11 research outputs found

    Le tourisme durable à la commune de Bin El Ouidane province d’Azilal : Réalité et perspectives

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    Tourism is an essential aspect in the growth of the Bin El Ouidane area and it plays an important role in the region of Beni Mellal Khenifra. However, tourism has developed to the point of threatening some parts of the territory of Bin El Ouidane. The ideals on which it was founded have evolved over time. The public and tourist actors of the province of Azilal, as well as the visitors who come to the region, have become aware of the degradation caused by tourism. Sustainable tourism, which will be the focus of our research, has emerged as an alternative type of tourism that is more respectful of the land and people. Sustainable tourism is based on a number of key concepts, including having a beneficial influence on local communities while having a minimal impact on the environment, protecting biodiversity, caring for people, listening, communicating... These values are considered sustainable, environmental, equitable and participatory, as opposed to mass tourism and mass consumerism. Let's not forget that, if properly managed and supervised, sustainable tourism is centered on exchange, protection of values, cultural, social and natural assets, their promotion and preservation. The contradiction between the economy of tourism and the ecology of tourist sites is a brake on the growth of tourism. This leads us to study in this article the issue of sustainable tourism and its influence on the environment in the commune of Bin El Ouidane. The main objective of this research is to assess the link between local communities and sustainable tourism projects that are part of a strategy for sustainable development of natural resources in the Bin El Ouidane area. This article is based on an empirical study mobilizing a mixed approach, relying on a quantitative approach based on the exploitation of numerical data collected from the documentary research and a qualitative approach mobilizing the socio-economic and environmental indicators related to sustainable tourism which are supply, tourism demand, environment, sustainable projects. These indicators were analyzed from the answers obtained during interviews with tourists and local actors, within the framework of a field study carried out in a rural Moroccan territory which is the commune of Bin El Ouidane located in the province of Azilal. The results of this empirical study revealed that sustainable tourism occupies an important place and has marked its role as a lever of development in the commune of Bin El Ouidane; therefore, a number of projects have been implemented in this territory to develop the environmental and sustainable aspect of the area.     JEL Classification: Z00 Paper type: Empirical research.Le tourisme est un aspect essentiel dans la croissance de la zone de Bin El Ouidane et  il joue un rôle important dans la région de Béni Mellal Khenifra. De plus, Il permet de la création d'une dynamique économique, l'échange et la découverte, ainsi que le plaisir et le développement local. Cependant, le tourisme s'est développé au point de menacer certaines parties du territoire de Bin El Ouidane. Les idéaux sur lesquels il a été fondé ont évolué au fil du temps. Les acteurs publics et touristiques de la province d'Azilal, ainsi que les visiteurs qui se rendent dans la région, ont pris conscience de la dégradation causée par le tourisme. Le tourisme durable, qui fera l'objet de notre recherche, est apparu comme un type de tourisme alternatif, plus respectueux des terres et des personnes. Ces valeurs sont considérées comme durables, environnementales, équitables et participatives, par opposition au tourisme de masse et au consumérisme de masse. La contradiction entre l’économie du tourisme et l’écologie des sites touristiques est un frein à la croissance du tourisme. Ceci nous à mènent à étudier dans cet article la question du tourisme durable et son influence sur l'environnement dans la commune de Bin El Ouidane. L'objectif principal de cette recherche est d'évaluer le lien entre les communautés locales et les projets touristiques durables qui font partie d'une stratégie de développement durable des ressources naturelles de la zone Bin El Ouidane. Cet article s’est basé sur une étude empirique mobilisant une approche mixte, s’appuyant sur une approche quantitative basée aussi sur l’exploitation des données chiffrées recueillies à partir de la recherche documentaire et une approche qualitative mobilisant les indicateurs socio-économiques et environnementaux relatifs au tourisme durable qui sont : l’offre, la demande touristique, l’environnement, les projets durables. Ces indicateurs ont été analysés à partir des réponses obtenues lors d'entretiens avec des touristes et des acteurs locaux, dans le cadre d’une étude de terrain réalisée au niveau d’un territoire rural marocain qui est la commune de Bin El Ouidane qui se trouve à la province d’Azilal. Les résultats de cette étude empirique ont révélé que le tourisme durable occupe une place importante et a marqué son rôle de levier de développement dans la commune de Bin El Ouidane ; par conséquent, un certain nombre de projets ont été mis en œuvre sur ce territoire pour développer l’aspect environnemental et durable de la zone.     Classification JEL : Z00 Type de l’article : Recherche empirique

    Assessment of the effects of quarrying activities on the road network quality: a case study of Benslimane province, Morocco.

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    International audienceThe road network is affected as a result of the passage of the quarry trucks and the transportation of materials in the province of Benslimane. It is natural that the movement of selling the products of these quarries to neighboring cities such as Rabat, Mohammedia, Casablanca, and even Kenitra and El Jadida is active, which will move a huge fleet of trucks of various sizes, especially heavy ones, to transport the products of these quarries of stones, gravels, and marble. Due to the absence of external orbits, this huge fleet is forced to pass within the orbits of the local municipalities of the Benslimane province, which has become a threat to the road network, population, health, properties, and the conduct of their normal activities. The degree of danger and the intensity of impact on the quality of the road network varies according to other determinants such as traffic density, the type of load and trucks used to transport materials, the condition and nature of the roads used, and the duration of transportation periods. The results show the degree of use of the road network by the local population and quarry trucks that most of these latter use the roads concentrated in the east of the province, where most of the province's quarries are located with about 31 quarries, 19 of which are in the Ain Tizgha communes. While the average use of roads is concentrated in the center of the province, as they cross and depart mainly from the city of Benslimane in the direction of Bouznika, Mohammedia, and the districts. As for the poorly used roads, we find them in the far south of the province, where only a limited number of quarries are concentrated in Ahalaf communes and in the direction of the west

    L’impact des inondations sur le bassin versant de l’Ourika dans le Haut Atlas occidental au Maroc, application des SIG et de la télédétection

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    International audienceتعد أحواض الأطلس الكبير الغربي من أكثر المجالات عرضة للأخطار الطبيعية بفعل وعورة تضاريسها وأهمية الانحدارات والتقلبات المناخية التي تشهدها، من أهم هذه الأخطار ظاهرة الفيضانات نظرا لأهمية مواردها المائية ولارتفاع صبيب الأودية المنبعثة منها، والتي تخلف وراءها مجموعة من الخسائر البشرية والمادية في الممتلكات والأرواح. فحوض أوريكا بحكم موقعه في قلب الأطلس الكبير يعتبر عينة ونموذج للدراسة خاصة في جزئه السفلي، حيث لاتزال الأخطار ذات المصدر الطبيعي عامة وخطر الفيضانات خاصة به، وتشكل مسلسل التنمية المجالية به، إذ يعرف الحوض بشكل عام وواد أوريكا وروافده بشكل خاص ظاهرة الفيضانات مند القدم،إذ كلما تساقطت الأمطار كلما ارتفع منسوب مياهه وتشكل بذلك صبيب مائي مهم يلحق ضررا كبير ا بالمجالات الفلاحية المجاورة له وخسائر كبيرة في البنيات التحتية والأرواح البشرية، ويحاصر السكان في كثير من المناطق ويجعلهم في عزلة. ولعل أبرز مثال على ذلك فيضان 1995 وفيضان 2006. على ضوء هذه المعطيات فإن إشكالية ورقتنا البحثية هذه ستتمحور حول: دراسة أسباب الفيضانات داخل هذا الحوض وفهم ميكانيزمات وخصائص هذه الظاهرة، وذلك من خلال مقاربة إحصائية وخرائطية تركز على تأثير هذه الفيضانات على المستويات الطبيعية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية بحوض واد أوريكا في إطار علاقتها بالتغيرات المناخية.Les grands bassins de l’Atlas sont parmi les zones les plus exposées aux dangers naturels en raison de la rugosité de leur relief et de l’importance des pentes et des variations climatiques qu’ils subissent. L’un des principaux dangers est le phénomène des inondations en raison de l’importance de leurs ressources en eau et de l’augmentation du débit des rivières qui en découlent, entraînant des pertes humaines et matérielles importantes. Le bassin d’Ourika est un exemple et un modèle d’étude, en particulier dans sa partie inférieure, où les dangers d’origine naturelle sont toujours présents et où le risque d’inondations est particulièrement élevé. Le développement local en est également affecté, car le bassin d’Ourika et ses affluents sont depuis longtemps exposés aux inondations, qui augmentent chaque fois qu’il pleut et entraînent ainsi un important débit d’eau qui cause de graves dommages aux zones agricoles adjacentes et des pertes importantes en infrastructures et en vies humaines. Les habitants sont souvent piégés dans de nombreuses régions et se retrouvent isolés. Les inondations de 1995 et de 2006 sont des exemples marquants de ces phénomènes. À la lumière de ces données, notre problématique de recherche portera sur l’étude des causes des inondations dans ce bassin, la détermination des mécanismes et des caractéristiques de ce phénomène, en utilisant une approche statistique et cartographique qui mettra l’accent sur l’impact de ces inondations sur les niveaux naturels, économiques et sociaux du bassin de l’Ouaregued en relation avec les changements climatiques

    M’Goun UNESCO Geopark (Central High Atlas, Morocco), a lever for sustainable and integrated territorial development : What approach to adopt?

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    International audienceThe diversity of Morocco's geology and its geomorphology constitutes a fundamental element in the diversity of its mineral landscapes. This geodiversity, coupled with a wide range of bioclimatic domains, explains the geoheritage diversity seen in all regions of the country, which can also constitute territories where the concept of the geopark can be applied and developed. The different geological and geomorphological landscapes of the country testify to a very ancient and remarkable evolution of the Earth and the climate. An evolution that goes from the Archean to the Quaternary, 2.7 billion years of geological history of the country. Morocco is indeed a veritable geological and geomorphological museum. This diversity and richness of geoheritages creates for our country an opportunity to foster geoparks which can contribute to the promotion of geotourism and environmental education and thereby to the socioeconomic development of the territories. Geoparks, as an innovative idea for the protection of natural and geological heritage, play an important role in the development of geotourism. While developing geotourism, the creation of geoparks can generate new job opportunities, new economic activities, and additional sources of income, especially in rural and mountain areas. It encourages the production of local products and local crafts involved in geo-tourism and geoproducts (Gray, 2004, Neda Torabi Farsani et al, 2011). This conference aims to show i) the experience of the UNESCO Geopark of M'Goun, the first geopark labeled in Africa and the Arab world, as a new philosophy of territorial development, ii) the approach to be adopted for sustainable and integrated development

    Climate change impact on Global Geoparks management: experience sharing from the Massif des Bauges and the M'Goun Geoparks

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    International audienceToday, according to various intergovernmental expert reports, there is no longer any doubt that climate change is accelerating and intensifying and the reason for that goes back to man-made activities. In the framework of a collaborative programme based on a comparative study, this presentation investigates the adaptation efforts of two territories, namely the Massif des Bauges UNESCO Geopark characterized by a cool, humid climate, and the M'Goun UNESCO Geopark with a dry, warm climate, in response to the impacts of climate change. Both territories experience hotter spells, drought periods, reduced snowfall, and water stress, impacting agriculture, natural environments, risk management and water resources. The focus of this presentation is on the strategies employed to mitigate and adapt to these changes, involving residents, elected representatives, and socio-economic partners in a transition process to limit the impact of climate change, including the future of winter tourism in the Massif des Bauges.The main levers for mitigating the impact of climate change include reducing energy consumption from the highest-emitting sources (such as the residential and transport sectors), improving process efficiency, enhancing carbon storage, and promoting non-carbon-emitting renewable energies. Adaptation measures need to be implemented systematically and across the board, covering all possible areas. Both Geoparks are focusing on supporting the climate transition in different sectors of activity, mobilizing stakeholders and partners around this major issue. In the Massif des Bauges, the Geopark accompanies the ski resorts, imports understanding tools to better manage problems related to climate change. First retracement concerning 3 ski-resorts (Aillons-Margériaz; Le Semnoz; and La Sambuy ski resorts) are observed, after initiatives have been taken to diversify their tourist activities, and creating alternatives to winter tourism and promoting year-round tourism (concept “four seasons”) beyond the winter season, The Geopark continuously work with the National Office of Forests and The National Forest Property Center, the departments and the region of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes to promote and protect the capacity of forests to mitigate and adapt to climate change by participating in the Regional Strategic Plan and the Regional Plan for the wood sector 2023-2027, and within the framework of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). In the M'Goun Geopark, the High Commission for Water and Forests, along with the Ministry of Agriculture and Maritime Fisheries, play significant roles in combating erosion, deforestation, and desertification. They develop and implement policies for conservation, sustainable development of forests, and sylvo-pastoral resources. Institutional mechanisms are established to coordinate policy formulation, execution, monitoring, and evaluation in combating desertification and contributing to rural development.In addition, some strategic geosites are used or could be used as indicators and educational supports to record and show the effects of the climate change on natural processes and human activities

    Climate change impact on Global Geoparks management: experiences sharing from the massif des Bauges and M’Goun Geoparks.

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    International audienceToday, according to various intergovernmental expert reports, there is no longer any doubt that climate change is accelerating and intensifying and the reason for that goes back to man-made activities. In the framework of a collaborative programme based on a comparative study, this presentation investigates the adaptation efforts of two territories, namely the Massif des Bauges UNESCO Geopark characterized by a cool, humid climate, and the M'Goun UNESCO Geopark with a dry, warm climate, in response to the impacts of climate change. Both territories experience hotter spells, drought periods, reduced snowfall, and water stress, impacting agriculture, natural environments, risk management and water resources. The focus of this presentation is on the strategies employed to mitigate and adapt to these changes, involving residents, elected representatives, and socio-economic partners in a transition process to limit the impact of climate change, including the future of winter tourism in the Massif des Bauges.The main levers for mitigating the impact of climate change include reducing energy consumption from the highest-emitting sources (such as the residential and transport sectors), improving process efficiency, enhancing carbon storage, and promoting non-carbon-emitting renewable energies. Adaptation measures need to be implemented systematically and across the board, covering all possible areas. Both Geoparks are focusing on supporting the climate transition in different sectors of activity, mobilizing stakeholders and partners around this major issue. In the Massif des Bauges, the Geopark accompanies the ski resorts, imports understanding tools to better manage problems related to climate change. First retracement concerning 3 ski-resorts (Aillons-Margériaz; Le Semnoz; and La Sambuy ski resorts) are observed, after initiatives have been taken to diversify their tourist activities, and creating alternatives to winter tourism and promoting year-round tourism (concept “four seasons”) beyond the winter season, The Geopark continuously work with the National Office of Forests and The National Forest Property Center, the departments and the region of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes to promote and protect the capacity of forests to mitigate and adapt to climate change by participating in the Regional Strategic Plan and the Regional Plan for the wood sector 2023-2027, and within the framework of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). In the M'Goun Geopark, the High Commission for Water and Forests, along with the Ministry of Agriculture and Maritime Fisheries, play significant roles in combating erosion, deforestation, and desertification. They develop and implement policies for conservation, sustainable development of forests, and sylvo-pastoral resources. Institutional mechanisms are established to coordinate policy formulation, execution, monitoring, and evaluation in combating desertification and contributing to rural development.In addition, some strategic geosites are used or could be used as indicators and educational supports to record and show the effects of the climate change on natural processes and human activities

    Trajectoires comparées de la patrimonialisation des grottes et du karst dans les Géoparcs du Massif des Bauges (France) et du M’Goun (Maroc).

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    International audienceThe ancient and modern uses of caves have been the subject of much scientific research. The aim here is to consider them from a heritage perspective, through a comparative diachronic approach to the history and methods of exploring, protecting and developing caves in two karst areas: the Bauges massif (French northern Pre-Alps) and the M'Goun area (Moroccan central High Atlas), which became Global Geoparks in 2011 and 2014 respectively. In particular, the aim is to examine the effect of the Geopark label on the processes involved in making caves and karst heritage, grouped into the following three fields: (i) speleo-karstological exploration and research activities; (ii) protection strategies and actions; (iii) enhancement plans and actions, particularly educational and tourism-related.Les usages anciens et modernes des grottes ont fait l’objet de nombreuses recherches scientifiques. Il s’agit ici de les considérer dans une perspective patrimoniale, par une approche diachronique comparative de l’histoire et des modalités de l’exploration, de la protection et de la mise en valeur des cavités de deux territoires karstiques : le massif des Bauges (Préalpes du nord françaises) et la région du M’Goun (Haut Atlas central marocain), devenus Géoparcs mondiaux respectivement en 2011 et 2014. Il s’agit notamment d’interroger l’effet du label Géoparc sur les processus de patrimonialisation des grottes et du karst, regroupés dans les trois domaines suivants : (i) les activités d’exploration et de recherche spéléo-karstologiques ; (ii) les stratégies et actions de protection ; (iii) les plans et actions de valorisation, notamment éducative et touristique