9,350 research outputs found

    Prohibitions and Policy in the Global Gaming Industry: A Genealogy and Media Content Analysis of Gaming Restrictions in Contemporary Russia

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    In an era of widespread gaming expansion, Russia\u27s recent decision to contract its gaming industry stands out as a global anomaly. This article explores factors informing the 2009 restriction of gambling venues in Russia to four remote zones. After a brief discussion of gambling prohibition history across cultures, a genealogical analysis of the origins and development of gaming laws in Russia follows. The authors then use a qualitative content analysis technique to examine the rationales for this contraction that were expressed in Russian news outlets between 2003 and 2010 - the period when the new restrictions were debated, voted on, and enacted. This analysis revealed four major rationales cited by the media: 1) alleged ties between gambling and organized crime, 2) social cost themes associated with addiction and related problems with youth in Russia, 3) gambling\u27s enforcement of class boundaries, and 4) the protection of a Russian national identity. The results help us better understand anti-gambling arguments generally, and the unique dynamics of Russia\u27s crackdown in particular

    The Lueders Postulate and the Distinguishability of Observables

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    The Lueders postulate is reviewed and implications for the distinguishability of observables are discussed. As an example the distinguishability of two similar observables for spin-1/2 particles is described. Implementation issues are briefly analyzed.Comment: Submitted to the proceedings of ICFNCS, Hong Kong, 200

    Human Pheromones: Integrating Neuroendocrinology and Ethology

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    The effect of sensory input on hormones is essential to any explanation of mammalian behavior, including aspects of physical attraction. The chemical signals we send have direct and developmental effects on hormone levels in other people. Since we don't know either if, or how, visual cues might have direct and developmental effects on hormone levels in other people, the biological basis for the development of visually perceived human physical attraction is currently somewhat questionable. In contrast, the biological basis for the development of physical attraction based on chemical signals is well detailed

    Magnetoresistance Effects in SrFeO(3-x): Dependence on Phase Composition and Relation to Magnetic and Charge Order

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    Single crystals of iron(IV) rich oxides SrFeO(3-x) with controlled oxygen content have been studied by Moessbauer spectroscopy, magnetometry, magnetotransport measurements, Raman spectroscopy, and infrared ellipsometry in order to relate the large magnetoresistance (MR) effects in this system to phase composition, magnetic and charge order. It is shown that three different types of MR effects occur. In cubic SrFeO3 (x = 0) a large negative MR of 25% at 9 T is associated with a hitherto unknown 60 K magnetic transition and a subsequent drop in resistivity. The 60 K transition appears in addition to the onset of helical ordering at ~130 K. In crystals with vacancy-ordered tetragonal SrFeO(3-x) as majority phase (x ~0.15) a coincident charge/antiferromagnetic ordering transition near 70 K gives rise to a negative giant MR effect of 90% at 9 T. A positive MR effect is observed in tetragonal and orthorhombic materials with increased oxygen deficiency (x = 0.19, 0.23) which are insulating at low temperatures. Phase mixtures can result in a complex superposition of these different MR phenomena. The MR effects in SrFeO(3-x) differ from those in manganites as no ferromagnetic states are involved

    On the evaluation of matrix elements in partially projected wave functions

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    We generalize the Gutzwiller approximation scheme to the calculation of nontrivial matrix elements between the ground state and excited states. In our scheme, the normalization of the Gutzwiller wave function relative to a partially projected wave function with a single non projected site (the reservoir site) plays a key role. For the Gutzwiller projected Fermi sea, we evaluate the relative normalization both analytically and by variational Monte-Carlo (VMC). We also report VMC results for projected superconducting states that show novel oscillations in the hole density near the reservoir site

    Die Soziale Innovationskraft des Ökologischen Landbaus – zwischen Main Stream und Gesellschaftlichem Wandel

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    In this article we present a conceptual framework to describe and assess how conversion towards organic farming can qualify as a social innovation (SI). For that we critically analyze the current concepts on SI and add insights from Practice Theory (PT) to create an instrument to apply the idea of SI within the context of organic agrofood-systems. We introduce an example and conclude with a summary of the added value of an extended concept of SI using insights from PT

    Differential expression and biochemical activity of the immune receptor Tim-3 in healthy and malignant human myeloid cells

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    The T cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain 3 (Tim-3) is a plasma membrane-associated receptor which is involved in a variety of biological responses in human immune cells. It is highly expressed in most acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) cells and therefore may serve as a possible target for AML therapy. However, its biochemical activities in primary human AML cells remain unclear. We therefore analysed the total expression and surface presence of the Tim-3 receptor in primary human AML blasts and healthy primary human leukocytes isolated from human blood. We found that Tim-3 expression was significantly higher in primary AML cells compared to primary healthy leukocytes. Tim-3 receptor molecules were distributed largely on the surface of primary AML cells, whereas in healthy leukocytes Tim-3 protein was mainly expressed intracellularly. In primary human AML blasts, both Tim-3 agonistic antibody and galectin-9 (a Tim-3 natural ligand) significantly upregulated mTOR pathway activity. This was in line with increased accumulation of hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha (HIF-1α) and secretion of VEGF and TNF-α. Similar results were obtained in primary human healthy leukocytes. Importantly, in both types of primary cells, Tim-3-mediated effects were compared with those induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and stem cell factor (SCF). Tim-3 induced comparatively moderate responses in both AML cells and healthy leukocytes. However, Tim-3, like LPS, mediated the release of both TNF-α and VEGF, while SCF induced mostly VEGF secretion and did not upregulate TNF-α release

    Timescale-invariant representation of acoustic communication signals by a bursting neuron

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    Acoustic communication often involves complex sound motifs in which the relative durations of individual elements, but not their absolute durations, convey meaning. Decoding such signals requires an explicit or implicit calculation of the ratios between time intervals. Using grasshopper communication as a model, we demonstrate how this seemingly difficult computation can be solved in real time by a small set of auditory neurons. One of these cells, an ascending interneuron, generates bursts of action potentials in response to the rhythmic syllable-pause structure of grasshopper calls. Our data show that these bursts are preferentially triggered at syllable onset; the number of spikes within the burst is linearly correlated with the duration of the preceding pause. Integrating the number of spikes over a fixed time window therefore leads to a total spike count that reflects the characteristic syllable-to-pause ratio of the species while being invariant to playing back the call faster or slower. Such a timescale-invariant recognition is essential under natural conditions, because grasshoppers do not thermoregulate; the call of a sender sitting in the shade will be slower than that of a grasshopper in the sun. Our results show that timescale-invariant stimulus recognition can be implemented at the single-cell level without directly calculating the ratio between pulse and interpulse durations
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