2,351 research outputs found

    Towards a Reproducible Pan-European Soil Erosion Risk Assessment - RUSLE

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    Soil is a valuable, non-renewable natural resource that offers a multitude of ecosystems goods and services. Given the increasing threat of soil erosion in Europe and the implications this has on future food security and water quality, it is important that land managers and decision makers are provided with accurate and appropriate information on the areas more prone to erosion phenomena. The present study shows an attempt to locate, at regional scale, the most sensitive areas and to highlight any changes of soil erosion trends with climate change. The choice of the input datasets is crucial as they have to offer the most homogeneous and complete covering at the pan-European level and to allow the produced information to be harmonized and easily validated. The model is based on available datasets (HWSD, SGDBE, SRTM, CLC and E-OBS) and The Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) is used because of its flexibility and least data demanding. A significant effort has been made to select the better simplified equations to be used when a strict application of the RUSLE model was not possible. In particular for the computation of the Rainfall Erosivity factor a validation based on measured precipitation time series (having a temporal resolution of 10-15 minutes) has been implemented to be easily reproducible. The validation computational framework is available as free software. Designing the computational modeling architecture with the aim to ease as much as possible the future reuse of the model in analyzing climate change scenarios has also been a challenging goal of the research

    The Role of Autophagy and Apoptosis During Embryo Development

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    Programmed cell death (PCD) and cell survival are two sides of the same coin. Autophagy and apoptosis are crucial processes during embryo development of Invertebrates and Vertebrates organisms, as they are necessary for the formation of a new organism, starting from a fertilized egg. Fertilization triggers cell remodeling from each gamete to a totipotent zygote. During embryogenesis, the cells undergo various processes, thus allowing the transformation of the embryo into an adult organism. In particular, cells require the appropriate tools to suddenly modify their morphology and protein content in order to respond to intrinsic and external stimuli. Autophagy and apoptosis are involved in cell proliferation, differentiation and morphogenesis. Programmed cell death is a key physiological mechanism that ensures the correct development and the maintenance of tissues and organs homeostasis in multicellular organisms. PCD has been classified into three types, according to the morphology that the dying cells acquire and the molecular machinery involved: PCD type I or apoptosis; PCD type II or autophagy and PCD type III or necrosis (not involved in physiological development). These different types of cell death have specific features that can be used to be identified and characterized. Apoptosis is a highly conserved, genetically-controlled process through which certain cells destroy themselves. Autophagy is an evolutionarily conserved pathway used by eukaryotes for degrading and recycling various cellular constituents, such as long-lived proteins and entire organelles, that was mainly detected in those tissues where abundant cell death is required. Both autophagy and apoptosis are induced under stress conditions as an adaptive response against stress. Usually, environmental stress cause severe effects on embryonic development. Embryos of different species, exposed to different types of physical or chemical stress, temporarily suspend their development and activate several protective strategies, including PCD II and PCD III. Research has yet to elucidate the interplay between these key processes. Not all types of PCD are always detected in association with a developmental process. Unlike the degeneration of tissues of some invertebrates, the tissues of vertebrates undergo PCD preferentially through an apoptotic mechanisms. In this chapter, we will briefly describe some specific features of apoptotic and autophagic processes. We will focus our attention in some useful model systems of invertebrates and vertebrates organisms, where autophagy and apoptosis occur both in physiological and stress conditions; specifically, we will analyze embryos of: the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, the insect Drosophila melanogaster, the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus, the fish Danio Rerio, the mouse mammalian model, and finally we will consider the differentiation of the male and female embryonic germlines in humans

    Environmental Regeneration Integrating Soft Mobility and Green Street Networks: A Case Study in the Metropolitan Periphery of Naples

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    Public space and street networks form a significant and central determinant of urban quality. The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic has focused their crucial importance in the reorganisation of places that are “safe” because they allow movement through cities with minimal risk of contagion. While addressing the need for social distancing, open-air exercise, and mobility without the use of public transport, these measures resulted in other environmental and social benefits. Living with the coronavirus pandemic has produced a series of adaptative actions, such as barring or limiting automobile traffic, thereby expanding street space for pedestrians and bicyclists, whose impact is, as yet, difficult to fathom because of their contingent, temporary nature. In this context, this case study proposes a sustainable bicycle network to inform the future, permanent street redesign. Based on topographic, morphologic, and climatic data, it evaluates a series of contiguous road sections, defining redesign capacities and critical conditions to implement sustainable interventions to manage urban runoff, mitigate of extreme heat events, expand pedestrian paths and provide a bicycle network. This holistic approach to sustainable urban design evaluation, supported by reproducible data and parameters, serves as a replicable model for the sustainable redesign of roads in other urban settings. The extent, integration, and complexity of the study engaged an interdisciplinary framework, facilitating detailed planning and design and quantified assessments of the environmental outcomes

    Autophagy as a defense strategy against stress: focus on Paracentrotus lividus sea urchin embryos exposed to cadmium

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    Autophagy is used by organisms as a defense strategy to face environmental stress. This mechanism has been described as one of the most important intracellular pathways responsible for the degradation and recycling of proteins and organelles. It can act as a cell survival mechanism if the cellular damage is not too extensive or as a cell death mechanism if the damage/stress is irreversible; in the latter case, it can operate as an independent pathway or together with the apoptotic one. In this review, we discuss the autophagic process activated in several aquatic organisms exposed to different types of environmental stressors, focusing on the sea urchin embryo, a suitable system recently included into the guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays to monitor autophagy. After cadmium (Cd) exposure, a heavy metal recognized as an environmental toxicant, the sea urchin embryo is able to adopt different defense mechanisms, in a hierarchical way. Among these, autophagy is one of the main responses activated to preserve the developmental program. Finally, we discuss the interplay between autophagy and apoptosis in the sea urchin embryo, a temporal and functional choice that depends on the intensity of stress conditions

    Native immunity and oxidative traits of growing rabbits

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    [EN] The evaluation of animal welfare through innate immunity (Serum Bactericidal Activity - SBA, Hemolytic Complement Assay - HCA, lysozyme) and the antioxidant status of the body (Reactive Oxygen Substances - ROS and Antioxidant Power of plasma, AP) offers a reliable prognostic and diagnostic tool. The aim of the present study was to investigate trends and correlations between some traits of innate immunity and the oxidative status of fattening rabbits at different ages. Blood samples from 120 New Zealand White fattening rabbits at 45, 55, 65, and 75 d of age were collected and analyzed. The results showed that SBA did not have a normal distribution because of numerous 0 values. Data distribution was normal when only SBA > 0 values were considered. Lysozyme (mean value 27.19 microg/mL) and HCA (mean value 50.84 CH50% ) had stable trends at different ages and showed a tendency that was comparable to that obtained in other animal species. On the contrary, SBA (mean value 42.15%) showed an unexpected positive correlation with lysozyme (P<0.001) and a negative correlation with HCA (P<0.001). Oxygen free-radicals are involved in the pathogenesis of several diseases and oxidative stress alters immune competence. In this experiment, ROS and AP showed mean values of 0.60 mmol H2 O2 and 421.67 micromol HClO, respectively. In this context positive correlation coefficients between oxidative status traits and immune traits (P<0.001) were found, although at a very low level; and surprisingly, only ROS and SBA did not show any significant correlation. In this study it emerged that, even in the absence of evident pathologies, the immune and oxidative traits of fattening rabbits could be affected by environmental stress (weaning, cage, neighbors)Funded by Ricerca Corrente 2006 Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Umbria e MarcheMoscati, L.; Dal Bosco, A.; Battistacci, L.; Cardinali, R.; Mugnai, C.; Castellini, C. (2008). Native immunity and oxidative traits of growing rabbits. World Rabbit Science. 16(4). doi:10.4995/wrs.2008.616SWORD16

    A para-religious setting for financial exploitation of the mentally incapacitated: when the habit doesn’t make a monk

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    Exploitation and circumvention of the mentally incapacitated is a criminal offence listed in the Italian penal code (Penal Code Art. 643). It involves the exploitation and circumvention of people who are fragile and vulnerable owing to their health conditions and/or mental status, and fits into the grey area between such subjects’ freedom to make decisions about their physical conditions and economic assets, and the abuse of their trust perpetrated by third parties for personal gain. The authors describe a case of financial exploitation and circumvention of a married couple that is remarkable in view of both the huge sums extorted from the victims and the duration of the peculiar illicit activities (that lasted more than 10 years). These were perpetrated by a charismatic figure leading a “para-religious” group. He claimed to be a prophet, but his private life was highly questionable. The method of ascertainment used to verify the victims’ mentally incapacitated state is described, analyzed and commented; the diagnosis could not be deferred in view of the characteristics of the prolonged penal offences committe

    Dbl oncogene expression in MCF-10 A epithelial cells disrupts mammary acinar architecture, induces EMT and angiogenic factor secretion.

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    The proteins of the Dbl family are guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) of Rho GTPases and are known to be involved in cell growth regulation. Alterations of the normal function of these proteins lead to pathological processes such as developmental disorders, neoplastic transformation, and tumor metastasis. We have previously demonstrated that expression of Dbl oncogene in lens epithelial cells modulates genes encoding proteins involved in epithelial-mesenchymal-transition (EMT) and induces angiogenesis in the lens. Our present study was undertaken to investigate the role of Dbl oncogene in epithelial cells transformation, providing new insights into carcinoma progression. To assess how Dbl oncogene can modulate EMT, cell migration, morphogenesis, and expression of pro-apoptotic and angiogenic factors we utilized bi- and three-dimensional cultures of MCF-10░A cells. We show that upon Dbl expression MCF-10░A cells undergo EMT. In addition, we found that Dbl overexpression sustain


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    Several lines of evidence showed that apoptosis rate of cumulus cells in oocytes derived by assisted reproductive technologies could be used as an indicator of fertilizing gamete quality. Aim of the study was to investigate the effects of three different ovarian stimulation protocols on the biological and clinical outcome in hyporesponder patients. Collected data showed a higher significant rate of DNA fragmentation index (DFI) in U group (patients treated with Highly Purified human Menopausal Gonadotrophin) than in P group (treated with recombinant human Follicle Stimulating Hormone (r-hFSH) combined with recombinant human Luteinizing Hormone (r-hLH)). Both groups R (treated with r-hFSH alone) and P showed a significant increase in collected and fertilized oocytes number, embryo quality number. This study showed that combined r-hFSH/r-hLH therapy could represent the best pharmacological strategy for controlled ovarian stimulation and suggests to use DFI as a biomarker of ovarian function in hyporesponder patients

    Agrochemical contamination of honey and bee bread collected in the piedmont region, Italy

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    This study shows the results of a local biomonitoring plan developed by a regional beekeeping association, Aspromiele, in several areas of Piedmont (Italy), in order to understand the status of contamination from pesticides present in the environment and eventually to evaluate their impact on apiculture. Glyphosate was the most abundant chemical found in the bee bread and honey samples. The other pesticides detected at lower concentrations and minor frequency were mandipropamid, tau-fluvalinate, metalaxil and spiroxamine. Even if in the present study the pesticides found in the bee bread and honey were limited to a few molecules, it is important to highlight that the presence of glyphosate could represent a hazard to bees. Honeybees are the main pollinators in agricultural ecosystems, and thus appropriate environmental management could lead to a reduction in the impact of these chemicals on bees and other beneficial insects

    The nature and extent of trace element contamination associated with fly-ash disposal sites in the Chisman Creek Watershed

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    This study was conducted by the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) and the Virginia Associated Research Campus (VARC), both branches of the College of William and Mary, to document the nature, extent, and severity of environmental contamination by trace elements from the landfill disposal of fly-ash within the Chisman Creek watershed. Previous work in the area demonstrated that some metals were apparently mobile in the groundwater, and that two nearby household wells were contaminated (Va. SWCB, 1981). These short term studies were limited to the testing of only a few selected contaminants in wells near the fly-ash pits. The goal of our study was to provide a more comprehensive sampling of the basin to delineate the geographical extent of trace element contamination, and to assess whether the levels found there pose a hazard to man or to the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem. An important aspect of the program is the use of an analytical technique which provides simultaneous measurement of a large number of elements, thereby obviating the need to speculate which elements would be found before the field work was begun. Proton Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) is such a technique and provided data on 70 elements from each sample collected during this study