219 research outputs found

    Doctors should not declare anyone fit to be held in immigration detention centres

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    A campaign by Italian doctors aims to raise awareness of the harmful conditions and health risks associated with immigration detention. The campaigners explain why in this open lette

    Novel therapeutic approach: organic arsenical (melarsoprol) alone or with all-trans -retinoic acid markedly inhibit growth of human breast and prostate cancer cells in vitro and in vivo

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    The organic arsenical known as melarsoprol (Mel-B) is used to treat African trypanosomiasis. Recently, another arsenical, As2O3was shown to be effective in treatment of acute promyelocytic leukaemia. We have investigated the anti-tumour activities of Mel-B either with or without all-trans -retinoic acid (ATRA) using the MCF-7 human breast cancer cells, as well as the PC-3 and DU 145 human prostate cancer cells both in vitro and in vivo. The antiproliferative effects of Mel-B and/or ATRA against breast and prostate cancer were tested in vitro using clonogenic assays and in vivo in triple immunodeficient mice. Furthermore, the mechanism of action of these compounds was studied by examining the cell cycle, levels of bcl-2, apoptosis and antiproliferative potency using a pulse-exposure assay. Clonogenic assays showed that the cancer cell lines were sensitive to the inhibitory effect of Mel-B (effective dose that inhibited 50% clonal growth [ED50]: 7 × 10−9M for MCF-7, 2 × 10−7M for PC-3, 3 × 10−7M for DU145 cells. Remarkably, the combination of Mel-B and ATRA had an enhanced antiproliferative activity against all three cancer cell lines. Furthermore, the combination of Mel-B and ATRA induced a high level of apoptosis in all three cell lines. Treatment of PC-3 and MCF-7 tumours growing in triple immunodeficient mice with Mel-B and ATRA either alone or in combination markedly retarded tumour size and weight of the tumours without major side-effects. In conclusion, our results suggest that either Mel-B alone or with ATRA may be a useful, novel therapy for breast and prostate cancers. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    IL-6 signaling by STAT3 participates in the change from hyperplasia to neoplasia in NRP-152 and NRP-154 rat prostatic epithelial cells

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    BACKGROUND: STAT3 phosphorylation is associated with the neoplastic state in many types of cancer, including prostate cancer. We investigated the role of IL-6 signaling and phosphorylation of STAT3 in 2 rat prostatic epithelial lines. NRP-152 and NRP-154 cells were derived from the same rat prostate, yet the NRP-152 cells are not tumorigenic while the NRP-154 cells are tumorigenic. These lines are believed to represent 2 of the stages in the development of prostate cancer, hyperplasia and neoplasia. Differences in signaling pathways should play a role in the 2 phenotypes, hyperplastic and neoplastic. METHODS: We looked at the phosphorylation state of STAT3 by intracellular flow cytometry, using phospho-specific antibodies to STAT3. We used the same method to examine IL-6 production by the cell lines. We also measured apoptosis by binding of fluorescent annexin V to the cells. RESULTS: Although both cells lines made IL-6 constitutively, phosphorylated-STAT3 was present in untreated NRP-154 cells, but not in NRP-152 cells. Treatment with dexamethasone inhibited the IL-6 production of NRP-152 cells, but enhanced that of NRP-154 cells. Treatment with the JAK2 inhibitor AG490 induced apoptosis in NRP-152, but not NRP-154 cells. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude from these experiments that STAT3 activity plays a role in the phenotype of NRP-154 cell, but not NRP-152 cells. The significance of alternative IL-6 signaling pathways in the different phenotypes of the 2 cell lines is discussed

    Siponimod (BAF312) prevents synaptic neurodegeneration in experimental multiple sclerosis

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    Data from multiple sclerosis (MS) and the MS rodent model, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), highlighted an inflammation-dependent synaptopathy at the basis of the neurodegenerative damage causing irreversible disability in these disorders. This synaptopathy is characterized by an imbalance between glutamatergic and GABAergic transmission and has been proposed to be a potential therapeutic target. Siponimod (BAF312), a selective sphingosine 1-phosphate1,5 receptor modulator, is currently under investigation in a clinical trial in secondary progressive MS patients. We investigated whether siponimod, in addition to its peripheral immune modulation, may exert direct neuroprotective effects in the central nervous system (CNS) of mice with chronic progressive EAE

    Human Antigen-Specific Regulatory T Cells Generated by T Cell Receptor Gene Transfer

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    Therapies directed at augmenting regulatory T cell (Treg) activities in vivo as a systemic treatment for autoimmune disorders and transplantation may be associated with significant off-target effects, including a generalized immunosuppression that may compromise beneficial immune responses to infections and cancer cells. Adoptive cellular therapies using purified expanded Tregs represents an attractive alternative to systemic treatments, with results from animal studies noting increased therapeutic potency of antigen-specific Tregs over polyclonal populations. However, current methodologies are limited in terms of the capacity to isolate and expand a sufficient quantity of endogenous antigen-specific Tregs for therapeutic intervention. Moreover, FOXP3+ Tregs fall largely within the CD4+ T cell subset and are thus routinely MHC class II-specific, whereas class I-specific Tregs may function optimally in vivo by facilitating direct tissue recognition.To overcome these limitations, we have developed a novel means for generating large numbers of antigen-specific Tregs involving lentiviral T cell receptor (TCR) gene transfer into in vitro expanded polyclonal natural Treg populations. Tregs redirected with a high-avidity class I-specific TCR were capable of recognizing the melanoma antigen tyrosinase in the context of HLA-A*0201 and could be further enriched during the expansion process by antigen-specific reactivation with peptide loaded artificial antigen presenting cells. These in vitro expanded Tregs continued to express FOXP3 and functional TCRs, and maintained the capacity to suppress conventional T cell responses directed against tyrosinase, as well as bystander T cell responses. Using this methodology in a model tumor system, murine Tregs designed to express the tyrosinase TCR effectively blocked antigen-specific effector T cell (Teff) activity as determined by tumor cell growth and luciferase reporter-based imaging.These results support the feasibility of class I-restricted TCR transfer as a promising strategy to redirect the functional properties of Tregs and provide for a more efficacious adoptive cell therapy

    Regulatory T Cells Expanded from Hiv-1-Infected Individuals Maintain Phenotype, Tcr Repertoire and Suppressive Capacity

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    While modulation of regulatory T cell (Treg) function and adoptive Treg transfer are being explored as therapeutic modalities in the context of autoimmune diseases, transplantation and cancer, their role in HIV-1 pathogenesis remains less well defined. Controversy persists regarding their beneficial or detrimental effects in HIV-1 disease, which warrants further detailed exploration. Our objectives were to investigate if functional CD4+ Tregs can be isolated and expanded from HIV-1-infected individuals for experimental or potential future therapeutic use and to determine phenotype and suppressive capacity of expanded Tregs from HIV-1 positive blood and tissue. Tregs and conventional T cell controls were isolated from blood and gut-associated lymphoid tissue of individuals with HIV-1 infection and healthy donors using flow-based cell-sorting. The phenotype of expanded Tregs was assessed by flow-cytometry and quantitative PCR. T-cell receptor ß-chain (TCR-β) repertoire diversity was investigated by deep sequencing. Flow-based T-cell proliferation and chromium release cytotoxicity assays were used to determine Treg suppressive function. Tregs from HIV-1 positive individuals, including infants, were successfully expanded from PBMC and GALT. Expanded Tregs expressed high levels of FOXP3, CTLA4, CD39 and HELIOS and exhibited a highly demethylated TSDR (Treg-specific demethylated region), characteristic of Treg lineage. The TCRß repertoire was maintained following Treg expansion and expanded Tregs remained highly suppressive in vitro. Our data demonstrate that Tregs can be expanded from blood and tissue compartments of HIV-1+ donors with preservation of Treg phenotype, function and TCR repertoire. These results are highly relevant for the investigation of potential future therapeutic use, as currently investigated for other disease states and hold great promise for detailed studies on the role of Tregs in HIV-1 infection.Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (Pediatric HIV Vaccine Program Award MV-00-9-900-1429-0-00)Massachusetts General Hospital. Executive Committee on Research (MGH/ECOR Physician Scientist Development Award)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH NIAID (KO8 AI074405))National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH NIAID AI074405-03S1)Massachusetts General Hospital (William F. Milton Fund)Harvard University. Center for AIDS Research (CFAR Scholar Award)Massachusetts General Hospital. Center for the Study Inflammatory Bowel Disease (P30DK043351)Harvard University. Center for AIDS Research (NIH funded program (5P30AI060354-09

    Self-tolerance in multiple sclerosis

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    During the last decade, several defects in self-tolerance have been identified in multiple sclerosis. Dysfunction in central tolerance leads to the thymic output of antigen-specific T cells with T cell receptor alterations favouring autoimmune reactions. In addition, premature thymic involution results in a reduced export of naïve regulatory T cells, the fully suppressive clone. Alterations in peripheral tolerance concern costimulatory molecules as well as transcriptional and epigenetic mechanisms. Recent data underline the key role of regulatory T cells that suppress Th1 and Th17 effector cell responses and whose immunosuppressive activity is impaired in patients with multiple sclerosis. Those recent observations suggest that a defect in self-tolerance homeostasis might be the primary mover of multiple sclerosis leading to subsequent immune attacks, inflammation and neurodegeneration. The concept of multiple sclerosis as a consequence of the failure of central and peripheral tolerance mechanisms to maintain a self-tolerance state, particularly of regulatory T cells, may have therapeutic implications. Restoring normal thymic output and suppressive functions of regulatory T cells appears an appealing approach. Regulatory T cells suppress the general local immune response via bystander effects rather than through individual antigen-specific responses. Interestingly, the beneficial effects of currently approved immunomodulators (interferons β and glatiramer acetate) are associated with a restored regulatory T cell homeostasis. However, the feedback regulation between Th1 and Th17 effector cells and regulatory T cells is not so simple and tolerogenic mechanisms also involve other regulatory cells such as B cells, dendritic cells and CD56bright natural killer cells

    Downregulation of drug transport and metabolism in mice bearing extra-hepatic malignancies

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    There is increasing evidence of a systemic inflammatory response associated with malignancy, which may have an impact on both drug disposition and resistance to cytotoxic therapy. The impact of inflammation on drug disposition was studied in mice bearing a number of common tumour xenografts. C57BL/6 mice were inoculated with tumour xenografts. Hepatic expressions of Cyp3a and drug transporters were analysed at the mRNA, protein and functional levels (Cyp3a only). Circulating serum cytokines and the hepatic expression of acute phase proteins (APPs) were measured. Intratumoral levels of multidrug resistance genes were determined. Tumour xenografts elicited an inflammatory response that coincided with repression in hepatic Cyp3a11 activity and the expression of a number of hepatic drug transporters. With tumour growth, a progressive reduction in hepatic Cyp3a11 mRNA expression was seen. Conversely, an increase in the hepatic APP expression and circulating interleukin (IL)-6 levels was observed. Furthermore, a correlation was seen between increased intratumoral expression of the multidrug resistance gene, Mdr1a, and levels of circulating IL-6. Malignancy results in reduced hepatic drug disposition that correlates with an associated inflammatory response. Reduction of inflammation may improve the clinical outcome for patients receiving chemotherapeutic agents that undergo hepatic metabolism