257 research outputs found

    Testing an approximation to large-Nc QCD with a toy model

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    We consider a simple model of large-Nc QCD defined by a spectrum consisting of an infinite set of equally spaced zero-width vector resonances. This model is an excellent theoretical laboratory for investigating certain approximation schemes which have been used recently in calculations of hadronic parameters, such as the Minimal Hadronic Approximation. We also comment on some of the questions concerning issues of local duality versus global duality and finite-energy sum rules.Comment: LateX file; 16 pages, 7 figure

    Higher Order Evaluation of the Critical Temperature for Interacting Homogeneous Dilute Bose Gases

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    We use the nonperturbative linear \delta expansion method to evaluate analytically the coefficients c_1 and c_2^{\prime \prime} which appear in the expansion for the transition temperature for a dilute, homogeneous, three dimensional Bose gas given by T_c= T_0 \{1 + c_1 a n^{1/3} + [ c_2^{\prime} \ln(a n^{1/3}) +c_2^{\prime \prime} ] a^2 n^{2/3} + {\cal O} (a^3 n)\}, where T_0 is the result for an ideal gas, a is the s-wave scattering length and n is the number density. In a previous work the same method has been used to evaluate c_1 to order-\delta^2 with the result c_1= 3.06. Here, we push the calculation to the next two orders obtaining c_1=2.45 at order-\delta^3 and c_1=1.48 at order-\delta^4. Analysing the topology of the graphs involved we discuss how our results relate to other nonperturbative analytical methods such as the self-consistent resummation and the 1/N approximations. At the same orders we obtain c_2^{\prime\prime}=101.4, c_2^{\prime \prime}=98.2 and c_2^{\prime \prime}=82.9. Our analytical results seem to support the recent Monte Carlo estimates c_1=1.32 \pm 0.02 and c_2^{\prime \prime}= 75.7 \pm 0.4.Comment: 29 pages, 3 eps figures. Minor changes, one reference added. Version in press Physical Review A (2002

    Charge and mass effects on the evaporation of higher-dimensional rotating black holes

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    To study the dynamics of discharge of a brane black hole in TeV gravity scenarios, we obtain the approximate electromagnetic field due to the charged black hole, by solving Maxwell's equations perturbatively on the brane. In addition, arguments are given for brane metric corrections due to backreaction. We couple brane scalar and brane fermion fields with non-zero mass and charge to the background, and study the Hawking radiation process using well known low energy approximations as well as a WKB approximation in the high energy limit. We argue that contrary to common claims, the initial evaporation is not dominated by fast Schwinger discharge.Comment: Published version. Minor typos corrected. 29 pages, 5 figure

    Asymptotically Improved Convergence of Optimized Perturbation Theory in the Bose-Einstein Condensation Problem

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    We investigate the convergence properties of optimized perturbation theory, or linear δ\delta expansion (LDE), within the context of finite temperature phase transitions. Our results prove the reliability of these methods, recently employed in the determination of the critical temperature T_c for a system of weakly interacting homogeneous dilute Bose gas. We carry out the explicit LDE optimized calculations and also the infrared analysis of the relevant quantities involved in the determination of TcT_c in the large-N limit, when the relevant effective static action describing the system is extended to O(N) symmetry. Then, using an efficient resummation method, we show how the LDE can exactly reproduce the known large-N result for TcT_c already at the first non-trivial order. Next, we consider the finite N=2 case where, using similar resummation techniques, we improve the analytical results for the nonperturbative terms involved in the expression for the critical temperature allowing comparison with recent Monte Carlo estimates of them. To illustrate the method we have considered a simple geometric series showing how the procedure as a whole works consistently in a general case.Comment: 38 pages, 3 eps figures, Revtex4. Final version in press Phys. Rev.

    K -> pi pi and a light scalar meson

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    We explore the Delta-I= 1/2 rule and epsilon'/epsilon in K -> pi pi transitions using a Dyson-Schwinger equation model. Exploiting the feature that QCD penguin operators direct K^0_S transitions through 0^{++} intermediate states, we find an explanation of the enhancement of I=0 K -> pi pi transitions in the contribution of a light sigma-meson. This mechanism also affects epsilon'/epsilon.Comment: 7 pages, REVTE

    Survey of nucleon electromagnetic form factors

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    A dressed-quark core contribution to nucleon electromagnetic form factors is calculated. It is defined by the solution of a Poincare' covariant Faddeev equation in which dressed-quarks provide the elementary degree of freedom and correlations between them are expressed via diquarks. The nucleon-photon vertex involves a single parameter; i.e., a diquark charge radius. It is argued to be commensurate with the pion's charge radius. A comprehensive analysis and explanation of the form factors is built upon this foundation. A particular feature of the study is a separation of form factor contributions into those from different diagram types and correlation sectors, and subsequently a flavour separation for each of these. Amongst the extensive body of results that one could highlight are: r_1^{n,u}>r_1^{n,d}, owing to the presence of axial-vector quark-quark correlations; and for both the neutron and proton the ratio of Sachs electric and magnetic form factors possesses a zero.Comment: 43 pages, 17 figures, 12 tables, 5 appendice

    Mesons as qbar-q Bound States from Euclidean 2-Point Correlators in the Bethe-Salpeter Approach

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    We investigate the 2-point correlation function for the vector current. The gluons provide dressings for both the quark self energy as well as the vector vertex function, which are described consistently by the rainbow Dyson-Schwinger equation and the inhomogeneous ladder Bethe-Salpeter equation. The form of the gluon propagator at low momenta is modeled by a 2-parameter ansatz fitting the weak pion decay constant. The quarks are confined in the sense that the quark propagator does not have a pole at timelike momenta. We determine the ground state mass in the vector channel from the Euclidean time Fourier transform of the correlator, which has an exponential falloff at large times. The ground state mass lies around 590 MeV and is almost independent of the model form for the gluon propagator. This method allows us to stay in Euclidean space and to avoid analytic continuation of the quark or gluon propagators into the timelike region.Comment: 21 pages (REVTEX), 8 Postscript figure

    Self-Similar Factor Approximants

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    The problem of reconstructing functions from their asymptotic expansions in powers of a small variable is addressed by deriving a novel type of approximants. The derivation is based on the self-similar approximation theory, which presents the passage from one approximant to another as the motion realized by a dynamical system with the property of group self-similarity. The derived approximants, because of their form, are named the self-similar factor approximants. These complement the obtained earlier self-similar exponential approximants and self-similar root approximants. The specific feature of the self-similar factor approximants is that their control functions, providing convergence of the computational algorithm, are completely defined from the accuracy-through-order conditions. These approximants contain the Pade approximants as a particular case, and in some limit they can be reduced to the self-similar exponential approximants previously introduced by two of us. It is proved that the self-similar factor approximants are able to reproduce exactly a wide class of functions which include a variety of transcendental functions. For other functions, not pertaining to this exactly reproducible class, the factor approximants provide very accurate approximations, whose accuracy surpasses significantly that of the most accurate Pade approximants. This is illustrated by a number of examples showing the generality and accuracy of the factor approximants even when conventional techniques meet serious difficulties.Comment: 22 pages + 11 ps figure

    Masses of ground and excited-state hadrons

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    We present the first Dyson-Schwinger equation calculation of the light hadron spectrum that simultaneously correlates the masses of meson and baryon ground- and excited-states within a single framework. At the core of our analysis is a symmetry-preserving treatment of a vector-vector contact interaction. In comparison with relevant quantities the root-mean-square-relative-error/degree-of freedom is 13%. Notable amongst our results is agreement between the computed baryon masses and the bare masses employed in modern dynamical coupled-channels models of pion-nucleon reactions. Our analysis provides insight into numerous aspects of baryon structure; e.g., relationships between the nucleon and Delta masses and those of the dressed-quark and diquark correlations they contain.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, 4 table

    Mass Spectra of Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theories in 1+1 Dimensions

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    Physical mass spectra of supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories in 1+1 dimensions are evaluated in the light-cone gauge with a compact spatial dimension. The supercharges are constructed and the infrared regularization is unambiguously prescribed for supercharges, instead of the light-cone Hamiltonian. This provides a manifestly supersymmetric infrared regularization for the discretized light-cone approach. By an exact diagonalization of the supercharge matrix between up to several hundred color singlet bound states, we find a rapidly increasing density of states as mass increases.Comment: LaTeX file, 32 page, 7 eps figure