45 research outputs found

    Economics of Fish Marketing in Central Uganda: A Preliminary Analysis

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    The paper examines profitability and market performance of small-scale fish traders selected randomly from a cross-section of nine fish markets in four districts in Central Uganda. Data were collected through a structured questionnaire which was designed to solicit information on traders’ socio-economic characteristics, marketing characteristics, operating costs and returns, and problems associated with fish marketing in the study area. Percentages were used to describe the socio-economic characteristics, market characteristic and problems associated with fish marketing while gross profit and marketing performance models were used to determine profitability, marketing margin and operational efficiency, respectively. The results suggest that fish trade is carried out by both men and women. More men are involved in the trade of fresh fish while more women are involved in the processed (sundried/smoked) fish trade. Some traders dealt in more than one species of fish although a majority sold exclusively in one species. Gross profit was estimated at USh358.40/kg and USh234.73/kg for wholesalers and retailers, respectively, with marketing margins of 19.32% and 16.67% for wholesalers and retailers, respectively. The market operational efficiency was 279.27 percent, implying high efficiency in fish marketing in the study area. The major pressing concerns which included high supply cost, low prices, low fish supply and increased arrests for selling immature fish were common to both retail and wholesale marketing channels.Fish marketing, survey data, gross profit, market margin, operational efficiency, Uganda, Agribusiness, International Development, International Relations/Trade, Marketing, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,

    Consumer Purchasing Behaviors and Attitudes toward Shopping at Public Markets

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    This paper identifies and empirically evaluates factors that explain the variations in consumers’ attitudes toward shopping at farmers markets in general and public markets in particular. The analysis draws on data from a telephone survey conducted in Jefferson County, Alabama. Logit model results point to several factors that seem to be strongly correlated with consumer purchasing behaviors and attitudes toward shopping at public markets, including income, education, age of household head, household size, and price and quality of produce. The insights gained from the study should help farmers increase the profitability of their operations and improve the likelihood that they will continue farming.Consumer/Household Economics,

    Consumer Purchasing Behaviors and Attitudes toward Shopping at Public Markets

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    This paper identifies and empirically evaluates factors that explain the variations in consumers’ attitudes toward shopping at farmers markets in general and public markets in particular. The analysis draws on data from a telephone survey conducted in Jefferson County, Alabama. Logit model results point to several factors that seem to be strongly correlated with consumer purchasing behaviors and attitudes toward shopping at public markets, including income, education, age of household head, household size, and price and quality of produce. The insights gained from the study should help farmers increase the profitability of their operations and improve the likelihood that they will continue farming

    Changing forms of HIV-related stigma along the HIV care and treatment continuum in sub-Saharan Africa:A temporal analysis

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    Objectives Stigma remains pervasive for people living with HIV (PLHIV) in sub-Saharan Africa, undermining care engagement. Using everyday, biographical and epochal temporalities, we explored the manifestation of stigma at different stages of the HIV care continuum in seven health and demographic surveillance sites in Eastern and Southern Africa. Methods Between 2015 and 2016, we conducted qualitative in-depth interviews with 264 PLHIV, 54 health providers and 48 family members of people who had died from HIV. Topic guides explored experiences of HIV testing, care and treatment services. Data were analysed thematically, aided by NVivo 10. Results In everyday time across these communities, stigma was evident in the presence of gossiping and the relative absence of supportive interpersonal discourse, which fuelled judicious disclosure. This was especially disruptive at testing, counselling and early antiretroviral therapy adherence stages of care. Biographical time framed everyday stigma events, highlighting the dilemma of disclosure in relation to sexual relationship norms, as well as the interfacing of age and healthcare continuum points. Epochal patriarchal relations gave a structural context to everyday and biographical stigma dynamics. Historical shifts to social acceptance of PLHIV within these communities, while positive, were complicated by stigma in everyday life and in respect of biographical goals like having a family. Moreover, low community-level resistance to HIV-related stigma jeopardised stigma reduction strategies. Conclusions Despite improvements to HIV care services, stigma remains pervasive across the HIV care continuum in these sites. Context-specific interventions are needed to address stigma and discrimination of PLHIV within the community and in health services, and greater reflection is required to ensure policies aiming to expand HIV treatment do not exacerbate stigma and result in negative HIV outcomes

    Changing forms of HIV-related stigma along the HIV care and treatment continuum in sub-Saharan Africa: a temporal analysis.

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    OBJECTIVES: Stigma remains pervasive for people living with HIV (PLHIV) in sub-Saharan Africa, undermining care engagement. Using everyday, biographical and epochal temporalities, we explored the manifestation of stigma at different stages of the HIV care continuum in seven health and demographic surveillance sites in Eastern and Southern Africa. METHODS: Between 2015 and 2016, we conducted qualitative in-depth interviews with 264 PLHIV, 54 health providers and 48 family members of people who had died from HIV. Topic guides explored experiences of HIV testing, care and treatment services. Data were analysed thematically, aided by NVivo 10. RESULTS: In everyday time across these communities, stigma was evident in the presence of gossiping and the relative absence of supportive interpersonal discourse, which fuelled judicious disclosure. This was especially disruptive at testing, counselling and early antiretroviral therapy adherence stages of care. Biographical time framed everyday stigma events, highlighting the dilemma of disclosure in relation to sexual relationship norms, as well as the interfacing of age and healthcare continuum points. Epochal patriarchal relations gave a structural context to everyday and biographical stigma dynamics. Historical shifts to social acceptance of PLHIV within these communities, while positive, were complicated by stigma in everyday life and in respect of biographical goals like having a family. Moreover, low community-level resistance to HIV-related stigma jeopardised stigma reduction strategies. CONCLUSIONS: Despite improvements to HIV care services, stigma remains pervasive across the HIV care continuum in these sites. Context-specific interventions are needed to address stigma and discrimination of PLHIV within the community and in health services, and greater reflection is required to ensure policies aiming to expand HIV treatment do not exacerbate stigma and result in negative HIV outcomes

    Corrigendum to “Counting adolescents in: the development of an adolescent health indicator framework for population-based settings”

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    The authors were recently made aware of an oversight such that parts of the text in the Introduction and Methods sections, which describe shortcomings in the existing literature and the methods in this work to identify frameworks and indicators, were missing attribution to published work cited elsewhere in the manuscript. To clarify, we adjust the relevant sections to fully attribute the prior work in three areas, as described below. Underlined text is additional to the original: While both school- and community-based modalities can provide nationally representative data among eligible adolescents, several shortcomings in adolescent health measurement in LMICs were noted by the GAMA Advisory Group (Reference 13 as in the original paper). First, these measurements do not equally cover all adolescent subgroups, with evidence gaps being largest for males, younger adolescents aged 10–14 years, adolescents of diverse genders, ethnicities, and religions, as well as those out of school and migrants. Second, age-disaggregated data are often lacking—due in part to incomplete age coverage—limiting their use for program planning. Third, several aspects of adolescent health are inadequately covered including mental health, substance use, injury, sexual and reproductive health among unmarried adolescents, and positive aspects of adolescent health and well-being. Fourth, the definitions and assessment methods used across adolescent health indicator frameworks are inconsistent. For example, adolescent overweight and obesity—a major cause of non-communicable diseases and a public health risk for future and intergeneration health—is inconsistently captured across indicator frameworks and strikingly absent from the SDGs (Reference 13 as in the original paper). Additional shortcomings include, current adolescent health data systems often lack intersectoral coordination beyond health (e.g., with education, water and sanitation, and social protection systems) and suffer from irregularities in coverage and timing (Reference 6 as in the original paper). Broadly, these indicator frameworks and strategy documents captured disease burden, health risks, and prominent social determinants of health during adolescence. To be congruent with the existing global recommendations and guidelines (References 3–7 as in the original paper) and global measurement efforts (References 10 and 16 as in the original paper), the indicator framework documents had to meet three inclusion criteria, as laid out by the GAMA Advisory Group (Reference 14 as in the original paper): (1) provide recommendations about the measurement of adolescents' health and well-being; (2) include indicators for “adolescents” covering the adolescent age range (10–19 years) in the whole or part; and (3) be global or regional in scope. Using the GAMA's approach (Reference 13 as in the original paper), the recommendations of Lancet Adolescent Health Commission (Reference 6 as in the original paper), and several other guidelines (References 7, 9, 12, 17–19 as in the original paper), we selected adolescent health and well-being domains based on four key aspects of adolescents in LMICs: a) population trends; b) disease burden; c) drivers of health inequality; and d) opportunity for interventions

    Counting adolescents in: the development of an adolescent health indicator framework for population-based settings

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    Changing realities in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) in terms of inequalities, urbanization, globalization, migration, and economic adversity shape adolescent development and health, as well as successful transitions between adolescence and young adulthood. It is estimated that 90% of adolescents live in LMICs in 2019, but inadequate data exist to inform evidence-based and concerted policies and programs tailored to address the distinctive developmental and health needs of adolescents. Population-based data surveillance such as Health and Demographic Surveillance Systems (HDSS) and school-based surveys provide access to a well-defined population and provide cost-effective opportunities to fill in data gaps about adolescent health and well-being by collecting population-representative longitudinal data. The Africa Research Implementation Science and Education (ARISE) Network, therefore, systematically developed adolescent health and well-being indicators and a questionnaire for measuring these indicators that can be used in population-based LMIC settings. We conducted a multistage collaborative and iterative process led by network members alongside consultation with health-domain and adolescent health experts globally. Seven key domains emerged from this process: socio-demographics, health awareness and behaviors; nutrition; mental health; sexual and reproductive health; substance use; and healthcare utilization. For each domain, we generated a clear definition; rationale for inclusion; sub-domain descriptions, and a set of questions for measurement. The ARISE Network will implement the questionnaire longitudinally (i.e., at two time-points one year apart) at ten sites in seven countries in sub-Saharan Africa and two countries in Asia. Integrating the questionnaire within established population-based data collection platforms such as HDSS and school settings can provide measured experiences of young people to inform policy and program planning and evaluation in LMICs and improve adolescent health and well-being