37 research outputs found
HEXACO dimenzije ličnosti u hrvatskom uzorku
The paper examines Ashton and Lee\u27s six-factor model of
personality (2001; Lee & Ashton, 2004). The Croatian
version of HEXACO-PI-(R) has been applied on a sample of
Croatian university students (N=1004). According to the
data obtained, the designated six HEXACO factors were
confirmed in the Croatian sample. Six HEXACO dimensions
showed expected relations with Big Five personality traits.
Gender differences in HEXACO personality domains are
mainly in line with theoretical expectations. The results of our
study confirm the validity of the HEXACO personality model
in Croatia.U ovom radu ispituje se prikladnost HEXACO modela ličnosti
autora Ashtona i Leea (2001; Lee i Ashton, 2004). Hrvatska
inačica instrumenta HEXACO-PI-(R) primijenjena je na
uzorku studenata Zagrebačkoga sveučilišta (N=1004). Na
temelju provedenih analiza potvrđena je očekivana
šesterofaktorska struktura te je šest ekstrahiranih HEXACO
dimenzija pokazalo očekivanu povezanost s dimenzijama
ličnosti modela Velikih pet. Utvrđene rodne razlike u
HEXACO dimenzijama ličnosti odgovarale su teorijskim
očekivanjima i ranijim empirijskim nalazima. Na temelju svih
rezultata zaključuje se kako je HEXACO model ličnosti,
operacionaliziran instrumentom HEXACO-PI-(R), potvrđen u
hrvatskom uzorku
Übereinstimmung von Interessen und wahrgenommener Selbsteffizienz bei der Berufswahl
Person-environment (P-E) congruence and its relation to study
satisfaction and academic achievement were examined. Two
interest measures and one self-efficacy measure were used
to represent RIASEC personality types. The Croatian version
of Personal Globe Inventory was administrated on a sample
of 630 university students. The congruence indices have
shown that students\u27 future occupations are almost equally
related to their interests as to their self-efficacy beliefs. P-E
congruence shares less than 1% of common variance with
study satisfaction and academic achievement, regardless of
the RIASEC personality measures used to estimate the
congruence.U studentskom uzorku ispitana je sukladnost osobina pojedinca
i osobina njegove radne okoline (kongruencija ili person-
-environment fit), kao i njezina povezanost sa zadovoljstvom
studijem i uspjehom u studiju. Osobine pojedinca opisane su u
okviru RIASEC modela primjenom dviju mjera interesa i jedne
mjere percipirane samoefikasnosti. Hrvatska inačica Upitnika
profesionalnih interesa PGI (Personal Globe Inventory)
primijenjena je na uzorku od 630 studenata različitih
profesionalnih usmjerenja. Indeksi kongruencije pokazuju kako
je izbor studija podjednako sukladan interesima studenata, kao
i s njihovim procjenama samoefikasnosti. Kongruencija
studenata i njihove radne okoline dijeli tek 1% zajedničke
varijance sa zadovoljstvom studijem i uspjehom u studiju,
neovisno o tome jesu li interesi ili percipirana samoefikasnost
upotrijebljeni za procjenu osobina pojedinca.Im Rahmen einer Umfrage unter Studenten sollte die
Übereinstimmung zwischen den Charakteristiken des
Einzelnen und den Charakteristiken seines Arbeitsumfelds
(Kongruenz oder person-environment fit) untersucht werden
sowie der Bezug zur Zufriedenheit mit der Wahl des
Studienfachs und zum Studienerfolg. Die Merkmale des
Einzelnen wurden ausgehend vom RIASEC-Modell, anhand
zweierlei Kriterien zur Bestimmung von Interessen sowie eines
Kriteriums zur Bestimmung der wahrgenommenen
Selbsteffizienz, beschrieben. In einer Untersuchungsgruppe
von 630 Studenten unterschiedlicher Fachrichtungen wurde
die kroatische Variante des Fragebogens zur Ermittlung von
Berufsinteressen (PGI: Personal Globe Inventory) angewandt.
Die Kongruenz-Indizes zeigen, dass die Wahl des jeweiligen
Studienfachs mit den Interessen der Studenten
übereinstimmt, ebenso mit den eigenen Einschätzungen zur
Selbsteffizienz. Die Kongruenz von Studentencharakteristiken
und den Charakteristiken des Arbeitsumfelds weicht in nur
1% von der Zufriedenheit mit der Wahl des Studienfachs und
dem Studienerfolg ab, egal ob dabei Interessen oder
wahrgenommene Selbsteffizienz zur Einschätzung der
Merkmale des Einzelnen zum Tragen kamen oder nicht
Relationship Between Body Mass Index and Body Satisfaction in Young Adult Men
Zadovoljstvo tijelom i tjelesnim izgledom kod odraslih muškaraca rijetko je istraživana tema. Češći problemi nezadovoljstva među ženama doveli su do smanjena interesa za proučavanje uzroka i posljedica nezadovoljstva tijelom kod muškaraca. Ipak, rijetka istraživanja koja su se bavila ovom temom utvrdila su da postoji samo drugačiji odnos između težine i zadovoljstva tijelom kod žena i muškaraca, ali da psihosocijalne posljedice nezadovoljstva mogu biti podjednake. Dok kod žena prevladava linearan odnos između zadovoljstva i tjelesne težine, odnosno žene povećane tjelesne težine izražavaju veće nezadovoljstvo, kod muškaraca se čini da je taj odnos zakrivljen. Muškarci koji imaju premalu tjelesnu težinu, kao i oni s prekomjernom težinom, izražavaju manje zadovoljstvo tjelesnim izgledom od onih primjerene težine.
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je istražiti i provjeriti odnos između indeksa tjelesne mase i zadovoljstva težinom kod muškaraca mlađe odrasle dobi u Hrvatskoj. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 196 studenata u dobi od 18 do 29 godina. Sudionici su ispunjavali internetski upitnik o zadovoljstvu tjelesnom težinom i pružili samoiskaz o svojoj visini i težini na osnovi kojega je izračunan njihov indeks tjelesne mase (BMI). Dobiveni rezultati analizirani su primjenom linearnih i nelinearnih regresijskih modela i pokazalo se da zakrivljena, kvadratna funkcija znatno bolje opisuje odnos BMI-ja i zadovoljstva tijelom nego što to čini linearni model. Isto je potvrđeno analizom varijance kojom su uspoređivane grupe muškaraca sniženog, idealnog i povišenog BMI-ja po zadovoljstvu težinom. Muškarci s niskim i visokim BMI-jem izražavali su znatno manje zadovoljstvo tjelesnom težinom od onih s idealnom težinom. Time su potvrđena očekivanja o zakrivljenom odnosu između tjelesne težine i zadovoljstva tijelom kod muškaraca, što učvršćuje dosadašnje nalaze u ovom području.Body satisfaction and weight-related attitudes of adult men were not often explored. The more commonly manifested problems of female dissatisfaction have led to a reduction in interest in studying the causes and consequences of body dissatisfaction of men. Yet, rare research on this topic found that there is only a different relationship between weight and body satisfaction among men and women, but with similar psychosocial consequences of dissatisfaction. Women have a linear relationship between satisfaction and body weight, where women with increased body weight express greater dissatisfaction. In men samples, it seems that this relationship is curved. Overweight as well as underweight men express less body satisfaction comparing to men with normal weight.
The aim of this study was to investigate and test the relationship between body mass index and weight satisfaction in young adult men sample in Croatia. Participants were 196 students aged 18 to 29, from University of Zagreb. Participants filled out an online questionnaire on body weight satisfaction and were asked to provide their height and weight. From this data, a BMI score for each participant was calculated by using the BMI equation. The obtained dana were analysed using linear and nonlinear regression models and it was shown that the curvilinear, square function better fit the data. The U-shaped curve depict the relationship between BMI and body satisfaction significantly better comparing to the linear model. The same was confirmed by the ANOVA procedure comparing the groups of underweight, normal-range and overweight men by their weight satisfaction. Men with low and high BMIs have been significantly less satisfied with their body weight than those of normal weight. These results confirm the expectations of the curved relationship between body weight and body satisfaction in men reinforcing the findings in the area
Contemporary research designs and data analysis techniques in educational research
Današnja se istraživanja u području obrazovanja zasnivaju na upotrebi odgovarajućih pristupa prikupljanju podataka te suvremenim modelima njihove analize. Metodološki su iskoraci u ovom području znatni, a istraživači u posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća prepoznaju važnost primjene longitudinalnih nacrta u obrazovnim istraživanjima. Također, uviđanje hijerarhijske organizacije prikupljenih podataka i njihova odgovarajuća statistička obrada postaju metodološki imperativ. U ovom je radu pružen metodološki pregled hijerarhijske i longitudinalne organizacije podataka te teorijski okvir njihove statističke analize. Istaknute su najčešće pogreške i poteškoće s kojima se istraživači prilikom korištenja ovih metoda susreću te načini kako ih ispravno prevladati. Kroz jednostavne i svakodnevne primjere pokušalo se čitatelju približiti ove metode i njihovu statističku podlogu te uputiti istraživače u području obrazovnih istraživanja na njihovo adekvatno korištenje.Contemporary educational research is based on the use of appropriate research designs, comprehensive data assessments and contemporary models of the data analysis. Methodological breakthroughs in this area, over the last few decades, are significant, and researchers have recognized the importance of longitudinal research designs. Moreover, the understanding of the hierarchical organization of collected data and the application of corresponding statistical analyses becomes a methodological imperative. This paper provides a methodological overview of hierarchical and longitudinal data organization and the theoretical framework of their statistical analysis. Most common errors and difficulties in the application of those methods are highlighted, and the approaches on how to overcome it are suggested. Through simple and everyday examples, these approaches are presented to the readers, and educational researchers are directed on how to adequately use it
Protective and Risk Factors in Career Development and Possible Interventions in the School Context
U ovom radu opisuju se i sistematiziraju zaštitni i rizični faktori koji mogu djelovati na profesionalni razvoj pojedinca. Ponuđena je konceptualizacija zaštitnih i rizičnih faktora unutar tri domene – osobne, relacijske i situacijske. Osobni su faktori psihološke osobine za koje je u literaturi potvrđeno da imaju utjecaja na profesionalni razvoj, poput ekstraverzije, savjesnosti, orijentacije prema budućnosti, optimizma, fleksibilnosti, otpornosti na stres, samoefikasnosti, kognitivnih kapaciteta ili pak zdravlja pojedinca. Relacijski faktori obuhvaćaju socijalne utjecaje koji mogu djelovati pozitivno ili negativno na profesionalni razvoj, počevši od utjecaja roditelja, vršnjaka te društva u cjelini, primjerice kroz socijalnu podršku za razvoj karijere, ali i roditeljske i odgojne stilove. Situacijski faktori predstavljaju različite vanjske utjecaje koji mogu djelovati na razvoj karijere, od kojih su u literaturi jasno prepoznati socioekonomski status te prilike u mjestu stanovanja pojedinca. U radu se razmatraju utjecaji zaštitnih i rizičnih faktora na razvoj karijere i prikazuju se dosadašnja istraživanja u tom području. Također, u radu se upućuje na dostupne alate za profesionalno usmjeravanje adolescenata koji mogu ublažiti neželjeno djelovanje rizičnih faktora.This paper gives a review and new systematization of protective and risk factors that influence an individual\u27s career development. According to the proposed conceptualization, protective and risk factors in career arise from personal, relational, and situational domains. Personal factors are psychological traits that have been evidenced in the literature to influence career development, such as extraversion, conscientiousness, future orientation, optimism, flexibility, stress resilience, selfefficacy, cognitive capacity, or the health of an individual. Relational factors include social influences that can have either positive or negative effect on career development, starting with the influence of parents, peers, and society, and manifest through social support and different relational styles. Situational factors represent different external influences that can influence career development, of which the socio-economic status and opportunities in the individual\u27s place of residence are clearly recognized in the literature. The paper elaborates on the effects that protective and risk factors have on career development. Also, the paper points to available tools for career counselling of adolescents that can mitigate the undesirable effects of risk factors
The Theoretical Background of Computer Assisted Career Guidance Systems
U radu se razmatraju suvremeni računalni sustavi za profesionalno savjetovanje, njihovo teorijsko utemeljenje i glavne karakteristike. Najprije je opisan razvoj sustava za računalno potpomognuto profesionalno savjetovanje, s naglaskom na današnju generaciju internetskih savjetodavnih sustava. Zatim je objašnjen pojam kongruencije ili sklada pojedinca i radne okoline, prema kojem će pojedinci koji su odabrali karijeru u skladu sa svojim osobinama biti zadovoljniji poslom te uspješniji u radu. Iako je koncept kongruencije temelj računalnih sustava za profesionalno savjetovanje i diferencijalističkih teorija izbora zanimanja, rezultati najvažnijih metaanaliza sustavno upućuju na niske povezanosti kongruencije i zadovoljstva poslom. Navode se objašnjenja za takve nalaze, a kao moguće rješenje ističe se pristup kongruenciji preko aspekata posla i objašnjavaju se njegove specifičnosti. Na kraju se opisuje sedam najpoznatijih sustava za profesionalno savjetovanje preko interneta: Discover, SIGI, O*Net, Making Better Career Decisions, Vodič kroz zanimanja, Izbor zanimanja i Slikovno-opisni upitnik interesa.The paper examines modern computer-assisted career guidance systems, their main characteristics, as well as their theoretical foundation. First we describe the development of systems for computer-assisted career guidance, with the emphasis on the current generation of on-line counseling systems. Then the concept of congruence or person-environment fit is explained: the individuals who have chosen careers which are in accordance with their personal characteristics are more likely to be both satisfied with their jobs and successful at work. Although the concept of congruence is the main basis of theories of vocational choice and computer-assisted career guidance systems, the results of all important meta-analyses show a weak relationship between P-E congruence and job satisfaction. Possible explanations for this finding are identified and the aspect- -based approach is presented as a possible solution. Finally, seven best-known on-line systems for vocational counseling are described: Discover, SIGI, O*Net, Making Better Career Decisions, Careers Guide, Career Choice and Pictorial and Descriptive Interest Inventory
Vocational maturity of primary school students in croatia
Profesionalna zrelost je spremnost pojedinca da na temelju detaljnog istraživanja svojih osobina i prikupljanja informacija o svijetu rada isplanira svoj profesionalni put i donese realnu odluku o svojoj karijeri. Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi razinu profesionalne zrelosti učenika viših razreda osnovne škola te ustanoviti u kojoj je mjeri profesionalna zrelost povezana s nekim obilježjima učenika. Na reprezentativnim uzorcima učenika petih, šestih, sedmih i osmih razreda oba spola (ukupni N = 1266) primijenjen je Test informiranosti o zanimanjima. Test je konstruiran za potrebe ovog istraživanja i mjeri kognitivnu komponentu profesionalne zrelosti. Ustanovljeno je kako je test primjerene težine za učenike osmih razreda, dok je mlađim učenicima težak, a potvrđena je i odlična unutarnja konzistencija testa te jasna konvergencija svih čestica prvoj glavnoj komponenti. Prema dobivenim rezultatima, profesionalna zrelost raste u funkciji dobi, iako je u svim dobnim uzorcima dosta niska. Učenice sustavno pokazuju viši stupanj profesionalne zrelosti od učenika, neovisno o dobi. Profesionalna zrelost umjereno je povezana sa školskim uspjehom, profesionalnim aspiracijama i obrazovanjem roditelja te neznatno povezana s uključenosti u proces odabira zanimanja. U skladu s dobivenim rezultatima, smatramo kako Test informiranosti o zanimanjima (čija je elektronička inačica dostupna na stranici www.karijera.hr) može poslužiti u svrhu detekcije onih učenika kojima nedostaju informacije o svijetu rada i koji stoga ne mogu donijeti zrelu profesionalnu odluku. Također, smatramo kako učenike petih, šestih i sedmih razreda treba uključiti u školske programe za poticanje profesionalnog razvoja, dok klasično profesionalno usmjeravanje utemeljeno na diferencijalističkom pristupu treba ponuditi nedovoljno informiranim učenicima osmih razreda.Vocational maturity is the tendency of a person to make realistic career plans and decisions, based on a thorough exploration of personal characteristics and collected information about the world of work. The aim of this study was to determine the level of vocational maturity of students in higher primary school grades and to determine the relation of vocational maturity to some students’ characteristics. The Test of Occupational Knowledge was applied on a Croatian representative samples of pupils in 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade of primary school (total N = 1266). The test was developed for the purpose of this study and measures the cognitive component of vocational maturity. The obtained results lead to the conclusion that the test was of appropriate difficulty for pupils in the 8th grade, while being slightly more difficult for younger pupils. The good internal consistency is confirmed, as well as clear saturation of all items by first principal component. The vocational maturity increases with age of respondents, although it is quite low in all samples. Girls systematically achieve higher scores than boys, regardless of their age. The vocational maturity is moderately related to school achievement, educational aspirations and parents’ occupation and weakly related to involvement in the career choice process. Therefore we consider that the Test of Occupational Knowledge can be used for identification of vocationally immature pupils who lack information about the world of work and who cannot make mature career decisions (electronic version of the test is available at the internet address www.karijera.hr). We also suggest that pupils in the 5th, 6th and 7th grades should systematically be enrolled in developmental school programs for vocational maturity encouragement, while congruence-based vocational counseling should be provided for insufficiently informed pupils in the last grade of primary school
The Effects of the Elementary School STEM Intervention Program on Students\u27 Attitudes and Interests: The Application of Propensity Score Matching Technique
Uz velik broj programa usmjerenih prema poboljšanju uspjeha
učenika u STEM predmetima ili povećanju njihova interesa za
STEM područje, jača i svijest o metodološkim izazovima u
organizaciji, provedbi i evaluaciji STEM intervencija. U ovom je
radu evaluirana učinkovitost jedne STEM intervencije kvazieksperimentalnim istraživanjem u kojem je sudjelovalo 1484 učenika, 4., 5. i 6. razreda osnovne škole. Mjere učinka tretmana
bile su stavovi prema zaposlenima u STEM području te interesi za
STEM zanimanja. Pri provjeri učinkovitosti intervencije primijenjena
je tehnika uparivanja prema sklonosti (eng. Propensity Score
Matching). Rezultati pokazuju da se STEM intervencijom mogu, u
maloj mjeri, povećati pozitivni stavovi prema znanstvenicima te
da dolazi do malih pozitivnih pomaka i u povećanju STEM
interesa kod mlađih učenika. Istraživanjem se pokazalo da
tehnika uparivanja prema sklonosti ima svoju primjenu u
evaluacijskim istraživanjima intervencija u obrazovanju.There is a growing number of interventions intended to
increase students\u27 STEM school achievement and their
interests in STEM careers. Conjointly, various methodological
challenges in designing, implementation and evaluation of
STEM interventions are recognized. In this paper, we
evaluated the effectiveness of one STEM intervention by
means of a quasi-experimental research design, on the
sample of 1484 elementary school students, age 10 to 12
years. The effectiveness of the intervention was measured by
change in attitudes toward scientists and by change in STEM
interests. We used the Propensity Score Matching (PSM)
technique to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention.
The results showed that the STEM intervention modestly
increased positive attitudes toward scientists in the whole
sample, and increased STEM interests of the youngest
students. The research has also shown that the PMS
technique has its application in evaluation studies of different
educational interventions