146 research outputs found

    Learning Conditions in the Context of R&D and Development Projects: Empirical Evidence from a Research Centre

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    Today's changing environment is bringing about a major transformation of the way organizations operate. Most of the discussion about such evolving environment focuses on the necessity for organizations to continuously renew their stock of knowledge and competencies. This renewal takes place through a learning process by which knowledge is acquired and transferred throughout the organization. In practice, some authors have proposed that development projects can act as catalysts on the way firms learn and accrue know-how. While these projects lead to new products, they also allow for a transformation of the organization in which they take place. This study builds on previous research and proposes an empirical exploration of how, in practice, project management can support organizational learning through development projects. Data used for this research contains information on 139 R&D projects undertaken in a large corporation located in Quebec. L'environnement actuel impose une importante transformation des organisations. Ces changements sont principalement guidés par la nécessité d'accroître le niveau de compétences et de savoir-faire, tant au niveau individuel qu'au niveau collectif. Ce renouvellement constant du potentiel organisationnel s'opère par la voie d'un processus d'apprentissage qui touche tous les niveaux de l'organisation. En pratique, cet apprentissage est facilité par la réalisation de projets de développement. Ce type de projets, selon plusieurs auteurs, agit comme catalyseur et permet d'accroître plus rapidement la capacité des firmes d'apprendre. Par le fait même, ces projets induisent des changements importants dans les façons de faire des organisations. La présente recherche s'inscrit dans ce courant actuel qui vise à mieux comprendre le processus d'apprentissage organisationnel par la voie de réalisation de projets de développement (produits/procédés). Cette étude exploratoire s'appuie sur des données portant sur 139 projets réalisés dans une organisation québécoise dédiée à la R&D et au développement de produits.Organizational learning, project management, product development, research and development, Apprentissage organisationnel, gestion de projets, développement de produits, recherche et développement

    Industrie aérospatiale nord-américaine et performance des sous-traitants : Écarts entre le Canada et les États-Unis

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    The aerospace industry is most challenging for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) which are involved as subcontractors. New conditions such as globalization and technology-led competition bring about major changes in terms of which capabilities are required to sustain corporate growth. This paper offers an overview of a survey conducted in North America where 273 SMEs from Canada and the United States were evaluated and compared. Results indicate significant differences between the two countries, and particularly for the medium-sized firms. Canadian subcontractors tend to0501ntain a traditional profile whereas their American counterparts are clearly more proactive, both from a technological and organizational perspective. In view of the Canadian major firms' success on international markets, these results raise questions about the capacity of the Canadian supplier base to participate in building and reinforcing this success. L'industrie aérospatiale présente des défis importants pour les petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) impliquées à titre de sous-traitants. La prédominance des facteurs technologiques et de la concurrence internationale impose le développement d'une gamme élargie de compétences. Cet article présente les résultats d'une recherche empirique visant à identifier ces compétences. Les données sont tirées d'une enquête réalisée auprès de 273 PME localisées sur le territoire nord-américain (Canada et États-Unis), et impliquées dans ce secteur. Les résultats montrent des écarts importants entre les firmes des deux pays, plus particulièrement du côté des firmes de taille moyenne. Les PME canadiennes s'écartent peu du profil de sous-traitant traditionnel, alors que les firmes américaines affichent un comportement nettement plus proactif, autant sur le plan organisationnel que technologique. Étant donné le succès récent de plusieurs donneurs d'ordres canadiens sur les marchés étrangers, les résultats de cette étude soulèvent de nombreuses interrogations sur la capacité des firmes sous-traitantes à contribuer à ce succès.Subcontracting, aerospace industry, SMEs, competencies, performance, industrial clusters, Sous-traitance, industrie aérospatiale, PME, compétences, performance, grappe industrielle

    Innovative Efforts as Determinants of Export Performance: The Case of Specialized Suppliers

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    This paper presents empirical evidence on the relationship between innovative efforts and performance on international markets for the specific case of small firms acting as specialized suppliers . In addition to tangible efforts such as R&D expenditures, intangible efforts are also considered. Results clearly identify specific innovative efforts as determinants of export performance. Moreover, the study results suggest a particular innovative profile for global specialized suppliers, especially as it relates to R&D collaborative agreements and information scanning sources used in the product development process. Les résultats présentés dans cette étude portent sur le lien entre efforts innovateurs et performance sur les marchés internationaux, dans le cas particulier des petites firmes appelées fournisseurs spécialisés . Outre les efforts de nature tangible telles les dépenses en R-D, les efforts de nature intangible sont également considérés. Les résultats permettent d'identifier clairement un certain nombre d'efforts comme déterminants de la performance à l'exportation. L'analyse révèle par ailleurs un profil innovateur propre aux fournisseurs spécialisés mondiaux , notamment en ce qui a trait aux accords de collaboration en R-D et les sources d'information utilisées dans le processus de développement de produits.Innovation; Performance; International markets; Specialized suppliers; R&D, Innovation ; Performance ; Marchés internationaux ; Fournisseurs spécialisés ; R-D

    Critical Capabilities and Performance of the Small Subcontracting Firms in the Aerospace Industry

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    Although they are often considered to be more flexible and adaptable than their larger counterparts, small and medium-sized firms now evolve in a rather uncertain environment which may, more than ever, impede their capacity to compete internationally. In this context, and in order for those firms to continuously improve themselves, it is believed that they need to acquire and develop particular capabilities. The objective of this paper is therefore to identify some of the critical capabilities that characterize successful SMEs in industries where significant added value is created. The results presented are drawn from a large research project carried out among manufacturing subcontractors in the aerospace industry in Canada. Bien que les petites et moyennes entreprises soient souvent reconnues pour leur flexibilité et leur plus grande capacité d'adaptation par rapport aux plus grandes, elles n'en demeurent pas moins soumises plus que jamais à un contexte économique incertain qui risque de gêner leurs efforts d'expansion sur les marchés internationaux. Dans ce contexte, et dans le but d'améliorer leur situation, il est suggéré que ces firmes doivent acquérir et développer des compétences particulières. L'objectif de cet article est d'identifier certaines de ces compétences critiques qui caractérisent les PME à succès dans une industrie à haute valeur ajoutée. Les résultats présentés sont tirés d'une vaste recherche sur les sous-traitants de l'industrie aérospatiale/aéronautique canadienne.SME ; International markets ; Capabilities ; Aerospace industry, PME ; Marchés internationaux ; Compétences ; Industrie aérospatiale ; Industrie aéronautique

    Defining Building Information Modeling implementation activities based on capability maturity evaluation: a theoretical model

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    Building Information Modeling (BIM) has become a widely accepted tool to overcome the many hurdles that currently face the Architecture, Engineering and Construction industries. However, implementing such a system is always complex and the recent introduction of BIM does not allow organizations to build their experience on acknowledged standards and procedures. Moreover, data on implementation projects is still disseminated and fragmentary. The objective of this study is to develop an assistance model for BIM implementation. Solutions that are proposed will help develop BIM that is better integrated and better used, and take into account the different maturity levels of each organization. Indeed, based on Critical Success Factors, concrete activities that help in implementation are identified and can be undertaken according to the previous maturity evaluation of an organization. The result of this research consists of a structured model linking maturity, success factors and actions, which operates on the following principle: once an organization has assessed its BIM maturity, it can identify various weaknesses and find relevant answers in the success factors and the associated actions

    Building Information Modeling Implementation through Maturity Evaluation and Critical Success Factors Management

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    AbstractBuilding Information Modeling has become a widely accepted tool used to overcome the many hurdles that currently face the Architecture, Engineering and Construction industries. However, implementing such a system is always complex, and the recent introduction of BIM does not allow organizations to build their experience on acknowledged standards and procedures. Moreover, data on implementation projects is still disseminated and fragmentary. The objective of this study is to develop an assistance model for BIM implementation. Solutions to evolve towards a better integrated and better used BIM are proposed, taking into account the different maturity levels of each organization. Indeed, based on the widely recognized Critical Success Factors, concrete activities helping implementation are identified and can be undertaken according to a previous maturity evaluation of an organization

    Analyse des rapports entre donneurs d'ordres et sous-traitants de l'industrie aérospatiale nord-américaine

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    Interorganizational relationships have greatly evolved during the last decade. Alliances, partnerships and networks have become most common for designating the way firms create new structures and organizational arrangements. Such a trend can be explained by various factors but the increasing technology-led competition and the associated financial pressure remain among the strongest incentives for firms to enter into more cooperative relationships. Subcontracting is also departing from its traditional form where manufacturer-supplier relationships were often antagonistic in nature. This study examines those changes in the specific context of the Aerospace Industry. More particularly, it assesses the role played by various factors characterizing the relationship on the competencies which subcontractors must have in order to succeed in this industry. The study is based on a survey performed with nearly 300 firms physically located in North America and operating as subcontractors. Les rapports interfirmes ont grandement évolué depuis deux décennies; on parle aujourd'hui couramment d'alliances, de partenariats et d'entreprise-réseau. Cette transformation graduelle tire ses origines de différents phénomènes, notamment d'une concurrence fortement axée sur l'innovation technologique. Les contraintes économiques qui y sont associées forcent de plus en plus d'entreprises à établir diverses formes de collaboration, remettant souvent en cause l'imperméabilité traditionnelle des frontières de la firme. Les relations de sous-traitance s'inscrivent également dans ce mouvement de transformation. La présente étude en propose une analyse dans le contexte particulier de l'industrie aérospatiale. De façon plus spécifique, l'objectif visé est de pouvoir identifier le rôle que jouent certains aspects de la relation entre les parties sur les compétences caractérisant les sous-traitants les plus performants. Cette étude repose sur une enquête réalisée auprès de firmes sous-traitantes de l'industrie aérospatiale et localisées en Amérique du Nord. Les résultats de l'enquête sont tirés d'un échantillon final de près de 300 entreprises.Interfirm relationships, subcontracting, competencies, aerospace industry, Relations interfirmes, sous-traitance, compétences, industrie aérospatiale

    Performance à l'exportation et innovation technologique dans les PME manufacturières indépendantes

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    Small and medium enterprises have strengthened their importance during the last decades in most industrialized countries, including the United States, Germany, Japan and Canada. The province of Quebec makes no exception as firms of less than 200 employees generate a substantial portion of its economic activity. Of those firms, many are present on export markets and thus are facing fierce competition. This requires from SMEs the ability and willingness to engage in various innovative efforts in order to sustain their competitive edge and long-term growth. The purpose of the paper is to study the relationship between SMEs' innovative efforts and their performance on international markets. Results clearly identify four clusters of firms on the basis of volume of exports and destination. One group, identified as global firms, clearly stands out above all. In fact, global firms consistently0501ntain a higher level of both tangible and intangible innovative efforts. This study confirms a clear relationship between efforts and exporting capabilities. Depuis plusieurs années, l'intensification du rôle des petites et moyennes entreprises se fait sentir dans la plupart des pays industrialisés, y compris les États-Unis, l'Allemagne, le Japon et le Canada. La situation du Québec n'est pas différente ; on y enregistre en effet une forte activité économique chez les firmes de moins de 200 employés, parmi lesquelles plusieurs sont présentes sur les marchés internationaux. Or, ces dernières doivent faire face, comme les grandes firmes, à un environnement fortement concurrentiel hautement dominé par les compétences technologiques. Cette concurence exige des PME qu'elles0501ntiennent un important niveau d'efforts innovateurs afin de pouvoir assurer leur croissance. L'objectif de l'étude est d'analyser les efforts innovateurs de certaines PME manufacturières québécoises selon leur performance à l'exportation. L'analyse révèle l'existence de quatre groupes qui se différencient par le volume et la destination des exportations. L'étude du dernier groupe, distinct des trois autres à plusieurs égards, permet entre autres de dresser le profil des PME les plus actives sur les marchés internationaux. Il appert que ces entreprises0501ntiennent un niveau d'effort technologique élevé dans l'ensemble des activités innovatrices, qu'elles soient de nature tangible ou intangible. Les résultats permettent ainsi de confirmer le lien entre efforts innovateurs et capacité d'exporter.SME ; Performance ; Competitiveness ; Innovation ; International markets ; Technology, PME ; Performance ; Concurrence ; Innovation ; Marchés internationaux ; Technologie

    What Do We Know About Collaborative Maturity? : A Review of the Literature and Research Track

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    Working in collaborative and dispersed (C&D) settings is now common for project teams, especially for those active in multinational companies or in international contexts. The concept of "collaborative maturity" has recently been proposed by various authors in order to identify and measure the competence of a firm working in C&D mode. Many models of collaborative maturity have been proposed, reflecting the increasing importance of this area of research. However, the existing literature is spread among multiple journals in various fields of research. For a better understanding of collaborative maturity and how it is measured, a thorough literature review is conducted and an extension of existing research is proposed. This will serve as the theoretical background for future empirical research. The results should be useful for project managers and academicians with an interest in C&D projects

    Exploring the Influence of Price and Convenience on Perceived Usefulness of On-line Banking within the TAM Framework: A Cross National (Canada and Spain) Decision Model

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    Nowadays, the Internet is a powerful mean to complement the traditional marketing channels used by banks. Based on the Technology Acceptance Model, this paper explores the importance of two external latent variables—‘Price’ and ‘Convenience’ —as antecedents of ‘Perceived Usefulness’ and consumer acceptance of on-line banking in a Canadian and Spanish environment; the results highlight the predictive power and accuracy of the model cross-nationally. In fact, the findings were quite similar in the Canadian and Spanish samples, and stress that ‘Perceived Usefulness’ and ‘Attitude’ are the key drivers of the consumers’ on-line banking acceptance. Conclusions and recommendations for future research are also provided
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