1,548 research outputs found

    Solution of the Dirac equation in the rotating Bertotti-Robinson spacetime

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    The Dirac equation is solved in the rotating Bertotti-Robinson spacetime. The set of equations representing the Dirac equation in the Newman-Penrose formalism is decoupled into an axial and angular part. The axial equation, which is independent of mass, is solved exactly in terms of hypergeometric functions. The angular equation is considered both for massless (neutrino) and massive spin-(1/2) particles. For the neutrinos, it is shown that the angular equation admits an exact solution in terms of the confluent Heun equation. In the existence of mass, the angular equation does not allow an analytical solution, however, it is expressible as a set of first order differential equations apt for numerical study.Comment: 17 pages, no figure. Appeared in JMP (May, 2008

    Wave propagation over a beach within a nonlinear theory

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    Wave propagation over a beach is considered within a nonlinear theory in shallow water. Lagrangian coordinates are used to describe the problem. The solution is expanded in double series involving a small parameter and local oscillations. Two cases are treated: The beach with appreciable inclination on the horizontal (cliff) and the beach of small inclination. We show that finite solutions are obtained, in contrast to the linear theory which involves a logarithmic singularity at the shoreline. For the cliff, it is shown that local oscillations do not appear in the first two orders of approximation, and the incident wave is totally reflected without loss of energy at this order of approximation. The case of an incident wave on the beach is considered. The deformation of this wave is investigated and explicit formulae are obtained for the reflected wave and for the local oscillations, to shed light on the energy transfer due to interaction with the beach

    The Influence of Industrial Automation on Educational Enrollment: A State-Level and Country-Level Analysis

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    The thesis investigates the effects of industrial automation on post-secondary education enrollment. To assess the effects, we build linear regression models to estimate the impact of the surge in the stock of industrial robots on post-secondary enrollment across 50 U.S. states and 41 countries. Drawing upon these estimates and the literature documenting the structural shift in the labor market, we find that recent developments in the fields of automation and robotics have contributed to a shift in demand for post-secondary education, with panel data models that control for both country and time fixed unobservables indicating a significant decline in enrollment for 4-year degree programs internationally

    Bridging the Gap

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    Effective organization and retrieval of news content are heavily reliant on accurate news classification. While the mountainous research has been conducted in resourceful languages like English and Chinese, the researches on under-resourced languages like the Kurdish language are severely lacking. To address this challenge, we introduce a hybrid approach called RFO-CNN in this paper. The proposed method combines an improved version of red fox optimization algorithm (RFO) and convolutional neural network (CNN) for finetuning CNN’s parameters. Our model’s efficacy was tested on two widely used Kurdish news datasets, KNDH and KDC-4007, both of which contain news articles classified into various categories. We compared the performance of RFO-CNN to other cutting-edge deep learning models such as bidirectional long short-term memory networks and bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT) transformers, as well as classical machine learning approaches such as multinomial naive bayes, support vector machine, and K-nearest neighbors. We trained and tested our datasets using four different scenarios: 60:40, 70:30, 80:20, and 90:10. Our experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the RFO-CNN model across all scenarios, outperforming the benchmark BERT model and other machine learning models in terms of accuracy and F1-score

    Risk Factors for Maternal Vitamin D Deficiency within the United Arab Emirates

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    Introduction: Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy is a public health problem and it has been associated with negative pregnancy outcomes for both mothers and infants. Aim: To estimate the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in pregnant women in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and to identify the contribution of risk factors to the 25(OH)D levels. Methods: It is a cross-sectional study in which vitamin D levels of 1088 adult pregnant women were assessed. Information on vitamin D intake was available in a sub-sample of 266 women. Results: The mean serum 25(OH)D was 26.2 nmol/L (95% CI 25.2-27.1 range 5-129.1 nmol/L) with 69% of women being vitamin D deficient (<30 nmol/L). In the bivariate analysis, showed that no predictors could have been indicated as no values exceeded significance (p<0.2). Stepwise multiple linear regression analysis could not be applied to identify predictors of vitamin D levels as no values exceeded p=0.2. Conclusion: Due to the high prevalence of vitamin deficiency in UAE, there is an urge for interventions focusing on supplementation, fortification and diet diversity for preventing health consequences during a critical period of development

    Subsequent Fertility of Goats with Prenatal Mortality Diagnosed by Ultrasound and Treated by PGF 2 α

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    Thirteen Saanen and Saanen crossbred female goats, between the ages of 6 months and 7, years were presented to the clinic, College of Veterinary Medicine, Sudan University of Science and Technology, for sonographic pregnancy diagnosis. Transabdominal ultrasound was performed using 3.5 MHz probe which revealed non-viable fetuses as judged by absence of heart beats and movements. Twelve goats were given single i/m injection of PGF2α analogue and 5% oxytetracycline. Ten goats responded to the treatment and six of them became pregnant and gave birth within the normal gestational period. One goat was diagnosed as non-pregnant, one goat developed hydrometra, and the subsequent fertility of two goats was unknown. Two full-term goats did not respond to treatment. Another dose of PGF2α was administered to them and again they did not respond. Manual attempts were done to deliver the full-term goat with dilated cervix and they were unsuccessful. Cesarean section and hysterectomy were then performed for the three full-term goats with unfavorable outcome. It can be concluded that ultrasound is a rapid, reliable, and nonhazardous procedure for the diagnosis of fetal mortality in goats and PGF2α treatment in conjunction with oxytetracycline is an efficient treatment
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