261 research outputs found

    Where is the length effect? A cross-linguistic study.

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    Many models of speech production assume that one cannot begin to articulate a word before all its segmental units are inserted into the articulatory plan. Moreover, some of these models assume that segments are serially inserted from left to right. As a consequence, latencies to name words should increase with word length. In a series of five experiments, however, we showed that the time to name a picture or retrieve a word associated with a symbol is not affected by the length of the word. Experiments 1 and 2 used French materials and participants, while Experiments 3, 4 and 5 were conducted with English materials and participants. These results are discussed in relation to current models of speech production, and previous reports of length effects are reevaluated in light of these findings. We conclude that if words are encoded serially, then articulation can start before an entire phonological word has been encoded

    Learning spectro-temporal representations of complex sounds with parameterized neural networks

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    Deep Learning models have become potential candidates for auditory neuroscience research, thanks to their recent successes on a variety of auditory tasks. Yet, these models often lack interpretability to fully understand the exact computations that have been performed. Here, we proposed a parametrized neural network layer, that computes specific spectro-temporal modulations based on Gabor kernels (Learnable STRFs) and that is fully interpretable. We evaluated predictive capabilities of this layer on Speech Activity Detection, Speaker Verification, Urban Sound Classification and Zebra Finch Call Type Classification. We found out that models based on Learnable STRFs are on par for all tasks with different toplines, and obtain the best performance for Speech Activity Detection. As this layer is fully interpretable, we used quantitative measures to describe the distribution of the learned spectro-temporal modulations. The filters adapted to each task and focused mostly on low temporal and spectral modulations. The analyses show that the filters learned on human speech have similar spectro-temporal parameters as the ones measured directly in the human auditory cortex. Finally, we observed that the tasks organized in a meaningful way: the human vocalizations tasks closer to each other and bird vocalizations far away from human vocalizations and urban sounds tasks

    Prosodic cues enhance rule learning by changing speech segmentation mechanisms

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    Prosody has been claimed to have a critical role in the acquisition of grammatical information from speech. The exact mechanisms by which prosodic cues enhance learning are fully unknown. Rules from language often require the extraction of non-adjacent dependencies (e.g., he plays, he sings, he speaks). It has been proposed that pauses enhance learning because they allow computing non-adjacent relations helping word segmentation by removing the need to compute adjacent computations. So far only indirect evidence from behavioral and electrophysiological measures comparing learning effects after exposure to speech with and without pauses support this claim. By recording event-related potentials during the acquisition process of artificial languages with and without pauses between words with embedded non-adjacent rules we provide direct evidence on how the presence of pauses modifies the way speech is processed during learning to enhance segmentation and rule generalization. The electrophysiological results indicate that pauses as short as 25 ms attenuated the N1 component irrespective of whether learning was possible or not. In addition, a P2 enhancement was present only when learning of non-adjacent dependencies was possible. The overall results support the claim that the simple presence of subtle pauses changed the segmentation mechanism used reflected in an exogenously driven N1 component attenuation and improving segmentation at the behavioral level. This effect can be dissociated from the endogenous P2 enhancement that is observed irrespective of the presence of pauses whenever non-adjacent dependencies are learned

    Specificity in Rehabilitation of Word Production: A Meta-Analysis and a Case Study

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    Speech production impairment is a frequent deficit observed in aphasic patients and rehabilitation programs have been extensively developed. Nevertheless, there is still no agreement on the type of rehabilitation that yields the most successful outcomes. Here, we ran a detailed meta-analysis of 39 studies of word production rehabilitation involving 124 patients. We used a model-driven approach for analyzing each rehabilitation task by identifying which levels of our model each task tapped into. We found that (1) all rehabilitation tasks are not equally efficient and the most efficient ones involved the activation of the two levels of the word production system: the phonological output lexicon and the phonological output, and (2) the activation of the speech perception system as it occurs in many tasks used in rehabilitation is not successful in rehabilitating word production. In this meta-analysis, the effect of the activation of the phonological output lexicon and the phonological output cannot be assessed separately. We further conducted a rehabilitation study with DPI, a patient who suffers from a damage of the phonological output lexicon. Our results confirm that rehabilitation is more efficient, in terms of time and performance, when specifically addressing the impaired level of word production

    Behavioral and Neural Correlates of Communication via Pointing

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    Communicative pointing is a human specific gesture which allows sharing information about a visual item with another person. It sets up a three-way relationship between a subject who points, an addressee and an object. Yet psychophysical and neuroimaging studies have focused on non-communicative pointing, which implies a two-way relationship between a subject and an object without the involvement of an addressee, and makes such gesture comparable to touching or grasping. Thus, experimental data on the communicating function of pointing remain scarce. Here, we examine whether the communicative value of pointing modifies both its behavioral and neural correlates by comparing pointing with or without communication. We found that when healthy participants pointed repeatedly at the same object, the communicative interaction with an addressee induced a spatial reshaping of both the pointing trajectories and the endpoint variability. Our finding supports the hypothesis that a change in reference frame occurs when pointing conveys a communicative intention. In addition, measurement of regional cerebral blood flow using H2O15 PET-scan showed that pointing when communicating with an addressee activated the right posterior superior temporal sulcus and the right medial prefrontal cortex, in contrast to pointing without communication. Such a right hemisphere network suggests that the communicative value of pointing is related to processes involved in taking another person's perspective. This study brings to light the need for future studies on communicative pointing and its neural correlates by unraveling the three-way relationship between subject, object and an addressee

    Viewing another person's body as a target object: a behavioural and PET study of pointing.: Pointing at a person's body

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    International audienceHumans usually point at objects to communicate with other persons, although they generally avoid pointing at the other's body. Moreover, patients with heterotopagnosia after left parietal damage cannot point at another person's body parts, although they can point at objects and at their own body parts and although they can grasp the others' body parts. Strikingly, their performance gradually improves for figurative human body targets. Altogether, this suggests that the body of another real person holds a specific status in communicative pointing. Here, we test in healthy individuals whether performance for communicative pointing is influenced by the communicative capacity of the target. In Experiment 1, pointing at another real person's body parts was compared to pointing at objects, and in Experiment 2, the person was replaced by a manikin. While reaction times for pointing at objects were shorter compared to pointing at other person's body parts, they were similar for objects and manikin body parts. By adapting Experiment 1 to PET-scan imaging (Experiment 3), we showed that, compared to pointing at objects, the brain network for pointing at other person's body parts involves the left posterior intraparietal sulcus, lesion of which could cause heterotopagnosia. Taken together, our results indicate that the specificity of pointing at another person's body goes beyond the visuo-spatial features of the human body and might rather rely on its communicative capacity

    The European Reference Network for Rare Neurological Diseases

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    European reference network; Rare neurological diseases; Virtual healthcareXarxa europea de referĂšncia; Malalties neurolĂČgiques rares; AssistĂšncia sanitĂ ria virtualRed europea de referencia; Enfermedades neurologicas raras; Asistencia sanitaria virtualWhile rare diseases (RDs) are by definition of low prevalence, the total number of patients suffering from an RD is high, and the majority of them have neurologic manifestations, involving central, peripheral nerve, and muscle. In 2017, 24 European Reference Networks (ERNs), each focusing on a specific group of rare or low-prevalence complex diseases, were formed to improve the care for patients with an RD. One major aim is to have “the knowledge travel instead of the patient,” which has been put into practice by the implementation of the Clinical Patient Management System (CPMS) that enables clinicians to perform pan-European virtual consultations. The European Reference Network for Rare Neurological Diseases (ERN-RND) provides an infrastructure for knowledge sharing and care coordination for patients affected by a rare neurological disease (RND) involving the most common central nervous system pathological conditions. It covers the following disease groups: (i) Cerebellar Ataxias and Hereditary Spastic Paraplegias; (ii) Huntington's disease and Other Choreas; (iii) Frontotemporal dementia; (iv) Dystonia, (non-epileptic) paroxysmal disorders, and Neurodegeneration with Brain Iron Accumulation; (v) Leukoencephalopathies; and (vi) Atypical Parkinsonian Syndromes. At the moment, it unites 32 expert centers and 10 affiliated partners in 21 European countries, as well as patient representatives, but will soon cover nearly all countries of the European Union as a result of the ongoing expansion process. Disease expert groups developed and consented on diagnostic flowcharts and disease scales to assess the different aspects of RNDs. ERN-RND has started to discuss diagnostically unclear patients in the CPMS, is one of four ERNs that serve as foundation of Solve-RD, and has established an RND training and education program. The network will facilitate trial readiness through the establishment of an ERN-RND registry with a minimal data of all patients seen at the ERN-RND centers, thus providing a unique overview of existing genotype-based cohorts. The overall aim of the ERNs is to improve access for patients with RDs to quality diagnosis, care, and treatment. Based on this objective, ERNs are monitored by the European Commission on a regular basis to provide transparency and reassurance to the RD community and the general public.This work is generated within the European Reference Network for Rare Neurological Diseases—Project ID No. 739510

    Exploring the values, preferences, and information needs of patients with NKX2-1-related disorders: A qualitative study protocol

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    Background: NKX2-1-related disorders have a prevalence of 1:500,000 and are therefore considered a rare condition according to the European Commission's definition. The European Reference Network of Rare Neurological Disorders is developing the first clinical practice guideline on the management of this condition, with the support of the Andalusian Health Technology Assessment Area, Endo-ERN, ERN-Lung and Imegen, within the framework of the ERNs Guidelines programme (DG SANTE/2018/B3/030). Within the scope of this programme, it becomes necessary to explore the patient perspective in order to include it in the ongoing clinical practice guideline and accompanying patient information booklet. Methods and analysis: This study will use qualitative methods to explore the values, preferences and information needs of patient with NKX2-1-related disorders and their caregivers. Participants will come from a variety of countries throughout Europe. One focus group and four semi-structured interviews will be conducted. Pairs will analyse the data using Grounded Theory. The Andalusian Regional Ministry of Health's Ethics Coordinating Committee for Biomedical Research (Sevilla, AndalucĂ­a, Spain) has approved this study protocol (29/03/2022). Discussion: This is the first study to explore the values, preferences, and information needs of patients with NKX2-1-related disorders. The proposed study's findings will contribute to the generation of useful knowledge that will provide guidance to improve the care given to patients with the studied condition. While this study will provide valuable insights into the perspectives of patients with NKX2-1-related disorders, the findings are unlikely to be generalizable to patients with other conditions.This study is supported by the European Commission within the contract SANTE/2018/B3/030-SI2.813822 under which the ERNs Guidelines programme is being developed. The funders had and will not have a role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript
