103 research outputs found

    Image Question Answering using Convolutional Neural Network with Dynamic Parameter Prediction

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    We tackle image question answering (ImageQA) problem by learning a convolutional neural network (CNN) with a dynamic parameter layer whose weights are determined adaptively based on questions. For the adaptive parameter prediction, we employ a separate parameter prediction network, which consists of gated recurrent unit (GRU) taking a question as its input and a fully-connected layer generating a set of candidate weights as its output. However, it is challenging to construct a parameter prediction network for a large number of parameters in the fully-connected dynamic parameter layer of the CNN. We reduce the complexity of this problem by incorporating a hashing technique, where the candidate weights given by the parameter prediction network are selected using a predefined hash function to determine individual weights in the dynamic parameter layer. The proposed network---joint network with the CNN for ImageQA and the parameter prediction network---is trained end-to-end through back-propagation, where its weights are initialized using a pre-trained CNN and GRU. The proposed algorithm illustrates the state-of-the-art performance on all available public ImageQA benchmarks

    Randomized Adversarial Style Perturbations for Domain Generalization

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    We propose a novel domain generalization technique, referred to as Randomized Adversarial Style Perturbation (RASP), which is motivated by the observation that the characteristics of each domain are captured by the feature statistics corresponding to style. The proposed algorithm perturbs the style of a feature in an adversarial direction towards a randomly selected class, and makes the model learn against being misled by the unexpected styles observed in unseen target domains. While RASP is effective to handle domain shifts, its naive integration into the training procedure might degrade the capability of learning knowledge from source domains because it has no restriction on the perturbations of representations. This challenge is alleviated by Normalized Feature Mixup (NFM), which facilitates the learning of the original features while achieving robustness to perturbed representations via their mixup during training. We evaluate the proposed algorithm via extensive experiments on various benchmarks and show that our approach improves domain generalization performance, especially in large-scale benchmarks

    Weakly Supervised Action Localization by Sparse Temporal Pooling Network

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    We propose a weakly supervised temporal action localization algorithm on untrimmed videos using convolutional neural networks. Our algorithm learns from video-level class labels and predicts temporal intervals of human actions with no requirement of temporal localization annotations. We design our network to identify a sparse subset of key segments associated with target actions in a video using an attention module and fuse the key segments through adaptive temporal pooling. Our loss function is comprised of two terms that minimize the video-level action classification error and enforce the sparsity of the segment selection. At inference time, we extract and score temporal proposals using temporal class activations and class-agnostic attentions to estimate the time intervals that correspond to target actions. The proposed algorithm attains state-of-the-art results on the THUMOS14 dataset and outstanding performance on ActivityNet1.3 even with its weak supervision.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 201
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