532 research outputs found

    Cellular Mechanisms and Therapies in Wound Healing: Looking toward the Future

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    The high professionalism of these publications consists, on the one hand, of revealing some of the mechanisms underlying wound healing and, on the other hand, of proposing alternative therapies for the fine control of inflammation following injury to avoid fibrotic scars or impaired wounds [...

    Indagine e analisi sismica Padiglione ospedaliero "Morel", Volterra

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    La presente tesi si prefigge come obiettivo la determinazione della capacità strutturale, nei confronti delle azioni di natura sismica, di un padiglione dell'Ospedale Civile di Volterra (PI): il "Morel". Tale valutazione è stata condotta (in seguito ad studio che ha visto l'individuazione di tutti gli elementi resistenti) attraverso lo sviluppo di un'analisi statica non lineare, uno studio dei meccanismi locali, un confronto con i risultati ottenuti attraverso la compilazione delle schede GNDT/CNR-SAVE tramite lo studio delle funzioni di fragilità, secondo il metodo Giovinazzi-Lagomarsino. Sulla base dei risultati ottenuti, si sono individuate le criticità all'interno del sistema resistente, fornendo indicazioni su un ipotetico intervento di consolidamento

    Una tecnica istochimica

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    Historical and archaeological analysis of the Church of the Nativity

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    The team has considered the special status of the Basilica of Bethlehem, which is not just a monument of outstanding historic and artistic importance, but also and fundamentally a holy place, that has long been and is still perceived as a memorial site, marking the place of Christ’s birth and transcribing into a sacred topography the main events of the Gospel narratives. Because of such a peculiarity, the team considered that it was indispensable to analyze the Basilica of Bethlehem from different viewpoints, namely those of archaeological and historical research. The historical approach aims at understanding the centuries-old development of the holy site as a ritual space and the materialized expression of holiness, the ways in which it has been perceived and used, and the messages that it was meant to convey to its beholders. It combines the findings of previous archaeological research with the data provided by the analysis of written evidence, including old textual sources about the Basilica (especially chronicles and pilgrims’accounts). For the archaeological study of the Basilica of the Nativity, we used the methodology of its investigation of the Archeology of Architecture. Stratigraphical analysis was carried out in relation to various portions of the church walls, as well as in relation to the buildings that make up the whole complex, in order to understand the dynamics of major changes in the structure in its entirety. Direct analysis of evidence from the walls was supported by the reading of existing literature and historical maps with particular reference to the plans of the church. These tools of investigation have been applied to the analysis of the church in its entirety, including its underground cavities

    Male Recognition Bias in Sex Assignment Based on Visual Stimuli

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    Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment at Community Level Integrating Local and Scientific Knowledge in the Hodh Chargui, Mauritania

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    Hydro-climatic risk assessments at the regional scale are of little use in the risk treatment decision-making process when they are only based on local or scientific knowledge and when they deal with a single risk at a time. Local and scientific knowledge can be combined in a multi-hazard risk assessment to contribute to sustainable rural development. The aim of this article was to develop a multi-hazard risk assessment at the regional scale which classifies communities according to the risk level, proposes risk treatment actions, and can be replicated in the agropastoral, semi-arid Tropics. The level of multi-hazard risk of 13 communities of Hodh Chargui (Mauritania) exposed to meteorological, hydrological, and agricultural drought, as well as heavy precipitations, was ascertained with an index composed of 48 indicators representing hazard, exposure, vulnerability, and adaptive capacity. Community meetings and visits to exposed items enabled specific indicators to be identified. Scientific knowledge was used to determine the hazard with Climate Hazards Group Infra-Red Precipitation with Station (CHIRPS) and Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) datasets, Landsat images, and the method used to rank the communities. The northern communities are at greater risk of agricultural drought and those at the foot of the uplands are more at risk of heavy rains and consequent flash floods. The assessment proposes 12 types of actions to treat the risk in the six communities with severe and high multi-hazard risk

    Skin dendritic cells increase in number during early response to wounding

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    Among the cells that may participate to wound response and wound healing, coordinate with other cell types, dendritic cells have been little studied until now and the least so in humans. This issue has been addressed on samples of wounded and control skin taken at autopsy and analyzed by immunohistochemistry and morphometry. Langerhans cell number in the epidermis and the relative volume of MHC II+ cells in the dermis increased transiently upon wounding, with a significant peak in the first and the second half hour after wounding respectively. Dermal MHC II+ cells became part of a perivascular mononuclear cell infiltrate visible in the subpapillary dermis since between 30 and 60 after wounding and which contained also MC. Cells at the periphery of the infiltrates were also DC-SIGN+ and CD11c+, i.e. were well differentiated connective tissue dendritic cells. Mast cells underwent degranulation associated to an increase in number in the first hours after wounding. These modifications of dendritic cells and mast cells and the respective tissue course suggest that epidermal and dermal dendritic cells participate to the early response to wounding in humans, coordinately with mast cells and possibly stimulating the recruitment and activation of the cells involved in injury response at later time points

    Contacts between mast cells and dendritic cells in the human skin

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    Langerhans cells are a dendritic cell type characteristic of the epidermis. Since mast cells secrete molecules potentially influent on dendritic cell differentiation, we have addressed the degree of proximity between these two cell types in biopsies of skin diseases characterized by massive influx of dendritic cell precursors. By fluorescence microscopy, avidin labeled mast cells were found in contact with CD1a+ dendritic cells. By electron microscopy, contacts between mast cells and blunty dendritic cells were found in areas corresponding to those where CD1a+ cells were localized by immunohistochemistry. We propose that mast cells can induce the differentia­ tion of precursors into Langerhans cells through both the release of short range acting soluble factors and contact­mediating plasma membrane molecules
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