6 research outputs found
República, democracia e federalismo Brasil, 1870-1891 Republic, democracy and federalism Brazil: 1870-1891
A transformação dos radicais liberais em republicanos, ocorrida a partir do Manifesto Republicano de 1870, provocou um retrocesso conservador e suspendeu o programa de reformas sociais e políticas, proposto pelos radicais durante a década de 1860. Esse artigo tenta explicar essa mudança examinando a formação do campo conceitual republicano entre 1870 e a promulgação da Constituição de 1891.<br>The transformation of Liberal Radicals into Republicans at the time of the publication of Republican Manifest in 1870 meant a conservative turn and halted the program of social and political reforms proposed by the Radicals during the 1860's.This article tries to explain the change analysing the formation of the Republican conceptual field between 1870 and the promulgation of the Constitution of 1891
Tuberculose e leite: elementos para a história de uma polêmica Tuberculosis and milk: elements of a polemic
Pode o ser humano contrair tuberculose pela ingestão do leite de vacas tuberculosas? São efetivos o diagnóstico e o controle da tuberculose bovina para a proteção da população humana? Questões como estas estiveram em pauta no pensamento médico paulistano no início do século XX. O presente estudo procurou reconstituir elementos da polêmica travada em São Paulo, com o intuito de incentivar a divulgação de dados suplementares sobre a matéria. Aqui são apresentadas indicações sintéticas das posições em confronto: de um lado, as preocupações em intensificar as ações de controle do gado tuberculoso; de outro, o cuidado de não prejudicar os criadores nacionais com a demanda de precauções adicionais, as quais se temia serem lesivas à comercialização do produto. O acompanhamento das intervenções sobre o tema na imprensa médica permitiu identificar a preponderância da primeira posição, com conseqüências para o controle sanitário de alimentos.<br>Can human beings get tuberculosis from the milk taken from cows infected with tuberculosis? Are the diagnosis and control of cattle tuberculosis effective for the protection of human populations? Questions such as these were the main concern of doctors from São Paulo at the beginning of the twentieth century. The present study tried to recover elements from the polemic that took place in São Paulo, in order to encourage the coming up of complementary facts about such matter. The article presents some indicators of confronting positions: on one hand, the goal of intensifying the control of tuberculosis among the cattle; on the other hand, the attempt not to bring up any loss to national cattle raisers through the demand of additional precaution measures, which would affect the production and distribution of their products. Medical publications kept records of the interventions, which have allowed the author to identify the first position as the stronger one, which has brought up relevant consequences for the sanitary food control
Do despotismo da gentalha à democracia da gravata lavada: história do conceito de democracia no Brasil (1770-1870)
The voting rate in Brazil only reached 40% (considered consistent with a modern democracy) in the 1980s. However, the bibliography always refers to the 1986, 1945, and 1933 elections as moments of "re-democratization", when explicitly or implicitly the original "democracy" could only have existed during the fraudulent and oligarchic First Republic (1889-1930). This article focuses on the process by which the 19th century Brazilian elites slowly forged this purely liberal-institutional concept of democracy, with extensive repercussions during the following century. The concept found its symbol in the "starched collar democracy" to which Teófilo Ottoni referred in his campaign in 1860, limited to the educated and moneyed stratum of the population, and reclaimed by the UDN party in the 1945 presidential campaign