalent interactions in isotactic and atactic oligomers. Different side-chain moieties were introduced using alkyl halide building blocks and the synthetic protocol was succesfully optimised and automated. Furthermore, the possible post-synthesis modification of the oligomers was demonstrated using 'click' chemistry

    Polymérisation anionique de l oxyde d éthylène amorcée par des cyclodextrines modifiées: Application à l étude des canaux artificiels

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    L'objectif de ce travail est la synthèse et l étude de canaux artificiels à partir de cyclodextrines. Celles-ci sont modifiées par des greffons hydrophobes sur la face secondaire ou par des groupements 3-hydroxypropyl sur les deux faces. Les composés ainsi obtenus servent de macro-amorceurs de la polymérisation anionique de l oxyde d éthylène et permettent la synthèse de polymères en étoile amphiphiles. L étude de l insertion de ces macromolécules amphiphiles dans des membranes bi-lipidiques modèles à permis de mettre en évidence l importance de la taille de la partie hydrophobe et du contrôle de la balance amphiphile de ces composés. Ce travail a permis en outre, de mettre en évidence une synergie d hémolyse entre la sphingomyélinase, une b-toxine produite par une souche de Staphylococcus aureus et certains dérivés de CD, en particulier ceux possédant des chaînes heptyle sur la face secondaire et POE sur la face primaire.In this work, the synthesis and the study of cyclodextrin-based artificial channels is described. Cyclodextrins are modified by hydrophobic alkyl chains in their secondary face or by 3-hydroxypropyl groups at both faces. Star-shaped poly(ethylene oxide) are then obtained from the anionic polymerization of ethylene oxide initiated by the new cyclodextrin derivatives. The study of the insertion of those macromolecules in bilayer lipid membranes has highlighted the importance of both the hydrophobic moiety s size and the control of the amphiphilic balance. This work has underlined the hemolytic effect of some cyclodextrin derivatives when combined to the Staphylococcus aureus b-toxin (sphingomyelinase).EVRY-BU (912282101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Sequence control in polymer synthesis

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    The control over comonomer sequences is barely studied in macromolecular science nowadays. This is an astonishing situation, taking into account that sequence-defined polymers such as nucleic acids and proteins are key components of the living world. In fact, fascinating biological machines such as enzymes, transport proteins, cytochromes or sensory receptors would certainly not exist if evolution had not favored chemical pathways for controlling chirality and sequences. Thus, it seems obvious that synthetic polymers with controlled monomer sequences have an enormous role to play in the materials science of the next centuries. The goal of this tutorial review is to shed light on this highly important but embryonic field of research. Both biological and synthetic mechanisms for controlling sequences in polymerization processes are critically discussed herein. This state-of-the-art overview may serve as a source of inspiration for the development of new generations of synthetic macromolecules

    Synthesis of half-channels by the anionic polymerization of ethylene oxide initiated by modified cyclodextrin

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    Amphiphilic star-shaped oligomers are produced by anionic polymerization of ethylene oxide (EO) using per-2,3-di-O-heptyl-beta- (or gamma)cyclodextrins as initiators a versatile way of synthesizing artificial channels bearing one polyEO branch per glucose unit. The behavior of the amphiphilic molecules in lipid membranes is studied by electrical measurements, which confirms the formation of transient, well-defined dimeric ionic channels (see figure)