1,752 research outputs found

    Faraday rotation measurement method and apparatus

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    A method and device for measuring Faraday rotation of a received RF signal is described. A simultaneous orthogonal polarization receiver compensates for a 3 db loss due to splitting of a received signal into left circular and right circular polarization channels. The compensation is achieved by RF and modulation arraying utilizing a specific receiver array which also detects and measures Faraday rotation in the presence or absence of spin stabilization effects on a linear polarization vector. Either up-link or down-link measurement of Faraday rotation is possible. Specifically, the Faraday measurement apparatus utilized in conjunction with the specific receiver array provides a means for comparing the phase of a reference signal in the receiver array to the phase of a tracking loop signal related to the incoming signal, and comparing the phase of the reference signal to the phase of the tracking signal shifted in phase by 90 degrees. The averaged and unaveraged signals, are compared, the phase changes between the two signals being related to Faraday rotation

    Performance characteristics for an array of two receiving systems with equal apertures and enhanced radio frequency carrier margin improvement

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    Enhanced radio frequency carrier margin improvement for arrayed receiving systems for coherent reception of phase modulated signals with residual carrier provides a significant reduction in carrier loop phase noise and an increase in the signal to noise ratio in the RF carrier tracking loop with an attendant in telemetry radio loss. A significant increase in doppler frequency rate capability is also realized relative to operating at a narrower tracking loop bandwidth to obtain the same carrier sensitivity improvement. These performance characteristics are examined for an array of two receiving sysems with equal apertures and statistically independent prediction noise

    Method for scrambling satellite communications

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    A secure communications system multiplexes segments of the information signal for keyed encoding and modulation onto a plurality of different carrier frequencies and/or polarizations, and transmits the encoded carriers to multi-channel signal summing receivers that decode the segments from all channels, to reassemble the information signal for use by authorized stations with a key. The use of the multi-channel link and the summing receiver allows the greatest number of different coding algorithms for accommodating the greatest number of discrete secure channels

    Bandwidth controller for phase-locked-loop

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    A phase locked loop utilizing digital techniques to control the closed loop bandwidth of the RF carrier phase locked loop in a receiver provides high sensitivity and a wide dynamic range for signal reception. After analog to digital conversion, a digital phase locked loop bandwidth controller provides phase error detection with automatic RF carrier closed loop tracking bandwidth control to accommodate several modes of transmission

    Viability of Neurospora crassa ascospores after heat activation

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    Viability of Neurospora crassa ascospores after heat activatio

    Sensitized fluorescence in potassium vapour.

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    DIAL with heterodyne detection including speckle noise: Aircraft/shuttle measurements of O3, H2O, and NH3 with pulsed tunable CO2lasers

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    A parametric analysis of DIAL sensitivity with heterodyne detection is presented and comparisons with direct detection are discussed. Examples are given for monitoring vertical distributions of O3, H2O, and NH3 using a ground-, aircraft-, or shuttle-based pulsed tunable CO2 laser DIAL system. Results indicate that maximum sensitivity at minimum laser energy per measurement requires multiple pulse operation with the energy per pulse selected so that the measured photon rate is approximately equal to the detector IF bandwidth. Measurement sensitivities can be maximized and interference effects minimized by fine adjustment of measurement frequencies using the tunability of high pressure lasers. The use of rare isotope lasers minimizes loss due to CO2 atmospheric absorption

    DIAL with heterodyne detection including speckle noise: Aircraft/shuttle measurements of O3, H2O, and NH3 with pulsed tunable CO2 lasers

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    Atmospheric trace constituent measurements with higher vertical resolution than attainable with passive radiometers are discussed. Infrared differential absorption lidar (DIAL), which depends on Mie scattering from aerosols, has special advantages for tropospheric and lower stratospheric applications and has great potential importance for measurements from shuttle and aircraft. Differential absorption lidar data reduction involves comparing large amplitude signals which have small differences. The accuracy of the trace constituent concentration inferred from DIAL measurements depends strongly on the errors in determining the amplitude of the signals. Thus, the commonly used SNR expression (signal divided by noise in the absence of signal) is not adequate to describe DIAL measurement accuracy and must be replaced by an expression which includes the random coherent (speckle) noise within the signal. A comprehensive DIAL computer algorithm is modified to include heterodyne detection and speckle noise. Examples for monitoring vertical distributions of O3, H2O, and NH3 using a ground-, aircraft-, or shuttle-based pulsed tunable CO2 laser DIAL system are given

    Study of instabilities and transition to turbulence in a linear hall accelerator

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    Magnetospheric instabilities and transition to plasma turbulence in Hall current accelerator