52 research outputs found

    Kombinirani učinci smjenskog rada i faktora okoline (vrućina, buka, toksični agensi)

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    The paper deals with the results of studies or discussions concerning the problem of nightwork combined with other adverse working conditions. Special emphasis is laid on the untoward effect of high temperature during nightwork, as well as on noise and exposure to chemicals. It is shown that there is no substantial influence of heat stress on the circadian rhythm of adrenaline excretion under sitting working conditions with the subject performing a difficult mental task at warm climates up to 30 °C BET. Shiftwork and noise induce independent different effects which can be explained in terms of activation for shiftwork and in terms of tension for noise. The combination of both adverse exposures is therefore partly subtractive but partly additive as night work and noise negatively affect daysleep. Practical experience in the field of combined effects of shiftwork and chemical agents is lacking, but theoretical speculations lead to the conclusion that there may exist a time of day dependence of some chemicals, used at workplaces.U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja i iznesena je teorijska rasprava o problemu smjenskog rada povezanim s drugim nepovoljnim uvjetima rada. Naročito je naglašeno moguće negativno djelovanje visoke temperature za vrijeme smjenskog rada, kao i utjecaj buke i izloženost kemikalijama. Nađeno je da nema značajnog utjecaja toplinskog stresa na dnevni ritam izlučivanja adrenalina pri sjedećem teškom mentalnom radu sve dok temperatura ne pređe 30 ° BET. Smjenski rad i buka imaju neovisno djelovanje koje se može razjasniti aktivnošću u smjenskom radu i napetošću uzrokovanom bukom. Stoga je djelovanje ovih dvaju negativnih utjecaja djelomično suprotno, a djelomično aditivna, budući da noćni rad i buka negativno utiču na san slijedećeg dana. Nedostaju iskustva o kombiniranom djelovanju smjenskog rada i kemijskih spojeva u radnoj okolini, no teorijske pretpostavke dovode do zaključka da bi mogle postojati razlike u toksičnosti pojedinih kemikalija s obzirom na doba dana

    104. The metabolic fate of mestranol and ethynylestradiol in humans

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    The new era of toxicology

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    The 9th International Congress of Toxicology (ICT-IX) was held on 8-12 July 2001 in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia and was hosted jointly by the Australasian Society of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacologists & Toxicologists (ASCEPT), and the International Union of Toxicology (IUTOX)

    Exposition am Arbeitsplatz

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