370 research outputs found

    Aggregation of biological particles under radial directional guidance

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    Many biological environments display an almost radially-symmetric structure, allowing proteins, cells or animals to move in an oriented fashion. Motivated by specific examples of cell movement in tissues, pigment protein movement in pigment cells and animal movement near watering holes, we consider a class of radially-symmetric anisotropic diffusion problems, which we call the star problem. The corresponding diffusion tensor D(x) is radially symmetric with isotropic diffusion at the origin. We show that the anisotropic geometry of the environment can lead to strong aggregations and blow-up at the origin. We classify the nature of aggregation and blow-up solutions and provide corresponding numerical simulations. A surprising element of this strong aggregation mechanism is that it is entirely based on geometry and does not derive from chemotaxis, adhesion or other well known aggregating mechanisms. We use these aggregate solutions to discuss the process of pigmentation changes in animals, cancer invasion in an oriented fibrous habitat (such as collagen fibres), and sheep distributions around watering holes

    On the possible generation of the young massive open clusters Stephenson2 and BDSB122 by Omega Centauri

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    A massive objects such as a globular cluster passing through the disk of a galaxy can trigger star formation. We test the hypothesis that the most massive globular cluster in the Galaxy, ω\omega Centauri, which crossed the disk approximately 24±224\pm2 Myr ago, may have triggered the formation of the open clusters Stephenson 2 and BDSB 122. The orbits of ω\omega Centauri, Stephenson 2 and BDSB 122 are computed for the three-component model of Johnston, Hernquist & Bolte, which considers the disk, spheroidal and halo gravitational potentials. With the re-constructed orbit of ω\omega Centauri, we show that the latest impact site is consistent, within important uncertainties, with the birth-site of the young massive open clusters BDSB 122 and Stephenson 2. Within uncertainties, this scenario is consistent with the time-scale of their backwards motion in the disk, shock wave propagation and delay for star formation. Together with open cluster formation associated to density waves in spiral arms, the present results are consistent with the idea that massive globular clusters as additional progenitors of open clusters, the massive ones in particular.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures; accepted by A&

    The Nuclear and Circum-nuclear Stellar Population in Seyfert 2 Galaxies: Implications for the Starburst-AGN Connection

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    We report the results of a spectroscopic investigation of a sample of 20 of the brightest type 2 Seyfert nuclei. Our goal is to search for the direct spectroscopic signature of massive stars, and thereby probe the role of circumnuclear starbursts in the Seyfert phenomenon. The method used is based on the detection of the higher order Balmer lines and HeI lines in absorption and the Wolf-Rayet feature at \sim4680 \AA in emission. These lines are strong indicators of the presence of young (a few Myrs) and intermediate-age (a few 100 Myrs) stellar populations. In over half the sample, we have detected HeI and/or strong stellar absorption features in the high-order (near-UV) Balmer series together with relatively weak lines from an old stellar population. In three others we detect a broad emission feature near 4680 \AA that is most plausibly ascribed to a population of Wolf-Rayet stars (the evolved descendants of the most massive stars). We therefore conclude that the blue and near-UV light of over half of the sample is dominated by young and/or intermediate age stars. The ``young'' Seyfert 2's have have larger far-IR luminosities, cooler mid/far-IR colors, and smaller [OIII]/Hβ\beta flux ratios than the ``old'' ones. These differences are consistent with a starburst playing a significant energetic role in the former class. We consider the possibility that there may be two distinct sub-classes of Seyfert 2 nuclei (``starbursts'' and ``hidden BLR''). However, the fact that hidden BLRs have been found in three of the ``young'' nuclei argues against this, and suggests that nuclear starbursts may be a more general part of the Seyfert phenomenon.Comment: To be published in ApJ, 546, Jan 10, 200

    Automated search for galactic star clusters in large multiband surveys: I. Discovery of 15 new open clusters in the Galactic anticenter region

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    Aims: According to some estimations, there are as many as 100000 open clusters in the Galaxy, but less than 2000 of them have been discovered, measured, and cataloged. We plan to undertake data mining of multiwavelength surveys to find new star clusters. Methods: We have developed a new method to search automatically for star clusters in very large stellar catalogs, which is based on convolution with density functions. We have applied this method to a subset of the Two Micron All Sky Survey catalog toward the Galactic anticenter. We also developed a method to verify whether detected stellar groups are real star clusters, which tests whether the stars that form the spatial density peak also fall onto a single isochrone in the color-magnitude diagram. By fitting an isochrone to the data, we estimate at the same time the main physical parameters of a cluster: age, distance, color excess. Results: For the present paper, we carried out a detailed analysis of 88 overdensity peaks detected in a field of 16×1616\times16 degrees near the Galactic anticenter. From this analysis, 15 overdensities were confirmed to be new open clusters and the physical and structural parameters were determined for 12 of them; 10 of them were previously suspected to be open clusters by Kronberger (2006) and Froebrich (2007). The properties were also determined for 13 yet-unstudied known open clusters, thus almost tripling the sample of open clusters with studied parameters in the anticenter. The parameters determined with this method showed a good agreement with published data for a set of well-known clusters.Comment: accepted to A&

    Synthetic spectra of H Balmer and HeI absorption lines. II: Evolutionary synthesis models for starburst and post-starburst galaxies

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    We present evolutionary stellar population synthesis models to predict the spectrum of a single-metallicity stellar population, with a spectral sampling of 0.3 A in five spectral regions between 3700 and 5000 A. The models, which are optimized for galaxies with active star formation, synthesize the profiles of the hydrogen Balmer series (Hb, Hg, Hd, H8, H9, H10, H11, H12 and H13) and the neutral helium absorption lines (HeI 4922, HeI 4471, HeI 4388, HeI 4144, HeI 4121, HeI 4026, HeI 4009 and HeI 3819) for a burst with an age ranging from 1 to 1000 Myr, and different assumptions about the stellar initial mass function. Continuous star formation models lasting for 1 Gyr are also presented. The input stellar library includes NLTE absorption profiles for stars hotter than 25000 K and LTE profiles for lower temperatures. The temperature and gravity coverage is 4000 K <Teff< 50000 K and 0.0< log g$< 5.0, respectively. The models can be used to date starburst and post-starburst galaxies until 1 Gyr. They have been tested on data for clusters in the LMC, the super-star cluster B in the starburst galaxy NGC 1569, the nucleus of the dwarf elliptical NGC 205 and a luminous "E+A" galaxy. The full data set is available for retrieval at http://www.iaa.es/ae/e2.html and at http://www.stsci.edu/science/starburst/, or on request from the authors at [email protected]: To be published in ApJS. 48 pages and 20 figure

    A Library of Integrated Spectra of Galactic Globular Clusters

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    We present a new library of integrated spectra of 40 Galactic globular clusters, obtained with the Blanco 4-m telescope and the R-C spectrograph at the Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory. The spectra cover the range ~ 3350 -- 6430 A with ~ 3.1 A (FWHM) resolution. The spectroscopic observations and data reduction were designed to integrate the full projected area within the cluster core radii in order to properly sample the light from stars in all relevant evolutionary stages. The S/N values of the flux-calibrated spectra range from 50 to 240/A at 4000 A and from 125 to 500/A at 5000 A. The selected targets span a wide range of cluster parameters, including metallicity, horizontal-branch morphology, Galactic coordinates, Galactocentric distance, and concentration. The total sample is thus fairly representative of the entire Galactic globular cluster population and should be valuable for comparison with similar integrated spectra of unresolved stellar populations in remote systems. For most of the library clusters, our spectra can be coupled with deep color-magnitude diagrams and reliable metal abundances from the literature to enable the calibration of stellar population synthesis models. In this paper we present a detailed account of the observations and data reduction. The spectral library is publicly available in electronic format from the National Optical Astronomical Observatory website.Comment: 39 Pages, including 2 tables and 15 Figures. To appear in the Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Serie

    Parent's knowledge towards their child suffering from fever

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    INTRODUÇÃO A febre, um problema comum na infância, é uma das maiores preocupações dos pais nas situações de doença dos seus filhos, essencialmente pela falta de informação sobre o seu significado. OBJETIVO Identificar as variáveis sociodemográficas que interferem no conhecimento dos pais perante os filhos com febre. MÉTODOS Estudo quantitativo, transversal, descritivo e correlacional, numa amostra não probabilística por conveniência, constituída por 360 pais que frequentavam as consultas de vigilância de saúde infantil com os seus filhos, em instituições de saúde públicas da região centro de Portugal. O instrumento de colheita de dados, submetido a validação e pré-teste, foi construído pelos investigadores com base na revisão teórica. RESULTADOS Trata-se de uma amostra com uma média de idade de 34,7 anos (±7,9), maioritariamente feminina (51,7%). Os conhecimentos sobre a febre revelaram-se fracos nos pais com idade ≥ 38 anos (36.2%), a residirem na zona rural (69.3%) e com uma escolaridade até ao 9º ano (53.9%). Os pais com menos de 37 anos (68.2%), a residirem na zona urbana (53.0%) e com o ensino superior (43.3%) revelaram bons conhecimentos. CONCLUSÕES Os resultados revelam a necessidade dos enfermeiros capacitarem os pais para cuidar dos filhos com febre, promovendo a melhoria do nível de literacia em saúde.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A major star formation region in the receding tip of the stellar Galactic bar

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    We present an analysis of the optical spectroscopy of 58 stars in the Galactic plane at l=27l=27\arcdeg, where a prominent excess in the flux distribution and star counts have been observed in several spectral regions, in particular in the Two Micron Galactic Survey (TMGS) catalog. The sources were selected from the TMGS, to have a KK magnitude brighter than +5 mag and be within 2 degrees of the Galactic plane. More than 60% of the spectra correspond to stars of luminosity class I, and a significant proportion of the remainder are very late giants which would also be fast evolving. This very high concentration of young sources points to the existence of a major star formation region in the Galactic plane, located just inside the assumed origin of the Scutum spiral arm. Such regions can form due to the concentrations of shocked gas where a galactic bar meets a spiral arm, as is observed at the ends of the bars of face-on external galaxies. Thus, the presence of a massive star formation region is very strong supporting evidence for the presence of a bar in our Galaxy.Comment: 13 pages (latex) + 4 figures (eps), accepted in ApJ Let

    Discovery of New Milky Way Star Cluster Candidates in the 2MASS Point Source Catalog II. Physical Properties of the Star Cluster CC01

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    Three new obscured Milky Way clusters were detected as surface density peaks in the 2MASS point source catalog during our on-going search for hidden globular clusters and massive Arches-like star clusters. One more cluster was discovered serendipitously during a visual inspection of the candidates. The first deep J, H, and Ks imaging of the cluster [IBP2002] CC01 is presented. We estimated a cluster age of ~1-3 Myr, distance modulus of (m-M)0=12.56+-0.08 mag (D=3.5 Kpc), and extinction of AV~7.7 mag. We also derived the initial mass function slope for the cluster: Gamma=-2.23+-0.16. The integration over the initial mass function yielded a total cluster mass M_{total}<=1800+-200Msol. CC01 appears to be a regular, not very massive star cluster, whose formation has probably been induced by the shock front from the nearby HII region Sh2-228.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, accepted in A&