131 research outputs found


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    Foramen supraorbitale, frontal kemiğin margo supraorbitale bölümünün medial tarafında bulunur ve içinden supraorbital damarlar ve sinir geçer. Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, foramen supraorbitale'nin kafataslarında bulunma oranını bulmak ve bulunan deliklerin belirtilen anatomik noktalara ortalama uzaklıklarını tespit etmektir. Gereç ve yöntem: Bu çalışma 100 cranium'da (200 taraf) yapıldı. Kafataslarında birden fazla foramen ya da çentik bulunduğunda medial'de bulunan delik (çentik), foramen frontale; lateral'de bulunan delik foramen supraorbitale olarak değerlendirildi. Foramen supraorbitale'lerde üç ayrı morfometrik ölçüm yapıldı. Foramen supraorbitale ile nasion arası uzaklık, foramen supraorbitale ile sutura zygomaticofrontale arası uzaklık, foramen supraorbitale ile margo superior arası uzaklık ölçüldü. Bulgular: Foramen supraorbitale ile nasion arası uzaklık için ortalama uzunluk sağda 25,58 ± 4,40 mm ve solda 26,73 ± 4,47 mm; foramen supraorbitale ile sutura zygomaticofrontale arası uzaklık için ortalama uzunluk sağda 29,02 ± 4,34 mm ve solda 27,55 ± 3,51 mm; foramen supraorbitale ile margo superior arası uzaklık için ortalama uzunluk sağda 2,56 ± 1,59 mm ve solda 3,15 ± 2,01 mm olarak bulundu. Sağ ve sol taraf karşılaştırmasında foramen supraorbitale ile nasion arası uzaklık ve foramen supraorbitale ile sutura zygomaticofrontale arası uzaklık değerleri anlamlı bir fark gösterdi. Tüm kemiklerin sağ ve sol taraflarında foramen supraorbitale %27,7 ve % 24,8; incisura supraorbitale %66,3 ve %67,3; foramen frontale %5,0 ve %2,0; incisura frontale ise %8,9 ve 11,0 olarak bulundu. Bilateral incisura supraorbitale oranı %56, bilateral foramen supraorbitale oranı %15 ve bir tarafta incisura supraorbitale, diğer tarafta foramen supraorbitale bulunma oranı ise %20 olarak saptandı. %3 cranium'da hiçbir delik ya da çentiğe rastlanmadı. Sonuç: Foramen supraorbitale ve frontale'nin yerleri supraorbital endoskopik cerrahi girişimlerinde, maksillofasyal cerrahide ve orbita cerrahisinde önemlidir. Buradan geçen damar-sinir yapılarının hasarından kaçınmak için bu bölge anatomisinin iyi bilinmesi gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada, foramen supraorbitale'nin morfolojik ve morfometrik anatomisini tanımlamaya çalıştık. Supraorbital foramen, which transmits the supraorbital vessels and nerve, is localized on medial part of supraorbital margin of frontal bone.Objective of this study is to determine the rate of supraorbital foramen (notch) on skulls and to find out the distances between this foramen and anatomic landmarks. Material and methods: This study was conducted on 100 cranium (200 sides). Foramens and notches on supraorbital margin are counted and in the cases which had more than one foramen or notch, foramens or notches were named according to their existence on either medial or lateral side of supraorbital margin. The foramens which were located medially were evaluated as frontal foramens and the ones which were located laterally were evaluated as supraorbital foramens. Three morphometric measurements related with the supraorbital foramen were done. The distance between the supraorbital foramen and nasion, the distance between the zygomaticofrontal suture and supraorbital foramen and the distance between the superior margin and supraorbital foramen were measured. Results: The mean distance between the supraorbital foramen and nasion was measured as 25.58 ± 4.40 mm on the right side and 26.73 ± 4.47 mm on the left one; the mean distance between the supraorbital foramen and zygomaticofrontal suture was measured as 29.02 ± 4.34 mm on the right side and 27.55 ± 3.51 mm on the left one; the mean distance between the superior margin and supraorbital foramen was measured as 2.56 ± 1.59 mm on the right side and 3.15 ± 2.01 mm on the left one. The distance between the supraorbital foramen and nasion and the distance between supraorbital foramen and zygomaticofrontal suture, showed significant difference according to sides. Supraorbital foramen, supraorbital notch, frontal foramen and frontal notch were found 27.7% and 24.8%; 66.3% and 67.3%; 5.0% and 2.0%; 8.9% and 11.0% on the left and right sides of skulls, respectively. The rate of unilateral supraorbital notch and supraorbital foramen on the other side was found as 20%. There were no foramen or notch on 3% of skulls. Conclusion: The localization of supraorbital and frontal foramen is important in endoscopic, maxillofacial and orbital surgery. It is necessary to know this anatomic area for avoiding to damage supraorbital vessels and nerve. In this study, we tried to determine the morphologic and morphometric anatomy of supraorbital foramen

    Choroidal Thickness in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Type Dementia

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    Aim. To asses both choroidal thickness differences among Alzheimer’s type dementia (ATD) patients, mild cognitive impairment (MCI) patients, and healthy control (C) subjects and choroidal thickness relationships with cognitive performance. Methods. A total of 246 eyes of 123 people (41 ATD, 38 MCI, and 44 healthy C subjects) were included in this study. Complete ophthalmological and neurological examination was performed in all subjects. Choroidal thicknesses (CT) were measured at seven locations: the fovea, 500-1500-3000 μm temporal and 500-1500-3000 μm nasal to the fovea by enhanced depth imaging optical coherence tomography (EDI-OCT). Detailed neurological examination including mini mental state examination (MMSE) test which evaluates the cognitive function was applied to all participants. Results. The ages and genders of all participants were similar in all groups. Compared with healthy C subjects, the CT measurements at all regions were significantly thinner both in patients with ATD and in patients with MCI than in healthy C subjects (p<0.05). The MMSE scores were significantly different among ATD patients, MCI patients, and healthy C subjects. They were 19.3±1.8, 24.8±0.9, and 27.6±1.2 in ATD, MCI, and healthy controls, respectively (p<0.001). There were also significant correlation between MMSE score and choroidal thickness at each location (p<0.05). Conclusions. CT was reduced in ATD patients and MCI patients. Since vascular structures were affected in ATD patients and MCI patients, they had thin CT. Besides CT was correlated with degree of cognitive impairment. Therefore CT may be a new biomarker in diagnosis and follow-up of MCI and ATD patients

    Cognitive performance of primary open-angle glaucoma and normal-tension glaucoma patients

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    ABSTRACT Purpose: To assess cognitive performance differences among primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) patients, normal-tension glaucoma (NTG) patients, and healthy control (C) subjects. Methods: A total of 60 participants (20 POAG, 20 NTG, and 20 C subjects) were included in this study. A detailed ophthalmologic examination was performed on all participants. A spectral domain-optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) system was used to measure the ganglion cell-inner plexiform layer (GC-IPL) and retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thicknesses. To assess the cognitive performance of all participants, detailed neurological examinations, including the mini-mental state examination (MMSE), were performed by the same neurologist. Results: There were no significant differences among the groups in terms of age (p =0.348) or gender (p =0.935). The mean RNFL thicknesses were significantly different among the groups (85.2 ± 14.7, 76.8 ± 10.3, and 91.4 ± 7.7 µm in the POAG, NTG, and C subjects, respectively; p <0.001). The mean GC-IPL thicknesses were 77.5 ± 9.7 µm in the POAG group, 73.4 ± 7.8 µm in the NTG group, and 78.8 ± 3.8 µm in the C group. Differences among the groups were not statistically significant (p =0.085). MMSE scores were 26.1 ± 1.4, 25.7 ± 2.3, and 28.8 ± 0.9 in the POAG, NTG, and C groups, respectively. There were significant differences among the three groups (p <0.001). Specifically, there were significant differences between the NTG and C groups (p <0.001), and between the POAG and C groups (p =0.001). There was no significant difference between the POAG and NTG groups (p =0.595). Conclusions: There appear to be similar risk factors in glaucoma and neurodegenerative disorders that cause deterioration in cognitive performance. Comparing the low MMSE scores of the POAG and NTG patients with the scores of healthy C participants supports our hypothesis. Consequently, it is recommended that a neurologist should also examine glaucoma patients

    Functional cortical source connectivity of resting state electroencephalographic alpha rhythms shows similar abnormalities in patients with mild cognitive impairment due to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases

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    Objective: This study tested the hypothesis that markers of functional cortical source connectivity of resting state eyes-closed electroencephalographic (rsEEG) rhythms may be abnormal in subjects with mild cognitive impairment due to Alzheimer's (ADMCI) and Parkinson's (PDMCI) diseases compared to healthy elderly subjects (Nold). Methods: rsEEG data had been collected in ADMCI, PDMCI, and Nold subjects (N = 75 for any group). eLORETA freeware estimated functional lagged linear connectivity (LLC) from rsEEG cortical sources. Area under receiver operating characteristic (AUROC) curve indexed the accuracy in the classification of Nold and MCI individuals. Results: Posterior interhemispheric and widespread intrahemispheric alpha LLC solutions were abnormally lower in both MCI groups compared to the Nold group. At the individual level, AUROC curves of LLC solutions in posterior alpha sources exhibited moderate accuracies (0.70-0.72) in the discrimination of Nold vs. ADMCI-PDMCI individuals. No differences in the LLC solutions were found between the two MCI groups. Conclusions: These findings unveil similar abnormalities in functional cortical connectivity estimated in widespread alpha sources in ADMCI and PDMCI. This was true at both group and individual levels. Significance: The similar abnormality of alpha source connectivity in ADMCI and PDMCI subjects might reflect common cholinergic impairment. (C) 2018 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Brain function and oscillations: integrative brain function neurophysiology and cognitive processes

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