13 research outputs found

    Probing the Mutational Interplay between Primary and Promiscuous Protein Functions: A Computational-Experimental Approach

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    Protein promiscuity is of considerable interest due its role in adaptive metabolic plasticity, its fundamental connection with molecular evolution and also because of its biotechnological applications. Current views on the relation between primary and promiscuous protein activities stem largely from laboratory evolution experiments aimed at increasing promiscuous activity levels. Here, on the other hand, we attempt to assess the main features of the simultaneous modulation of the primary and promiscuous functions during the course of natural evolution. The computational/experimental approach we propose for this task involves the following steps: a function-targeted, statistical coupling analysis of evolutionary data is used to determine a set of positions likely linked to the recruitment of a promiscuous activity for a new function; a combinatorial library of mutations on this set of positions is prepared and screened for both, the primary and the promiscuous activities; a partial-least-squares reconstruction of the full combinatorial space is carried out; finally, an approximation to the Pareto set of variants with optimal primary/promiscuous activities is derived. Application of the approach to the emergence of folding catalysis in thioredoxin scaffolds reveals an unanticipated scenario: diverse patterns of primary/promiscuous activity modulation are possible, including a moderate (but likely significant in a biological context) simultaneous enhancement of both activities. We show that this scenario can be most simply explained on the basis of the conformational diversity hypothesis, although alternative interpretations cannot be ruled out. Overall, the results reported may help clarify the mechanisms of the evolution of new functions. From a different viewpoint, the partial-least-squares-reconstruction/Pareto-set-prediction approach we have introduced provides the computational basis for an efficient directed-evolution protocol aimed at the simultaneous enhancement of several protein features and should therefore open new possibilities in the engineering of multi-functional enzymes

    Genetic Analysis of 15 Protein Folding Factors and Proteases of the Escherichia coli Cell Envelope

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    Each cell hosts thousands of proteins that vary greatly in abundance, structure, and chemical properties. To ensure that all proteins are biologically active and properly localized, efficient quality control systems have evolved. While the structure, function, and regulation of some individual protein folding factors and proteases were resolved up to atomic resolution, others remain poorly characterized. In addition, little is known about which factors are required for viability under specific stress conditions. We therefore determined the physiological implications of 15 factors of the E. coli cell envelope by an integrated genetic approach comprising phenotypic analyses. Our data indicate that surA and tsp null mutations are a lethal combination in rich medium, that surA dsbA and surA dsbC double mutants are temperature sensitive, and that surA ptrA, surA yfgC, dsbA fkpA, degP tsp, degP ppiD, tsp ppiD, and degP dsbA double mutants are temperature sensitive in rich medium containing 0.5 M NaCl, while degP dsbA, degP yfgC, tsp ydgD, and degP tsp double mutants do not grow in the presence of SDS/EDTA. Furthermore, we show that in degP dsbA, degP tsp, and degP yfgC double mutants a subpopulation of LamB exists as unfolded monomers. In addition, dsbA null mutants expressed lower levels of the outer membrane proteins LptD, LamB, FhuA, and OmpW while FhuA levels were reduced in surA single and degP ppiD double mutants. Lower FhuA levels in degP ppiD strains depend on Tsp, since in a tsp degP ppiD triple mutant FhuA levels are restored

    The effect of tensile stress on the conformational free energy landscape of disulfide bonds.

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    Disulfide bridges are no longer considered to merely stabilize protein structure, but are increasingly recognized to play a functional role in many regulatory biomolecular processes. Recent studies have uncovered that the redox activity of native disulfides depends on their C-C-S-S dihedrals, χ2 and χ'2. Moreover, the interplay of chemical reactivity and mechanical stress of disulfide switches has been recently elucidated using force-clamp spectroscopy and computer simulation. The χ2 and χ'2 angles have been found to change from conformations that are open to nucleophilic attack to sterically hindered, so-called closed states upon exerting tensile stress. In view of the growing evidence of the importance of C-C-S-S dihedrals in tuning the reactivity of disulfides, here we present a systematic study of the conformational diversity of disulfides as a function of tensile stress. With the help of force-clamp metadynamics simulations, we show that tensile stress brings about a large stabilization of the closed conformers, thereby giving rise to drastic changes in the conformational free energy landscape of disulfides. Statistical analysis shows that native TDi, DO and interchain Ig protein disulfides prefer open conformations, whereas the intrachain disulfide bridges in Ig proteins favor closed conformations. Correlating mechanical stress with the distance between the two a-carbons of the disulfide moiety reveals that the strain of intrachain Ig protein disulfides corresponds to a mechanical activation of about 100 pN. Such mechanical activation leads to a severalfold increase of the rate of the elementary redox S(N)2 reaction step. All these findings constitute a step forward towards achieving a full understanding of functional disulfides