31 research outputs found

    The health impacts of energy performance investments in low-income areas: a mixed-methods approach

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    The study found improvements in subjective well-being and a number of psychosocial outcomes, but there was no evidence of changes in physical health

    Seni Manubilis

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    Sejarah tentu merupakan bagian penting dari perayaan tentang Jiwa yang menjadi dasar bagi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan kebudayaan dan kesenian. Penerbitan buku ini diharapkan bisa ikut menjadi pemantik bagi siapa saja untuk menelusuri dan melacak lebih mendalam catatan biografis, esai, dan ulasan kritik sebagai bagian penting dari mosaik sejarah seni rupa Indonesia. Buku ini terdiri dari dua bahasa yaitu bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris

    Strain accommodation by slow slip and dyking in a youthful continental rift, East Africa

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    Continental rifts begin and develop through repeated episodes of faulting and magmatism, but strain partitioning between faulting and magmatism during discrete rifting episodes remains poorly documented. In highly evolved rifts, tensile stresses from far-field plate motions accumulate over decades before being released during relatively short time intervals by faulting and magmatic intrusions1-3. These rifting crises are rarely observed in thick lithosphere during the initial stages of rifting. Here we show that most of the strain during the July–August 2007 seismic crisis in the weakly extended Natron rift, Tanzania, was released aseismically. Deformation was achieved by slow slip on a normal fault that promoted subsequent dyke intrusion by stress unclamping. This event provides compelling evidence for strain accommodation by magma intrusion, in addition to slip along normal faults, during the initial stages of continental rifting and before significant crustal thinning

    An empirical study on the interplay between semantic coupling and co-change of software classes

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    Software systems continuously evolve to accommodate new features and interoperability relationships between artifacts point to increasingly relevant software change impacts. During maintenance, developers must ensure that related entities are updated to be consistent with these changes. Studies in the static change impact analysis domain have identified that a combination of source code and lexical information outperforms using each one when adopted independently. However, the extraction of lexical information and the measure of how loosely or closely related two software artifacts are, considering the semantic information embedded in their comments and identifiers has been carried out using somewhat complex information retrieval (IR) techniques. The interplay between software semantic and change relationship strengths has also not been extensively studied. This work aims to fill both gaps by comparing the effectiveness of measuring semantic coupling of OO software classes using (i) simple identifier based techniques and (ii) the word corpora of the entire classes in a software system. Afterwards, we empirically investigate the interplay between semantic and change coupling. The empirical results show that: (1) identifier based methods have more computational efficiency but cannot always be used interchangeably with corpora-based methods of computing semantic coupling of classes and (2) there is no correlation between semantic and change coupling. Furthermore we found that (3) there is a directional relationship between the two, as over 70% of the semantic dependencies are also linked by change coupling but not vice versa