154 research outputs found

    Bowhead whale distribution and feeding near Barrow, Alaska, in late summer 2005–06

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    Author Posting. © Arctic Institute of North America, 2010. This article is posted here by permission of Arctic Institute of North America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Arctic 63 (2010): 195-205.Aerial surveys for bowhead whales were conducted in conjunction with oceanographic sampling near Barrow, Alaska, in late summer of 2005 and 2006. In 2005, 145 whales were seen, mostly in two distinct aggregations: one (ca. 40 whales) in deep water in Barrow Canyon and the other (ca. 70 whales) in very shallow (< 10 m) water just seaward of the barrier islands. Feeding behaviours observed in the latter group included whales lying on their sides with mouths agape and groups of 5–10 whales swimming synchronously in turbid water. In 2006, 78 bowheads were seen, with ca. 40 whales feeding in dispersed groups of 3–11 whales. Feeding behaviours observed included surface skimming, echelon swimming, and synchronous diving and surfacing. Surfacing behaviour included head lunges by single animals and groups of 2–4 whales. Of 29 whales harvested at Barrow, 24 had been feeding. Euphausiids were the dominant prey in 2006 (10 of 13 stomachs), but not in 2005 (4 of 11 stomachs). Copepods were the dominant prey in the stomachs of three whales harvested near Barrow Canyon in 2005. Mysiids were the dominant prey in four stomachs, isopods in two, and amphipods in one although these taxa were not routinely captured during plankton sampling conducted in the weeks prior to the autumn harvest.Much of the field portion of this work was supported by the NSF/SNACS program

    Growing a Software Language for Hardware Design

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    The Liquid Metal project at IBM Research aimed to design and implement a new programming language called Lime to address some of the challenges posed by heterogeneous systems. Lime is a Java-compatible programming language with features designed to facilitate high level synthesis to hardware (FPGAs). This article reviews the language design from the outset, and highlights some of the earliest design decisions. We also describe how these decisions were revised recently to accommodate important requirements that arise in networking and cryptography

    Pilot and Controller Workload and Situation Awareness with Three Traffic Management Concept

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    This paper reports on workload and situation awareness of pilots and controllers participating in a human-in-the-loop simulation using three different distributed air-ground traffic management concepts. Eight experimental pilots started the scenario in an en-route phase of flight and were asked to avoid convective weather while performing spacing and merging tasks along with a continuous descent approach (CDA) into Louisville Standiford Airport (SDF). Two controllers managed the sectors through which the pilots flew, with one managing a sector that included the Top of Descent, and the other managing a sector that included the merge point for arrival into SDF. At 3-minute intervals in the scenario, pilots and controllers were probed on their workload or situation awareness. We employed one of three concepts of operation that distributed separation responsibility across human controllers, pilots, and automation to measure changes in operator situation awareness and workload. We found that when pilots were responsible for separation, they had higher levels of awareness, but not necessarily higher levels of workload. When controllers are responsible and actively engaged, they showed higher workload levels compared to pilots and changes in awareness that were dependent on sector characteristics

    Situation Awareness, Workload, and Performance in Midterm Nextgen: Effect of Dynamic Variations in Aircraft Equipage Levels

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    NextGen changes in air traffic management promise to bring many benefits to the current airspace system, but these changes must be evaluated for their impact on mid-term air traffic management in which mixed-equipage is certain. We examined mixed equipage environments in which the equipage levels changed over the course of the scenario to reflect changes in sector characteristic over the course of a day or controller’s work shift. Six retired ATCs managed mixed-equipage traffic that either began with low levels of NextGen equipped aircraft and increased midway through the scenario or vice-versa. These were compared to a scenario in which the equipage mix was held constant. ATC performance, workload and situation awareness were affected differently by these scenarios

    Evolution of Stellar Collision Products in Globular Clusters - II. Off-axis Collision

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    We continue our exploration of collisionally merged stars in the blue straggler region of the color-magnitude diagram. We report the results of new SPH calculations of parabolic collisions between two main-sequence stars, with the initial structure and composition profiles of the parent stars having been determined from stellar evolution calculations. Parallelization of the SPH code has permitted much higher numerical resolution of the hydrodynamics. We also present evolutionary tracks for the resulting collision products, which emerge as rapidly rotating blue stragglers. The rotating collision products are brighter, bluer and remain on the main sequence longer than their non-rotating counterparts. In addition, they retain their rapid rotation rates throughout their main sequence lifetime. Rotationally-induced mixing strongly affects the evolution of the collision products, although it is not sufficient to mix the entire star. We discuss the implications of these results for studies of blue straggler populations in clusters. This work shows that off-axis collision products cannot become blue stragglers unless they lose a large fraction of their initial angular momentum. The mechanism for this loss is not apparent, although some possibilities are discussed.Comment: 25 pages incl. 9 figures (one in colour). Submitted to Ap

    Ringed, Bearded, and Ribbon Seal Vocalizations North of Barrow, Alaska: Seasonal Presence and Relationship with Sea Ice

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    The acoustic repertoires of ringed, bearded, and ribbon seals are described, along with their seasonal occurrence and relationship to sea ice concentration. Acoustic recordings were made between September and June over three years (2006 – 09) along the continental slope break in the Chukchi Sea, 120 km north-northwest of Barrow, Alaska. Vocalizations of ringed and bearded seals occurred in winter and during periods of 80% – 100% ice cover but were mostly absent during open water periods. The presence of ringed and bearded seal calls throughout winter and spring suggests that some portion of their population is overwintering. Analysis of the repertoire of ringed and bearded seal calls shows seasonal variation. Ringed seal calls are primarily barks in winter and yelps in spring, while bearded seal moans increase during spring. Ribbon seal calls were detected only in the fall of 2008 during the open water period. The repertoire of known ribbon seal vocalizations was expanded to include three additional calls, and two stereotyped call sequences were common. Retrospective analyses of ringed seal recordings from 1982 and ribbon seal recordings from 1967 showed a high degree of stability in call repertoire across large spatial and temporal scales.Le répertoire acoustique des phoques annelés, des phoques barbus et des phoques à bandes sont décrits, de même que leur présence saisonnière et leur rapport avec la concentration de glace de mer. Des enregistrements acoustiques ont été effectués entre septembre et juin sur une période de trois ans (2006 – 2009), le long de la rupture de la pente continentale, dans la mer des Tchouktches, à 120 km au nord-nord-ouest de Barrow, en Alaska. Les vocalisations de phoques annelés et de phoques barbus étaient présentes pendant l’hiver et pendant les périodes où la concentration de glace était de 80 % à 100 %, mais elles se faisaient rares pendant les périodes d’eau libre. La présence des cris de phoques annelés et de phoques barbus tout au long de l’hiver et du printemps suggère qu’une partie de leur population hiverne. L’analyse du répertoire de cris de phoques annelés et de phoques barbus indique une variation saisonnière. L’hiver, le cri du phoque annelé prend principalement la forme d’aboiements, tandis que le printemps, il prend la forme de glapissements. Les gémissements du phoque barbu s’intensifient au printemps. Le cri des phoques à bandes n’a été capté qu’à l’automne 2008, pendant la période des eaux libres. Le répertoire des vocalisations connues du phoque à bandes a été élargi pour inclure trois autres cris, bien que deux séquences de cris stéréotypées étaient courantes. L’analyse rétrospective des enregistrements de cris de phoques annelés de 1982 et de phoques à bandes de 1967 a laissé entrevoir une grande stabilité du point de vue du répertoire des cris, et ce, sur de vastes échelles spatiales et temporelles

    Student Learning Outcomes Poster Session for CSB/SJU Joint Board of Trustees Meeting, December 5th, 2014

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    A faculty and student poster session was held focusing on student learning outcomes at the December 5th, 2014 joint Board of Trustee meeting. The posters focused on using assessment of student learning to improve teaching and learning and covered student learning outcomes at the course, departmental, and institutional levels

    Triplet lifetime in gaseous argon

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    MiniCLEAN is a single-phase liquid argon dark matter experiment. During the initial cooling phase, impurities within the cold gas (<<140 K) were monitored by measuring the scintillation light triplet lifetime, and ultimately a triplet lifetime of 3.480 ±\pm 0.001 (stat.) ±\pm 0.064 (sys.) μ\mus was obtained, indicating ultra-pure argon. This is the longest argon triplet time constant ever reported. The effect of quenching of separate components of the scintillation light is also investigated
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