245 research outputs found

    Estudo da emissão de CO2 do solo em áreas submetidas a aplicação de biossólido.

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    As diferentes ações de manejo do solo têm influenciado na dinâmica da emissão de carbono soloatmosfera, especialmente a partir da modificação da emissão de CO2 do solo em áreas agrícolas, causando, um acréscimo na emissão e conseqüentemente um decréscimo da concentração de carbono em solos dessas áreas. Este estudo tem por fim gerar informações para orientar a aplicação de biossólido nos solos de áreas agrícolas, para que seja uma prática de manejo do solo que promova as menores emissões de CO2. Observou-se em estudos preliminares que a emissão de CO2 do solo é diretamente proporcional ao tipo de solo e, também à aplicação de biossólido. E, neste caso a emissão total foi menor sob o Neossolo Quartzarênico, no valor de 3,68 μmol m-2 s-1 para as áreas com aplicação de biossólido e 3,80 μmol m-2 s-1para as áreas sem aplicação

    Áreas aptas ao parasitoide exótico Fopius arisanus e a Bactrocera carambolae considerando seis hospedeiros no Brasil.

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    Esse trabalho avaliou as áreas municipais brasileiras de maior aptidão ao F. arisanus e B. carambolae considerando Temperatura (T) e Umidade Relativa (UR) que favoreçam o desenvolvimento desses insetos em áreas de cultivos de acerola, carambola, goiaba, manga, pitanga e tangerina no país

    Áreas brasileiras aptas a ocorrência mensal de Thaumastocoris peregrinus em Eucalyptus spp.

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    Resumo: Este trabalho avaliou a aptidão de áreas brasileiras com Eucalyptus spp. à maior ocorrência mensal do percevejo bronzeado Thaumastocoris peregrinus (Hemiptera: Thaumastocoridae). Essa praga australiana, no país desde 2008, ainda demanda estratégias de manejo local. O monitoramento contínuo do inseto e o conhecimento de seus aspectos biológicos em áreas de plantios de Eucalyptusspp. no país permitiram determinar fatores abióticos associados à sua maior presença populacional. A existência de condições climáticas diferenciadas nas Unidades da Federação (UF) brasileiras produtoras de eucalipto propiciam a ocorrência do inseto em meses distintos durante o ano. Assim, informações territoriais mensais podem auxiliar as ações de manejo locais. Cruzamentos georreferenciados (ArcGIS) mensais foram realizados considerando as áreas das UF, com eucalipto em 2016, bem como suas respectivas médias mensais de fatores abióticos registrados de 1961 a 2014 e malhas municipais. Faixas climáticas de temperaturas e umidade relativa associadas a maior presença do insetoforam também consideradas. Mapas mensais obtidos facilitaram identificar períodos diferenciados de aptidão à ocorrência do inseto nas UF. As percentagens de áreas aptas municipais mensais, por UF, foi classificada em cinco categorias (de ?muito baixa? a ?muito alta". Bahia, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo são aptos à maior ocorrência mensal do inseto durante todo o ano, variando nas intensidades de municípios aptos. Surtos esporádicos ou consideráveis variações nos percentuais de aptidões municipais foram observados em outras UF. A aptidão mensal regional da praga foi avaliada, sendo mais acentuadas no Sudeste e Sul, embora observadas nas demais regiões. Abstract: The present work evaluates the suitability of Brazilian areas with Eucalyptus spp. toward the monthly main occurrence of bronze bug Thaumastocoris peregrinus(Hemiptera: Thaumastocoridae). This Australian pest, in the country since 2008, still demands strategies of local management. Continuously monitoring of the insect and the knowledge of its biological aspects in planting areas of Eucalyptus in the country have already allowed determining the abiotic factors associated to the main presence of its populational peaks. The differentiated climatic conditions present in Brazilian Federal Units (UF) producers of eucalyptus are propitious for the insect occurrence in distinct months during the year. Therefore, monthly territorial information would assist local monitoring actions. Monthly georeferenced-crosses (ArcGIS) were done considering the Federal Unit areas, with Eucalyptus in 2016, as well as their respective monthly climatic averages of abiotic factors registered from 1961 to 2014 and municipality grid. Climatic ranges of temperatures and moisture associated with greater presence of the inset were also considered. The monthly maps obtained facilitated the identification of distinct periods of aptitude for the insect occurrence in each UF. Percentages of municipality monthly suitable areas, by UF, were classified into five categories (from “very low” to “very high”). Bahia, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo are apt to a greater monthly occurrence of the insect during all the year, varying in the intensity of favorable municipalities. Sporadic outbreaks or considerable variations in the percentages of municipality favorabilities were observed in other UF. Monthly regional aptitude of the pest was evaluated, being more accentuated in the Southeast and South, although also observed in the other regions

    Regiões brasileiras prioritárias para implantação ou intensificação ações fitossanitárias para o controle de Thaumastocoris peregrinus em área de produção de Eucalipto

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    O mapa apresenta a distribuição de áreas brasileiras com produção de eucalipto mais propícias à maior ocorrência de Thaumastocoris peregrinus (Hemiptera: Thaumastocoridae) e é parte dos resultados obtidos pela ação estratégia da Embrapa Gestão Territorial e Laboratório de Quarentena ?Costa Lima?da Embrapa Meio Ambiente, cujos resultados foram apresentados no trabalho "Áreas brasileiras com produção de Eucalyptus spp. mais propícias à maior ocorrência de Thaumastocoris peregrinus (Hemiptera: Thaumastocoridae). Os resultados gerados podem ser utilizados para planejar as ações de controle dessa praga florestal, em apoio ao seu Manejo Integrado de Pragas (MIP).bitstream/item/152379/1/20161221-Mapa-percevejo-v5.pd

    Overview of the DESI Milky Way Survey

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    We describe the Milky Way Survey (MWS) that will be undertaken with the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) on the Mayall 4 m telescope at the Kitt Peak National Observatory. Over the next 5 yr DESI MWS will observe approximately seven million stars at Galactic latitudes ∣b∣ > 20°, with an inclusive target selection scheme focused on the thick disk and stellar halo. MWS will also include several high-completeness samples of rare stellar types, including white dwarfs, low-mass stars within 100 pc of the Sun, and horizontal branch stars. We summarize the potential of DESI to advance understanding of the Galactic structure and stellar evolution. We introduce the final definitions of the main MWS target classes and estimate the number of stars in each class that will be observed. We describe our pipelines for deriving radial velocities, atmospheric parameters, and chemical abundances. We use ≃500,000 spectra of unique stellar targets from the DESI Survey Validation program (SV) to demonstrate that our pipelines can measure radial velocities to ≃1 km s−1 and [Fe/H] accurate to ≃0.2 dex for typical stars in our main sample. We find the stellar parameter distributions from ≈100 deg2 of SV observations with ≳90% completeness on our main sample are in good agreement with expectations from mock catalogs and previous surveys

    Functional Analysis of the Leading Malaria Vaccine Candidate AMA-1 Reveals an Essential Role for the Cytoplasmic Domain in the Invasion Process

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    A key process in the lifecycle of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum is the fast invasion of human erythrocytes. Entry into the host cell requires the apical membrane antigen 1 (AMA-1), a type I transmembrane protein located in the micronemes of the merozoite. Although AMA-1 is evolving into the leading blood-stage malaria vaccine candidate, its precise role in invasion is still unclear. We investigate AMA-1 function using live video microscopy in the absence and presence of an AMA-1 inhibitory peptide. This data reveals a crucial function of AMA-1 during the primary contact period upstream of the entry process at around the time of moving junction formation. We generate a Plasmodium falciparum cell line that expresses a functional GFP-tagged AMA-1. This allows the visualization of the dynamics of AMA-1 in live parasites. We functionally validate the ectopically expressed AMA-1 by establishing a complementation assay based on strain-specific inhibition. This method provides the basis for the functional analysis of essential genes that are refractory to any genetic manipulation. Using the complementation assay, we show that the cytoplasmic domain of AMA-1 is not required for correct trafficking and surface translocation but is essential for AMA-1 function. Although this function can be mimicked by the highly conserved cytoplasmic domains of P. vivax and P. berghei, the exchange with the heterologous domain of the microneme protein EBA-175 or the rhoptry protein Rh2b leads to a loss of function. We identify several residues in the cytoplasmic tail that are essential for AMA-1 function. We validate this data using additional transgenic parasite lines expressing AMA-1 mutants with TY1 epitopes. We show that the cytoplasmic domain of AMA-1 is phosphorylated. Mutational analysis suggests an important role for the phosphorylation in the invasion process, which might translate into novel therapeutic strategies

    Meningitic Escherichia coli K1 Penetration and Neutrophil Transmigration Across the Blood–Brain Barrier are Modulated by Alpha7 Nicotinic Receptor

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    Alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR), an essential regulator of inflammation, is abundantly expressed in hippocampal neurons, which are vulnerable to bacterial meningitis. However, it is unknown whether α7 nAChR contributes to the regulation of these events. In this report, an aggravating role of α7 nAChR in host defense against meningitic E. coli infection was demonstrated by using α7-deficient (α7-/-) mouse brain microvascular endothelial cells (BMEC) and animal model systems. As shown in our in vitro and in vivo studies, E. coli K1 invasion and polymorphonuclear neutrophil (PMN) transmigration across the blood-brain barrier (BBB) were significantly reduced in α7-/- BMEC and α7-/- mice. Stimulation by nicotine was abolished in the α7-/- cells and animals. The same blocking effect was achieved by methyllycaconitine (α7 antagonist). The tight junction molecules occludin and ZO-1 were significantly reduced in the brain cortex of wildtype mice infected with E. coli and treated with nicotine, compared to α7-/- cells and animals. Decreased neuronal injury in the hippocampal dentate gyrus was observed in α7-/- mice with meningitis. Proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, IL-6, TNFα, MCP-1, MIP-1alpha, and RANTES) and adhesion molecules (CD44 and ICAM-1) were significantly reduced in the cerebrospinal fluids of the α7-/- mice with E. coli meningitis. Furthermore, α7 nAChR is the major calcium channel for nicotine- and E. coli K1-increased intracellular calcium concentrations of mouse BMEC. Taken together, our data suggest that α7 nAChR plays a detrimental role in the host defense against meningitic infection by modulation of pathogen invasion, PMN recruitment, calcium signaling and neuronal inflammation

    Posters display III clinical outcome and PET

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