3,513 research outputs found

    Nilpotent polynomials approach to four-qubit entanglement

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    We apply the general formalism of nilpotent polynomials [Mandilara et al, Phys. Rev. A 74, 022331 (2006)] to the problem of pure-state multipartite entanglement classification in four qubits. In addition to establishing contact with existing results, we explicitly show how the nilpotent formalism naturally suggests constructions of entanglement measures invariant under the required unitary or invertible class of local operations. A candidate measure of fourpartite entanglement is also suggested, and its behavior numerically tested on random pure states.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure. Finalised versio

    Une synthèse des modèles de représentation des connaissances à base de Graphes Conceptuels et OWL

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    Nous présentons et comparons deux approches de modélisation, formelles et concrètes, pour représenter et manipuler des connaissances d’un domaine. Le modèle des graphes conceptuels permet de modéliser des connaissances en terme de graphes, basés sur un support. Cette approche de modélisation est intensionnelle, est munie d’une sémantique en logique du premier ordre, et fait l’hypothèse d’un monde fermé pour ses raisonnements. Le langage OWL permet de décrire des ontologies et des faits sur le Web, suivant une approche de modélisation extensionnelle. Il possède une sémantique issue des logiques de descriptions, et fait l’hypothèse d’un monde ouvert pour ses raisonnements

    Systematic Evaluation of Deep Learning Models for Failure Prediction

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    With the increasing complexity and scope of software systems, their dependability is crucial. The analysis of log data recorded during system execution can enable engineers to automatically predict failures at run time. Several Machine Learning (ML) techniques, including traditional ML and Deep Learning (DL), have been proposed to automate such tasks. However, current empirical studies are limited in terms of covering all main DL types -- Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), Convolutional Neural network (CNN), and transformer -- as well as examining them on a wide range of diverse datasets. In this paper, we aim to address these issues by systematically investigating the combination of log data embedding strategies and DL types for failure prediction. To that end, we propose a modular architecture to accommodate various configurations of embedding strategies and DL-based encoders. To further investigate how dataset characteristics such as dataset size and failure percentage affect model accuracy, we synthesised 360 datasets, with varying characteristics, for three distinct system behavioral models, based on a systematic and automated generation approach. Using the F1 score metric, our results show that the best overall performing configuration is a CNN-based encoder with Logkey2vec. Additionally, we provide specific dataset conditions, namely a dataset size >350 or a failure percentage >7.5%, under which this configuration demonstrates high accuracy for failure prediction

    Natural occurrence of entomopathogenic nematodes (Rhabditida : Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae) in Guadeloupe islands

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    Des prospections ont été réalisées sur 538 sites en Guadeloupe (Grande Terre, Basse Terre) et dans ses dépendances (Marie-Galante, La Désirade, Petite Terre, Les Saintes, Saint-Barthélémy, Saint-Martin) pour rechercher des nématodes entomopathogènes par la technique du piège à insecte (#FGalleria mellonella).Sur35sitespositifs(6). Sur 35 sites positifs (6%), 34 hébergent des #Heterorhabditis (97%) et l'un d'eux un #Steinernema(3 (3%). Deux espèces d'#Heterorhabditis ont été identifiées : #H. indica (88%) et #H. bacteriophora(12 (12%). Le #Steinernema appartient sans doute à une nouvelle espèce en cours d'étude. Les nématodes ont été isolés en zone côtière (91,4%), en zone tropicale de basse (5,7%) et de moyenne altitude (2,9%). Aucun nématode n'a été trouvé en zone montagneuse. (Résumé d'auteur

    Hamilton Jacobi Bellman equations in infinite dimensions with quadratic and superquadratic Hamiltonian

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    We consider Hamilton Jacobi Bellman equations in an inifinite dimensional Hilbert space, with quadratic (respectively superquadratic) hamiltonian and with continuous (respectively lipschitz continuous) final conditions. This allows to study stochastic optimal control problems for suitable controlled Ornstein Uhlenbeck process with unbounded control processes

    Analytical solution of a model for complex food webs

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    We investigate numerically and analytically a recently proposed model for food webs [Nature {\bf 404}, 180 (2000)] in the limit of large web sizes and sparse interaction matrices. We obtain analytical expressions for several quantities with ecological interest, in particular the probability distributions for the number of prey and the number of predators. We find that these distributions have fast-decaying exponential and Gaussian tails, respectively. We also find that our analytical expressions are robust to changes in the details of the model.Comment: 4 pages (RevTeX). Final versio

    A bipartite class of entanglement monotones for N-qubit pure states

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    We construct a class of algebraic invariants for N-qubit pure states based on bipartite decompositions of the system. We show that they are entanglement monotones, and that they differ from the well know linear entropies of the sub-systems. They therefore capture new information on the non-local properties of multipartite systems.Comment: 6 page
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