274 research outputs found

    Mielopatia cervicale da deposizione periodontoidea di pirofosfato di calcio = Compressive cervical myelopathy due to massive periodontoid calcium pyrophosphate crystal deposition

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    A 77 year-old man suffering from psoriatic arthropathy presented with progressive myelopathy due to massive deposits of calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals in peri-odontoid tissue. The magnetic resonance imaging and computer tomographic pictures of the involved site are shown and discussed. The clinical spectrum of crystal deposition disease involving the atlo-axial joint is briefly reviewed

    Effectiveness of Golimumab as Second Anti-TNFα Drug in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis and Axial Spondyloarthritis in Italy: GO-BEYOND, a Prospective Real-World Observational Study

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    In this prospective observational study, data were collected from 34 rheumatology clinics in Italy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) who started golimumab (GLM) as a second anti-TNFα drug. The primary objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of GLM after 6 months. Changes in quality of life using the EQ-5D-5L were also assessed. A total of 194 patients aged 53.2 ± 12 years started GLM as a second anti-TNF drug: 39 (20.1%) with RA, 91 (46.9%) with PsA and 64 (32.9%) with axSpA. After 6 months of GLM treatment, 68% of RA patients achieved low disease activity (LDA; DAS28-CRP ≤ 3.2), 31.9% of PsA patients achieved minimal disease activity and 32.5% of axSpA patients achieved LDA (ASDAS-CRP < 2.1). Good/moderate EULAR response was achieved in 61.9% and 73.8% of patients with RA and PsA, respectively, and 16% of axSpA patients achieved a 50% improvement in BASDAI. Across all indications, improvements in disease activity measures and EQ-5D-5L domains were observed over 6 months. The main reasons for GLM interruption were lack/loss of efficacy (7.2%) or adverse events (2%). This study confirms the effectiveness of GLM as a second-line anti-TNF for the treatment of RA, PsA and axSpA in a real-world setting in Italy

    The T.O.S.C.A. Project: Research, Education and Care

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    Despite recent and exponential improvements in diagnostic- therapeutic pathways, an existing “GAP” has been revealed between the “real world care” and the “optimal care” of patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). We present the T.O.S.CA. Project (Trattamento Ormonale dello Scompenso CArdiaco), an Italian multicenter initiative involving different health care professionals and services aiming to explore the CHF “metabolic pathophysiological model” and to improve the quality of care of HF patients through research and continuing medical education

    The socialist blues? Citizenship, class and civil society

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    This article seeks to explore the relationship between the British labour movement, the Left and the Labour party. It does so through the intellectual prism of debates around citizenship and civil society. In this respect, I seek to recover a critical politics around questions of class from the New Left who were always critical of more mainstream ideas of citizenship. However, I also point to the limitations of those who have argued that meaningful forms of citizenship can no longer be connected to political parties and only occurs outside of state organizations. Political parties continue to need intellectual narratives to legitimate their role in society and to connect with the broader civil order.The Labour Party in this respect has seemingly broken with ‘New Labour’ and is searching for a new narrative. The rise of an intellectual grouping around ‘Blue Labour’ has made considerable headway recently and I seek to take a critical view of some of their ideas and ethical frameworks. Here I argue that changing class formations and a more pluralistic society potentially ask difficult questions of those who seek to revive the labour movement in troubled times

    Sindicalismo docente e política educacional: tensões e composições de interesses corporativos e qualidade da educação

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    O Sindicalismo docente brasileiro tem suas raízes em antigos movimentos ao redor da construção de um Sistema Público de Ensino no país. Desde o movimento dos pioneiros, passando pela LDB de 1946, pelos debates ao redor do capítulo de educação na Constituinte de 1988 e a LDB de 1996; as reivindicações de base corporativa dos professores estiveram estruturalmente vinculadas aos conflitos sobre as condições de oferta do ensino público e sua incidência na qualidade da educação. Com o novo quadro institucional, resultante da Constituição de 1988, que legalizou a representação sindical docente e, numa perspectiva participativa, abriu um amplo leque de Conselhos, que se tornaram novos espaços de ação sindical, justifica-se a necessidade de estudos comparativos entre casos locais. Este trabalho, a partir de uma base empírica que se apoia em entrevistas com dirigentes dos sindicatos de trabalhadores em educação das cidades de Curitiba, Fazenda Rio Grande, Araucária e Piraquara, no Paraná, e Dourados, no Mato Grosso do Sul, analisa a ação sindical docente nos últimos 15 anos, explicitando como se articulam interesses corporativo-trabalhistas e política educacional, sob a ótica dos Sindicatos