320 research outputs found

    Zgornje Radvanje, Cluster 10 – a Late Neolithic pit with a structure and smaller pits

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    Many hollows defined as pit houses are known from the Neo-Eneolithic period. Similar pits were also detected at the Neo-Eneolithic settlement of Zgornje Radvanje. The cluster of pits presented in this paper shows a stratigraphic sequence. One of the phases yielded a structure. Pottery forms, production and decoration are presented for each individual phase. A comparison of pottery forms and decoration with other sites indicates that the earliest pottery assemblages originate from the late Neolithic period.Iz neo-eneolitskega obdobja so poznane številne jame, ki so opredeljene kot zemljanke. Podobne jame so bile odkrite tudi v neo-eneolitski naselbini Zgornje Radvanje. V kompleksu jam, ki ga predstavljamo je bila odkrita stratigrafska sekvenca, v kateri objekt predstavlja le eno izmed faz. Po posameznih fazah smo predstavili keramične oblike, tehnologijo izdelave keramike in ornament. Na podlagi primerjav oblik lončenine ter ornamentov z drugimi najdišči, smo keramične zbire najstarejših faz časovno umestili v obdobje poznega neolitika


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    Dimitrijević’s definition of the Sopot Culture, his studies of related material culture and establishment of its relative chronology in the late 1960s and in the 1970s (Dimitrijević 1968; 1979b) were very important steps in the history of archaeological research. His works are still today the basis for every researcher who is working with this problematic. However, new methods have been developed in the last decades, which make it possible to look again on this questions. The aim of this paper is to evaluate Dimitrijević’s thesis of evolution and termination of the Sopot Culture on the basis of absolute radiocarbon dates. We will therefore examine radiocarbon (14C) dates known from the Starčevo and the Sopot cultures, the Linear Band Pottery Culture, the Vinča and the Lengyel cultures, the Lasinja and Baden cultures

    Forms, function, and use of Early Eneolithic pottery and settlement structures from ZgornjeRadvanje, Slovenia

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    This paper discusses the use of ceramic objects in daily life in the Early Eneolithic period, based on ceramic assemblages from the settlement at Zgornje Radvanje in Maribor. The possible function of individual pottery types was studied through typological analysis, pottery production methods, traces of secondary burning and carbonized residues, and ethnographic parallels. The function of different types of settlement structure is discussed on the basis of statistical comparisons of the composition of ceramic assemblages.V članku razpravljamo o uporabi keramičnih predmetov v vsakdanjem življenju v obdobju zgodnjega eneolitika, na podlagi keramičnih zbirov iz naselbine Zgornje Radvanje v Mariboru. Funkcijo posameznih keramičnih tipov smo raziskali s pomočjo tipoloških analiz, analiz načina izdelave keramike, sledov sekundarnega gorenja in karboniziranih ostankov ter tudi z iskanjem etnografskih vzporednic. Na podlagi statističnih primerjav sestave keramičnih zbirov pa razpravljamo o funkciji različnih tipov naselbinskih struktur

    Konstitusi Liturgi Konsili Vatikan II: Prasejarah, Sejarah, dan Naskahnya

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    Constitution on the sacred liturgy of the Second Vatican Council speaks about the nature and meaning of liturgy for the life of the Church as well as important directions on the ecclesial renewal through liturgical renewal. This article presents a study, a library research on the history of the respective constitution. This study should help to unfold a rich meaning of this liturgical renewal in the context of an ecclesial renewal in general as well as of a liturgical renewal for the last 50 years after the Council. Significant thoughts of the fathers of the council should serve as source of inspiration, also for our pastoral-liturgical ministry. Finally, the study will indicate some concrete steps to promote a continuation of the liturgical-ecclesial renewal for the life of the pilgrim Church

    The Neolithic-Eneolithic sequence and pottery assemblages in the fifth millennium BC in north-eastern Slovenia

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    This paper discusses the settlements at Andrenci, Stoperce, Ptuj-Šolski center, Zgornje Radvanje and Hoče-Orglarska delavnica, all located in north-eastern Slovenia. The settlements are dated on the basis of the results of radiocarbon analyses. The characteristics of the material and cultu- ral-chronological site structures were studied through analyses of pottery (pottery production, form, decoration) and comparative analyses.V prispevku obravnavamo naselbine Andrenci, Stoperce, Ptuj-Šolski center, Zgornje Radvanje in Hoče-Orglarska delavnica, ki se nahajajo v severovzhodni Sloveniji. Na podlagi rezultatov radiokarbonskih analiz ugotavljamo starost naselbin. Z analizami keramičnih najdb (način izdelave keramike, oblike, okras) in s primerjalnimi analizami pa smo raziskali značilnosti materialne kulture in kulturno-kronološko strukturiranost najdišč

    Student Recital

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    Die Schwestern Papin. Folie à deux

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    Man schreibt Donnerstag, den 2. Februar 1933 in der Stadt Le Mans, Präfektur der Region Sarthe. Es ist ungefähr 20 Uhr, die zu René Lancelin gerufene örtliche Polizei, der es nicht gelingt, in das Haus zu gelangen, verschafft sich mit Gewalt Eintritt beim ehemaligen Anwalt und findet im ersten Stock Madame Lancelin und ihre Tochter ermordet auf. Ihre Körper sind grausam verstümmelt, ihre Augen sind aus ihren Höhlen herausgerissen. \ud Im zweiten Stock, zurückgezogen auf einen Winkel ihres Bettes und eng aneinander geschmiegt, gestehen die zwei mustergültigen Dienstboten Christine und Léa Papin offenbar problemlos die zweifache Mordtat an ihren Dienstgebern, an welchen es ihrer Meinung nach nichts auszusetzen gegeben habe. Nur ein kleiner Zwischenfall, ein kaputt gegangenes Bügeleisen und eine daraufhin durchgebrannte Sicherung, scheint das .blutige Gemetzel. ausgelöst zu haben

    Novosti o poselitvi Pohorskega Podravja v zgodnji in srednji bronasti dobi ter kronologija poselitve na najdišču Slivnica 1B pri Mariboru

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    V prispevku so predstavljene naselbinske ostaline iz bronaste dobe, ki so jih odkrili na najdišču Slivnica 1B pred izgradnjo avtoceste A1 pri Mariboru v letih 1996 in 1997. Na podlagi analize najdb iz naselbinskih jam ugotavljam, da je bila ravnica ob vznožju Pohorja po koncu srednje bakrene dobe poseljena v prehodnem horizontu Somogyvár-Vinkovci, intenzivneje pa od horizonta Kisapostág (stopnja Bd A1) naprej. Poselitev se je nadaljevala v horizontu pramenaste keramike (Bd A2, A2/B1, morda tudi B1), kamor lahko datiramo večje število jam in tudi jam za stojke, nato pa v (manjšem obsegu) v srednji bronasti dobi in v zgodnjem žarnogrobiščnem obdobju (Bd C–Bd D; morda tudi Bd B). Hiše, grajene s stojkami, so stale v osrednjem delu najdišča, medtem ko so bile severno in južno od njih odkrite večje jame nepravilnih oblik. Rezultati datiranja 14C po postopku AMS kažejo, da je jama kulture Kisapostág iz druge polovice 3. tisočletja pr. n. št., jami iz horizonta pramenaste keramike sta okvirno iz prve tretjine 2. tisočletja pr. n. št., edina datirana jama iz horizonta Oloris-Podsmreka pa iz 15. ali 14. st. pr. n. št

    Novosti o poselitvi Pohorskega Podravja v zgodnji in srednji bronasti dobi ter kronologija poselitve na najdišču Slivnica 1B pri Mariboru

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    This paper presents Bronze Age settlement remains, which were discovered at the Slivnica 1B site before the construc- tion of the A1 highway near Maribor in 1996 and 1997. Based on the analysis of finds discovered in the settlement pits, it can be concluded that after the end of the Middle Copper Age, the plain in the foothills of Pohorje was first resettled in the Somogyvár-Vinkovci horizon and that it was more intensively settled from the Kisapostág cultural horizon (BA A1 phase) onwards. Settlement continued in the Litzen pottery cultural horizon (BA A2, A2/B1 phases, possibly also B1), to which a large number of pits and post-holes can be attributed, and then the area was resettled (to a smaller extent) in the Middle Bronze Age and the Early Urnfield Period (BA C – BA D phases; possibly also BA B). Houses built with posts were located in the central part of the site, while larger pits of irregular ground plan were discovered in the area north and south of the houses. The results of 14C AMS dating indicate that the pit of the Kisapostág culture is from the second half of the 3rd millennium BC, the pits of the Litzen pottery cultural horizon are tentatively from the first third of the 2nd millennium BC, and the only dated pit of the Oloris-Podsmreka horizon is from the 15th or 14th century BC.V prispevku so predstavljene naselbinske ostaline iz bronaste dobe, ki so jih odkrili na najdišču Slivnica 1B pred izgradnjo avtoceste A1 pri Mariboru v letih 1996 in 1997. Na podlagi analize najdb iz naselbinskih jam ugotavljam, da je bila ravnica ob vznožju Pohorja po koncu srednje bakrene dobe poseljena v prehodnem horizontu Somogyvár-Vinkovci, intenzivneje pa od horizonta Kisapostág (stopnja Bd A1) naprej. Poselitev se je nadaljevala v horizontu pramenaste keramike (Bd A2, A2/B1, morda tudi B1), kamor lahko datiramo večje število jam in tudi jam za stojke, nato pa v (manjšem obsegu) v srednji bronasti dobi in v zgodnjem žarnogrobiščnem obdobju (Bd C–Bd D; morda tudi Bd B). Hiše, grajene s stojkami, so stale v osrednjem delu najdišča, medtem ko so bile severno in južno od njih odkrite večje jame nepravilnih oblik. Rezultati datiranja 14C po postopku AMS kažejo, da je jama kulture Kisapostág iz druge polovice 3. tisočletja pr. n. št., jami iz horizonta pramenaste keramike sta okvirno iz prve tretjine 2. tisočletja pr. n. št., edina datirana jama iz horizonta Oloris-Podsmreka pa iz 15. ali 14. st. pr. n. št

    Audio fingerprinting for music identification in videos

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    The thesis describes the development process of making an application, the purpose of which is to analyze video files and to recognize the songs that appear in the videos, using audio fingerprints. The application delivers the information about where within the duration of a video a certain song begins and where it ends. The application also enables its user the use of an online service used to recognize songs which could not have been recognized using the original, free library. The user has to subscribe to this online service and pay for its use. In case the application is not able to recognize the songs within the recording it allows the user to write the information about the unrecognized songs and to fingerprint them and save them into the database.The thesis describes the solutions for recognizing music and provides a detailed description of getting from an audio file to a set of audio fingerprints using the library of my choice. It also describes the process of making the application and finally, presents some testing results and proposes some possible improvements