225 research outputs found

    Electoral Volatility, Political Sophistication, Trust and Efficacy

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    In this article we investigate voter volatility and analyze the causes and motives of switching vote intentions. We test two main sets of variables linked to volatility in literature; political sophistication and ‘political (dis)satisfaction’. Results show that voters with low levels of political efficacy tend to switch more often, both within a campaign and between elections. In the analysis we differentiate between campaign volatility and inter-election volatility and by doing so show that the dynamics of a campaign have a profound impact on volatility. The campaign period is when the lowly sophisticated switch their vote intention. Those with higher levels of interest in politics have switched their intention before the campaign has started. The data for this analysis are from the three wave PartiRep Belgian Election Study (2009)

    The association between histamine 2 receptor antagonist use and Clostridium difficile infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    Background Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) is a major health problem. Epidemiological evidence suggests that there is an association between acid suppression therapy and development of CDI. Purpose We sought to systematically review the literature that examined the association between histamine 2 receptor antagonists (H2RAs) and CDI. Data source We searched Medline, Current Contents, Embase, ISI Web of Science and Elsevier Scopus from 1990 to 2012 for all analytical studies that examined the association between H2RAs and CDI. Study selection Two authors independently reviewed the studies for eligibility. Data extraction Data about studies characteristics, adjusted effect estimates and quality were extracted. Data synthesis Thirty-five observations from 33 eligible studies that included 201834 participants were analyzed. Studies were performed in 6 countries and nine of them were multicenter. Most studies did not specify the type or duration of H2RAs therapy. The pooled effect estimate was 1.44, 95% CI (1.22–1.7), I2 = 70.5%. This association was consistent across different subgroups (by study design and country) and there was no evidence of publication bias. The pooled effect estimate for high quality studies was 1.39 (1.15–1.68), I2 = 72.3%. Meta-regression analysis of 10 study-level variables did not identify sources of heterogeneity. In a speculative analysis, the number needed to harm (NNH) with H2RAs at 14 days after hospital admission in patients receiving antibiotics or not was 58, 95% CI (37, 115) and 425, 95% CI (267, 848), respectively. For the general population, the NNH at 1 year was 4549, 95% CI (2860, 9097). Conclusion In this rigorous systematic review and meta-analysis, we observed an association between H2RAs and CDI. The absolute risk of CDI associated with H2RAs is highest in hospitalized patients receiving antibiotics

    The structure of SgrAI bound to DNA; recognition of an 8 base pair target

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    The three-dimensional X-ray crystal structure of the ‘rare cutting’ type II restriction endonuclease SgrAI bound to cognate DNA is presented. SgrAI forms a dimer bound to one duplex of DNA. Two Ca2+ bind in the enzyme active site, with one ion at the interface between the protein and DNA, and the second bound distal from the DNA. These sites are differentially occupied by Mn2+, with strong binding at the protein–DNA interface, but only partial occupancy of the distal site. The DNA remains uncleaved in the structures from crystals grown in the presence of either divalent cation. The structure of the dimer of SgrAI is similar to those of Cfr10I, Bse634I and NgoMIV, however no tetrameric structure of SgrAI is observed. DNA contacts to the central CCGG base pairs of the SgrAI canonical target sequence (CR|CCGGYG, | marks the site of cleavage) are found to be very similar to those in the NgoMIV/DNA structure (target sequence G|CCGGC). Specificity at the degenerate YR base pairs of the SgrAI sequence may occur via indirect readout using DNA distortion. Recognition of the outer GC base pairs occurs through a single contact to the G from an arginine side chain located in a region unique to SgrAI

    Factors associated with timeliness of post-primary care referral, diagnosis and treatment for lung cancer: population-based, data-linkage study

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    BACKGROUND: The NHS Cancer Plan for England set waiting time targets for cancer referral (14 days from GP referral to first hospital appointment) and treatment (31 days from diagnosis, 62 days from urgent GP referral). Interim diagnostic intervals can also be calculated. The factors that influence timely post-primary care referral, diagnosis and treatment for lung cancer are not known. METHODS: Northern and Yorkshire Cancer Registry, Hospital Episode Statistics and lung cancer audit data sets were linked. Logistic regression was used to investigate the factors (socioeconomic position, age, sex, histology, co-morbidity, year of diagnosis, stage and performance status (PS)) that may influence the likelihood of referral, diagnosis and treatment within target, for 28 733 lung cancer patients diagnosed in 2006–2010. RESULTS: Late-stage, poor PS and small-cell histology were associated with a higher likelihood of post-primary care referral, diagnosis and treatment within target. Older patients were significantly less likely to receive treatment within the 31-day (odds ratio (OR)=0.79, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.69–0.91) and 62-day target (OR=0.80, 95% CI 0.67–0.95) compared with younger patients. CONCLUSIONS: Older patients waited longer for treatment and this may be unjustified. Patients who appeared ill were referred, diagnosed and treated more quickly and this ‘sicker quicker’ effect may cancel out system socioeconomic inequalities that might result in longer time intervals for more deprived patients

    Obesity management and continuing medical education in primary care: results of a Swiss survey

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The worldwide increase in obesity is becoming a major health concern. General practitioners (GPs) play a central role in managing obesity. We aimed to examine Swiss GPs self-reported practice in diagnosis and treatment of obesity with a special focus on the performance of waist measurement.. METHODS: A structured self-reported questionnaire was mailed to 323 GPs recruited from four urban physician networks in Switzerland. Measures included professional experience, type of practice, obesity-related continuing medical education (CME) and practice in dealing with obesity such as waist measurement. We assessed the association between the performance of waist measurement and obesity-related CME by multivariate ordered logistic regression controlling for GP characteristics as potential confounders. RESULTS: A total of 187 GPs responded to the questionnaire. More than half of the GPs felt confident in managing obesity. The majority of the GPs (73%) spent less than 4 days in the last 5 years on obesity-related CME. More than half of GPs gave advice to reduce energy intakes (64%), intakes of high caloric and alcoholic drinks (56%) and to increase the physical activity (78%). Half of the GPs seldom performed waist measurement and documentation. The frequency of obesity-related CME was independently associated with the performance of waist measurement when controlled for GPs' characteristics by multivariate ordered logistic regression. CONCLUSIONS: The majority of GPs followed guideline recommendations promoting physical activity and dietary counselling. We observed a gap between the increasing evidence for waist circumference assessment as an important measure in obesity management and actual clinical practice. Our data indicated that specific obesity-related CME might help to reduce this gap

    Caspase Dependent Programmed Cell Death in Developing Embryos: A Potential Target for Therapeutic Intervention against Pathogenic Nematodes

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    Pathogenic nematodes currently infect billions of people around the world and pose serious challenges to the economic welfare and public health in most developing countries. At present, limitations of existing therapies warrant identification of new anti-parasitic drugs/drug targets to effectively treat and control neglected tropical diseases [NTD] caused by nematode pathogens. The current gold standard for measuring/screening drug effectiveness against most helminth parasites is in-vitro assessment of motility of parasites/larvae and larval development assays which fails to provide any conclusive idea about the precise mechanism of death of parasitic worms or their larval stages. Given the huge load of parasites or their larval stages in an infected host, a compound which shows promise in in-vitro/motility screening assays but induces necrotic death in parasites/larvae will be of limited use, as it may elicit severe inflammatory response in infected hosts. In this context, the present study, which demonstrates induction of apoptotic death in developing embryos of a pathogenic nematode as a potential drug target for the first time, and provides scope for high throughput screening of pharmacological agents for their apoptogenicity against nematode embryos, is a step forward to develop novel anti-parasitic measures to challenge NTD caused by nematode pathogens

    Patient's needs and preferences in routine follow-up after treatment for breast cancer

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    The purpose of the study was to analyse the needs of women who participated in a routine follow-up programme after treatment for primary breast cancer. A cross-sectional survey was conducted using a postal questionnaire among women without any sign of relapse during the routine follow-up period. The questionnaire was sent 2-4 years after primary surgical treatment. Most important to patients was information on long-term effects of treatment and prognosis, discussion of prevention of breast cancer and hereditary factors and changes in the untreated breast. Patients preferred additional investigations (such as X-ray and blood tests) to be part of routine follow-up visits. Less satisfaction with interpersonal aspects and higher scores on the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) scale were related to stronger preferences for additional investigation. Receiving adjuvant hormonal or radiotherapy was related to a preference for a more intensive follow-up schedule. There were no significant differences between patients treated with mastectomy compared to treated with breast-conserving therapy. During routine follow-up after a diagnosis of breast cancer, not all patients needed all types of information. When introducing alternative follow-up schedules, individual patients' information needs and preferences should be identified early and incorporated into the follow-up routine care, to target resources and maximise the likelihood that positive patient outcomes will result

    Generation of Variants in Listeria monocytogenes Continuous-Flow Biofilms Is Dependent on Radical-Induced DNA Damage and RecA-Mediated Repair

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    The food-borne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes is a Gram-positive microaerophilic facultative anaerobic rod and the causative agent of the devastating disease listeriosis. L. monocytogenes is able to form biofilms in the food processing environment. Since biofilms are generally hard to eradicate, they can function as a source for food contamination. In several occasions biofilms have been identified as a source for genetic variability, which potentially can result in adaptation of strains to food processing or clinical conditions. However, nothing is known about mutagenesis in L. monocytogenes biofilms and the possible mechanisms involved. In this study, we showed that the generation of genetic variants was specifically induced in continuous-flow biofilms of L. monocytogenes, but not in static biofilms. Using specific dyes and radical inhibitors, we showed that the formation of superoxide and hydroxyl radicals was induced in continuous-flow biofilms, which was accompanied with in an increase in DNA damage. Promoter reporter studies showed that recA, which is an important component in DNA repair and the activator of the SOS response, is activated in continuous-flow biofilms and that activation was dependent on radical-induced DNA damage. Furthermore, continuous-flow biofilm experiments using an in-frame recA deletion mutant verified that RecA is required for induced generation of genetic variants. Therefore, we can conclude that generation of genetic variants in L. monocytogenes continuous-flow biofilms results from radical-induced DNA damage and RecA-mediated mutagenic repair of the damaged DNA

    AV-65, a novel Wnt/β-catenin signal inhibitor, successfully suppresses progression of multiple myeloma in a mouse model

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) is a malignant neoplasm of plasma cells. Although new molecular targeting agents against MM have been developed based on the better understanding of the underlying pathogenesis, MM still remains an incurable disease. We previously demonstrated that β-catenin, a downstream effector in the Wnt pathway, is a potential target in MM using RNA interference in an in vivo experimental mouse model. In this study, we have screened a library of more than 100 000 small-molecule chemical compounds for novel Wnt/β-catenin signaling inhibitors using a high-throughput transcriptional screening technology. We identified AV-65, which diminished β-catenin protein levels and T-cell factor transcriptional activity. AV-65 then decreased c-myc, cyclin D1 and survivin expression, resulting in the inhibition of MM cell proliferation through the apoptotic pathway. AV-65 treatment prolonged the survival of MM-bearing mice. These findings indicate that this compound represents a novel and attractive therapeutic agent against MM. This study also illustrates the potential of high-throughput transcriptional screening to identify candidates for anticancer drug discovery

    Biochemical Properties of a Novel Cysteine Protease of Plasmodium vivax, Vivapain-4

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    Plasmodium vivax affects hundreds of millions each year and results in severe morbidity and mortality. Plasmodial cysteine proteases (CPs) play crucial roles during the progression of malaria since inhibition of these molecules impairs parasite growth. These CPs might be targeted for new antimalarial drugs. We characterized a novel P. vivax CP, vivapain-4 (VX-4), which appeared to evolve differentially among primate Plasmodium species. VX-4 showed highly unique substrate preference depending on surrounding micro-environmental pH. It effectively hydrolyzed benzyloxycarbonyl-Leu-Arg-4-methyl-coumaryl-7-amide (Z-Leu-Arg-MCA) and Z-Phe-Arg-MCA at acidic pH and Z-Arg-Arg-MCA at neutral pH. Three amino acids (Ala90, Gly157 and Glu180) that delineate the S2 pocket were found to be substituted in VX-4. Alteration of Glu180 abolished hydrolytic activity against Z-Arg-Arg-MCA at neutral pH, indicating Glu180 is intimately involved in the pH-dependent substrate preference. VX-4 hydrolyzed actin at neutral pH and hemoglobin at acidic pH, and participated in plasmepsin 4 activation at neutral/acidic pH. VX-4 was localized in the food vacuoles and cytoplasm of the erythrocytic stage of P. vivax. The differential substrate preferences depending on pH suggested a highly efficient mechanism to enlarge biological implications of VX-4, including hemoglobin degradation, maturation of plasmepsin, and remodeling of the parasite architecture during growth and development of P. vivax