1,093 research outputs found

    New Approach to Enhance Carotenoids Bioavailability

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    Child Marriage and Widowhood in the Magazine 'Maathar Marumanam'

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    In the early period, matrilineal society prevailed. Female were considered the foremost in activities. People worked as a group under a woman's leadership. She had the power to attract people. Thus, men are not considered eligible for leadership. Patriarchy started when a man started to feel that a woman is responsible for impregnating a woman. The patriarchy enslaved the woman and relegated the patriarchal society. One justice for a man and one justice for a woman began. If the husband dies, the wife should not remarry. But if the wife dies, the husband can remarry, according to patriarchy. The practice of polygamy, where a man can marry as many women as he wants, and the custom where the wife must also jump into the fire when the husband dies, when he is buried and so on. And the pre-pubertal child marriage and widows are beheaded and forced to wear white cloths all these rules are laid down by patriarchal society. Inorder to wipe out all these customs and rituals social reformers like Rajaram Mohan Roy, Periyar and Dr. Ambedkar fought to root out these deadly practice. Subsequently, the magazine 'Maathar Marumanam' appeared. Magazines were published covering topics such as abstinence, religion, spirituality, women's education, anti-child marriage, widow remarriage, family, child protection, caste inequality, industry, health, sports, agriculture, literature, art and philosophy. Among such published magazines, 'Maathar Marumanam' is the first magazine launched only for widow remarriage and the only magazine in the history of journalism to cover this issue. The purpose of this article is to examine the magazine

    Speleothems as proxy for the carbon isotope composition of atmospheric CO2

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    We have measured the stable isotope ratios of carbon in a suite of recent cave deposits (\u3c200 \u3eyears) from the San Saba County, Texas, USA. The methodology for dating these deposits using excess 210Pb was recently established [Baskaran and Iliffe, 1993]. The carbon isotope ratios of these samples, spanning the time period ∼1800–1990 AD, reflect the carbon isotope ratio of atmospheric CO2 for the same period. The pathways by which the δ13C of atmospheric CO2 is imprinted on these speleothems can be explained using a model developed by Cerling (1984). The results suggest that the carbon isotope ratios of speleothems can be used to develop long-term, high-resolution chronologies of the δ13C of atmospheric CO2 and, by implication, the concentration of the atmospheric CO2

    Effect of salinity stress on neurosecretory cells, protein and free amino acid content and rate of ammonia excretion of the prawn Penaeus indicus H Milne Edwards

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    Stress induced changes resulting from salinity exposure are sought in the neurosecretory cells of different neuroendocrine centres, in protein and free amino acid content in haemolymph, muscle. and hepatopancreas, and in rale of ammonia excretion in the prawn Penaeusindicus. Prawns acclimated to low saline medium (S . 10%0) when uansferred to rugh saline medium (5 .. 4Q%.o) showed liule change in their neurosecrelOry cell histologY'. However, protein and free amino acid content in haemolymph. muscle. and hepatopancreas increased considerably. Simultaneously, the rate of ammonia excretion was reduced. Prawns acclimated 10 high salinity medium when transferred 10 low salinity exhibited changes in the above parameters in reverse to those findings in the former experiment. The probable reasons for such changes are discussed

    Evaluating the performance of horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands using natural zeolite (escott)

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    The objective of the present study was to assess the simultaneous removal of physiochemical parameters in moderate strength wastewater using a lab scale horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland (HFCW) with natural zeolite as a substrate. In this study, high-density polyethylene tanks (0.36 m2) were planted with phragmites australis and scirpus maritimus and received 0.012 m3/d to 0.08 m3/d of synthetic wastewater corresponding to a HLR of 0.035 to 0.243 m/d and a COD loading rate of 0.0148 kg COD (m2.d)-1 to 0.026 kg COD (m2.d)-1. The HFCW was subjected to three hydraulic retention times (HRT) for 4, 3 and 2 days respectively. Averaged data reported coincided with the plant age (4 to 55 weeks) and covered the entire cold season and early part of the hot season. Based on the 55 weeks of operation, the HFCW unit with zeolite achieved significantly higher removal for COD (85 to 88%), TN (54 to 96%), NH4-N (50 to 99%) and TSS (91 to 96%) respectively at all HRT. This system was proved to be tolerant to high organic loadings and nutrients, suggesting these substrates as viable options for biological treatment of wastewater

    Effect of Pinching and Growth Retardants on Growth and Flowering in African Marigold Cv. Pusa Narangi Gainda

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    A study on the effect of pinching and application of growth retardants on growth and flowering in African marigold cv. 'Pusa Narangi Gainda' was carried out in the experimental field of Division of Floriculture and Landscaping, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. Treatments comprised pinching, CCC applied at 1000ppm, 1500ppm or 2000ppm, MH at 500ppm, 1500ppm or 2000ppm; B-9 at 500ppm, 750ppm or 1000ppm, and a Control (no pinching). CCC at 2000ppm recorded minimum plant height (46.0cm), maximum plant-spread (56.0cm) and maximum number of branches (19.0), whereas, maximum plant height (67.0cm), minimum plant-spread (29.66cm) and minimum number of branches (5.33) were recorded in Control (non-pinching). As for flowering and yield, application of CCC at 2000ppm recorded maximum flowering-duration (25.33 days), number of flowers per plant (40), single-flower weight (119.46g), flower yield per plant (408.10g), flower yield per unit area (17.83t/ha) and seed yield per plant (17.80 g), Maximum flower diameter (7.93cm) was recorded with application of CCC 2000ppm, whereas, minimum was recorded with pinching (6.2cm). Spray of growth retardants enhanced flower yield compared to that in Control (no pinching). Maximum shelf-life of flower was recorded with CCC 2000ppm (3.66 days), whereas, minimum was recorded with pinching and non-pinching (2.33 days). Thus, application of CCC at 2000ppm is superior to other treatments tested for increasing flower yield in marigold

    Indications of superconductivity in doped highly oriented pyrolytic graphite

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    We have observed possible superconductivity using standard resistance vs. temperature techniques in phosphorous ion implanted Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite. The onset appears to be above 100 K and quenching by an applied magnetic field has been observed. The four initial boron implanted samples showed no signs of becoming superconductive whereas all four initial and eight subsequent samples that were implanted with phosphorous showed at least some sign of the existence of small amounts of the possibly superconducting phases. The observed onset temperature is dependent on both the number of electron donors present and the amount of damage done to the graphene sub-layers in the Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite samples. As a result the data appears to suggest that the potential for far higher onset temperatures in un-damaged doped graphite exists.Comment: 7 pages, 1 table, 5 figures, 11 references, Acknowledgments section was correcte