19 research outputs found
Biocontrol of Wheat Fusarium Crown and Root Rot by Trichoderma spp. and Evaluation of Their Cell Wall Degrading Enzymes Activities
Fourteen strains of Trichoderma spp. were isolated from Algerian desert soils and assessed for their antagonistic activity against Fusarium crown and root rot of wheat. Biocontrol efficiency of Trichoderma spp. was studied by in vitro and in vivo based bioassay against three pathogenic species: F. culmorum, F. graminearum and F. verticillioides. In vitro based bioassay (dual culture) results obtained with all Trichoderma spp. isolates showed significant decrease in colony diameter of Fusarium species compared to the control. The highest percentages of reduction in colony diameter were obtained with T. harzianum Thr.4 causing a growth reduction of 70.68%, 67.05 and 70.57% against F. culmorum, F. graminearum and F. verticillioides, respectively. All Trichoderma spp. isolates were able to overgrow and sporulate above F. culmorum colonies but no overgrowth was observed with F. graminearum and F. verticilliodes. The seed treatment by Trichoderma spp. isolates before sowing in a soil already infested by the pathogens led to a significant decrease of disease severity compared to the untreated control. The highest disease index decrease (>70%) was obtained with two isolates of T. harzianum (Thr.4 and Thr.10) and T. viride Tv.6 against the three fungal pathogens. Lytic enzymes production by Trichoderma spp. isolates was tested in liquid cultures containing fungal cell walls of each pathogen as sole carbon source. Higher levels of protease and chitinase activities were induced by hyphal cell walls of F. graminearum than cell walls of F. verticillioides and F. culmorum. T. harzianum Thr.4 exhibited the highest enzyme activities with hyphal cell walls of F. graminearum and F. culmorum. However, in the medium amended with cell wall of F. verticillioides, maximal lytic activities were recorded for T. viride Tv.6
Population dynamics of date moth adults in date palm groves in Sidi Okbabiskra; (Sahara â Algeria)
The date moth Ectomyelois ceratoniae (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) can cause total production losses and is considered a key pest of date palm in Algeria. This research aimed to evaluate the adult dynamic of E. ceratoniae in date palm grove throughout one year (2016). Two high flight periods were recorded in the spring and autumn. The first adult emergence was in 6th of Feburary 2016. Also, results showed that climatic factors have a significant influence on the date moth which could only develop over a limited range of temperatures and relative humidity.Keywords: Ectomyelois ceratoniae; Population dynamics; Phoenix dactylifera; sexual pheromone traps; climatic parameters
Biological control by (Coccinella algerica, Kovar 1977) against the puceron of crops under greenhouses (station bioressources of El Outaya Crstra) Biskra; Algeria
Inputs from chemicals, particularly pesticides, to control crop pests have adverse effects on soil and the environment, among others. To reduce pest attacks, biological control with indigenous predators is the alternative and the cleanest, most environmentally friendly and ecologically balanced way.In order to achieve this objective, we carried out ladybird breeding and releases were carried out on vegetable crops under glass in the Bioressources (CRSTRA) station where chemical inputs are not used. This study shows that massive and successive releases larvae Coccinella algerica stage L3 and L4 (10 to 20 larvae C.algerica and â350 individuals in Individuals in adult stage / infested plants) reduced effectively the population of aphids.Keywords: Biological control; Coccinella algerica; Vegetable crops; Station Bioressource
Au cours de notre Ă©tude de la faune arthropodologique de la rĂ©gion de Biskra, nous avons choisi deux stations dâexpĂ©rimentation dans la zone dâEl- Kantara. Deux types de palmeraies existent, moderne et traditionnelle. Notre inventaire rĂ©vĂšle la prĂ©sence de 48 espĂšces invertĂ©brĂ©s, les mĂȘmes observĂ©es dans chaque site mais avec des effectifs diffĂ©rents, signalons toujours que la palmeraie traditionnelle est la plus dominante avec un taux global de 67,87%. La classe des insectes est la plus peuplĂ©e par 46 espĂšces, soit 95,84% de la totalitĂ©. Elle est suivie par celle des crustacĂ©es et celle des arachnides par une seule espĂšce et un pourcentage de 2,08% chacune. Suivant lâordre systĂ©matique les orthoptĂšres sont classĂ©s en premiĂšre position avec un taux de 18,75 %, suivis par les colĂ©optĂšres 16,67 %, enfin lâordre des lĂ©pidoptĂšres et celui des hymĂ©noptĂšres avec un taux de 14,58 % chacun. En fonction du rĂ©gime alimentaire nous avons notĂ© cinq groupes dont les phytophages sont les plus reprĂ©sentĂ©s avec un taux de 56,25 %. Ils sont suivis par les prĂ©dateurs avec 20,83 %, les saprophages avec 18,78 % et enfin les parasites et les polyphages avec un taux de 2,08 % chacun. During our study of the arthropodologic fauna of the area of Biskra we have chose two test centers in the zone of El- Kantara. Two types of palm plantations exist, modern and traditional. Our inventory reveals the presence of 48 species invertebrates, same ones observed in each site but with different manpower, always let us announce that the traditional palm plantation is most dominant with a total rate of 67,87%. The class of the insects is populated by 46 species, that is to say 95,84% of totality. It is followed by that of crustacean and that of Arachnida by only one species and a percentage of 2,08% each one. According to the systematic order the orthoptera are classified in first position with a rate of 18,75 %, followed by the Coleoptera 16,67%, the Lepidoptera and the hymenoptera with 14,58 % each one. According to the food mode we noted five groups whose Phytophagous ones are represented with a rate of 56,25 %, followed by the predatory ones with 20,83 %, the Saprophagous with 18,78 % and finally the parasites and the Polyphagous ones with a rate of 2,08 % each on
Le suivide lâAvifaune des Ziban durant 05annĂ©essuccessives de 2006 Ă 2010 et pendant les mois, apermis dâinventorier 136 espĂšces rĂ©parties en 18 ordres et 44familles. Lâordre des passeriformes est le plusdiversifiĂ©, il est composĂ© 63 espĂšcesrangĂ©es dans 14 familles Les TurdidĂ©s et les SylviidĂ©sviennent en tĂȘte avec 18 et 13 espĂšces. Du point de vue statut phĂ©nologique, lâavifaune des Ziban compte 47espĂšces nicheuses sĂ©dentaires, 56visiteuses de passage, 19 espĂšces hivernantes, 13espĂšces migratrices nicheuses et une espĂšcenicheuse accidentelle. Le statutbiogĂ©ographique est dominĂ© par les Ă©lĂ©ments palĂ©arctiques (42espĂšces), il est suivi par les espĂšces Ă©thiopiennes (17 espĂšces). Par contre,lâavifaune strictement mĂ©diterranĂ©enne est reprĂ©sentĂ©e par seulement 07 espĂšces. La transition entre le domaine mĂ©diterranĂ©en et le saharien de la rĂ©gion de Biskra est confirmĂ© par la prĂ©sence de 11 espĂšces sahariennes sur les 24 espĂšces notĂ©es en AlgĂ©rie.  Monitoring of Zibanâs Avifauna during 05 years (January 2006 to September 2010) has allowed inventorying of 136 species divided into 18 orders and 44 families. Passerines are the most diverse with 14 families representedby 63 species. The families most represented are Turdidae and warblers, formed respectively by 18 and 13 species. Phenological point of view the Ziban avifauna with 47 resident breeding species, 56 visitors passing, 19 watering visitor, 13 migratory breeding species and 01 accidentally breeding species. Biogeographic status isdominated by Palaearcticâs species (42 species), followed by Ethiopian species including 17 species. For cons, the strictly Mediterranean avifauna is represented by only 07 species. The transition area between the Mediterranean and the Saharan region is confirmed by the presence of 11 desert species on 24 species recorded in Algeria
Le suivie de lâavifaune de quelques formations vĂ©gĂ©tales steppiques de la rĂ©gion des Ziban a permis de recenser 42 espĂšces, dont les Turdidae reprĂ©sentĂ©es avec 10 espĂšces, constituent la famille la plus importante. La richesse totale varie entre un maximum de 24 espĂšces dans les steppes halophiles et un minimum de 14 espĂšces dans les steppes Ă Alfa. Lâabondance des diffĂ©rentes espĂšces varie dâune formation vĂ©gĂ©tale Ă une autre. Gallerida cristata est lâespĂšce la plus abondante dans toutes les formations vĂ©gĂ©tales sauf au niveau des steppes Ă Alfa oĂč câest Gallerida teklae qui est la plus abondante
RESUMENotre Ă©tude sâest dĂ©roulĂ©e pendant deux annĂ©es consĂ©cutives 2010 et 2011 sur les folioles des palmiers de la variĂ©tĂ© DegletNour dans la rĂ©gion de Biskra. Lâobjectif de notre recherche est dâĂ©tudier lâimpact de la position des folioles sur la dynamiquedes populations de la cochenille femelle adulte de Parlatoria blanchardi. Pour la rĂ©alisation de cette Ă©tude nous avons effectuĂ©72 sorties. Nous avons prĂ©levĂ© 1728 folioles des quatre orientations du palmier. Nous avons observĂ© minutieusement sous laloupe binoculaire un total de 21176 cochenilles. Les rĂ©sultats de cette Ă©tude rĂ©vĂšlent que les quatre directions du palmier sonttoutes infestĂ©es par les cochenilles femelles. La rĂ©partition de ce dĂ©prĂ©dateur sur les folioles des diffĂ©rentes orientations estvariable. Lâorientation Sud est la moins infestĂ©e par les femelles de la cochenille (4848 femelles en 2010 et 173 femelles en2011), oĂč le taux de mortalitĂ© est Ă©galement le plus Ă©levĂ© (26 ,87% en 2010 et 45% en 2011) alors que le taux de cochenillesparasitĂ©es est le moindre (23,33% en 2010 et 12 ,09% en 2011). La direction Sud est ainsi la moins favorable audĂ©veloppement de la cochenille blanche Ă©tant donnĂ© quâelle est la plus exposĂ©e aux rayons solaires directs et aux vents chauds.MOTS CLES: Parlatoria blanchardi ; Dynamique des populations ; Orientation ; Palmier dattier ; Biskra ; AlgĂ©rie.ABSTRACTOur study is conducted for two consecutive years 2010 and 2011. We worked on the palm trees of the variety Deglet -Nour.The aim of our research is to study the impact of the position of the leaflets on dynamic of populations of the female cochinealParlatoria blanchardi. For the realization of this study we performed 72sorties. We have collected 1728 leaflets of the fourdirections of the palm tree. We have thoroughly inspected under the binocular a total of 21176 cochineals. The results of thisstudy indicate that the four directions of the palm are all infested with female scale. The distribution of this pest on the leafletsin different directions varies. The results of our study show that the South orientation is the least infested by the femalecochineal (4848 females in 2010 and 173 females in 2011) .From this direction even has the highest mortality rate (26, 87% in2010 and 45% in 2011) and lower in parasitized white scale (23, 33% in 2010 and 12,09%in 2011). South direction is lessfavorable to the development of white scale compared to other directions. It is more exposed to direct sunlight and hot winds.KEYWORDS: Parlatoria blanchardi; fluctuations; Orientation; date palm; Biskra; Algeria
Le prĂ©sent article prĂ©sente une synthĂšse sur lâĂ©volution indirecte des paramĂštres biomĂ©triques des oeufs de Perdrix gambra : poids, longueur et largeurs. Cette analyse est conduite sur la base des mesures effectuĂ©es par nos prĂ©dĂ©cesseurs et successeurs, au niveau de lâAire ProtĂ©gĂ©e de la Reserve de Chasse de ZĂ©ralda-AlgĂ©rie et dans lâOuarsanis. Les donnĂ©es de 2002 Ă 2016, regroupent les mesures effectuĂ©es sur un Ă©chantillon Total, ÎŁNik = 434 oeufs mesurĂ©es in situ. Ces mesures sont comparĂ©es Ă un Ă©chantillon n = 120 oeufs tirĂ©s au hasard de lâĂ©levage du Centre CynĂ©gĂ©tique de ZĂ©ralda. Les caractĂšres biomĂ©triques semblent se stabiliser sur une dizaine dâannĂ©e de sĂ©lection en captivitĂ© avec une lĂ©gĂšre diffĂ©rence en Ă©levage, alors que ceux contrĂŽlĂ©es en nature restent stables. On conclut lâexistence dâune faible variabilitĂ© et les oeufs semblent globalement lĂ©gĂšrement plus lourds en Ă©levage vs population naturelle
Adaptation of many plant species to hostile environmental conditions suggest the presence of powerful antioxidative constituents in their tissues such as phenolic compounds. Many works on antioxidant activity of the Moroccan argan oil have been carried out. However, it is the first time that salt impact on Algerian arganleaves is assessed. The main objective of this work was to study the soil salinity impact on phenolic content and composition, and the antioxidant activities of the argan leaves collected from three point in the same site of Tindouf region (Algeria) characterized by a gradient of salt concentration (Lightly Salt Tindouf, Salt Tindouf and Very Salt Tindouf). Variability of phenolic contents, antioxidant and free radical-scavenging activities of the argan leaves as function of salt soil concentration were evaluated. Identification was done by LC-MS system. Regarding phenolic contents (total polyphenol, flavonoid and condensed tannin), the Salt Tindouf leaves displayed the highest amounts (total polyphenol = 77.28 mg GAE/g DW). Moreover, the same tendency was observed for antioxidant activities, for instance, total antioxidant activity of leaves from Salt Tindouf was the highest (83.6 mg GAE/g DW). In addition, leaves from Salt Tindouf displayed the highest scavenging activity against DPPH radical (IC50 = 6.5 ÎŒg/ml) as compared to the two others points. These results were also confirmed by LC-MS analyses. Leaves synthesize more compounds with very important biological activities under salinity which allow them to be valorized in different fields, such as pharmacology and agro-food industries
Habitat de la Tourterelle des bois (Streptopelia turtur) dans la vallĂ©e dâIsser, AlgĂ©rie
Depending on the resulting habitat mosaic, that is created, habitat loss can reduce the
abundance and diversity of birds. Turtle Dove (Streptopelia turtur) is particularly likely to suffer from such
pressure, yet few studies have been performed to evaluate its conservation status in Algeria. The information
on breeding habitat requirements for turtle dove is important for managing remnant woodlots and
shrub land used by this species. To address this issue we surveyed the species in a suburban area of 1087
ha situated in the Isser Valley in Boumerdes (northern Algeria). In order to determine past and predicted
future trends in habitat availability we compared landscape types in 2006 with those present in the 1960s
and found that nine of the 11 habitats surveyed were occupied by turtle doves in 2006-07. The mean density
of turtle doves across our study area was 0.79 pairs/ha during 2006 and 2007. Hatching success was 36.5%
and post-fledging nesting success reached 67.7%. A comparison of habitat diversity between the 1960s and
2006 showed an increase of forest- related habitats, which tends to favour turtle dovesâ persistence, and
could possibly reduce the effect of the landscape homogenization related to anthropogenic land use practices.
Being classified as a habitat specialist, the Turtle Dove is likely to decline in the Isser Valley under
continuing habitat changesSelon la mosaĂŻque paysagĂšre qui en rĂ©sulte la perte dâhabitat peut rĂ©duire lâabondance et la diversitĂ© des
oiseaux. La Tourterelle des bois (Streptopelia turtur) est particuliĂšrement susceptible de pĂątir dâune telle
pression ; toutefois, peu dâĂ©tudes ont cherchĂ© Ă Ă©valuer lâĂ©tat de sa conservation en AlgĂ©rie. Des informations
sur les besoins de cette tourterelle en matiĂšre dâhabitats de reproduction sont importantes pour la
gestion des boisements quâelle utilise. Pour aborder cette question nous avons recensĂ© lâespĂšce dans une
zone suburbaine de 1087 ha dans la vallĂ©e dâIsser Ă Boumerdes (nord de lâAlgĂ©rie). Afin de dĂ©terminer les
disponibilitĂ©s dâhabitats passĂ©es et futures, nous avons comparĂ© les types de paysages de 2006 Ă ceux des
années 1960 et avons trouvé que neuf des onze habitats recensés étaient occupés par la Tourterelle des bois
en 2006-07. La densitĂ© moyenne dans notre zone dâĂ©tude a Ă©tĂ© de 0,79 couples/ha en 2006 et 2007. Le succĂšs
Ă lâĂ©closion a Ă©tĂ© de 36,5 % et celui Ă lâenvol a atteint 67,7 %. La comparaison de la diversitĂ© des habitats
entre 1960 et 2006 a montré une augmentation des habitats forestiers, ce qui est en faveur de la persistance
de la Tourterelle des bois et pourrait peut-ĂȘtre rĂ©duire les effets dâhomogĂ©nĂ©isation paysagĂšre dus aux usages
des terres par les populations humaines. ClassĂ©e spĂ©cialiste quant Ă son choix dâhabitat, le Tourterelle des
bois déclinera vraisemblablement si les habitats continuent à se modifie