127 research outputs found

    Osmoregulatory bicarbonate secretion exploits H(+)-sensitive haemoglobins to autoregulate intestinal O2 delivery in euryhaline teleosts

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from Springer Verlag via the DOI in this record.Marine teleost fish secrete bicarbonate (HCO3 (-)) into the intestine to aid osmoregulation and limit Ca(2+) uptake by carbonate precipitation. Intestinal HCO3 (-) secretion is associated with an equimolar transport of protons (H(+)) into the blood, both being proportional to environmental salinity. We hypothesized that the H(+)-sensitive haemoglobin (Hb) system of seawater teleosts could be exploited via the Bohr and/or Root effects (reduced Hb-O2 affinity and/or capacity with decreasing pH) to improve O2 delivery to intestinal cells during high metabolic demand associated with osmoregulation. To test this, we characterized H(+) equilibria and gas exchange properties of European flounder (Platichthys flesus) haemoglobin and constructed a model incorporating these values, intestinal blood flow rates and arterial-venous acidification at three different environmental salinities (33, 60 and 90). The model suggested red blood cell pH (pHi) during passage through intestinal capillaries could be reduced by 0.14-0.33 units (depending on external salinity) which is sufficient to activate the Bohr effect (Bohr coefficient of -0.63), and perhaps even the Root effect, and enhance tissue O2 delivery by up to 42 % without changing blood flow. In vivo measurements of intestinal venous blood pH were not possible in flounder but were in seawater-acclimated rainbow trout which confirmed a blood acidification of no less than 0.2 units (equivalent to -0.12 for pHi). When using trout-specific values for the model variables, predicted values were consistent with measured in vivo values, further supporting the model. Thus this system is an elegant example of autoregulation: as the need for costly osmoregulatory processes (including HCO3 (-) secretion) increases at higher environmental salinity, so does the enhancement of O2 delivery to the intestine via a localized acidosis and the Bohr (and possibly Root) effect.Underlying research materials, i.e. raw data, is accessible by contacting the corresponding author, Dr. Rod Wilson at [email protected]. This research was supported by BBSRC and NERC grants (BB/D005108/1 and NE/H010041/1) to RWW and an NSERC Discovery grant to CJB. We would like to thank Jan Shears for excellent technical support and fish husbandry

    Simulations of Cold Electroweak Baryogenesis: hypercharge U(1) and the creation of helical magnetic fields

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    We perform numerical simulations of Cold Electroweak Baryogenesis, including for the first time in the Bosonic sector the full electroweak gauge group SU(2)×U(1) and CP-violation. We find that the maximum generated baryon asymmetry is reduced by a factor of three relative to the SU(2)-only model, but that the quench time dependence is very similar. In addition, we compute the magnitude of the helical magnetic fields, and find that it is proportional to the strength of CP-violation and dependent on quench time, but is not proportional to the magnitude of the baryon asymmetry as proposed in the literature. Astrophysical signatures of primordial magnetic helicity can therefore not in general be used as evidence that electroweak baryogenesis has taken place

    A solution to Nature's haemoglobin knockout: a plasma-accessible carbonic anhydrase catalyses COâ‚‚ excretion in Antarctic icefish gills

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    In all vertebrates studied to date, CO₂ excretion depends on the enzyme carbonic anhydrase (CA) that catalyses the rapid conversion of HCO₃− to CO₂ at the gas-exchange organs. The largest pool of CA is present within red blood cells (RBC) and, in some vertebrates, plasma-accessible CA (paCA) isoforms participate in CO₂ excretion. However, teleost fishes typically do not have paCA at the gills and CO₂ excretion is reliant entirely on RBC CA; a strategy that is not possible in icefishes. As the result of a natural knockout, Antarctic icefishes (Channichthyidae) are the only known vertebrates that do not express haemoglobin (Hb) as adults, and largely lack RBC in the circulation (haematocrit<1%). Previous work has indicated the presence of high levels of membrane-bound CA activity in the gills of icefishes, but without determining its cellular orientation. Thus, we hypothesised that icefishes express a membrane-bound CA isoform at the gill that is accessible to the blood plasma. The CA distribution was compared in the gills of two closely-related notothenioid species, one with Hb and RBCs (Notothenia rossii) and one without (Champsocephalus gunnari). Molecular, biochemical and immunohistochemical markers indicate high levels of a Ca4 isoform in the gills of the icefish (but not the red-blooded N. rossii), in a plasma-accessible location that is consistent with a role in CO₂ excretion. Thus, in the absence of RBC CA, the icefish gill could exclusively provide the catalytic activity necessary for CO₂ excretion; a pathway that is unlike that of any other vertebrate

    Childhood craniopharyngioma: greater hypothalamic involvement before surgery is associated with higher homeostasis model insulin resistance index

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Obesity seems to be linked to the hypothalamic involvement in craniopharyngioma. We evaluated the pre-surgery relationship between the degree of this involvement on magnetic resonance imaging and insulin resistance, as evaluated by the homeostasis model insulin resistance index (HOMA). As insulin-like growth factor 1, leptin, soluble leptin receptor (sOB-R) and ghrelin may also be involved, we compared their plasma concentrations and their link to weight change.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>27 children with craniopharyngioma were classified as either grade 0 (n = 7, no hypothalamic involvement), grade 1 (n = 8, compression without involvement), or grade 2 (n = 12, severe involvement).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Despite having similar body mass indexes (BMI), the grade 2 patients had higher glucose, insulin and HOMA before surgery than the grade 0 (P = 0.02, <0.05 and 0.02 respectively) and 1 patients (P < 0.02 and <0.03 for both insulin and HOMA). The grade 0 (5.8 ± 4.9) and 1 (7.2 ± 5.3) patients gained significantly less weight (kg) during the year after surgery than did the grade 2 (16.3 ± 7.4) patients. The pre-surgery HOMA was positively correlated with these weight changes (P < 0.03).</p> <p>The data for the whole population before and 6–18 months after surgery showed increases in BMI (P < 0.0001), insulin (P < 0.005), and leptin (P = 0.0005), and decreases in sOB-R (P < 0.04) and ghrelin (P < 0.03).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The hypothalamic involvement by the craniopharyngioma before surgery seems to determine the degree of insulin resistance, regardless of the BMI. The pre-surgery HOMA values were correlated with the post-surgery weight gain. This suggests that obesity should be prevented by reducing inn secretion in those cases with hypothalamic involvement.</p

    Treatment of hemangiomas in children using a Nd:YAG laser in conjunction with ice cooling of the epidermis: techniques and results

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    BACKGROUND: Hemangiomas are the most common type of congenital anomaly in childhood. Although many resolve spontaneously, intervention is required when their growth could damage vital adjacent structures. Various therapeutic approaches to childhood hemangiomas with different types of laser have been described previously. The objective of this study was to determine whether the cooling of the epidermis during irradiation of hemangiomas with a Nd:YAG laser prevents thermal damage and decreases the number of sessions required to treat these lesions. METHODS: Between 1993 and 2001, 110 patients aged 3 months to 4 years, with cutaneous hemangiomas were treated with a Nd:YAG laser. The lesion was cooled with ice prior to, during, and after the irradiation. During each session the laser beam passed through the pieces of ice. The laser power was between 35–45 W with a pulse length of 2–10 seconds. RESULTS: After 6 months of follow-up, from the first session of laser treatment, total resolution was obtained in 72 (65.5%) patients. A second or third session followed in 30 out of 38 patients in which, the initial results were good, moderate, or poor. The parents of the remaining eight children refused this second session and these patients excluded from the study Complications were seen in nine (8.8%) patients. One patient had postoperative bleeding which stopped spontaneously, while atrophic scars occurred in six (5.8%) patients, and hypertrophic scars in two (1.9%) patients. CONCLUSIONS: Nd:YAG laser irradiation in conjunction with ice protection of the epidermis produces good cosmetic results for the treatment of cutaneous hemangiomas in children, and decreases the number of sessions for treatment of these lesions

    Inequivalence of coset constructions for spacetime symmetries

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    Non-linear realizations of spacetime symmetries can be obtained by a generalization of the coset construction valid for internal ones. The physical equivalence of different representations for spacetime symmetries is not obvious, since their relation involves not only a redefinition of the fields but also a field-dependent change of coordinates. A simple and relevant spacetime symmetry is obtained by the contraction of the 4D conformal group that leads to the Galileon group. We analyze two non-linear realizations of this group, focusing in particular on the propagation of signals around non-trivial backgrounds. The aperture of the lightcone is in general different in the two representations and in particular a free (luminal) massless scalar is mapped in a Galileon theory which admits superluminal propagation. We show that in this theory, if we consider backgrounds that vanish at infinity, there is no asymptotic effect: the displacement of the trajectory integrates to zero, as can be expected since the S-matrix is trivial. Regarding local measurements, we show that the puzzle is solved taking into account that a local coupling with fixed sources in one theory is mapped into a non-local coupling and we show that this effect compensates the different lightcone. Therefore the two theories have a different notion of locality. The same applies to the different non-linear realizations of the conformal group and we study the particular case of a cosmologically interesting background: the Galilean Genesis scenarios

    Acute and Chronic Effects of Particles on Hospital Admissions in New-England

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    Background: Many studies have reported significant associations between exposure to PM2.5PM_{2.5} and hospital admissions, but all have focused on the effects of short-term exposure. In addition all these studies have relied on a limited number of PM2.5PM_{2.5} monitors in their study regions, which introduces exposure error, and excludes rural and suburban populations from locations in which monitors are not available, reducing generalizability and potentially creating selection bias. Methods Using our novel prediction models for exposure combining land use regression with physical measurements (satellite aerosol optical depth) we investigated both the long and short term effects of PM2.5PM_{2.5} exposures on hospital admissions across New-England for all residents aged 65 and older. We performed separate Poisson regression analysis for each admission type: all respiratory, cardiovascular disease (CVD), stroke and diabetes. Daily admission counts in each zip code were regressed against long and short-term PM2.5PM_{2.5} exposure, temperature, socio-economic data and a spline of time to control for seasonal trends in baseline risk. Results: We observed associations between both short-term and long-term exposure to PM2.5PM_{2.5} and hospitalization for all of the outcomes examined. In example, for respiratory diseases, for every10-µg/m3^3 increase in short-term PM2.5PM_{2.5} exposure there is a 0.70 percent increase in admissions (CI = 0.35 to 0.52) while concurrently for every10-µg/m3^3 increase in long-term PM2.5PM_{2.5} exposure there is a 4.22 percent increase in admissions (CI = 1.06 to 4.75). Conclusions: As with mortality studies, chronic exposure to particles is associated with substantially larger increases in hospital admissions than acute exposure and both can be detected simultaneously using our exposure models

    The Concise Guide to PHARMACOLOGY 2015/16:Ligand-gated ion channels

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    The Concise Guide to PHARMACOLOGY 2015/16 provides concise overviews of the key properties of over 1750 human drug targets with their pharmacology, plus links to an open access knowledgebase of drug targets and their ligands (www.guidetopharmacology.org), which provides more detailed views of target and ligand properties. The full contents can be found at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/bph.13349/full. Ligand-gated ion channels are one of the eight major pharmacological targets into which the Guide is divided, with the others being: ligand-gated ion channels, voltage-gated ion channels, other ion channels, nuclear hormone receptors, catalytic receptors, enzymes and transporters. These are presented with nomenclature guidance and summary information on the best available pharmacological tools, alongside key references and suggestions for further reading. The Concise Guide is published in landscape format in order to facilitate comparison of related targets. It is a condensed version of material contemporary to late 2015, which is presented in greater detail and constantly updated on the website www.guidetopharmacology.org, superseding data presented in the previous Guides to Receptors & Channels and the Concise Guide to PHARMACOLOGY 2013/14. It is produced in conjunction with NC-IUPHAR and provides the official IUPHAR classification and nomenclature for human drug targets, where appropriate. It consolidates information previously curated and displayed separately in IUPHAR-DB and GRAC and provides a permanent, citable, point-in-time record that will survive database updates
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