754 research outputs found

    A reduced-order model of three-dimensional unsteady flow in a cavity based on the resolvent operator

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    A novel reduced-order model for nonlinear flows is presented. The model arises from a resolvent decomposition in which the nonlinear advection terms of the Navier-Stokes equation are considered as the input to a linear system in Fourier space. Results show that Taylor-G\"ortler-like vortices can be represented from a low-order resolvent decomposition of a nonlinear lid-driven cavity flow. The present approach provides an approximation of the fluctuating velocity given the time-mean and the time history of a single velocity probe

    Steady streamwise transpiration control in turbulent pipe flow

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    A study of the the main features of low- and high amplitude steady streamwise wall transpiration applied to pipe flow is presented. The effect of the two transpiration parameters, amplitude and wavenumber, on the flow have been investigated by means of direct numerical simulation at a moderate turbulent Reynolds number. The behaviour of the three identified mechanisms that act in the flow: modification of Reynolds shear stress, steady streaming and generation of non-zero mean streamwise gradients, have been linked to the transpiration parameters. The observed trends have permitted the identification of wall transpiration configurations able to reduce or increase the overall flow rate in -36.1% and 19.3% respectively. A resolvent analysis has been carried out to obtain a description of the reorganization of the flow structures induced by the transpiration

    In situ mass spectrometry analysis of chemical vapour deposition of TiO2 thin films to study gas phase mechanisms

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    Deposition of TiO2 thin films are studied using a newly developed in situ mass spectrometry technique to observe gas phase reactions. Atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition (APCVD) reactions were carried out using titanium chloride and titanium tetraisopropoxide precursors, with ethyl acetate acting as an oxygen source in the case of the former, depositing on to float glass substrates at 300 and 600 °C. Using an atmospheric sampling mass spectrometer, the vapour phase was analysed during deposition and signals assigned to intermediate species that were measured during the formation of the thin films. The films deposited were characterised via scanning electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and thin film X-ray diffraction analysis

    Synthesis and Characterisation of Various Diester and Triester Adducts of TiCl4

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    Titanium(IV) chloride and the triester glycerol tribenzoate (gtb) were reacted under moisture-free conditions in order to investigate the use of triester-containing oils in the purification of TiCl4 in industrial processes. This resulted in the isolation of a chloro-bridged dimeric complex containing four titanium centres [{(TiCl4)2(gtb)}2] (1). Further novel coordination compounds of TiCl4 and the diesters; diisopropyl malonate, dibenzyl malonate and diethyl succinate were synthesised by direct reaction under moisture-free conditions, yielding [TiCl4{CH2(COOiPr)2}] (2), [TiCl4{CH2(COOCH2Ph)2}] (3) and [TiCl4{C2H4(COOEt)2}] (4) respectively. The structures of compounds 1–4 were determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. All structures assumed an octahedral geometry consisting of the titanium bound to four chloride ligands and the diester molecule acting as a bidentate ligand, through its two carbonyl oxygen atoms. Exposure of the isopropyl malonate reaction to trace amounts of water during synthesis resulted in the formation of an oxo-bridged dimeric structure [Ti2(μ-O)Cl3{CH2(COOiPr)2}2] (2b), the structure of which was also obtained via single-crystal X-ray diffraction

    High locomotor reactivity to novelty is associated with an increased propensity to choose saccharin over cocaine: new insights into the vulnerability to addiction.

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    Drug addiction is associated with a relative devaluation of natural or socially-valued reinforcers that are unable to divert addicts from seeking and consuming the drug. Before protracted drug exposure, most rats prefer natural rewards, such as saccharin, over cocaine. However, a subpopulation of animals prefer cocaine over natural rewards and are thought to be vulnerable to addiction. Specific behavioral traits have been associated with different dimensions of drug addiction. For example, anxiety predicts loss of control over drug intake whereas sensation seeking and sign-tracking are markers of a greater sensitivity to the rewarding properties of the drug. However, how these behavioral traits predict the disinterest for natural reinforcers remains unknown. In a population of rats, we identified sensation seekers (HR) on the basis of elevated novelty-induced locomotor reactivity, high anxious rats (HA) based on the propensity to avoid open arms in an elevated-plus maze and sign-trackers (ST) that are prone to approach, and interaction with, reward-associated stimuli. Rats were then tested on their preference for saccharin over cocaine in a discrete-trial choice procedure. We show that HR rats display a greater preference for saccharin over cocaine compared with ST and HA whereas the motivation for the drug was comparable between the three groups. The present data suggest that high locomotor reactivity to novelty, or sensation seeking, by predisposing to an increased choice toward non-drug rewards at early stages of drug use history, may prevent the establishment of chronic cocaine use.This work was funded by an INSERM AVENIR and Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) ANR12 SAMA00201 grant to DB, the région Poitou-Charentes, an AXA research fund fellowship to ABR, and a Ministère de la Recherche et de la Technologie grant to NV. AM was supported by the Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience Institute of Cambridge.This is the accepted manuscript of a paper published in Neuropsychopharmacology (2015) 40, 577–589; doi:10.1038/npp.2014.204; published online 17 September 2014

    Quantifying the real life risk profile of inhaled corticosteroids in COPD by record linkage analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS), especially when prescribed in combination with long-acting β(2) agonists have been shown to improve COPD outcomes. Although there is consistent evidence linking ICS with adverse effects such as pneumonia, the complete risk profile is unclear with conflicting evidence on any association between ICS and the incidence or worsening of existing diabetes, cataracts and fractures. We investigated this using record linkage in a Dundee COPD population. METHODS: A record linkage study linking COPD and diabetes datasets with prescription, hospitalisation and mortality data via a unique Community Health Index (CHI) number. A Cox regression model was used to determine the association between ICS use and new diabetes or worsening of existing diabetes and hospitalisations for pneumonia, fractures or cataracts after adjusting for potential confounders. A time dependent analysis of exposure comparing time on versus off ICS was used to take into account patients changing their exposure status during follow-up and to prevent immortal time bias. RESULTS: 4305 subjects (3243 exposed to ICS, total of 17,229 person-years of exposure and 1062 non exposed, with a follow-up of 4,508 patient-years) were eligible for the study. There were 239 cases of new diabetes (DM) and 265 cases of worsening DM, 550 admissions for pneumonia, 288 hospitalisations for fracture and 505 cataract related admissions. The hazard ratio for the association between cumulative ICS and outcomes were 0.70 (0.43-1.12), 0.57 (0.24-1.37), 1.38 (1.09-1.74), 1.08 (0.73-1.59) and 1.42 (1.07-1.88) after multivariate analysis respectively. CONCLUSION: The use of ICS in our cohort was not associated with new onset of diabetes, worsening of existing diabetes or fracture hospitalisation. There was however an association with increased cataracts and pneumonia hospitalisations

    Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase dentified as a key enzyme in erythrocytic Plasmodium falciparum carbon metabolism

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    Phospoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) is absent from humans but encoded in thePlasmodium falciparum genome, suggesting that PEPC has a parasite-specific function. To investigate its importance in P. falciparum, we generated a pepc null mutant (D10Δpepc), which was only achievable when malate, a reduction product of oxaloacetate, was added to the growth medium. D10Δpepc had a severe growth defect in vitro, which was partially reversed by addition of malate or fumarate, suggesting that pepc may be essential in vivo. Targeted metabolomics using 13C-U-D-glucose and 13C-bicarbonate showed that the conversion of glycolytically-derived PEP into malate, fumarate, aspartate and citrate was abolished in D10Δpepc and that pentose phosphate pathway metabolites and glycerol 3-phosphate were present at increased levels. In contrast, metabolism of the carbon skeleton of 13C,15N-U-glutamine was similar in both parasite lines, although the flux was lower in D10Δpepc; it also confirmed the operation of a complete forward TCA cycle in the wild type parasite. Overall, these data confirm the CO2 fixing activity of PEPC and suggest that it provides metabolites essential for TCA cycle anaplerosis and the maintenance of cytosolic and mitochondrial redox balance. Moreover, these findings imply that PEPC may be an exploitable target for future drug discovery

    Genome-Wide Association Study of Clinical Outcome After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Haemorrhage: Protocol

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    Aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (aSAH) results in persistent clinical deficits which prevent survivors from returning to normal daily functioning. Only a small fraction of the variation in clinical outcome following aSAH is explained by known clinical, demographic and imaging variables; meaning additional unknown factors must play a key role in clinical outcome. There is a growing body of evidence that genetic variation is important in determining outcome following aSAH. Understanding genetic determinants of outcome will help to improve prognostic modelling, stratify patients in clinical trials and target novel strategies to treat this devastating disease. This protocol details a two-stage genome-wide association study to identify susceptibility loci for clinical outcome after aSAH using individual patient-level data from multiple international cohorts. Clinical outcome will be assessed using the modified Rankin Scale or Glasgow Outcome Scale at 1-24 months. The stage 1 discovery will involve meta-analysis of individual-level genotypes from different cohorts, controlling for key covariates. Based on statistical significance, supplemented by biological relevance, top single nucleotide polymorphisms will be selected for replication at stage 2. The study has national and local ethical approval. The results of this study will be rapidly communicated to clinicians, researchers and patients through open-access publication(s), presentation(s) at international conferences and via our patient and public network

    Search for Gravitational Waves from Primordial Black Hole Binary Coalescences in the Galactic Halo

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    We use data from the second science run of the LIGO gravitational-wave detectors to search for the gravitational waves from primordial black hole (PBH) binary coalescence with component masses in the range 0.2--1.0M1.0 M_\odot. The analysis requires a signal to be found in the data from both LIGO observatories, according to a set of coincidence criteria. No inspiral signals were found. Assuming a spherical halo with core radius 5 kpc extending to 50 kpc containing non-spinning black holes with masses in the range 0.2--1.0M1.0 M_\odot, we place an observational upper limit on the rate of PBH coalescence of 63 per year per Milky Way halo (MWH) with 90% confidence.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, to be submitted to Phys. Rev.