13 research outputs found

    Folklor muzyczny na łamach "Zarania Śląskiego"

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    The article considers the place of musical folklore in “Zaranie Śląskie”, one of numerous cultural magazines in Silesia. The issue of musical folklore dealt with in “Zaranie Śląskie” covers folk poetry included in songs, its chorus interpretations and dances often served with lyrics, folklore ritual performances, historical and problem-generated interpretations connected with musical folklore, as well as reviews of song books. Folklore studies have been given a lot of attention in the first two periods (1907—1912 and 1929—1939) of the magazine and among materials and interpretations a special emphasis was put on folk songs. The very material includes collectors whose folk songs were placed in the magazine, the subject-matter of folk songs published in “Zaranie Śląskie”, a characteristic of the melody of the afore-mentioned, as well as folk dances, reviews, information and notes related to music phenomena

    Alternative medicine - a replacement or an adjunctive for conventional therapy of chronic pain

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    Introduction and purpose:  Many people worldwide suffer from chronic pain. It is a very inconvenient condition on its own, not only an accompanying symptom of other diseases. Conventional drug treatment may be insufficient in some cases or may even cause serious side effects in the long term. In response to this, we aim to demonstrate the diversity of alternative pain management techniques in this review and identify conditions where such techniques may be beneficial to patients. State of knowledge: This paper evaluates some of the most common alternative pain management methods (acupuncture, massage, chiropractic, mind body therapies, herbal medicine, music therapy)  and their application in specific cases of chronic pain.  We also describe the possible mechanisms of action involved in the effectiveness of these techniques, based on contemporary studies. Summary: In conclusion, there are conditions where alternative medicine may be beneficial for patients suffering from chronic pain. The studies taken into account showed the best effects for chronic musculoskeletal pain treated with methods such as acupuncture and massage. Mind-body therapies may reduce stress levels and symptoms of depression associated with chronic pain, consequently improving the quality of patients' lives. However, alternative methods should not yet be considered as replacements for conventional drug therapy. More studies are needed to evaluate whether alternative therapies will play a significant role in chronic pain management in the future

    Dai a César o que é de César e a Deus o que é de Deus

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    O presente artigo tem o propósito de analisar o instituto da imunidade tributária concedida aos templos de qualquer culto, sob a égide da Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988. A impossibilidade de tributar está prevista no artigo 150, VI, alínea “b”, do referido diploma. O artigo mostrará que o tema em comento, constantemente judicializado, comporta uma série de discussões, tanto doutrinárias como jurisprudenciais. De toda sorte, é preciso clarear quais são os critérios objetivos e reduzir as subjetividades ao analisar a aplicabilidade deste dispositivo e as novas configurações de culto e de religião


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    This article analyzes the jurisprudence of the US Supreme Court on religious freedom, which takes root in the formation of the United States, and is guaranteed in the First Amendment to the Constitution. Two clauses can be drawn from this Amendment: the Establishment clause, which imposes the separation of state and religion, and the Free exercise clause, which states that the government may not interfere with the religious practices of individuals. In relation to the first, two understandings are identified that interspersed over time: that of the absolutists, in favor of a strict separation between the State and any religious manifestation, and that of the nonpreferentialists, who admit a softer separation between these sectors. The first current predominated over time, but the second has achieved important victories in recent decades, especially in some of the five aspects in which the theme was divided. Basic research methodology was used regarding the purpose, descriptive regarding the objectives, qualitative regarding the approach, and bibliographical regarding the procedure.O presente artigo analisa a jurisprudência da Suprema Corte norte-americana sobre a liberdade religiosa, que deita raízes na formação dos Estados Unidos, encontrando-se garantida na Primeira Emenda à Constituição. Desta se extraem duas cláusulas: Establishment clause, que impõe a separação entre Estado e religião, e Free exercise clause, que estabelece que o governo não pode interferir nas práticas religiosas dos indivíduos. Em relação à primeira, identificam-se dois entendimentos que se intercalaram ao longo do tempo: dos absolutists, partidários de uma rigorosa separação entre Estado e qualquer manifestação religiosa, e dos nonpreferentialists, que admitem uma separação mais branda entre esses setores. A primeira corrente predominou ao longo do tempo, mas a segunda vem conseguindo importantes vitórias nas últimas décadas, especialmente em alguns dos cinco aspectos em que o tema foi dividido. Utilizou-se, neste artigo, metodologia de pesquisa básica quanto à finalidade, descritiva quanto aos objetivos, qualitativa quanto à abordagem e bibliográfica quanto ao procedimento

    Pensares em torno da liberdade de palavra em setores de comunicação de universidades

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    In this paper, we discuss the discursive practices which constitutes communicative sectors in universities in relation to the use (or not) of linguistic signs. We use the theoretical principles of philosophy of language, specifically, the Bakhtin circle and communicational perspective in universities. We choose the sign @ (at sign) to guide the dialogue between the maintenance or the rupture of the standard use of language in the discursive news gender. We notice, with the research, that in official instances the @ sign will be hardly found, whereas, in counter-hegemonic discourses, of marginalized groups, the written form does not follow the socially established patterns.Keywords: communication, freedom of speech, news.Neste trabalho, discutimos práticas discursivas que constituem setores de comunicação de universidades quanto ao (não) uso de novos signos linguísticos. Fundamentamos o trabalho em pressupostos da filosofia da linguagem, mais especificamente, dos estudos do Círculo de Bakhtin e de perspectivas da Comunicação em universidades. Elegemos o signo @ (arroba) para nortear o diálogo entre a manutenção e a ruptura do uso padrão da linguagem no gênero discursivo notícia. Entendemos, com a pesquisa, que em instâncias oficiais dificilmente será encontrado o @, ao passo que, em discursos contra-hegemônicos, de grupos marginalizados sua escrita não segue os padrões socialmente instituídos.Palavras-chave: discurso, liberdade de palavra, notícia

    Supplementation of vitamin D in children with obesity and vitamin D deficiency - review of outcomes in terms of obesity parameters and comorbidities

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    In recent years, vitamin D deficiency and obesity in paediatric population have reached epidemic levels worldwide as crucial health concerns with far-reaching consequences. There has been a substantial growth in studies dedicated to these two public health issues over the last years. Numerous studies have confirmed that excess body weight has negative impact on vitamin D metabolism, leading to a higher risk of low levels of this essential vitamin, among individuals who are overweight or obese. Vitamin D deficiency may play a role in the development of obesity-related conditions as insulin resistance, type two diabetes, NAFLD and cardiovascular disease due to anti-inflammatory properties, impact on the endocrine system and metabolic functions of this vital nutrient. Vitamin D supplementation seems to be a beneficial addition to pharmacology and lifestyle changes during obesity treatment

    Acne vulgaris and treatment with topical retinoids - adapalene and tretinoin

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    Introduction and purpose: Acne vulgaris is a disease that mainly affects young people and is associated with overactive sebaceous glands. The disease mainly affects the face but can also occur on the back. Depending on the clinical picture, we can distinguish different types of acne and make our treatment dependent on it. The aim of the study will be to compare the effects of topical retinoids on acne vulgaris. State of knowledge: Topical retinoids have a direct anti-inflammatory effect and prevent the formation of blackheads and microcomedones. Five retinoids are currently available for topical treatment of acne vulgaris. We distinguish three generations. The mechanism of action is not fully understood, but it is known that they react with the RAR and RXR receptors. In the review paper, we will compare the effects of adapalene with tretinoin. Conclusion: According to the indicated study results, there is no significant difference in the effect of treatment with adapalene or tretinoin. Adapalene showed less irritation during treatment than tretinoin. The most important thing during acne treatment is choosing the right concentration and formulation by the dermatologist so that the patient does not stop treatment

    Light, touch and sound. Interactive multimedia system - adjusting the exposition to the needs of blind persons, children and adults

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    Sposób prezentacji, oddziaływujący na różne zmysły oraz wyzwalający emocje, szczególnie u dzieci pozwala na dłuższe skupienie uwagi oraz skuteczne przekazanie większej liczby informacji – w naszym przypadku o leśnictwie i przyrodzie. W tym celu zastosowano system pełnego sterowania oświetleniem i nagłośnieniem sal edukacyjnych oraz przeplatające się z różnym natężeniem bodźce wzrokowe, słuchowe i dotykowe. Wykorzystano scenariusze dostosowane do wieku i wiedzy odbiorcy, a przede wszystkim możliwość samodzielnego uruchamiania: prezentacji setek zgromadzonych głosów zwierząt, odgłosów przyrody czy sygnałów myśliwskich, które dają wrażenie, że człowiek staje się uczestnikiem i współtwórcą niepowtarzalnego scenariusza. Aktywny udział w zajęciach zarówno dzieci, jak również osób niewidomych i niedowidzących jest możliwy dzięki dioramom z wycinkami naturalnych środowisk, ekspozycjom dotykowym, opisom eksponatów pismem Braile’a, wykorzystaniu piosenek i tekstów czytanych przez aktorów w scenariuszach dla dzieci, a także dzięki szeregowi zastosowanych specyficznych rozwiązań technicznych. Interaktywny system multimedialny z klawiaturami numerycznymi umożliwia „dialog” komputera z człowiekiem. Możliwe jest samodzielne korzystanie w prosty sposób ze wszystkich zgromadzonych dźwięków i eksponatów Leśnej Sali Edukacyjnej Nadleśnictwa Katowice. Tak stworzony system, pozwala w pełny i ciekawy sposób przekazać wiedzę o przyrodzie nawet małym dzieciom, a także osobom niewidomym i niepełnosprawnym.Presentation method influencing various senses and revealing emotions, especially with children, allows for longer concentration and more efficient transfer of information – in our case about forestry and nature. For this purpose there were applied the system of full control over light and sound of educational rooms, and visual, acoustic, and feeling stimuli interchanging with variable strength. There were used scenarios adjusted to age and knowledge of the recipients, and, first of all, ability to start without assistance: presentation of hundreds of animal voices, nature sounds or hunting signals, which all give the impression that one is participating and creating the unrepeatable scenario. Active participation in classes both children and blind or sand-blind persons is possible thanks to dioramas with natural extracts, touch expositions, descriptions of exhibits in Brail, songs and texts read by actors arranged in scenarios for children, and due to numerous specific technical solutions that were applied. Interactive multimedia system with numerical keyboards allows “dialogue” of man and computer. Possible is independent easy use of all collected sounds and exhibits of Forest Educational Room of Katowice Forest Inspectorate. Such a system allows in full and interesting way to transfer knowledge aboutnature even to small children and blind or disabled persons

    Limites da liberdade religiosa no ambiente acadêmico administrado por organizações confessionais

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    A liberdade religiosa é um dos elementos estruturantes da sociedade, perpassou as mais diversas gerações e instrumentos normativos, mas somente no último século alcançou a condição de direito fundamental, tanto no constitucionalismo brasileiro como no espanhol. Os seus variados dispositivos harmonizam-se de tal forma que hoje se permite uma igualdade de direitos e uma convivência pacífica entre os crentes e não crentes. Para chegar a essa compreensão, apresentamos a liberdade religiosa na perspectiva histórica, com todas as nuances e os conflitos. Posteriormente, os necessários processos de secularização e os modelos de relação entre Igreja e Estado. Tudo convergindo para a construção da dogmática da liberdade religiosa. Uma vez reconhecido como direito fundamental, naturalmente decorre a necessidade de estabelecer limites, para impedir excessos e coibir o fundamentalismo que viola direitos e garantias dos cidadãos. Essa construção conceitual perpassa normativas internacionais e preocupa-se em estabelecer um dever de neutralidade do Estado para as questões envolvendo a religião. Esse processo ocorre em vários países, e aqui daremos destaque ao Brasil e à Espanha, discorrendo sobre o processo de constitucionalização do direito à liberdade religiosa, sua dimensão subjetiva e objetiva e os precedentes das Cortes Constitucionais. Sobre a Espanha, evidenciam-se os casos de judicialização do ensino da religião, da natureza dos centros educativos com ideário próprio, a admissão de professores de ensino religioso e o direito dos estudantes a uma formação religiosa e moral. O Brasil, na mesma toada, enfrentou a polêmica do ensino religioso, dias de guarda, sacrifício de animais em rituais religiosos, missões religiosas em terras indígenas e tantas outras questões que não convêm trazer à baila. O ponto nevrálgico da pesquisa aponta para o conteúdo e os limites da liberdade religiosa no ambiente acadêmico confessional. Fazse necessário analisar as posições subjetivas da pessoa jurídica – organização religiosa –, aquelas de maior impacto: livre exercício de culto, uso de imagens e de símbolos, proselitismo, eventos formativos e artísticos de cunho confessional e disciplinas obrigatórias. Em contraponto, posições subjetivas dos professores, alunos e funcionários: liberdade de cátedra e direitos a espaços aconfessionais e à educação laica. Não é necessário esgotar as posições jusfundamentais, para mensurar o conteúdo e os limites da liberdade religiosa no ambiente acadêmico privado confessional, que presta um serviço de interesse público. O quadro apresentado, necessariamente, exige um repensar normativo, para conceituar as instituições dessa natureza e estabelecer normas e obrigações.Religious freedom is one of the structuring elements of society, it permeated the most diverse generations and normative instruments, but only in the last century, it reached the condition of fundamental right, both in Brazilian and Spanish constitutionalism. Its various devices are harmonized in such a way that today it allows equal rights and peaceful coexistence between believers and non-believers. To reach this understanding, we present religious freedom in historical perspective, with all its nuances and conflicts. Subsequently, the necessary processes of secularization and models of relationship between Church and State. All converging to the construction of the dogmatics of religious freedom. Once recognized as a Fundamental Right, naturally follows the need to establish limits, to prevent excesses and curb fundamentalism that violates citizens' rights and guarantees. This conceptual construction permeates international regulations and is concerned with establishing a duty of neutrality for the State in matters involving religion. This process takes place in several countries, and here we will highlight Brazil and Spain, discussing the process of constitutionalization of the right to religious freedom, its subjective and objective dimension, and the precedents of the Constitutional Courts. In Spain, there are cases of judicialization of the teaching of religion, the nature of educational centers with their own ideals, the admission of religious teaching teachers and the right of students to religious and moral training. Brazil, in the same vein, faced the controversy of religious education, days of guarding, animal sacrifice in religious rituals, religious missions in indigenous lands and so many other issues that should not be brought up. The sore point of the research points to the content and limits of religious freedom in the confessional academic environment. It is necessary to analyze the subjective positions of the legal entity – religious organization – those with the greatest impact: free exercise of worship, use of images and symbols, proselytism, educational and artistic events of a confessional nature and compulsory subjects. In contrast, subjective positions of teachers, students and staff: freedom of chair and rights to non-denominational spaces and lay education. It is not necessary to exhaust the fundamental legal positions to measure the content and limits of religious freedom in the private confessional academic environment, which provides a service of public interest. The picture presented necessarily requires a normative rethink, to conceptualize institutions of this nature and establish norms and obligations.Tesis Univ. Granada

    Plano de negócios em administração: viabilidade de implantação pousada familiar em Jericoacoara

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    The purpose of this work, as well as to show, through research and literature review, a feasibility of the implantation of a family inn in the Northeast of Brazil. Through financial feasibility studies, which is what an investment is, it is useful, besides being a child of the family who has been programming and preparing for this project for some time. The results show, through estimation calculations, that there is a great chance of being a prosperous business, bringing in addition to family support, high profitability.A finalidade deste trabalho foi a de mostrar, através de pesquisa e revisão de literatura, a viabilidade da implantação de uma pousada de administração familiar na região do Nordeste brasileiro. Através também de estudos de viabilidade econômica financeira onde mostra que o investimento é factível, além de, ser um sonho da família que já vem se programando e se preparando para este projeto há um bom tempo. Os resultados apresentados mostram, através de cálculos de estimativa, que existe grande chance de ser um negócio próspero, trazendo além do sustento da família, alta rentabilidade