1,682 research outputs found
The paper aims at investigating the two main characteristics of a modern system of compulsory education with a focus on Romania. It assumes that the equity of the education sector and the efficiency of resource use are strongly correlated, both supportingequality of opportunities, public education, efficiency indicators, equity indicators, compulsory education
In this exposure we intend to make visible the situation in which global warming is given by road and air transport, how could be revitalized railways, and how high speed trains could become a preferred mode of transport. But there is manifesting an opposition to railway development, nurtured by different interests, ranking from governments themselves, to oil importing countries, oil exporting countries, oil companies with their colligate partners situated along the oil distribution chain. But, there could be identified some voices which could create themselves the possibility to speak lauder in order to promote railway transportation. The greens, NGOs, the epistemic communities, for example, could unite their force to make something in order to provide the framework for rail transportation's development, and for road and air transport reduction, for the benefit of while humankind.climate change, epistemic communities, high speed trains, political costs
Romanian Harmonization of Laws with European Union Policies Regarding Consumer Protection
The consumer protection policy is more and more present at the core of the main challenges facing the citizens, the economy and societies and the need for consumer trust that would stimulate the economy, has never been greater (European Commission, 2007). Therefore, the European Union has been regulated guidelines aimed at consumer protection. These principles were incorporated in a common strategy of Member Community Strategy during 2007-2013 and provided for setting and actions to be taken at European Union level to achieve these objectives. In what follows, we present the basic ideas set out in the European Union Consumer Strategy and their transposition stage in our legislation in order to achieve full legislative harmonization.consumers, consumer protection, consumer protection policies, European Union policies, Romanian harmonization of laws
This paper aims to present a great challenge which humanity faces, and which is climate change. Together with food and water shortages which will hit more and more humanity in the years ahead, climate change (which will only amplify these negative facts) will bring negative consequences on economy and society, and in international relations area, too. In this context, the importance of the subject speaks for itself. The research is focused on EU objectives in climate area and in sustainable development, indicating that renewable energy could be a solution for energy independence, and for reducing CO2 concentration level, too. The subject is very important one nowadays being subject of intense debates and negotiations, having a high degree of visibility in international forums and in international press. The paper wants to show what EU aims in the future related to its development through fossil fuels consumption reduction and as a base for starting research are researched realized under the aegis of Group Futuribles from Paris, of the National Centre for Sustainable Development from Bucharest, from American Academy of Arts and Science, and International Energy Agency from Paris. We take from IEA data and present them in the tables in order to have a synthetic view upon energy in EU countries, and of course, there are presented trends in energy consumption in renewable at European level. The development of the subject with the involvements in transport area only brings a fresh air in the debates regarding reducing energy vulnerability together with fighting climate changes. There are presented some peculiarities of CO2 pollution and their implications, and consequences; and of course, solutions for fighting climate change is part of this presentation. Reducing oil consumption and expanding renewable resources (wind, solar, and hydro) and nuclear energy coupled with the electrification of the economy and transportation sectors, and rising energy efficiency are of outmost importance in fighting climate change. Becoming leader in this area, EU aims not only to promote sustainable development, but to influence in a significant manner the future negotiations in climate area, gaining through this strategy a better position on the world scene. The added value of our endeavor is in the superposed areas of EU energy independence, freeing transportation sector from the place of being hostage to potential oil crisis in the future, and all of these in the context of fighting climate change. The paper presents how energy independence could be obtained through renewable expansion, while fighting climate change, too.climate change, de-carbonization, electrification, transportation, energy efficiency
Prayer is one of the renewing aspects of the Christian religion. It summarises the whole Gospel. St. Cyprian presents the evangelical precepts/ teachings as the foundation of the path to salvation. Tertullian shows that prayer is considered by Christians offering spiritual sacrifices, which replaced the older offerings to the idols and pagan deities. Prayer is following the exhortation of the Saviour, for true worshipers, to worship God in the Holy Spirit and truth. Prayer teaches patience, suffering for the Lord; it helps to the removal of God"™s wrath, it helps watching and praying for enemies and persecutors, washing our sins, casting temptations, quenching persecutions, lifting the fall; it offers support for the weak, attack and defence weapons for Christians
A Strategy for Strengthening Romanian Seventh-day Adventist Families Dealing with Couple Separation due to Economic Reasons
Financial challenges in Romania have prompted many Seventh-day Adventist people to leave their spouses and country to seek employment abroad. The impact of this phenomenon upon families has been significant. This situation occurred primarily between 1991 and 2000. Before 1990, generally speaking, the number of Seventh-day Adventist family separations or divorces was very low (around 30-40 families) in Romania. After 1991, this number increased dramatically to estimated 10-12,000 families. Temporary separation of spouses for economic reasons does not necessarily lead to a divorce. However, due to the complex implications of temporary separation on families, children and faith communities, this problem needs immediate attention. This study aimed to identify factors leading to separation, direct implications for the family, as well as existing support systems for couples undergoing temporary separation. The ultimate purpose of the study is to further inform program development to strengthen Seventh - day Adventist families in post-Communist Romania.
The project reviewed current literature, including books and articles about factors that affect the family, and methods and strategies that address negative factors impacting the family. As part of this research, we also created a database of actual circumstances of Adventist Romanian families, through the collection of information from the Romanian Union Conference and from local Romanian Seventh-day Adventist churches most affected by this phenomenon. First, a survey was used to gather information about families affected by partial migration. Second, the focus group method was implemented to debate this problem at the level of the Romania Conference and Union.
The goal of this project was to improve relationships within Romanian Seventh- day Adventist families by strengthening the relationship between spouses and between parents and children. Concurrently, an anticipated effect of the implementation of this project is a decrease in the number of divorces among Romanian Seventh-day Adventist families.
A church is strong if the families that compose that church are strong. We expect that the findings of this study will be used to implement an effective strategy that will contribute to the strengthening of families in the SDA Church in Romania. This project can also be implemented in other countries confronted with similar, limited term emigration problems
Echilibrarea stimulării senzoriale/privarea din mediu ambiant în tehnologii de formare a sănătății
The Medicine of the near future will develop not only along the path of improving diagnostics, treatment, rehabilitation, but also through the development of technologies for the formation (promotion) of health, human enhancement, and work productivity. It is clear that, due to their highly specialized multimodal sensory sensitivity, living systems are flexibly and plastically remodeling, changing structure and function in a completely physiological manner. Therefore, an attempt was made to conceptually and experimentally test the possibility of balancing sensory stimulation and sensory deprivation in their close dependence on the circadian sleep-wake cycle. A group of examined individuals practiced a mandatory evening walk in the park area for 40-60 minutes for 15 days and sensory deprivation by turning off artificial lighting, television, computer, gadgets and any other sensory signaling streams in the evening, starting from 8:00 pm and until going to bed (10:00 pm). The Facial Action Coding System (FACS) was applied to classify, qualitatively and quantitatively evaluate the facial psychomotor reactions of a person in the dynamics of his emotional state and by this tool indirectly reflects the balance of the activating and rewarding systems. The results obtained suggest that after a 15-day course of “Balancing Sensory Stimulation/Deprivation” the examined individuals maintain a positive emotional state during virtual immersion in a safe environment in the morning after a night’s sleep compared to baseline measurements. It is strategically important to optimize labor, work, educational activities, prevent overload and fatigue, it is necessary to ensure the formation of a balance of circadian sensory stimulation and deprivation in combination with activities that improve the architecture and quality of sleep.Medicina viitorului apropiat se va dezvolta nu numai pe calea îmbunătățirii diagnosticului, tratamentului, reabilitării,ci și prin dezvoltarea tehnologiilor pentru formarea (promovarea) sănătății, îmbunătățirea umană și productivitatea muncii. Este clar că, datorită sensibilității lor senzoriale multimodale foarte specializate, sistemele vii se remodelează flexibil și plastic, schimbând structura și funcționarea într-o manieră complet fiziologică. Prin urmare, a fost făcută o încercare de a testa conceptual și experimental posibilitatea de a echilibra stimularea senzorială și privarea senzorială în dependența lor strânsă de ciclul circadian somn-veghe. Un grup de indivizi examinați a practicat o plimbare obligatorie de seară în zona parcului timp de 40-60 de minute timp de 15 zile și privarea senzorială prin oprirea luminii artificiale, televizorului, computerului, gadgeturilor și oricăror alte fluxuri de semnalizare senzorială seara, începând cu ora 20:00 și până la culcare (22:00). Sistemul de codificare a acțiunii faciale (FACS) a fost aplicat pentru a clasifica, evalua calitativ și cantitativ reacțiile psihomotorii faciale ale unei persoane în dinamica stării sale emoționale și prin acest instrument reflectă indirect echilibrul sistemelor de activare și de recompensare. Rezultatele obținute sugerează că, după un curs de 15 zile de „Echilibrare stimulare senzorială/privare”, indivizii examinați își mențin o stare emoțională pozitivă în timpul imersiunii virtuale într-un mediu sigur, dimineața după o noapte de somn, în comparație cu măsurătorile de bază. Este important din punct de vedere strategic să se optimizeze munca, atribuţiile de serviciu, activitățile educaționale, să se prevină suprasolicitarea și oboseala, este necesar să se asigure formarea unui echilibru de stimulare și deprivare senzorială circadiană în combinație cu activități care îmbunătățesc arhitectura și calitatea somnului
Computational investigations on S-nitrosothiols.
Several computational investigations on the properties of S-nitrosothiols (RSNOs) and other interactions with the biochemically important Cu + ions are described. In Chapter 3, the ability of conventional electron correlation (MP2 and QCISD) and DFT (B3LYP and B3P86) methods to provide accurate and reliable structures and homolytic S--N BDEs, for a range of RSNOs is considered. With a suitable large basis set, i.e., 6-311+G(2df,p) or larger, the different methods generally give optimized structures in close agreement with each other; the B3LYP method consistently overestimates r(S--N). The trends observed are due in part to the fact that the RS--NO bond does not possess considerable double-bond character as previously suggested, but rather is a long single S--N bond. For BDEs, B3P86/6-311+G(2df,p) consistently gives best agreement with higher accuracy methods. For all RSNOs, QCISD significantly underestimates BDEs, Of the methods considered, B3P86/6-311+G(2df,p) is found to perform the best for obtaining optimized structures and homolytic S--N BDEs of S-nitrosothiols. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis2004 .B32. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 44-01, page: 0350. Thesis (M.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2005
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