658 research outputs found

    Are Rapid Population Estimates Accurate? A Field Trial of Two Different Assessment Methods.

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    Emergencies resulting in large-scale displacement often lead to populations resettling in areas where basic health services and sanitation are unavailable. To plan relief-related activities quickly, rapid population size estimates are needed. The currently recommended Quadrat method estimates total population by extrapolating the average population size living in square blocks of known area to the total site surface. An alternative approach, the T-Square, provides a population estimate based on analysis of the spatial distribution of housing units taken throughout a site. We field tested both methods and validated the results against a census in Esturro Bairro, Beira, Mozambique. Compared to the census (population: 9,479), the T-Square yielded a better population estimate (9,523) than the Quadrat method (7,681; 95% confidence interval: 6,160-9,201), but was more difficult for field survey teams to implement. Although applicable only to similar sites, several general conclusions can be drawn for emergency planning

    Human mucocutaneous leishmaniasis in Três Braços, Bahia - Brazil : an area of Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis transmission. II. Cutaneous disease. Presentation and evolution

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    Foram analisados os dados clínicos de 182 pacientes com leishmaniose cutânea, provavelmente causada por Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis. Sessenta e oito por cento apresentavam uma única lesão, usualmente uma úlcera, na terça parte inferior anterior da tíbia. Todos os grupos etários estavam representados e muitos apresentaram histórico de um a dois meses. Treze por cento apresentavam lesões fechadas de natureza verrucosa ou em placa. Após tratamento, a evolução destas lesões foi relacionada à regularidade da terapia por antimônio. Embora a cura usualmente ocorresse em três meses, o tempo de cicatrização, após o início de tratamento, foi variável e relativo ao tamanho da lesão (p < 0.01). Em geral a lesão fechava quando era dado suficiente antimônio como tratamento. Sete entre dez pacientes que apresentavam teste cutâneo negativo para leishmania tomavam positivos após o tratamento. Observou-se por fluorescência indireta, um declínio significante nos títulos de anticorpos em pacientes acompanhados durante e após a terapia. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe clinical records of 182 patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis probably due to Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis are analysed. 68% had a single lesion which was usually an ulceron the lower anterior tibial third. Many had short histories of one to two months and all age groups were represented 13% had closed lesions of a verrucose or plaque like nature. Evolution of these skin lesions after treatment was related to the regularity of antimony therapy. Although healing usually occurred in three months, the time to scarring after commencing treatment was variable and related to the size ofthe lesion (p < 0.01). Usually if sufficient antimony treatment was given the lesion closed. Seven of the ten patients with initially negative leishmanin skin tests converted to positive after treatment. A significant decline of indirect fluorescent antibody titres occurred in patients followed, during and after therapy

    Land use change in a pericolonial society: intensification and diversification in Ifugao, Philippines between 1570 and 1800 CE

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    Land use modelling is increasingly used by archaeologists and palaeoecologists seeking to quantify and compare the changing influence of humans on the environment. In Southeast Asia, the intensification of rice agriculture and the arrival of European colonizers have both been seen as major catalysts for deforestation, soil erosion, and biodiversity change. Here we consider the Tuwali-Ifugao people of the Cordillera Central (Luzon, Philippines), who resisted Spanish colonial subjugation from the 16th to the mid-nineteenth century, in part through the development of a world-renowned system of intensive wet-rice terrace agriculture. To quantify changes in how the Tuwali-Ifugao used their environment, we model land use in Old Kiyyangan Village, a long-inhabited settlement, at two timepoints: circa 1570 CE, prior to the Spanish arrival in Luzon, and circa 1800 CE, before the village was sacked by Spanish military expeditions. Our model demonstrates that between 1570 and 1800 the adoption of rice as a staple and the corresponding expansion in terrace agriculture, along with a general diversification of diet and land use, enabled the village’s population to double without increasing total land use area. Further, this major intensification led to the solidification of social hierarchies and occurred without a proportional increase in deforestation.Introduction Methodology - Models in Ifugao: The History and Socio-Ecology of the Region - The Historical Land Use Model - Model Calculations for OKV - Population and Boble (Settled Area) at OKV - Payo (Terraces) - Uma (Swidden Fields) - Muyong (Private Forests) - Domesticated Animals - Hunting, Foraging, and Fishing - Fuel and Resource Extraction - Commerce - Agricultural Productivity and Nutritional Value - Dietary Proportions Results - 1800 - 1570 - Exploring Social Difference: Kadangyan and Nawotwot Land Use in 1800 Discussio

    Preoperative left ventricular ejection fraction and left atrium reverse remodeling after mitral regurgitation surgery

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    Background: Left atrium enlargement has been associated with cardiac events in patients with mitral regurgitation (MR). Left atrium reverse remodeling (LARR) occur after surgical correction of MR, but the preoperative predictors of this phenomenon are not well known. It is therefore important to identify preoperative predictors for postoperative LARR.Methods: We enrolled 62 patients with chronic severe MR (prolapse or flail leaflet) who underwent successful mitral valve surgery (repair or replacement); all with pre-and postoperative echocardiography. LARR was defined as a reduction in left atrium volume index (LAVI) of >= 25%. Stepwise multiple regression analysis was used to identify independent predictors of LARR.Results: LARR occurred in 46 patients (74.2%), with the mean LAVI decreasing from 85.5 mL/m(2) to 49.7 mL/m(2) (p = 25% with a sensitivity of 71.7% and a specificity of 56.3%.Conclusions: LARR occurs frequently after mitral valve surgery and is associated with preoperative LVEF higher than 63.5%.Inst Dante Pazzanese Cardiol, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, São Paulo, BrazilDisciplina Cardiol, BR-04024002 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Características epidemiológicas da leishmaniose tegumentar americana em uma região endêmica do Estado da Bahia : II leishmaniose canina

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    Um inquérito em cães realizado na região de Três Braços, Bahia, mostrou que 3,0% de 98 animais tinham amastigotas em lesões de pele. Parasitos não foram encontrados em pele normal da orelha. De uma amostra selecionada de 13 cães, portadores de lesão cutânea ativa, nove (69,2%) deles estavam comprovadamente infectados. Sete amostras de lesão produziram infecção em hamsters. O estudo biológico (crescimento em meio de cultura, evolução da lesão em hamster e desenvolvimento no tubo digestivo de Lutzomyia longipalpis) identificou o parasito como pertencente ao complexo L. braziliensis. A caracterização bioquímica (mobilidade eletroforética de enzimas em placas de acetato de celulose) e o estudo imunotaxonômico (anticorpos monoclonais) definiram as amostras como L. braziliensis braziliensis. O papel do cão como um possível reservatório de L. b. braziliensis na região de Três Braços é discutido. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTDuring a survey of domestic and hunting dogs conducted in the Três Braços region, State of Bahia, 3,0% of 98 dogs had amastigotes in skin lesions. Parasites were not found in normal ear skin. In a nonrandomly selected sample of 13 dogs with active cutaneous lesions, infection was confirmed in nine (69,2%). Tissue biopsies from seven dog lesions produced infection in hamsters. The biological behaviour of the parasite (rate of growth in culture media, evolution of lesions in hamsters and development in the gut of Lutzomyia longipalpis,) identified it to the Leishmania braziliensis complex. Characterization by biochemical means (eletrophoretic mobility of enzymes in cellulose acetate plates) and immunotaxonomic studies (monoclonal antibodies) defined the strains as L. braziliensis braziliensis. The role of dogs as a possible reservoir host of L. b. braziliensis in Três Braços region is discussed
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