144 research outputs found

    Lectin histochemistry study in the human vas deferens

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    The oligosaccharide sequences of glycoconjugates in the normal human vas deferens and the nature of the saccharide linkage were studied by lectin histochem. The cytoplasm of all epithelial cell types (principal cells, basal cells, and mitochondria-rich cells) and luminal contents reacted pos. with WGA, MAA, PNA, DSA, LTA, UEA-I, AAA, and ConA. The reaction was more intense in the stereocilia of principal cells. Cytoplasmic staining was diffuse except for PNA and DSA labeling which was limited to the apical cytoplasm and stereocilia of columnar cells. The cytoplasm of all cell types also reacted diffusely with HPA, although staining was weak and was not obsd. in the stereocilia. Pos. reaction with SBA only was encountered in the stereocilia of principal cells. SNA, LTA, and DBA were unreactive. GNA-labeling showed a granular distribution in the supranuclear cytoplasm of columnar epithelial cells. Reactions with MAA, PNA, DSA, AAA, HPA and SBA disappeared after the β-elimination reaction. Reactions with WGA and UEA-I decreased after ß-elimination or Endo-F digestion. Reactions with ConA and GNA were suppressed by Endo-F digestion. Reactions with PNA, HPA, and SBA increased after desialylation. Of all the lectins that label the luminal contents of the vas deferens, only UEA-I was not found in the luminal contents of seminiferous tubules and epididymis and, thus, this lectin would probably bind to glycoproteins secreted by the vas deferens. The chem. treatments used suggest that this secretion contains fucose residues located in both N- and O-linked oligosaccharides. The other lectins may label secreted proteins, but also structural proteins or proteins reabsorbed from the luminal fluid. The lectin-binding pattern of mitochondria-rich cells in the vas deferens differed from that found in the epididymis

    Functional analyses of a novel splice variant in the CHD7 gene, found by next generation sequencing, Confirm Its pathogenicity in a Spanish patient and diagnose him with CHARGE syndrome

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    Mutations in CHD7 have been shown to be a major cause of CHARGE syndrome, which presents many symptoms and features common to other syndromes making its diagnosis difficult. Next generation sequencing (NGS) of a panel of intellectual disability related genes was performed in an adult patient without molecular diagnosis. A splice donor variant in CHD7 (c.5665 + 1G > T) was identified. To study its potential pathogenicity, exons and flanking intronic sequences were amplified from patient DNA and cloned into the pSAD® splicing vector. HeLa cells were transfected with this construct and a wild-type minigene and functional analysis were performed. The construct with the c.5665 + 1G > T variant produced an aberrant transcript with an insert of 63 nucleotides of intron 28 creating a premature termination codon (TAG) 25 nucleotides downstream. This would lead to the insertion of 8 new amino acids and therefore a truncated 1896 amino acid protein. As a result of this, the patient was diagnosed with CHARGE syndrome. Functional analyses underline their usefulness for studying the pathogenicity of variants found by NGS and therefore its application to accurately diagnose patients.This work was funded by Jesús de Gangoiti Barrera Foundation (FJGB15/005). The EAV laboratory is funded by projects of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, National Plan for R & D 2013–2016, ISCIII (FIS: PI13/01749) co-financed by FEDER from Regional Development European Funds (European Union) and the project CSI090U14 of the Regional ministry of Education (ORDER EDU/122/2014) (Castilla y León, Spain). This study made use of data generated by the UK10K Project. Funding for the UK10K Project was provided by the Wellcome Trust under award WT091310.Peer reviewe

    Persisting right-sided chylothorax in a patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a case report

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    Introduction Chylothorax caused by chronic lymphocytic leukemia is very rare and the best therapeutic approach, especially the role of modern immunochemotherapy, is not yet defined. Case presentation We present the case of a 65-year-old male Caucasian patient with right-sided chylothorax caused by a concomitantly diagnosed chronic lymphocytic leukemia. As first-line treatment four cycles of an immunochemotherapy, consisting of fludarabine, cyclophosphamide and rituximab were administered. In addition, our patient received total parenteral nutrition for the first two weeks of treatment. Despite the very good clinical response of the lymphoma to treatment, the chylothorax persisted and percutaneous radiotherapy of the thoracic duct was applied. However, eight weeks after the radiotherapy the chylothorax still persisted and our patient agreed to a surgical intervention. A ligation of the thoracic duct via a muscle sparing thoracotomy was performed, resulting in a complete cessation of the pleural effusion. Apart from the first two weeks our patient was treated on an out-patient basis for nearly six months. Conclusion In this case of chylothorax caused by chronic lymphocytic leukemia, immunochemotherapy in combination with conservative treatment, and even consecutive radiotherapy, were not able to stop pleural effusion, despite the very good clinical response of the chronic lymphocytic leukemia to treatment. Out-patient management using repetitive thoracocenteses can be safe as bridging until definitive surgical ligation of the thoracic duct

    Anonymity and Rewards in Peer Rating Systems

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    When peers rate each other, they may choose to rate inaccurately in order to boost their own reputation or unfairly lower another’s. This could be successfully mitigated by having a reputation server incentivise accurate ratings with a reward. However, assigning rewards becomes a challenge when ratings are anonymous, since the reputation server cannot tell which peers to reward for rating accurately. To address this, we propose an anonymous peer rating system in which users can be rewarded for accurate ratings, and we formally define its model and security requirements. In our system ratings are rewarded in batches, so that users claiming their rewards only reveal they authored one in this batch of ratings. To ensure the anonymity set of rewarded users is not reduced, we also split the reputation server into two entities, the Rewarder, who knows which ratings are rewarded, and the Reputation Holder, who knows which users were rewarded. We give a provably secure construction satisfying all the security properties required. For our construction we use a modification of a Direct Anonymous Attestation scheme to ensure that peers can prove their own reputation when rating others, and that multiple feedback on the same subject can be detected. We then use Linkable Ring Signatures to enable peers to be rewarded for their accurate ratings, while still ensuring that ratings are anonymous. Our work results in a system which allows for accurate ratings to be rewarded, whilst still providing anonymity of ratings with respect to the central entities managing the system

    Restor(y)ing meaning: reading Manoel de Oliveira’s Non ou a Vã Glória de Mandar

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    Manoel de Oliveira’s Non ou a Vã Glória de Mandar (1990) is a landmark in Lusophone cinema’s revisitation of the history of Portuguese expansion and colonial conflicts. This article aims at analysing the film’s political import by extrapolating from Jacques Rancière’s meditation on the ‘aesthetic regime’ and from Manoel de Oliveira’s references to Derridean deconstruction. Non and Oliveira’s filming praxis both exceed and disrupt the filmmaker’s personal logocentric and teleological theories of history and cinema

    Study protocol for the multicentre cohorts of Zika virus infection in pregnant women, infants, and acute clinical cases in Latin America and the Caribbean: the ZIKAlliance consortium.

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    BACKGROUND: The European Commission (EC) Horizon 2020 (H2020)-funded ZIKAlliance Consortium designed a multicentre study including pregnant women (PW), children (CH) and natural history (NH) cohorts. Clinical sites were selected over a wide geographic range within Latin America and the Caribbean, taking into account the dynamic course of the ZIKV epidemic. METHODS: Recruitment to the PW cohort will take place in antenatal care clinics. PW will be enrolled regardless of symptoms and followed over the course of pregnancy, approximately every 4 weeks. PW will be revisited at delivery (or after miscarriage/abortion) to assess birth outcomes, including microcephaly and other congenital abnormalities according to the evolving definition of congenital Zika syndrome (CZS). After birth, children will be followed for 2 years in the CH cohort. Follow-up visits are scheduled at ages 1-3, 4-6, 12, and 24 months to assess neurocognitive and developmental milestones. In addition, a NH cohort for the characterization of symptomatic rash/fever illness was designed, including follow-up to capture persisting health problems. Blood, urine, and other biological materials will be collected, and tested for ZIKV and other relevant arboviral diseases (dengue, chikungunya, yellow fever) using RT-PCR or serological methods. A virtual, decentralized biobank will be created. Reciprocal clinical monitoring has been established between partner sites. Substudies of ZIKV seroprevalence, transmission clustering, disabilities and health economics, viral kinetics, the potential role of antibody enhancement, and co-infections will be linked to the cohort studies. DISCUSSION: Results of these large cohort studies will provide better risk estimates for birth defects and other developmental abnormalities associated with ZIKV infection including possible co-factors for the variability of risk estimates between other countries and regions. Additional outcomes include incidence and transmission estimates of ZIKV during and after pregnancy, characterization of short and long-term clinical course following infection and viral kinetics of ZIKV. STUDY REGISTRATIONS: clinicaltrials.gov NCT03188731 (PW cohort), June 15, 2017; clinicaltrials.gov NCT03393286 (CH cohort), January 8, 2018; clinicaltrials.gov NCT03204409 (NH cohort), July 2, 2017

    Izaña Atmospheric Research Center. Activity Report 2015-2016

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    This report is a summary of the many activities at the Izaña Atmospheric Research Center to the broader community. The combination of operational activities, research and development in state-of-the-art measurement techniques, calibration and validation and international cooperation encompass the vision of WMO to provide world leadership in expertise and international cooperation in weather, climate, hydrology and related environmental issues