108 research outputs found

    A Schematic Framework to Assess Mini Hydro Potentials in the Italian Regional Energy and Environmental Plans

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    In compliance with EU legislation (Directive 2009/28/EC, that establishes for each Member State a target calculated according to the share of energy from renewable sources in its gross final consumption to 2020) and Italian regulatory framework (DM 15/03/12- Burden Sharing, that defines the regional objectives regarding renewable sources), each Italian Region must develop its own Regional Energy and Environmental Plan (PEAR). In order to promote the renewable energy sources (RES) production and to achieve a better energy efficiency use, the PEARS should propose to adopt a distributed multi generation (DMG) strategy. The main aim of this paper is a preliminary assessment of mini hydro potential and perspectives (P <1 MW) in Italian PEARS. Mini hydro is a mature and developed technology in Italy, and it represents a valiant opportunity for both local territories and the whole national system. Furthermore, thanks to its small size (low economic investment and environmental impact) and its versatility, it has the characteristics for a long-term development with direct industrial implications (i.e. energy cooperative and short supply chain). Specifically, the PEARS of four Regions were analysed, identifying the different information about mini hydro and comparing characteristics and potential. The results obtained are summarized in a schematic framework useful to draw a preliminary PEARS guideline that indicates strategies and policies, harmonizing public and private initiatives and structuring a local-scale economy through a mini hydro based DMG

    Mode-mixing quantum gates and entanglement without particle creation in periodically accelerated cavities

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    We show that mode-mixing quantum gates can be produced by non-uniform relativistic acceleration. Periodic motion in cavities exhibits a series of resonant conditions producing entangling quantum gates between different frequency modes. The resonant condition associated with particle creation is the main feature of the dynamical Casimir effect which has been recently demonstrated in superconducting circuits. We show that a second resonance, which has attracted less attention since it implies negligible particle production, produces a beam splitting quantum gate leading to a resonant enhancement of entanglement which can be used as the first evidence of acceleration effects in mechanical oscillators. We propose a desktop experiment where the frequencies associated with this second resonance can be produced mechanically.Comment: Ivette Fuentes previously published as Ivette Fuentes-Guridi and Ivette Fuentes-Schuller. v2: Quantitative analysis of entanglement production given in subsec II

    RES (Renewable Energy Sources) Availability Assessments for Eco-fuels Production at Local Scale: Carbon Avoidance Costs Associated to a Hybrid Biomass/H2NG-based Energy Scenario

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    Eco-fuels are a sustainable solution to face increasing global energy consumptions and GHG emissions. This work was firstly focused on available renewables assessment linked to a local dimension. Furthermore, identifying the potential Eco-fuels capability, it was discussed how the capital expenditure for infrastructures is associated with carbon avoidance costs. A coastal municipality and an inland one, located in Central Italy, are selected as case studies. In order to assess PV and agro-forestry residues availability, a GIS-based analysis was performed. In this framework, a new energy scenario, based on H2NG blends use and ligneous biomass conversion, was presented. Specifically, the hydrogen for NG enrichment was produced by renewable electricity, while biomass energy content was evaluated considering gasification process. Finally, the governmental incentive schemes incidence (in force for bioenergy and hypothesized for hydrogen) on investments economic sustainability and on infrastructure deployment was compared in terms of carbon avoidance costs

    Single Cylinder Internal Combustion Engine Fuelled with H2NG Operating as Micro-CHP for Residential Use: Preliminary Experimental Analysis on Energy Performances and Numerical Simulations for LCOE Assessment

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    The paper presents data resulting by the preliminary experimental campaign performed on a micro CHP (combined heat and power) pre-commercial version (5 kWel) designed for dwellings. The engine employs the lubricant oil as the jacket coolant to simplify the heat recovery architecture and it was equipped by a condensing heat exchanger as well. The tests have been carried out at rated and partial load up to 2.9 kWel (59% of rated load) in condensing mode, fuelling the NG engine with hydrogen percentages equal to 0% vol. and 15% vol. In order to evaluate the CHP energy performance, the analysis was conducted for 160 h, using an alkaline electrolyser for hydrogen production, a static heat meter and two mass flow meters for both hydrogen and NG. The aim of this paper is to illustrate how the use of the hydrogen enrichment in a micro CHP plant, based on ICE technology, represents a foreseeable bridge solution to the forthcoming SOFC deployment

    A Comparison of Marketing Techniques Among Military Recruiters

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    The U.S. Department of Defense spent $11 billion in enlistment and retention bonuses from 2006 to 2010, which had only a marginally positive effect on the enlistment rate for the Army. The case study addressed this business problem of recruiting by exploring marketing strategies successful recruiting professionals used to motivate individuals to join the military. The purpose of this study was to determine effective recruiting strategies. Therefore, it incorporated the conceptual framework of emergent strategy theory, which postulated the best strategies are neither completely planned nor completely random, but are rather an adaptation to changing dynamics and circumstances. The population consisted of 2 former recruiters, 1 from the Army and another from the Marine Corps, as well as 38 college students located in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Data for the study morphed from face-to-face interviews and 3 focus groups comprised of 10 to 15 students each, for the purpose of addressing the research question. Data analysis occurred through a process of coding and theming. The 9 themes identified included tell the story, advertising strategies, and fit for duty. A lesson learned from these themes was that the key for successful recruiting strategies lies in aligning with the wants and needs of individuals in the target demographic. If senior leaders in the Department of Defense followed the recommendations provided, each of the branches of the military service could potentially achieve higher recruiting rates at a lower cost. The study could result in social change whereby eligible recruits could view the Army and Marine Corps as professions of arms in which individuals can live out their ideals of patriotism but also have a good quality of life due to the benefits of military service

    Studio multidisciplinare finalizzato alla riqualificazione ambientale della valle del Rio della Rocca (Comune di Castellarano, Provincia di Reggio Emilia)

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    La valle del Rio della Rocca nel Comune di Castellarano (Reggio Emilia) è stata interessata a partire dagli anni ‘50 del secolo scorso da attività estrattive che in parte ne hanno profondamente modificato le caratteristiche ambientali, in particolare quelle geomorfologiche. In considerazione dell’interesse paesaggistico della valle e ai fini di una riqualificazione ambientale del territorio, è stato realizzato uno studio multidisciplinare volto a delineare i principali aspetti geologici, paleontologici, floristici e faunistici. Specifica attenzione è stata posta alla valutazione dell’instabilità dei versanti e alla individuazione dei geositi presenti nell’area. Sulla scorta dei risultati delle ricerche effettuate sono state elaborate proposte di riqualificazione del territorio che prevedono una valorizzazione della valle a fini geoturistici e ricreativi

    Evidence of SARS-CoV-2 in nasal brushings and olfactory mucosa biopsies of COVID-19 patients

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    The aim of the present study is to detect the presence of SARS-CoV-2 of patients affected by COVID-19 in olfactory mucosa (OM), sampled with nasal brushing (NB) and biopsy, and to assess whether a non-invasive procedure, such as NB, might be used as a large-scale procedure for demonstrating SARS-CoV-2 presence in olfactory neuroepithelium. Nasal brushings obtained from all the COVID-19 patients resulted positive to SARS-CoV-2 immunocytochemistry while controls were negative. Double immunofluorescence showed that SARS-CoV-2 positive cells included supporting cells as well as olfactory neurons and basal cells. OM biopsies showed an uneven distribution of SARS-CoV-2 positivity along the olfactory neuroepithelium, while OM from controls were negative. SARS-CoV-2 was distinctively found in sustentacular cells, olfactory neurons, and basal cells, supporting what was observed in NB. Ultrastructural analysis of OM biopsies showed SARS-CoV-2 viral particles in the cytoplasm of sustentacular cells. This study shows the presence of SARS-CoV-2 at the level of the olfactory neuroepithelium in patients affected by COVID-19. For the first time, we used NB as a rapid non-invasive tool for assessing a potential neuroinvasion by SARS-CoV-2 infection

    Current drive at plasma densities required for thermonuclear reactors

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    Progress in thermonuclear fusion energy research based on deuterium plasmas magnetically confined in toroidal tokamak devices requires the development of efficient current drive methods. Previous experiments have shown that plasma current can be driven effectively by externally launched radio frequency power coupled to lower hybrid plasma waves. However, at the high plasma densities required for fusion power plants, the coupled radio frequency power does not penetrate into the plasma core, possibly because of strong wave interactions with the plasma edge. Here we show experiments performed on FTU (Frascati Tokamak Upgrade) based on theoretical predictions that nonlinear interactions diminish when the peripheral plasma electron temperature is high, allowing significant wave penetration at high density. The results show that the coupled radio frequency power can penetrate into high-density plasmas due to weaker plasma edge effects, thus extending the effective range of lower hybrid current drive towards the domain relevant for fusion reactors
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