359 research outputs found

    The Importance Of Accurate Anatomic Assessment For The Volumetric Analysis Of The Amygdala.

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    There is a wide range of values reported in volumetric studies of the amygdala. The use of single plane thick magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may prevent the correct visualization of anatomic landmarks and yield imprecise results. To assess whether there is a difference between volumetric analysis of the amygdala performed with single plane MRI 3-mm slices and with multiplanar analysis of MRI 1-mm slices, we studied healthy subjects and patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. We performed manual delineation of the amygdala on T1-weighted inversion recovery, 3-mm coronal slices and manual delineation of the amygdala on three-dimensional volumetric T1-weighted images with 1-mm slice thickness. The data were compared using a dependent t-test. There was a significant difference between the volumes obtained by the coronal plane-based measurements and the volumes obtained by three-dimensional analysis (P < 0.001). An incorrect estimate of the amygdala volume may preclude a correct analysis of the biological effects of alterations in amygdala volume. Three-dimensional analysis is preferred because it is based on more extensive anatomical assessment and the results are similar to those obtained in post-mortem studies.38409-1

    Pilocytic Astrocytoma Following Radiotherapy For Craniopharyngioma: Case Report.

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    Administration of fractionated doses of irradiation is part of the adjutant therapy for CNS tumours such as craniopharyngiomas and pituitary adenomas. It can maximise cure rates or expand symptom-free period. Among the adverse effects of radiotherapy, the induction of a new tumour within the irradiated field has been frequently described. The precise clinical features that correlate irradiation and oncogenesis are not completely defined, but some authors have suggested that tumors are radiation induced when they are histologically different from the treated ones, arise in greater frequency in irradiated patients than among normal population and tend to occur in younger people with an unusual aggressiveness. In this article, we report a case of a papillary astrocytoma arising in a rather unusual latency period following radiotherapy for craniopharyngioma.58731-

    Temporal lobe hypogenesis associated with arachnoid cyst in patients with epilepsy

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    Objective: To determine the frequency of temporal lobe hypogenesis (TLH) associated with a rachnoid cysts (AC) in patients with epilepsy. Method: We retrospectively revised 655 consecutive MRI scans from patients followed in our epilepsy clinic. We identified patients with temporal AC and then performed careful visual analysis in a workstation. Patients with evident expansive or destructive lesions were excluded. Results: Only 4 (0.6%) patients had AC in the left temporal lobe, all associated with TLH. In addition, there were also ipsilateral dysgenetic characteristics in the ipsilateral hippocampus including abnormal shape and axis, and hyperintense T2 signal. In one patient this hippocampal abnormality was bilateral. Conclusion: AC with TLH was rarely found in our patients with epilepsy and it was always associated with hippocampal dysgenesis. Although volumetric reduction of the temporal lobe can be observed in patients with epilepsy and hippocampal abnormalities, the presence of adjacent AC points to a malformative etiology.612B32732

    Personalized connectome fingerprints: Their importance in cognition from childhood to adult years

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    Structural neural network architecture patterns in the human brain could be related to individual differences in phenotype, behavior, genetic determinants, and clinical outcomes from neuropsychiatric disorders. Recent studies have indicated that a personalized neural (brain) fingerprint can be identified from structural brain connectomes. However, the accuracy, reproducibility and translational potential of personalized fingerprints in terms of cognition is not yet fully determined. In this study, we introduce a dynamic connectome modeling approach to identify a critical set of white matter subnetworks that can be used as a personalized fingerprint. Several individual variable assessments were performed that demonstrate the accuracy and practicality of personalized fingerprint, specifically predicting the identity and IQ of middle age adults, and the developmental quotient in toddlers. Our findings suggest the fingerprint found by our dynamic modeling approach is sufficient for differentiation between individuals, and is also capable of predicting general intellectual ability across human development. © 2020 The AuthorsSignificance Statement We demonstrate that white matter connections obtained from high resolution medical imaging data form a personalized fingerprint is capable of estimating individual identity and neurodevelopmental variables across human life-span. This important finding provides strong evidence to support the concept of neurological identity and function through human brain connectome mapping

    Age-Related Changes in the Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE)

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    <div><h3>Background</h3><p>Age-related changes in the retina are often accompanied by visual impairment but their mechanistic details remain poorly understood.</p> <h3>Methodology</h3><p>Proteomic studies were pursued toward a better molecular understanding of retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) aging mechanisms. RPE cells were isolated from young adults (3–4 month-old) and old (24–25 month-old) F344BN rats, and separated into subcellular fractions containing apical microvilli (MV) and RPE cell bodies (CB) lacking their apical microvilli. Proteins were extracted in detergent, separated by SDS-PAGE, digested in situ with trypsin and analyzed by LC MS/MS. Select proteins detected in young and old rat RPE were further studied using immunofluorescence and Western blot analysis.</p> <h3>Principal Findings</h3><p>A total of 356 proteins were identified in RPE MV from young and 378 in RPE MV from old rats, 48% of which were common to each age group. A total of 897 proteins were identified in RPE CB from young rats and 675 in old CB, 56% of which were common to each age group. Several of the identified proteins, including proteins involved in response to oxidative stress, displayed both quantitative and qualitative changes in overall abundance during RPE aging. Numerous proteins were identified for the first time in the RPE. One such protein, collectrin, was localized to the apical membrane of apical brush border of proximal tubules where it likely regulates several amino acid transporters. Elsewhere, collectrin is involved in pancreatic β cell proliferation and insulin secretion. In the RPE, collectrin expression was significantly modulated during RPE aging. Another age-regulated, newly described protein was DJ-1, a protein extensively studied in brain where oxidative stress-related functions have been described.</p> <h3>Conclusions/Significance</h3><p>The data presented here reveals specific changes in the RPE during aging, providing the first protein database of RPE aging, which will facilitate future studies of age-related retinal diseases.</p> </div

    DJ-1-Dependent Regulation of Oxidative Stress in the Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE)

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    Abstract Background: DJ-1 is found in many tissues, including the brain, where it has been extensively studied due to its association with Parkinson&apos;s disease. DJ-1 functions as a redox-sensitive molecular chaperone and transcription regulator that robustly protects cells from oxidative stress

    Structural subnetwork evolution across the life-span: rich-club, feeder, seeder

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    The impact of developmental and aging processes on brain connectivity and the connectome has been widely studied. Network theoretical measures and certain topological principles are computed from the entire brain, however there is a need to separate and understand the underlying subnetworks which contribute towards these observed holistic connectomic alterations. One organizational principle is the rich-club - a core subnetwork of brain regions that are strongly connected, forming a high-cost, high-capacity backbone that is critical for effective communication in the network. Investigations primarily focus on its alterations with disease and age. Here, we present a systematic analysis of not only the rich-club, but also other subnetworks derived from this backbone - namely feeder and seeder subnetworks. Our analysis is applied to structural connectomes in a normal cohort from a large, publicly available lifespan study. We demonstrate changes in rich-club membership with age alongside a shift in importance from 'peripheral' seeder to feeder subnetworks. Our results show a refinement within the rich-club structure (increase in transitivity and betweenness centrality), as well as increased efficiency in the feeder subnetwork and decreased measures of network integration and segregation in the seeder subnetwork. These results demonstrate the different developmental patterns when analyzing the connectome stratified according to its rich-club and the potential of utilizing this subnetwork analysis to reveal the evolution of brain architectural alterations across the life-span

    Software para dimensionamento de canais em regime permanente e uniforme/ Software for constant and uniform channels dimensioning

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    Canais são estruturas hidráulicas importantes em sistemas de drenagem urbana, esgotamento sanitário e abastecimento humano de uma cidade. O desenvolvimento de softwares capazes de realizar o seu dimensionamento conforme as características geométricas e hidráulicas dos canais, são muito úteis, economizam tempo e contribuem para a projeção de estruturas de condução de água mais eficientes e econômicas. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho apresenta um software no ambiente MS-Excel usando parâmetros envolvidos no cálculo de canais a partir da linguagem Visual Basic for Application (VBA). Com uso do software o projetista pode realizar o dimensionamento de canais em regime uniforme com a inclusão de restrições de ordem hidráulica e geométrica, um diferencial entre softwares livres. O desenvolvimento estruturou-se em duas etapas: elaboração do software e aplicação do modelo de cálculo. Na primeira etapa foram criadas as planilhas de cálculo com opções de seleção de apenas uma das variáveis: altura d’água, a largura de fundo, a declividade e a vazão. No software há possiblidade de dimensionamento de seções com mínimo perímetro molhado (máxima vazão). Para a aplicação e homologação do modelo selecionou-se uma situação prática de dimensionamento apresentada na literatura. Foi possível constatar que o Software desenvolvido é útil no contexto em que foi projetado, estabelecendo restrições aos parâmetros hidráulicos e geométricos no processo de dimensionamento de canais e apresentou resultados semelhantes aos aplicativos utilizados para tal finalidade