474 research outputs found

    The Relationship Between Personality Traits and Preference for Musical Genres Among Students of Redeemer’s University, Ede.

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    The study examined the relationship between personality and preference for musical genres among students of Redeemer’s University, Nigeria. It was reasoned that if a correlation was found it may benefit psychologists working with young people, specifically providing a greater understanding of how their personality relates with their choice of music. The study was conducted using quantitative method, that is the use of questionnaires to collect data. The Big Five Inventory (BFI) was used to assess participants personality type and a modified version of the sample test of musical preference (STOMP) were administered to participants. The participants were selected using convenient sampling and consisted of 200 university students studying at Redeemer’s University, Ede, Osun state Nigeria. Pearson Product Moment Correlation, Independent sample t test and Multiple Regression were used to analyzed the data. The result of this study indicated that there was a significant relationship between personality trait and preference for musical genres. There was no significant difference between male and female on preference for musical genres. Age was found not to be associated with preference for musical genres. Finally, factors influencing musical genres was found to predict preference for musical genres. Implications for educators and further research are discussed. Keywords: Music, genre, personality, student

    Exercise participation and diet monitoring in pursuit of healthy aging among the university staff members

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    This study examined the level of exercise participation and diet monitoring in pursuit of healthy aging. Descriptive survey research design and self-structured questionnaire was used to elicit information from the respondents. Proportionate stratified and simple random sampling techniques were used to select two hundred and nineteen (219) respondents (60.7% male and 33.2% female) who formed the sample size for the study. Statistical analysis of mean, standard deviation, percent counts, frequency, chi-square and spearman rank correlation coefficient were carried out. Results showed that university staff members had significant level of exercise participation and proper diet monitoring in pursuit of healthy aging (X2=204.05, p=.000; X2=235.16, p=.000). Exercise participation and diet monitoring in pursuit of healthy aging had very weak positive relationship (r=0.132,p=.000). The study revealed that it is possible to focus more on exercise participation and neglect diet monitoring or vice versa. Exercise participation and diet monitoring are closely related to living a healthy lifestyle with satisfactory life-work growing productivity level and both should be given adequate attention.Keywords: Exercise participation, diet monitoring, healthy agin


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    The study develops equations for the prediction of stem volume of Milicia excelsa  (Welw C.C. Berg.) in some selected institutions in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. Sequel to the relationship between stem volume (sv), diameter at base (db) and  at breast height (dbh) from enumeration of 61 trees in selected institutions, equations were developed for estimating tree volumes of M. excelsa. Of all the equations developed, logarithmic for volume was the best fit equation containing the db and dbh as the predictors. The equation is lnSV = 1.5924 + 1.4915lndb + 0.8600lndbh with coefficient of determination (R2) and standard error of estimate being 0.9011 and SEE = 0.3485 respectively. Residual analysis revealed that the assumption of independence of residuals is valid, and there is no evidence of an outlier. Validation of the equation was done by testing for significant difference between the predicted stem volume (PSV) and observed stem volume (OSV). The study showed that stem volume of M. excelsa can be predicted from db and dbh by using this equation with reasonable precision. The prediction equation developed in this work would be very useful and applicable where tree dimensions such as diameter at middle and top as well as the height of M. excelsa is difficult to assess and there is need to reduce the cost of inventory of such species.Â

    Perceptions of City Hotel Visitors’ On Service Expectation and Actual Service Received

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    This study examines visitors’ perception of service expectation and actual service received at a luxury hotel in Ilorin South local government area of Kwara state. By means of a modified Service Quality (SERVQUAL) questionnaire specifically designed for this study, data from 478 guests that were randomly selected. Analyses of data collected from 272 respondents’ that participated revealed that respondents scores on service received were higher than scores on corresponding service expectation for most of the variables examined. About 75% of the variables examined recorded a positive service quality delivery while 25% recorded that service delivery was poor. The result on the factors influential to respondents’ choice of hotels shows that all twelve factors examined are very influential to respondents’ selection of hotel given that all the weighted mean scores surpassed the 3.00 cut-off). The highest factors influencing visitors’ selection of hotels are the safety of lives and properties within the hotel surroundings (3.90), cleanliness of the hotel and its surroundings (3.83) and, the outlook of the hotel in terms of aesthetic, attractiveness and architectural features (3.81). This study made recommendations for hoteliers to employ academically trained and qualified employees that understand the importance of being able to offer a constantly acceptable service quality to hotel visitors and to ensure that promises made to their guests are met if not surpass. Keywords: Service quality, Luxury hotel, Service expectation and Service delivere

    Does a bursary scheme for students in low- to middle-income countries influence outcomes in a master’s programme in Public Health?

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    Introduction The People’s Open Access Education Initiative (Peoples-uni) provides online education for health professionals in Public Health at the master’s level. Although fees are low due to the use of volunteers and Open Educational Resources, a bursary scheme is provided to waive all or some of the fees. This study tests the hypothesis that student outcomes of completing and passing modules are higher among those given a bursary than others. Methods Data were retrieved for all students enrolling between 2009-2017, including demographics and module outcomes, where available. Multivariable logistic regression was used to identify factors associated with a successful bursary application, as well as to elicit whether a successful bursary application was associated with ever completing, or ever passing, a module. Results Data were obtained from 1499 students. Of these, 624 (42%) had ever completed a module, and 513 (34%) had ever passed a module. 503 students (34%) had applied for a bursary, of whom 285 (57%) were successful. After adjusting for demographic variables, employment status and education level, students who were given a bursary were more likely to ever pass a module (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 2.3, 95% CI 1.7,3.3), as were those who applied for a bursary but were unsuccessful (aOR 1.9, 95% CI 1.3,2.8), compared with students who had not applied for a bursary. Similar results were obtained for the outcome of completing a module. Conclusions Students who were successful in gaining a bursary, as well as those who were not but still able to enroll, were more likely to complete or pass a module than those who did not apply. These results point to the success of the bursary scheme and give us confidence to continue to offer bursaries, in order to sustain the mission of improving population health through capacity building in low resource settings

    Data on artificial neural network and response surface methodology analysis of biodiesel production

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    The biodiesel production from waste soybean oil (using NaOH and KOH catalysts independently) was investigated in this study. The use of optimization tools (artificial neural network, ANN, and response surface methodology, RSM) for the modelling of the relationship between biodiesel yield and process parameters was carried out. The variables em- ployed in the experimental design of biodiesel yields were methanol-oil mole ratio (6 –12), catalyst concentration (0.7 –1.7 wt/wt%), reaction temperature (48 –62 °C) and reaction time (50 –90 min). Also, the usefulness of both the RSM and ANN tools in the accurate prediction of the regression mod- els were revealed, with values of R-sq being 0.93 and 0.98 for RSM and ANN respectively

    High cadmium / zinc ratio in cigarette smokers: potential implications as a biomarker of risk of prostate cancer.

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    Tobacco smoke may be one of the most common sources of cadmium (Cd) in the general population, particularly in the rising population of smokers in developing countries. Although a relationship between bothcigarette smoking and environmental Cd contamination with prostate cancer exist, the mechanisms are unclear. Most prospective cohort studies found a positive association between current smoking and a fatal cancer of the prostate. We investigated the interaction between zinc and cadmium and the potential risk of prostate cancer insmokers. Serum cadmium level was significantly (

    Comparative Analysis of Zeolite Y From Nigerian Clay and Standard Grade

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    Zeolite Y catalyst with silica/alumina mola•· ntio of 4.70 was synthesized from Elefun (Nigel"ia) clay unde•· hydwthe•·mal tJ·eatment of calcined kaolin with aqueous NaOH at atmosphel"ic p•·essm·e. This pape•· descl"ibed the p•·epantion of zeolite Y catalyst fmm metakaolin of quality Elefun kaolin by ageing at 34oC fo•· 7days, and then n·ystallized at lOOoC fm· 24 hom·s. The synthesized zeolite NaY was modified by exchanging with NH4Cl to obtain its hydwgen fo•·m with silica/alumina ntio of 3.18. Both developed and standa1·d zeolite Y catalyst we1·e then chanctel"ized by a val"iety of physicochemical methods, including XRD, XRF spectwscope. The mm·phologies we1·e examined using SEM. Similar results we1·e obtained, thus confi•·ming the synthesis of zeolite Y

    Optimizing the Flexural Behavior of Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Beams Containing Cassava Peel Ash using Response Surface Methodology

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    The growing concern to reduce global warming has necessitated the use of more eco-friendly materials in construction. The study is focused on the utilization of cassava peel ash as supplementary cementitious material and bamboo as reinforcement in concrete beams. The response surface methodology approach was explored to determine the effect of simultaneously varying the cassava peel ash content, bamboo size, beam length, and beam depth on the flexural strength and strain of beams. An analysis of variance was carried out on experimentally obtained results to determine the accuracy of the obtained models and the contributions made by the linear interaction and quadratic terms on flexural strength and flexural strain. The coefficient of determination obtained for RSM models showed a good correlation between all predicted and experimentally obtained results. The optimum conditions obtained for bamboo-reinforced concrete containing cassava peel ash were 3% cassava peel ash, 16 mm bamboo diameter, 500 mm beam length, and 150 mm beam depth. The predicted flexural strengths were 11.85, 14.34, and 14.95 N/mm2 and flexural strains of 0.64, 0.67, and 0.91 for 28 days, 56 days, and 90 days, respectively. To validate the model prediction, a laboratory experiment was conducted using the optimum mix design proportion. From the results obtained, it was observed that the experimental results were close to those predicted by the models. These models can be efficiently used for simulating the flexural behavior of bamboo-reinforced concrete beams. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2023-09-08-011 Full Text: PD
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