41 research outputs found

    A Modified Coupled Enzyme Method for O-linked GlcNAc Transferase Activity Assay

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    In order to determine the activity of O-linked GlcNAc transferase (OGT), a modified coupled enzyme method was proposed. This method was based on the measurement of uridine 5'-(trihydrogen diphosphate) (UDP), a product generated in transglycosylation reaction. In the assay, UDP was coupled to the conversion of phosphoenolpyruvate to pyruvate using pyruvate kinase. Using a commercial pyruvate assay kit, the pyruvate was converted to a red terminal product, which could be photometrically measured at 570 nm or fluorometrically measured at 587 nm (Em = 535 nm) on a microplate reader. Kinetic study of a truncated recombinant mOGT and quantitative analysis of OGT in two biological samples indicated that this method was practical and competitive for quantitative analysis of OGT

    Elevated O-GlcNAc-dependent signaling through inducible mOGT expression selectively triggers apoptosis

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    O-linked N-acetylglucosamine transferase (OGT) catalyzes O-GlcNAc addition to numerous cellular proteins including transcription and nuclear pore complexes and plays a key role in cellular signaling. One differentially spliced isoform of OGT is normally targeted to mitochondria (mOGT) but is quite cytotoxic when expressed in cells compared with the ncOGT isoform. To understand the basis of this selective cytotoxicity, we constructed a fully functional ecdysone-inducible GFP–OGT. Elevated GFP–OGT expression induced a dramatic increase in intracellular O-GlcNAcylated proteins. Furthermore, enhanced OGT expression efficiently triggered programmed cell death. Apoptosis was dependent upon the unique N-terminus of mOGT, and its catalytic activity. Induction of mOGT expression triggered programmed cell death in every cell type tested including INS-1, an insulin-secreting cell line. These studies suggest that deregulated activity of the mitochondrially targeted mOGT may play a role in triggering the programmed cell death observed with diseases such as diabetes mellitus and neurodegeneration

    Multilineage hematopoietic recovery with concomitant antitumor effects using low dose Interleukin-12 in myelosuppressed tumor-bearing mice

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Interleukin-12 (IL-12) is a cytokine well known for its role in immunity. A lesser known function of IL-12 is its role in hematopoiesis. The promising data obtained in the preclinical models of antitumor immunotherapy raised hope that IL-12 could be a powerful therapeutic agent against cancer. However, excessive clinical toxicity, largely due to repeat dose regimens, and modest clinical response observed in the clinical trials have pointed to the necessity to design protocols that minimize toxicity without affecting the anti-tumor effect of IL-12. We have focused on the lesser known role of IL-12 in hematopoiesis and hypothesized that an important clinical role for IL-12 in cancer may be as an adjuvant hematological cancer therapy. In this putative clinical function, IL-12 is utilized for the prevention of cancer therapy-related cytopenias, while providing concomitant anti-tumor responses over and above responses observed with the primary therapy alone. This putative clinical function of IL-12 focuses on the dual role of IL-12 in hematopoiesis and immunity.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We assessed the ability of IL-12 to facilitate hematopoietic recovery from radiation (625 rad) and chemotherapy (cyclophosphamide) in two tumor-bearing murine models, namely the EL4 lymphoma and the Lewis lung cancer models. Antitumor effects and changes in bone marrow cellularity were also assessed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We show herein that carefully designed protocols, in mice, utilizing IL-12 as an adjuvant to radiation or chemotherapy yield facile and consistent, multilineage hematopoietic recovery from cancer therapy-induced cytopenias, as compared to vehicle and the clinically-utilized cytokine granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) (positive control), while still providing concomitant antitumor responses over and above the effects of the primary therapy alone. Moreover, our protocol design utilizes single, low doses of IL-12 that did not yield any apparent toxicity.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results portend that despite its past failure, IL-12 appears to have significant clinical potential as a hematological adjuvant cancer therapy.</p

    Regulation of ABCC6 trafficking and stability by a conserved C-terminal PDZ-like sequence

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    Mutations in the ABCC6 ABC-transporter are causative of pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE). The loss of functional ABCC6 protein in the basolateral membrane of the kidney and liver is putatively associated with altered secretion of a circulatory factor. As a result, systemic changes in elastic tissues are caused by progressive mineralization and degradation of elastic fibers. Premature arteriosclerosis, loss of skin and vascular tone, and a progressive loss of vision result from this ectopic mineralization. However, the identity of the circulatory factor and the specific role of ABCC6 in disease pathophysiology are not known. Though recessive loss-of-function alleles are associated with alterations in ABCC6 expression and function, the molecular pathologies associated with the majority of PXE-causing mutations are also not known. Sequence analysis of orthologous ABCC6 proteins indicates the C-terminal sequences are highly conserved and share high similarity to the PDZ sequences found in other ABCC subfamily members. Genetic testing of PXE patients suggests that at least one disease-causing mutation is located in a PDZ-like sequence at the extreme C-terminus of the ABCC6 protein. To evaluate the role of this C-terminal sequence in the biosynthesis and trafficking of ABCC6, a series of mutations were utilized to probe changes in ABCC6 biosynthesis, membrane stability and turnover. Removal of this PDZ-like sequence resulted in decreased steady-state ABCC6 levels, decreased cell surface expression and stability, and mislocalization of the ABCC6 protein in polarized cells. These data suggest that the conserved, PDZ-like sequence promotes the proper biosynthesis and trafficking of the ABCC6 protein. © 2014 Xue et al

    Foxp3 and Treg cells in HIV-1 infection and immuno-pathogenesis

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    FoxP3+CD4+CD25+ regulatory T (Treg) cells are implicated in a number of pathologic processes including elevated levels in cancers and infectious diseases, and reduced levels in autoimmune diseases. Treg cells are activated to modulate immune responses to avoid over-reactive immunity. However, conflicting findings are reported regarding relative levels of Treg cells during HIV-1 infection and disease progression. The role of Treg cells in HIV-1 diseases (aberrant immune activation) is poorly understood due to lack of a robust model. We summarize here the regulation and function of Foxp3 in Treg cells and in modulating HIV-1 replication. Based on recent findings from SIV/monkey and HIV/humanized mouse models, a model of the dual role of Treg cells in HIV-1 infection and immuno-pathogenesis is discussed

    Comprehensive molecular characterization of the hippo signaling pathway in cancer

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    Hippo signaling has been recognized as a key tumor suppressor pathway. Here, we perform a comprehensive molecular characterization of 19 Hippo core genes in 9,125 tumor samples across 33 cancer types using multidimensional “omic” data from The Cancer Genome Atlas. We identify somatic drivers among Hippo genes and the related microRNA (miRNA) regulators, and using functional genomic approaches, we experimentally characterize YAP and TAZ mutation effects and miR-590 and miR-200a regulation for TAZ. Hippo pathway activity is best characterized by a YAP/TAZ transcriptional target signature of 22 genes, which shows robust prognostic power across cancer types. Our elastic-net integrated modeling further reveals cancer-type-specific pathway regulators and associated cancer drivers. Our results highlight the importance of Hippo signaling in squamous cell cancers, characterized by frequent amplification of YAP/TAZ, high expression heterogeneity, and significant prognostic patterns. This study represents a systems-biology approach to characterizing key cancer signaling pathways in the post-genomic era