896 research outputs found

    Equipment review: Mechanical effects of heat-moisture exchangers in ventilated patients

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    Although they represent a valuable alternative to heated humidifiers, artificial noses have unfavourable mechanical effects. Most important of these is the increase in dead space, with consequent increase in the ventilation requirement. Also, artificial noses increase the inspiratory and expiratory resistance of the apparatus, and may mildly increase intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure. The significance of these effects depends on the design and function of the artificial nose. The pure humidifying function results in just a moderate increase in dead space and resistance of the apparatus, whereas the combination of a filtering function with the humidifying function may critically increase the volume and the resistance of the artificial nose, especially when a mechanical filter is used. The increase in the inspiratory load of ventilation that is imposed by artificial noses, which is particularly significant for the combined heat-moisture exchanger filters, should be compensated for by an increase either in ventilator output or in patient's work of breathing. Although both approaches can be tolerated by most patients, some exceptions should be considered. The increased pressure and volume that are required to compensate for the artificial nose application increase the risk of barotrauma and volutrauma in those patients who have the most severe alterations in respiratory mechanics. Moreover, those patients who have very limited respiratory reserve may not be able to compensate for the inspiratory work imposed by an artificial nose. When we choose an artificial nose, we should take into account the volume and resistance of the available devices. We should also consider the mechanical effects of the artificial noses when setting mechanical ventilation and when assessing a patient's ability to breathe spontaneously

    Comparison between a new thyroglobulin assay with the well-established Beckman Access immunoassay: A preliminary report

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    Objectives: Measurement of serum thyroglobulin (Tg) plays a key role in the post-thyroidectomy management of differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC). In this context, the performance of new-generation thyroglobulin assay has clinical implications in the follow-up of DTC patients. Aim of this study was to compare the new highly sensitive Liaison Tg II (Tg-L) with the well-established Tg Access assay (Tg-A). Materials and methods: A total of 91 residual serum samples (23 positive and 68 negatives for Tg auto-antibodies) were tested by the Beckman Access and Diasorin Liaison assays. Study samples were from 21 patients with pathologically proven DTC and control samples from 70 (16 patients with benign thyroid disease and 54 apparently healthy subjects). Results: Our results showed that Tg-L was highly correlated with Tg-A for both values ranging between 0.2 and 50 ng/mL (Pearson's r = 0.933 [95%CI 0.894-0.958], P <.001) and higher than 50 ng/mL (Pearson's r = 0.849 [95%CI 0.609-0.946], P <.001). For Tg values lower than 0.2 ng/mL, the overall concordance rate was 92%. Moreover, we tested 7 fine-needle aspiration washout fluids (FNA), showing an overall concordance rate in discriminating negative and positive of 100%. Finally, we found no interference by Tg auto-antibodies (TgAbs) for both Tg-L and Tg-A. Conversely, rheumatoid factor (RF) interferes with Tg-A, but not with Tg-L in one patient with no relapsing thyroid carcinoma. Conclusions: Liaison Tg II demonstrated a good correlation with Access Tg assay both for sera and FNAs. Further studies on larger population are needed to evaluate Tg-L clinical impact on DTC patient's follow-up

    The onset of an eruption: selective assimilation of hydrothermal minerals during pre-eruptive magma ascent of the 2010 summit eruption of Eyjafjallajokull volcano, Iceland

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    The complex processes occurring in the initial phases of an eruption are often recorded in the products of its opening stage, which are usually characterized by small volume and limited dispersal, and thus generally poorly studied. The 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajökull (Iceland) represents a unique opportunity for these investigations thanks to the good preservation of tephra deposits within the ice/snow pack. A detailed geochemical investiga- tion on the glassy groundmass of single ash clasts disclosed a population of fragments with unusual high 87Sr/86Sr (up to 0.70668) for Icelandic magmatism, and anomalous elemental composition with respect to most of the ju- venile material of the eruption. This suggests that during its rise, before intruding into the ice cover, magma at a dyke tip selectively assimilated hydrothermal minerals with seawater-related, high-Sr isotopic ratios (zeolites, silica phases, anhydrite) hosted in altered volcanic/epiclastic rocks. According to the observed precursory seismic- ity, only restricted to few hours before the onset of the eruption, this process could have accompanied subcritical aseismic fracture opening during the days before the eruption, possibly related to stress corrosion-cracking pro- cesses, which enhanced the partial dissolution/melting and subsequent selective assimilation of the host rocks

    The treatment of skin ulcers in patients with systemic sclerosis

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    Systemic Sclerosis (Ssc) is a complex disease of the connective tissue, characterized by progressive thickening and fibrosis of the skin and the internal organs and by diffused damage of the microvascular system. The fibrosis ones of the skin associated to the characteristic vascular alterations lead to the genesis of ulcers, more or less extended, often multiple, peripheral localization, chronic course, painful, able to influence patient's quality of life. Indeed, immunity reactivity, the thinning and the loss of elasticity of the skin, the peripheral neurological damage and the eventual drug assumption that can reduce regenerative/reparative abilities, can easy chronicizzate an ulcer and become infected complicating still more the patient disease, rendering more difficult the cure often, ulcer evolves to gangrene, and in some cases, in amputation too. For all these reasons, we have begun to study ulcers therapy (local and systemic), considering this activity it leave integrating of the charitable distance of the sclerodermico patient, putting to point on strategy both diagnostic and therapeutic, but above all with the primary scope, if possible, is to prevent ulcers, in contrary case, to alleviate the pain and to render the quality of the life of the patient better

    Apolipoprotein A-I charge and conformation regulate the clearance of reconstituted high density lipoprotein in vivo

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    While low apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) levels are primarily associated with increased high density lipoprotein (HDL) fractional catabolic rate (FCR), the factors that regulate the clearance of HDL from the plasma are unclear. In this study, the effect of lipid composition of reconstituted HDL particles (LpA-I) on their rate of clearance from rabbit plasma has been investigated. Sonicated LpA-I containing 1 to 2 molecules of purified human apoA-I and 5 to 120 molecules of palmitoyl-oleoyl phosphatidylcholine (POPC) exhibit similar charge and plasma FCR to that for lipid free apoA-I, 2.8 pools/day. Inclusion of 1 molecule of apoA-II to an LpA-I complex increases the FCR to 3.5 pools/day, a value similar to that observed for exchanged-labeled HDL3. In contrast, addition of 40 molecules of triglyceride, diglyceride, or cholesteryl ester to a sonicated LpA-I containing 120 moles of POPC and 2 molecules of apoA-I increases the negative charge of the particle and reduces the FCR to 1.8 pools/day. Discoidal LpA-I are the most positively charged lipoprotein particles and also have the fastest clearance rates, 4.5 pools/day. Immunochemical characterization of the different LpA-I particles shows that the exposure of an epitope at residues 98 to 121 of the apoA-I molecule is associated with an increased negative particle charge and a slower clearance from the plasma. We conclude that the charge and conformation of apoA-I are sensitive to the lipid composition of LpA-I and play a central role in regulating the clearance of these lipoproteins from plasma. conformation regulate the clearance of reconstituted high density lipoprotein in vivo

    Effects of ambient temperature, humidity, and other meteorological variables on hospital admissions for angina pectoris.

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    BACKGROUND: Seasonal peaks in cardiovascular disease incidence have been widely reported, suggesting weather has a role. DESIGN: The aim of our study was to determine the influence of climatic variables on angina pectoris hospital admissions. METHODS: We correlated the daily number of angina cases admitted to a western Sicilian hospital over a period of 12 years and local weather conditions (temperature, humidity, wind force and direction, precipitation, sunny hours and atmospheric pressure) on a day-to-day basis. A total of 2459 consecutive patients were admitted over the period 1987-1998 (1562 men, 867 women; M/F - 1:8). RESULTS: A seasonal variation was found with a noticeable winter peak. The results of Multivariate Poisson analysis showed a significant association between the daily number of angina hospital admission, temperature, and humidity. Significant incidence relative ratios (95% confidence intervals/measure unit) were, in males, 0.988 (0.980-0.996) (p = 0.004) for minimal temperature, 0.990 (0.984-0.996) (p = 0.001) for maximal humidity, and 1.002 (1.000-1.004) (p = 0.045) for minimal humidity. The corresponding values in females were 0.973 (0.951-0.995) (p < 0.017) for maximal temperature and 1.024 (1.001-1.048) (p = 0.037) for minimal temperature. CONCLUSIONS: Environmental temperature and humidity may play an important role in the pathogenesis of angina, although it seems different according to the gender. These data may help to understand the mechanisms that trigger ischemic events and to better organize hospital assistance throughout the year

    Removal and fate of pesticides in a farm constructed wetland for agricultural drainage water treatment under Mediterranean conditions (Italy)

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    A non-waterproofed surface flow constructed wetland (SFCW), treating agricultural drainage water in Northern Italy, was investigated to gain information on the potential ability for effective pesticide abatement. A mixture of insecticide imidacloprid, fungicide dimethomorph, and herbicide glyphosate was applied, by simulating a single rain event, into 470-m-long water course of the SFCW meanders. The pesticides were monitored in the wetland water and soil for about 2 months after treatment. Even though the distribution of pesticides in the wetland was not uniform, for each of them, a mean dissipation of 50% of the applied amount was already observed at ≤7 days. The dissipation trend in the water phase of the wetland fitted (r2 ≥ 0.8166) the first-order model with calculated DT50 of 20.6, 12.0, 5.8, and 36.7 days for imidacloprid, dimethomorph, glyphosate, and the glyphosate metabolite AMPA, respectively. The pesticide behavior was interpreted based on the chemical and physical characteristics of both the substances and the water-soil system. Despite the fast abatement of glyphosate, traces were detected in the water until the end of the trial. The formation of soluble 1:1 complex between glyphosate and calcium, the most representative cation in the wetland water, was highlighted by infrared analyses. Such a soluble complex was supposed to keep traces of the herbicide in solution