4 research outputs found

    O conceito do Baby Café como rede internacional de apoio à amamentação materna

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    El objetivo general de este trabajo consiste, en reflexionar sobre el fenómeno del Baby Café como recurso novedoso y conveniente dentro del mundo de la promoción, protección y apoyo a la lactancia materna a nivel internacional. El Baby Café es una iniciativa de apoyo a la lactancia materna, que coordina una red internacional de centros en los que se combina el apoyo formal proveniente de los profesionales sanitarios especializados en lactancia y el apoyo informal propio de los grupos o redes de apoyo a la lactancia. Con el fin último de promover proteger y apoyar a la lactancia materna, adentrándonos en la iniciativa del Baby Café y animando a que se realicen más estudios que avalen el verdadero impacto que éste tipo de iniciativas tienen sobre la sociedad; hemos desarrollado, mediante el estado de la cuestión y un diario de campo, un estudio cualitativo, que nos ha permitido explorar el fenómeno del Baby Café en el distrito 10 de Singapur, durante el mes de marzo de 2015.The general objective of this work is to reflect on the phenomenon of The Baby Café as a novel and convenient concept in a world of promotion, protection and support of breastfeeding worldwide. The Baby Café is an initiative to support breastfeeding that coordinates an international network of centers that combines formal support from health professionals who specialize in lactation with informal support groups or networks of breastfeeding. With the ultimate goal of the promotion, protection and support of breastfeeding, the introduction of The Baby Café initiative encourages more studies of such nature to be conducted, eventually demonstrating the true impact of such initiatives on society; we have developed, through the theoretical framework and a field diary, a qualitative study, which has allowed us to explore the phenomenon of the Baby Cafe in the 10th district of Singapore, during the month of March 2015.O objetivo geral deste trabalho consiste em refletir sobre o fenómeno do bebe café como novo e conveniente recurso dentro do mundo da promoção, proteção e apoio a amamentação materna a nível internacional. O bebe café é uma iniciativa de apoio a amamentação materna que coordena uma rede internacional de centros nos quais se combina o apoio formal proveniente dos profissionais sanitários especializados em amamentação, e no apoio informal próprio dos grupos o redes de apoio a amamentação. Com o fim de promover, proteger e apoiar a amamentação materna aprofundando a iniciativa do bebe café e incentivando a que se realizem mais estudos que avaliem o verdadeiro impacto que este tipo de iniciativa tem sobre a sociedade; temos desenvolvido, mediante o estado da questão e um diário de campo, um estudo qualitativo, que nos permitiu explorar o fenómeno do bebe café no distrito de Singapura durante o mês de Março 2015

    Treatment with tocilizumab or corticosteroids for COVID-19 patients with hyperinflammatory state: a multicentre cohort study (SAM-COVID-19)

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    Objectives: The objective of this study was to estimate the association between tocilizumab or corticosteroids and the risk of intubation or death in patients with coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) with a hyperinflammatory state according to clinical and laboratory parameters. Methods: A cohort study was performed in 60 Spanish hospitals including 778 patients with COVID-19 and clinical and laboratory data indicative of a hyperinflammatory state. Treatment was mainly with tocilizumab, an intermediate-high dose of corticosteroids (IHDC), a pulse dose of corticosteroids (PDC), combination therapy, or no treatment. Primary outcome was intubation or death; follow-up was 21 days. Propensity score-adjusted estimations using Cox regression (logistic regression if needed) were calculated. Propensity scores were used as confounders, matching variables and for the inverse probability of treatment weights (IPTWs). Results: In all, 88, 117, 78 and 151 patients treated with tocilizumab, IHDC, PDC, and combination therapy, respectively, were compared with 344 untreated patients. The primary endpoint occurred in 10 (11.4%), 27 (23.1%), 12 (15.4%), 40 (25.6%) and 69 (21.1%), respectively. The IPTW-based hazard ratios (odds ratio for combination therapy) for the primary endpoint were 0.32 (95%CI 0.22-0.47; p < 0.001) for tocilizumab, 0.82 (0.71-1.30; p 0.82) for IHDC, 0.61 (0.43-0.86; p 0.006) for PDC, and 1.17 (0.86-1.58; p 0.30) for combination therapy. Other applications of the propensity score provided similar results, but were not significant for PDC. Tocilizumab was also associated with lower hazard of death alone in IPTW analysis (0.07; 0.02-0.17; p < 0.001). Conclusions: Tocilizumab might be useful in COVID-19 patients with a hyperinflammatory state and should be prioritized for randomized trials in this situatio

    Impacto de las redes de apoyo a la lactancia materna en la Región de Murcia

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    Antecedentes: Partimos de la hipótesis de que el impacto que ejercen las redes de apoyo a la lactancia materna, sobre las mujeres que lactan, es satisfactorio. Objetivos: Como objetivo general de este proyecto, nos proponemos conocer, valorar y descubrir cuál es el impacto real que ejercen las redes de apoyo a la lactancia materna sobre las mujeres que lactan a través de 5 objetivos específicos: 1. Conocer cuál es el grado de satisfacción percibido por las usuarias de los servicios de apoyo a la lactancia materna. 2. Detallar cuáles son las principales profesionales consultados por las madres que acuden a las diferentes redes de apoyo. 3. Deducir cuáles son las experiencias anteriores a la lactancia que pueden influir positivamente en la decisión de lactar. 4. Conocer cuáles son los principales problemas con la lactancia que surgen y en qué momento aparecen. 5. Determinar qué repercusión tiene el hecho de haber recibido o no apoyo en la decisión de lactar. Método: Tras la búsqueda, sin éxito, de un instrumento validado que se adaptase a los objetivos de nuestro estudio y vista la carencia de cuestionarios en español destinados a valorar el impacto de las diferentes redes de apoyo a la lactancia materna de las que disponen las mujeres que lactan, decidimos elaborar un cuestionario y proceder a su posterior validación. Dicho cuestionario se pasó por 500 madres con algún tipo de experiencia en lactancia materna y que acudieran a la revisión del niño sano entre el 2 de Junio y el 27 de Noviembre de 2014, dentro de los cuatro Centros de Salud aprobados para el estudios (Alcantarilla, Sangonera la Verde, San Andrés y El Palmar). Una vez finalizado el trabajo de campo, procedimos a recoger las encuestas, para seguidamente analizarlas estadísticamente mediante el programa SPSS 20.0. Conclusiones: Las madres que consultan sus dudas o problemas de lactancia con profesionales sanitarios y/o grupos de apoyo a la lactancia, dan el pecho más tiempo que aquellas que no consultan. Las madres que buscan apoyo tienen más posibilidades de lactar exclusivamente hasta los 6 meses o más, que las madres que no buscan tal apoyo. De tal modo concluimos, que las redes de apoyo a la lactancia materna influyen positivamente en la permanencia y duración de ésta. 1. El grado de satisfacción percibida por las usuarias de los servicios o redes de apoyo a la lactancia, es notable. 2. El profesional más demandado durante el período prenatal es el matrón/a, y el pediatra durante el periodo postnatal. 3. Se evidencia que las experiencias anteriores que favorecen una mayor duración e incidencia de lactancia materna exclusiva hasta los 6 meses de vida del bebé son: la práctica del piel con piel, el inicio precoz de la lactancia materna tras el nacimiento, el parto eutócico, el embarazo único, el no uso de analgesia epidural, el no ingreso del recién nacido en el servicio de neonatos y una experiencia de lactancia anterior positiva. 4. Los problemas más frecuentes encontrados son: las grietas, seguidas del cansancio, las dudas sobre si el bebé se quedaba con hambre, dolor, mal enganche, dudas sobre la postura o técnica para amamantar y dudas sobre calidad de la leche o capacidad para lactar. Los problemas aparecen mayoritariamente durante las tres primeras semanas tras el nacimiento del bebé, pero en ese periodo, el porcentaje más alto se concentra en el primer día tras el nacimiento. 5. El apoyo formal e informal, influye positivamente en la duración y exclusividad de la lactancia materna, así como la falta de apoyo crea inseguridad en las mujeres a la hora de lactar. Por lo que se confirma la hipótesis planteada al inicio de nuestro estudio: “El impacto que ejercen las redes de apoyo a la lactancia materna sobre las mujeres que lactan es satisfactorio”. ABSTRACT Background: We hypothesized that the impact of support networks for breastfeeding women is satisfactory. Objectives: The general objective of this project is to determine, assess and identify the real impact of breastfeeding support networks through five specific means: 1. To assess the degree of satisfaction perceived by users of breastfeeding support services 2. Identify the different groups of professionals consulted by mothers from various support networks. 3. Identify the experiences before breastfeeding that can positively influence the decision to breastfeed. 4. Determine the main problems of breastfeeding that arise. 5. Determine the impact of having support affects the decision to breastfeed. Method: After searching unsuccessfully for a validated instrument that suited the objectives of our study and given the lack of Spanish questionnaires intended to assess the impact of different networks supporting breastfeeding for women, we decided to prepare a questionnaire and carry out further validation based on our findings. The questionnaire was provided to 500 mothers with experience in breastfeeding, who brought their children to baby paediatricians between 2 June and 27 November 27 2014, to four health centres that were approved for our studies (Alcantarilla, Sangonera la Verde, San Andrés y El Palmar) studies. Upon completion of the survey and fieldwork, we collated the responses and used the program SPSS 20.0 to conduct a detailed analysis of the statistics. Conclusions: Mothers who clarify their doubts and discuss their problems with health professionals and/or breastfeeding support networks are more likely to breastfeed for a longer duration compared to those who do not. Furthermore, mothers who seek support in breastfeeding are more likely to breastfeed for more than 6 months. Based on this information, we conclude that breastfeeding support networks have a positive influence in the duration of a women’s decision to breastfeed. 1. The degree of satisfaction perceived by the users of the services of support breastfeeding networks is remarkable. 2. The most demanded professional during the prenatal period is a midwife and a paediatrician during the postnatal period. 3. It is evident that past experiences of a mother that favour greater duration and possibility of exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months of a baby's life are: practicing skin to skin contact, early initiation of breastfeeding after birth, the vaginal delivery, unique pregnancy, non-use of epidural analgesia, the denial of entry of newborn infants in the service and a positive prior breastfeeding experience. 4. The most common problems encountered are: cracked nipples, fatigue, doubts about whether the baby is hungry, in pain, on to a bad latch, the position or breastfeeding technique, uncertainty about milk quality and the ability to breastfeed. Problems occur mainly during the first three weeks after birth of the baby, but within that period, the first day after birth constitutes the higher percentage. 5. Both formal and informal support, positively influence the duration and possibility of breastfeeding while the lack of support contributes to insecurity in breastfeeding women. Therefore, the hypothesis at the beginning of our study is confirmed: "The impact of networks supporting breastfeeding for women who breastfeed, is satisfactory"

    Characteristics and predictors of death among 4035 consecutively hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in Spain

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