250 research outputs found

    Student's opinion on a problem-based learning method of teaching comparative animal physiology

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    The purpose of this study is to verify the opinion of students in relation to a learning methodology, where emphasis is not placed on the accumulation or memorizationi of specific knowledge, but in the use of dedution to solve problems related to a particular subject. This study was carried out with undergraduate students of the course "Comparative Animal Physiology" (classes of 10 to 15 students each), from the Federal University of Santa Maria, Southern Brazil. During each class the students discussed the answers to a given question, provided by the teacher, with the aid of available references; after which a written report of their conclusions had to be done. The evaluation of the students was basead on these reports. At the end of the semester, the students (44 on the whole) answered (anonymously) a questionnaire to evaluat this method, with relation to lectured-centered classes. According to the students, if compared with lectures, this method offered a restrict vision of the subject, but it is more interesting and improves their performance. There is no difference between these methods in relation to elucidation of doubts. The students did not think that too much time was lost translating English texts. Most students prefer this system instead of lectures, and the evaluation methodology was unanimously approved. Based on these results, it can be concluded that this method can be used to teach Comparative Animal Physiology with good results.o objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar qual a opinião dos alunos em relação a uma metodologia de ensino onde o que importa não é o acúmulo ou a memorização de determinados conhecimentos, e sim o raciocínio frente a problemas relacionados com a matéria e sua resolução. Este trabalho utilizou alunos matriculados na disciplina "Fisiologia Animal Comparada" (turmas com 10 a 15 alunos), da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Em cada aula os alunos discutiam a possível resposta a uma pergunta fornecida pelo professor, baseados na bibliografia fornecida, e entregavam posteriormente um relatório escrito com as conclusões obtidas. A avaliação dos alunos foi feita tendo como base os relatórios apresentados. No final dos semestres os alunos (44 no total) responderam por escrito (anonimamente) a um questionário de avaliação do método, comparando-o com um sistema de aula expositiva. Segundo os alunos, comparado ao sistema de aula expositiva, o método utilizado apresenta uma visão menos abrangente da matéria, mas desperta mais interesse pelo tema que está sendo visto e melhora o aproveitamento do aluno. Não há diferença entre os dois métodos com relação ao esclarecimento de dúvidas. Os alunos não acharam que perderam muito tempo na tradução de textos em inglês. A grande maioria prefere este sistema ao de aulas expositivas, e a metodologia de avaliação teve aprovação unânime. Os dados obtidos permitem concluir que este método pode ser utilizado no ensino de Fisiologia Animal Comparada com bons resultados

    Effect of acetylcholine, pilocarpine, serotonin and adrenaline on the in vitro gastric motility of Hoplias malabaricus (Teleostei)

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    The in vitro effect of acetylcholine, pilocarpine, serotonina and adrenaline on gastric motility of the teleost Hoplias malabaricus was studied. The stomach of this specieshas spontaneous contractile activity, with no relationship between tension or frequency of contrations and fish weight. Acetylcholine reduced the frequency of contrations at higher concentrations, but had not effect at lower concentrations. The higher doses of this drug increased the tension and tonus of the contrations. Pilocarpine increased the frequency and tension of contractions at higher concentrations, but had not effect at lower concentrations, and increased tonus only at the concentration of 10-7 M. A significant correlation between the doses of acetylcholine and policarpine and tension of gastric contractions was found. Adrenaline and serotonina had not effect on the frequency, tension and tonus of the stomach contractions. The results obtained with acetylcholine and policarpine demonstrate that the stomach of H. malabaricus has muscarinic cholinoceptors. The results obtained with adrenaline and serptonin did not demonstrate the existence of adrenergic or serotonergic receptors in the stomach of this species.o efeito da acetilcolina, pilocarpina, serotonina e adrenalina na motilidade gástrica "in vitro" do teleósteo Hoplias malabaricus foi analisado. O estômago desta espécie apresenta uma atividade contrátil espontânea. Não se detectou nenhuma relação entre tensão ou frequência das contrações estomacais com o peso total dos peixes. A acetilcolina diminuiu a frequência das contrações nas concentrações 5 x 10-8 M e 10-7 M e aumentou a tensão e o tônus das contrações estomacais nestas mesmas concentrações. A pilocarpina aumentou a frequência das contrações estomacais nas concentrações 10-8 M, 5 x 10-8 M e 10-7 M, aumentou a tensão nas concentrações 5 x 10-8 M e 10-7 M e o tônus na concentração 10-7 M. A serotonina e a adrenalina não alteraram a frequência, tensão e tônus das contrações estomacais em nenhuma das concentrações utilizadas. Encontrou-se uma correlação significativa entre as doses de acetilcolina e pilocarpina e a tensão das contrações. Os resultados com acetilcolina e pilocarpina permitem concluir que o estômago de H. malabaricus possui receptores colinérgicos muscarínicos. Os resultados obtidos com adrenalina e serotonina não permitem demonstrar a existência de receptores adrenérgicos e serotoninérgicos no estômago desta espécie

    Investigação da atividade abortiva e/ou infertilizante de Stryphnodendron adstringens (Mart. Coville)

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    Stryphnodendron adstringens (barbatimão) é uma árvore natural dos Estados do Pará ao Mato Grosso do Sul e São Paulo (Brasil). O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a toxicidade dos extratos das vagens desta espécie e verificar efeitos sobre a gestação de ratas. As vagens foram coletadas na região de Cuiabá (MT, Brasil) e separadas em cascas e sementes. Foram feitos extratos brutos hidroalcoólicos (2:1), a frio e depois levados à secura (máximo 55°C). Ratas fêmeas virgens foram acasaladas e receberam extratos (0,5 ml/100 g de peso, 100 g/l) ou água na mesma proporção (controle) por gavagem do 1° ao 7° dia de gestação. No 7° dia, foram feitas laparatomias para contagem do número de implantes uterinos. As ratas foram sacrificadas no 21° dia de gestação. Os extratos das sementes reduziram o peso do útero e o número de fetos vivos em relação ao grupo controle. A dose média letal (DL50) calculada para o extrato das sementes foi de 4.992,8 mg/kg. A DL50 do extrato das vagens foi maior que 5.000 mg/kg. Pode-se concluir que o extrato das sementes de S. adstringens interfere na gestação de ratas, sendo que esta ingestão pode prejudicar animais herbívoros.Stryphnodendron adstringens (barbatiman) is a tree found from Pará to Mato Grosso do Sul and São Paulo States (Brazil). The aim of this study was to determine the toxicity of the extracts of the broad beans of this species and to verify if they have some effect on the pregnancy of rats. The broad beans were collected in the region of Cuiabá (MT, Brazil) and separated in husks and seeds. The crude hydroalcoholic (2:1) extracts were prepared at room temperature and dried at a maximum of 55ºC. Female virgin rats were mated and received the extracts (0.5 ml/100 g weight, 100 g/l) or water in the same proportion (control) by gavage from day 1 to day 7 of gestation. Laparatomies were made at day 7 to count the number of uterine implants and the rats were sacrificed on the 21st day of gestation. The seed extracts reduced the weight of the uterus and the number of live fetuses compared to the control group. The mean lethal dose (LD50) calculated for this extract was 4,992.8 mg/kg and the LD50 of the extract of the husk was higher than 5,000 mg/kg. We may conclude that the extract of S. adstringens seeds impaired the gestation of rats, and its ingestion could be harmful to herbivorous animals

    Effect of Urotensin I on the ionic content of the plasma and the Gallbladder bile of Hoplias malabaricus (Bloch, 1974) (Teleostei, Characiformes, Erythrinidae)

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    In this study the urotensin I (UI) effect on the ionic content of the plasma and the gallbladder bile (GB) of Hoplias malabaricus, a freshwater teleost, was investigated, and action of this hormone on the water trasnport in the gallbladder was analyzed. Fishes were captured in ponds situated on the campus of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Santa Maria, Southern Brazil. Blood was collected by puncture of caudal artery and GB was drained by the cystic duct. The intraperitoneal injection of UI (500 ng/kg) in H. malabaricus increased the Na+ levels in the plasma and in the GB in relation to the saline-injected group. However, no change was observed in the levels of K+, Ca++ and Mg++ in the plasma and in the GB when UI was injected. The gallbladder of H. malabaricus has a mucosa-serosa water flow. On incubation of the serosa of the gallbladder sacs with UI (10-8M) there was a significant increase in water flow. Due to the fact that UI alters the GB Na+ levels and the water flow in the gallbladder, it is possible that UI can be involved in the regulation of the bile composition on fishes.Este estudo investigou o efeito da urotensina I (UI) na composição iônica do plasma e da bile vesicular (BV) de Hoplias malabaricus, um teleósteo dulciaqüícola. A ação deste hormônio no transporte de água na vesícula biliar também foi analisada. Os peixes foram capturados em açudes situados no campus da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), Santa Maria, RS. O sangue foi coletado por punção da artéria caudal e a BV drenada pelo ducto cístico. A injeção intraperitoneal de UI (500 ng/kg) em H. malabaricus aumentou os níveis de Na+ no plasma e na BV em relação ao grupo injetado com salina. Contudo, a injeção deste neuro-hormônio não alterou os níveis de K+, Ca++ e Mg++ no plasma e na BV. A vesícula biliar de H. malabaricus apresenta um fluxo de água mucosa-serosa. A incubação de sacos da vesícula biliar com UI (10-8 M) aumentou significativamente o fluxo de água. Como a UI altera os níveis de Na+ na BV e o fluxo de água na vesícula biliar, é possível que a UI participe da regulação da composição da bile de peixes

    Urophyseal control of plasma ionic concentration in Oreochromis mossambicus (Pisces) exposed to osmotic stress

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    Freshwater-and seawater-adapted Oreochromis mossambicus were submitted to 5 different treatments (urophysectomy, sham operation, urophyseal extract injection, saline injection and control) and transferred to brackish water. In freshwater – adapted fish transfarred to brackish water, urophysectomy increases plasma Na+, K+, Ca+ and osmotic concentrations. In seawater-adapted fish transferred to brackish water, plasma Na+ and K+ concentration were lower in control than other treatment group. The utophysis seems to act only in the “fine tuning” of osmoregulatory processes. Adaptations to changes in the salinity of the medium probably are regulated mainly by prolactin and cortisol.Exemplares de Oreochromis mossambicus adaptados à água doce e à água salgada foram submetidos a 5 tratamentos diferentes (urofisectomia, operação testemunho, injeção de extrato urofisário, injeção de salina e controle) e transferidos para água salobra. os peixes adaptados à água doce transferidos para água salobra a urofisectomia aumenta as concentrações de Na+, K+, Ca++ e osmótica do plasma. Em peixes adaptados à água salgada transferidos para água salobra as concentrações plasmáticas de Na+ e K+ são mais baixas no grupo controle do que nos outros grupos experimentais. A urófise parece atuar apenas no "ajuste fino" dos processos osmorregulatórios. A adaptação às mudanças de salinidade do meio provavelmente são reguladas principalmente pela prolactina e pelo cortisol

    Originality and Mediterranean stimuli in the Iberian ceramics: the example of Elche

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    En este trabajo analizamos la iconografía de la cerámica ibérica del Sudeste español centrándonos en el ejemplo de Elche (Alicante), cuyo floruit productivo se sitúa en época helenística (III-I a.C). Frente a las interpretaciones comparatistas anteriores, que buscaban en la representación local un simple reflejo de otras culturas mediterráneas, a través fundamentalmente de los modelos figurativos griegos y púnicos, proponemos aquí un modelo que explique internamente estas imágenes, sin renunciar, por otra parte, en casos concretos a reconocer en ellas una determinada influencia formal —y hasta religiosa— helenizante o púnica. Las representaciones vegetal, animal y humana constituyen una estructura orgánica en la cual los elementos se sustituyen alternativamente codefiniéndose unos a otros. Las excepciones aparentes pueden hallar una justificación interna dentro del propio universo figurativo ibérico.Dans ce travail, nous analysons l'iconographie de la céramique ibérique du Sud-Est espagnol, nous centrant sur l'exemple d'Elche (dpt. Alicante), dont le fíoruit se situé á l'époque hellénistique (lile á 1er s. a.C). Face aux interprétations comparatistes antérieures, qui essayaient de voir la représentation lócale comme un simple reflet d'autres cultures méditerranéennes, á travers fondamentalement les mondes figuratifs grecs et puniques, nous proposons ici un modele qui explique internement ees images, sans pour autant renoncer, dans des cas concrets, á y reconnaitre une influence formelle —et religieuse— hellénisante ou punique. Les représentations végétale, anímale et humaine constituent une structure organique dans laque- He les éléments se remplacent alternativement ou se codéfinissent les uns les autres, et dans laquelle les exceptions apparentes peuvent trouver une justification interne dans Punivers figuratif ibérique lui-méme

    Acetylcholinesterase activity in the brain and muscle of Cyprinus carpio and Aristichthys nobilis exposed to azimsulfuron and metsulfuron-methyl

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    Alevinos de carpa húngara (Cyprinus carpio) e carpa cabeça grande (Aristichthys nobilis) foram expostas a azimsulfuron e metsulfuron-metil (50, 100 and 200 mg L-1), herbicidas utilizados em lavouras de arroz no Sul do Brasil. Os peixes sobreviveram a todas as concentrações testadas de ambos os herbicidas e mostraram comportamento alimentar e natatório normal. Azimsulfuron inibiu significativamente a enzima acetilcolinesterase (AChE) em cérebro e músculo de ambas as espécies e metsulfuron-metil aumentou a atividade da AChE no cérebro e a inibiu em músculo. O presente estudo mostrou que azimsulfuron e metsulfuron-metil não afetam os comportamentos (alimentar e natatório) de C. carpio e A. nobilis, mas inibiram a atividade da AChE em tecido cerebral e muscular dessas espécies.Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) were exposed to azimsulfuron and metsulfuron-methyl (50, 100 and 200 mg L-1). These herbicides are used in rice crop in Southern Brazil. Fishes survived to all tested concentrations of both herbicides and showed normal feeding and swimming behavior. Azimsulfuron inhibits significantly acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in brain and muscle of both species, and metsulfuron-methyl increase AChE activity in brain and inhibits in muscle. The present study showed that azimsulfuron and metsulfuron-methyl did not affect C. carpio and A. nobilis behaviors (feeding and swimming), but inhibited AChE activity in brain and muscle tissues of these species

    Transepithelial potential difference of the intestine and gallbladder of Hoplias malabaricus, a freshwater teleost. effect of urotensins I and II

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    This study analyzed the effect of the injection of urotensin I (UI) and urotensis II (UII) on the stabilization of the transepithelial potential difference (TPD) of the medium intestine, rectum, and gallbladder of Hoplias malabaricus to investigate if the transport of ions in these organs is affected "in vivo" by these neurohormones. The TPD of the medium intestine, rectum and gallbladder was serosa positive, and remained constant since the first measurement. The injection of both urotensins did not alter the stabilization of the TPD of the medium intestine and rectum when compared with saline-injected group. The injection of UI increased the TPD of the gallbladder in the beginning (0-10 min) of the stabilization period and in the interval of 20-30 min of the stabilization period when fishes were killed 2h and 4h after the injection, respectively, in relation to saline-injected group. The UII injection increased the TPD of the gallbladder only in the beginning (time 0) of the stabilization period in relation to saline when fishes were killed 2h after the injection. No changes in the TPD of the studied organs were detected when fishes were killed 4h after the injection of UII. This study confirms the hypothesis that UI and UII can participate in the regulation of the composition of the bile of fishes, since the injection of both hormones altered the TPD of the gallbladder of H. malabaricus.Este trabalho analisou o efeito da injeção da urotensina I (UI) e da urotensina 11 (UII) na estabilização da diferença de potencial transepitelial (DPT) do intestino médio, reto e vesícula biliar de Hoplias malabaricus, para verificar se o transporte de íons nestes órgãos é afetado "in vivo" por estes neuro-hormônios. A DPT do intestino médio, reto e vesícula biliar é serosa positiva, e seu valor permaneceu estável desde a primeira medida. A injeção de ambas urotensinas não modificou a estabilização da DPT do intestino médio e reto quando comparada com o grupo injetado com salina. A injeção de UI aumentou a DPT da vesícula biliar no início (0-10 min) do período de estabilização e no intervalo de 20-30 min do período de estabilização quando os peixes foram sacrificados 2 h e 4 h após a injeção, respectivamente, em relação ao grupo injetado com salina. A injeção de UII aumentou a DPT da vesícula biliar somente no início (tempo O) do período de estabilização em relação ao grupo tratado com salina sacrificado 2h após a injeção. Não houve alterações na DPT dos órgãos estudados quando os peixes foram sacrificados 4 h após a injeção da UII. Este estudo confirma a hipótese de que a UI e a UII poderiam participar na regulação da composição da bile dos peixes, uma vez que a injeção de ambos neuro-hormônios alterou a DPT da vesícula biliar de H. malabaricus

    Essential Oils as Stress-Reducing Agents for Fish Aquaculture: A Review

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    In fish, stressful events initiate a hormone cascade along the hypothalamus-pituitaryinterrenal and hypothalamus-sympathetic-chromaffin (HSC) axis to evoke several physiological reactions in order to orchestrate and maintain homeostasis. Several biotic and abiotic factors, as well as aquaculture procedures (handling, transport, or stocking density), activated stress system inducing negative effects on different physiological processes in fish (growth, reproduction, and immunity). In order to reduce these consequences, the use of essential oils (EOs) derived from plants has been the focus of aquaculture studies due to their diverse properties (e.g., anesthetic, antioxidant, and antimicrobial), which have been shown to reduce biochemical and endocrine alterations and, consequently, to improve the welfare status. Recently, several studies have shown that biogenic compounds isolated from different EOs present excellent biological activities, as well as the nanoencapsulated form of these EOs may potentiate their effects. Overall, EOs presented less side effects than synthetic compounds, but their stress-reducing efficacy is related to their chemical composition, concentration or chemotype used. In addition, their species-specific actions must be clearly established since they can act as stressors by themselves if their concentrations and chemotypes used are not suitable. For this reason, it is necessary to assess the effect of these natural compound mixtures in different fish species, from marine to freshwater, in order to find the ideal concentration range and the way for their administration to obtain the desired biological activity, without any undesired side effects. In this review, the main findings regarding the use of different EOs as stress reducers will be presented to highlight the most important issues related to their use to improve fish welfare in aquaculture

    Óleos essenciais e eugenol como anestésico para serrasalmus rhombeus

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    This study evaluated the periods of time of anesthetic induction and recovery of Serrasalmus rhombeus exposed to essential oils (EOs) of Aloysia triphylla and Lippia alba and eugenol, as well as if these anesthetics can be used for transport of this species through analysis of swimming behavior. Fish were placed in aquaria containing different concentrations of A. triphylla EO or L. alba EO or eugenol, posteriorly were transferred to aquaria containing only water to evaluate the recovery time. In the second experiment, behavior was analyzed during exposure to A. triphylla EO, L. alba EO or eugenol at 5 or 10 μL L-1. The evaluations were carried out at 0, 1, 5, 10 and 15 min of exposure. Fish exposed to 150, 200 and 50 μL L-1 of A. triphylla EO, L. alba EO and eugenol, respectively, showed anesthetic induction time lower than 3 min and recovery time lower than 10 min. Concentrations of 50 μL L-1 of both EOs and 25 μL L-1 eugenol caused only sedation. Exposure to 5 and 10 μL L-1 EOs and eugenol decreased fish swimming time. Both EOs and eugenol were effective for anesthesia and can be used for transport of S. rhombeus. © 2018, Instytut Technologii Drewna. All rights reserved