105 research outputs found

    VLBI Imaging of ICRF Sources in the Southern Hemisphere using Geodetic and Astrometric Observations

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    The present International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF), the ICRF-3 is based on a catalogue of 4536 quasar positions obtained from Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) radio measurements. This radio frame is crucial for many applications, from measurements of Earth’s orientation in space to spacecraft navigation and measurements of sea-level rise. However, the deficit in ICRF source density in the South and lack of dedicated imaging campaigns in the South, to monitor structural changes, remain a big concern. These ICRF sources can exhibit spatially extended emission structures that can have a significant effect on astrometric VLBI measurements. The Celestial Reference Frame Deep South (CRDS) is a dedicated astrometric VLBI programme to observe Southern ICRF sources on a regular basis. In an effort to improve the situation in the South, these CRDS sessions have recently been optimized for VLBI imaging. In this thesis, I present VLBI images and source structure analysis results for southern ICRF sources observed in four of these CRDS sessions. For some of these sources, I present the very first high-resolution radio images. I also present results from source structure analysis and a corresponding assessment of astrometric quality, and I also present results from efforts to increase the ICRF source density in the South.Mathematical SciencesPh. D. (Astronomy

    Band engineered bilayer Haldane model: Evidence of multiple topological phase transitions

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    We have studied the evolution of the topological properties of a band-engineered AB-stacked bilayer honeycomb structure in the presence of a Haldane flux. Without a Haldane flux, band engineering makes the band touching points (the so-called Dirac points) move towards each other and eventually merge into one at an intermediate M\mathbf{M} point in the Brillouin zone. Here the dispersion is linear along one direction and quadratic along the other. In the presence of a Haldane flux, the system acquires topological properties, and finite Chern numbers can be associated with the pairs of the conduction and the valence bands. The valence band closer to the Fermi level (EFE_F) possesses Chern numbers equal to ±2\pm2 and ±1\pm1, while the one further away from EFE_F corresponds to Chern numbers ±1\pm1. The conduction bands are associated with similar properties, except their signs are reversed. The Chern lobes shrink in the band-engineered model, and we find evidence of multiple topological phase transitions, where the Chern numbers discontinuously jump from ±2\pm2 to 2\mp2, ±1\pm1 to 1\mp1, ±1\pm1 to 00 to ±2\pm2 and ±2\pm2 to ±1\pm1. These transitions are supported by the presence or absence of the chiral edge modes in a nanoribbon bilayer geometry and the vanishing of the plateau in the anomalous Hall conductivity. Different phases are further computed for different hopping amplitudes across the layers, which shows the shrinking of the Chern lobes for large interlayer tunneling

    Topological features of Haldane model on a dice lattice: role of flat band on transport properties

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    We study the topological properties of a Haldane model on a band deformed dice lattice, which has three atoms per unit cell (call them as A, B and C) and the spectrum comprises of three bands, including a flat band. The bands are systematically deformed with an aim to study the evolution of topology and the transport properties. The deformations are induced through hopping anisotropies and are achieved in two distinct ways. In one of them, the hopping amplitudes between the sites of B and C sublattices and those between A and B sublattices are varied along a particular direction, and in the other, the hopping between the sites of A and B sublattices are varied (keeping B-C hopping unaltered) along the same direction. The first case retains some of the spectral features of the familiar dice lattice and yields Chern insulating lobes in the phase diagram with C=±2C=\pm2 till a certain critical deformation. The topological features are supported by the presence of a pair of chiral edge modes at each edge of a ribbon and the plateaus observed in the anomalous Hall conductivity support the above scenario. Whereas, a selective tuning of only the A-B hopping amplitudes distorts the flat band and has important ramifications on the topological properties of the system. The insulating lobes in the phase diagram have distinct features compared to the case above, and there are dips observed in the Hall conductivity near the zero bias. The dip widens as the hopping anisotropy is made larger, and thus the scenario registers significant deviation from the familiar plateau structure observed in the anomalous Hall conductivity. However, a phase transition from a topological to a trivial insulating region demonstrated by the Chern number changing discontinuously from ±2\pm2 to zero beyond a certain critical hopping anisotropy remains a common feature in the two cases

    Understanding the State of LGBTQIA+ Healthcare and Support in Camden County

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    4.5% of American adults identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual and about 1.4 million adults identify as transgender. This demographic is impacted by many social determinants of health and health disparities, particularly for transgender patients. 33% of LGBTQIA+ patients ranging from a pool of 28,000 surveyed patients have had a negative experience with their health providers, and 8% of them had to educate their physicians about their needs due to physicians’ lack of knowledge about this demographic. Research suggests that there is a reluctance to access mental health services in the LGBTQIA+ community due to homophobia,, difficulties disclosing sexual and gender identity, and fears of being misunderstood

    Corneal blindness in the developing world: The role of prevention strategies [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]

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    Corneal blindness is an important contributor to the burden of global blindness and has a greater prevalence in low-income countries of the developing world where resources and infrastructure are limited. The causes of corneal blindness too are different from high-income countries and include infectious keratitis, ocular trauma, and xerophthalmia. Persons with these indications tend to have unfavourable outcomes after corneal transplantation, limiting their chances of benefitting from this sight-saving procedure. However, most causes of corneal blindness in the developing world are preventable. This highlights the importance of understanding the unique challenges in these regions and the need for targeted interventions. This article discusses various prevention strategies, including primordial, primary, and secondary prevention, aimed at reducing the burden of corneal blindness in low-income countries. These include capacity building, training, and awareness campaigns to reduce the risk factors of ocular trauma, infectious keratitis, and to improve access to first aid. It is also important to promote safe eye practices and tackle nutritional deficiencies through public health interventions and policy changes. Providing the required training to general ophthalmologists in the management of basic corneal surgeries and diseases and enhancing the accessibility of eye care services in rural areas will ensure early treatment and prevent sequelae. Current treatment modalities belong to the tertiary level of prevention and are largely limited to corneal transplantation. In developing nations, there is a scarcity of donor corneal tissue necessitating an urgent expansion of eye banking services. Alternative approaches to corneal transplantation such as 3D printed corneas, cultured stem cells, and biomaterials should also be explored to meet this demand. Thus, there is a need for collaborative efforts between healthcare professionals, policymakers, and communities to implement effective prevention strategies and reduce the prevalence of corneal blindness in the developing world

    Observationally inferred dark matter phase-space distribution and direct detection experiments

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    We present a detailed analysis of the effect of an observationally determined dark matter (DM) velocity distribution function (VDF) of the Milky Way (MW) on DM direct detection rates. We go beyond local kinematic tracers and use rotation curve data up to 200 kpc to construct a MW mass model and self-consistently determine the local phase-space distribution of DM. This approach mitigates any incomplete understanding of local dark matter-visible matter degeneracies that can affect the determination of the VDF. Comparing with the oft used Standard Halo Model (SHM), which assumes an isothermal VDF, we look at how the tail of the empirically determined VDF alters our interpretation of the present direct detection WIMP DM cross section exclusion limits. While previous studies have suggested a very large difference (of more than an order of magnitude) in the bounds at low DM masses, we show that accounting for the detector response at low threshold energies, the difference is still significant although less extreme. The change in the number of signal events, when using the empirically determined DM VDF in contrast to the SHM VDF, is most prominent for low DM masses for which the shape of the recoil energy spectrum depends sensitively on the detector threshold energy as well as detector response near the threshold. We demonstrate that these trends carry over to the respective DM exclusion limits, modulo detailed understanding of the experimental backgrounds. With the unprecedented precision of astrometric data in the GAIA era, use of observationally determined DM phase-space will become a critical and necessary ingredient for DM searches. We provide an accurate fit to the current best observationally determined DM VDF (and self-consistent local DM density) for use in analyzing current DM direct detection data by the experimental community.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, 4 tables, version accepted by PR