75,212 research outputs found

    Spectroscopic measurements of temperature and plasma impurity concentration during magnetic reconnection at the Swarthmore Spheromak Experiment

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    Electron temperature measurements during counterhelicity spheromak merging studies at the Swarthmore Spheromak Experiment (SSX) [M. R. Brown, Phys. Plasmas 6, 1717 (1999)] are presented. VUV monochromator measurements of impurity emission lines are compared with model spectra produced by the non-LTE excitation kinematics code PRISMSPECT [J. J. MacFarlane et al., in Proceedings of the Third Conference on Inertial Fusion Science and Applications (2004)] to yield the electron temperature in the plasma with 1 µs time resolution. Average T_e is seen to increase from 12 to 19 eV during spheromak merging. Average C III ion temperature, measured with a new ion Doppler spectrometer (IDS) [C. D. Cothran et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 77, 063504 (2006)], likewise rises during spheromak merging, peaking at ~22 eV, but a similar increase in T_i is seen during single spheromak discharges with no merging. The VUV emission line measurements are also used to constrain the concentrations of various impurities in the SSX plasma, which are dominated by carbon, but include some oxygen and nitrogen. A burst of soft x-ray emission is seen during reconnection with a new four-channel detector (SXR). There is evidence for spectral changes in the soft x-ray emission as reconnection progresses, although our single-temperature equilibrium spectral models are not able to provide adequate fits to all the SXR data

    Optimized tracking of RF carriers with phase noise, including Pioneer 10 results

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    The ability to track very weak signals from distant spacecraft is limited by the phase instabilities of the received signal and of the local oscillator employed by the receiver. These instabilities ultimately limit the minimum loop bandwidth that can be used in a phase-coherent receiver, and hence limit the ratio of received carrier power to noise spectral density which can be tracked phase coherently. A method is presented for near real time estimation of the received carrier phase and additive noise spectrum, and optimization of the phase locked loop bandwidth. The method was used with the breadboard Deep Space Network (DSN) Advanced Receiver to optimize tracking of very weak signals from the Pioneer 10 spacecraft, which is now more distant that the edge of the solar system. Tracking with bandwidths of 0.1 Hz to 1.0 Hz reduces tracking signal threshold and increases carrier loop signal to noise ratio (SNR) by 5 dB to 15 dB compared to the 3 Hz bandwidth of the receivers now used operationally in the DSN. This will enable the DSN to track Pioneer 10 until its power sources fails near the end of the century

    Multiparticle Interference, GHZ Entanglement, and Full Counting Statistics

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    We investigate the quantum transport in a generalized N-particle Hanbury Brown--Twiss setup enclosing magnetic flux, and demonstrate that the Nth-order cumulant of current cross correlations exhibits Aharonov-Bohm oscillations, while there is no such oscillation in all the lower-order cumulants. The multiparticle interference results from the orbital Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger entanglement of N indistinguishable particles. For sufficiently strong Aharonov-Bohm oscillations the generalized Bell inequalities may be violated, proving the N-particle quantum nonlocality.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, published versio

    A New Star-Formation Rate Calibration from Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Emission Features and Application to High Redshift Galaxies

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    We calibrate the integrated luminosity from the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) features at 6.2\micron, 7.7\micron\ and 11.3\micron\ in galaxies as a measure of the star-formation rate (SFR). These features are strong (containing as much as 5-10\% of the total infrared luminosity) and suffer minimal extinction. Our calibration uses \spitzer\ Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) measurements of 105 galaxies at 0<z<0.40 < z < 0.4, infrared (IR) luminosities of 10^9 - 10^{12} \lsol, combined with other well-calibrated SFR indicators. The PAH luminosity correlates linearly with the SFR as measured by the extinction-corrected \ha\ luminosity over the range of luminosities in our calibration sample. The scatter is 0.14 dex comparable to that between SFRs derived from the \paa\ and extinction-corrected \ha\ emission lines, implying the PAH features may be as accurate a SFR indicator as hydrogen recombination lines. The PAH SFR relation depends on gas-phase metallicity, for which we supply an empirical correction for galaxies with 0.2 < \mathrm{Z} \lsim 0.7~\zsol. We present a case study in advance of the \textit{James Webb Space Telescope} (\jwst), which will be capable of measuring SFRs from PAHs in distant galaxies at the peak of the SFR density in the universe (z∼2z\sim2) with SFRs as low as ∼\sim~10~\sfrunits. We use \spitzer/IRS observations of the PAH features and \paa\ emission plus \ha\ measurements in lensed star-forming galaxies at 1<z<31 < z < 3 to demonstrate the ability of the PAHs to derive accurate SFRs. We also demonstrate that because the PAH features dominate the mid-IR fluxes, broad-band mid-IR photometric measurements from \jwst\ will trace both the SFR and provide a way to exclude galaxies dominated by an AGN.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Rethinking the Properties of the Quark-Gluon Plasma at T∼TcT\sim T_c

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    We argue that although at asymptotically high temperatures the QGP in bulk behaves as a gas of weakly interacting quasiparticles (modulo long-range magnetism), at temperatures up to few times the critical temperature TcT_c it displays different properties. If the running of the QCD coupling constant continues in the Coulomb phase till the screening length scale, it reaches the strong coupling treshold αs(mD)∼1\alpha_s(m_D)\sim 1. As a result, the Coulomb phase supports weakly bound Coulombic s-wave cˉc\bar c c, light quark and even gggg states. The existence of shallow bound states dramatically increases the quasiparticle rescattering at low energies, reducing the viscosity and thereby explaining why heavy ion collisions at RHIC exhibit robust collective phenomena. In conformal gauge theories at finite temperature the Coulomb binding persists further in the strong coupling regime, as found for N=4{\cal N}=4 SUSY YM in the Maldacena regime.Comment: v2 version have one more figure and one more reference, v3 is the same as v2 except a double-page format (the v2 had corrupted last lines on the page

    (Anti-)self-dual homogeneous vacuum gluon field as an origin of confinement and SUL(NF)×SUR(NF)SU_L(N_F)\times SU_R(N_F) symmetry breaking in QCD

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    It is shown that an (anti-)self-dual homogeneous vacuum gluon field appears in a natural way within the problem of calculation of the QCD partition function in the form of Euclidean functional integral with periodic boundary conditions. There is no violation of cluster property within this formulation, nor are parity, color and rotational symmetries broken explicitly. The massless limit of the product of the quark masses and condensates, mf⟨ψˉfψf⟩m_f \langle \bar\psi_f \psi_f \rangle, is calculated to all loop orders. This quantity does not vanish and is proportional to the gluon condensate appearing due to the nonzero strength of the vacuum gluon field. We conclude that the gluon condensate can be considered as an order parameter both for confinement and chiral symmetry breaking.Comment: 16 pages, LaTe

    Tunable exciton interactions in optical lattices with polar molecules

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    Rotational excitation of polar molecules trapped in an optical lattice gives rise to rotational excitons. Here we show that non-linear interactions of such excitons can be controlled by an electric field. The exciton--exciton interactions can be tuned to induce exciton pairing, leading to the formation of biexcitons. Tunable non-linear interactions between excitons can be used for many applications ranging from the controlled preparation of entangled quasiparticles to the study of polaron interactions and the effects of non-linear interactions on quantum energy transport in molecular aggregates.Comment: Some typos have been corrected in this versio

    Triton's global heat budget

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    Internal heat flow from radioactive decay in Triton's interior along with absorbed thermal energy from Neptune total 5 to 20 percent of the insolation absorbed by Triton, thus comprising a significant fraction of Triton's surface energy balance. These additional energy inputs can raise Triton's surface temperature between approx. 0.5 to 1.5 K above that possible with absorbed sunlight alone, resulting in a factor of approx. 1.5 to 2.5 increase in Triton's basal atmospheric pressure. If Triton's internal heatflow is concentrated in some areas, as is likely, local effects such as enhanced sublimation with subsequent modification of albedo could be quite large. Furthermore, indications of recent albedo change on Triton suggest that Triton's surface temperature and pressure may not now be in steady state, further suggesting that atmospheric pressure on Triton was as much as 10 times higher in the recent past
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