7 research outputs found
Method to evaluate the efficiency of manual overhead irrigation in citrus rootstock liner production
Dynamics Of Matric Potential On Substrates Of Pine And Coconut Under The Action Of Capillarity [dinâmica Do Potencial Matricial Em Substratos De Pinus E Coco Sob Ação Da Capilaridade]
The average particle size and porosity of substrates affects the matrix properties of root growth media, interfering in water holding and water conductivity capacity through substrates. The knowledge of these attributes is essential in capillary irrigation processes to allow the wetting front reaches upper layers under easily available water tension. The present work had the objective to study the water rise by capillary processes to determine the most favorable position of the saturation level for contained plants for two substrates: coconut fiber and pine bark, with two grain particle sizes: fine and coarse textures. Water rise trails were carried out in segmented columns filled with substrates. The water content in each column segment was estimated in weight basis and related to the values of water tension estimated by the water tension curve for each evaluated substrate. The results showed that fine substrates presented higher water rise with adequate levels of easily available water. The fine coconut substrate presented easily available water in the entire substrate column, unlike pine bark substrate that showed the upper layer with moisture below the wilting point. The fine coconut substrate showed the best results for capillary application, allowing to recommend irrigation schedule using the saturation level at 5 cm during 15 minutes.3012631Bunt, A.C., Physical properties of mixtures of peats and minerals of different particle size and bulk density for potting substrates (1983) Acta Horticulturae, 150, pp. 143-153Caron, J., Elrick, D., Measuring the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of growing media with a tension disc (2005) Soil Science Society American Journal, 69, pp. 783-793Caron, J., Elrick, D.E., Beeson, R., Boudreau, J., Defining critical capillary rise properties for growing media in nurseries (2005) Soil Science Society American Journal, 69, pp. 794-806Caron, J., Rivière, L.M., Guillemain, G., Gas diffusion and air filled porosity: Effect of some oversize fragments in growing media (2005) Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 85, pp. 57-65de Boodt, M., Verdonck, O., Cappaert, I., Method for measuring the water release curve of organic substrates (1974) Acta Horticulturae, 37, pp. 2054-2062de Kreij, C., Straver, N., Fooded-bench irrigation: Effect of irrigation frequency and type of potting on growth of codiaeum and on nutrient accumulation in the soil (1988) Acta Horticulturae, 221, pp. 245-252Goebel, M.O., Bachmann, J., Woche, S.K., Fisher, W.R., Horton, R., Water potential and aggregate size effects on contact angle and surface energy (2004) Soil Science Society American Journal, Madison, 68, pp. 383-393Landis, D.L., Irrigation and water management (1989) The container tree nursery manual, 4, pp. 69-188. , In: Landis TDTinus, RWMcDonald SEBarnett JP, Agricultural Handbook, 674. Washington, DC U.S. Departament of Agriculture, Forest ServiceNaasz, R., Michel, J.C., Charpentier, S., Measuring hysteretic hydraulic properties of peat and pine bark using a transient method (2005) Soil Science American Journal, 69, pp. 13-22Patel, R.M., Prasher, S.O., Bonnel, R.B., Effect of watertable depth, irrigation water salinity, and fertilizer application on root zone salt buildup (2000) Canadian Agricultural Engineering, 42, pp. 111-115Pire, R., Pereira, A., Propriedades físicas de componentes de sustratos de uso común en la horticultura del estado Lara, Venezuela: Propuesta Metodológica (2003) Bioagro, 15, pp. 55-63Raviv, M., Medina, S., Ben Ner, Z., Shamir, Y., Very low medium moisture tension-A feasible criterion for irrigation control of container-grown plants (1993) Acta Horticulturae, 342, pp. 111-119van Genuchten, M.T., A closed-form equation for predicting the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated soils (1980) Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J, 44, pp. 892-898Verdonck, O., Penninck, R., de Boodt, M., The physical properties of different horticultural substrates (1983) Acta Horticulturae, 150, pp. 155-160Yeager, T.H., (1995) Container substrate physical properties, 20 (1). , The Woody Ornamentalist, Environmental Horticulture Department, University of Florid
Subirrigation Equipment For The Production Of Citrus Rootstocks: Design And Hydraulic Assessment1
The aim of this study was to design and characterize hydraulic subirrigation equipment for the citrus rootstocks production of to allow the water capillary rise for the seedling stage. This equipment was designed since the citrus seedling phase occurs in plastic containers with substrate, and because there is a need to increase the irrigation efficiency in this sector. The methodology consisted of: (i) identification and characterization of the irrigation methods used in the citrus rootstocks production; (ii) the design of subirrigation equipment prototype; and, (iii) the construction and hydraulic evaluation of the prototype equipment. After a model was designed, 10 prototypes were built with two different dimensions (44 × 29 × 15 cm and 62 × 41 × 15 cm), and the theoretical and experimental relationships of flow and operating pressure were determined. The proposed equipment was designed according to engineering criteria that allows its evaluation for commercial use, although additional field trials are required for its final adjustment. Moreover, the theoretical equation of flow rate was validated for small-immersed orifices in thin walls, as an operational condition of the developed subirrigation equipment.35629192930Andriolo, J.L., Boemo, M.P., Bonini, J.V., Crescimento e desenvolvimento de mudas de tomateiro e melão empregando os métodos de irrigação por microaspersão inundação subsuperficial e flutuação (2001) Horticultura Brasileira, Brasília, 19 (3), pp. 200-203(2014) Citros: Laranja Limão e Tangerina, , Anuário Da Agricultura Brasileira -Agrianual, São Paulo: Ed. Fnp Consultoria E ComércioAzevedo Netto, J.M., Fernandez, Y., Fernandez, M., Araújo, R., Ito, A.E., (1998) Manual de Hidráulica, 670p. , 8. ed. São Paulo: Ed. Edgard BlucherBernardo, S., Soares, A.A., Mantovani, E.C., (2005) Manual de Irrigação, 7, 611p. , Viçosa: Ed. UFVBarreto, C.V.G., Testezlaf, R., Salvador, C.A., Ascensão capilar de água em substratos de coco e de pinus (2012) Bragantia Campinas, 71 (3), pp. 385-393Caron, J., Elrick, D.E., Measuring the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of growing media with a tension disc (2005) Soil Science Society of America Journal, Madison, 69 (1), pp. 783-793(2013) Acompanhamento da Safra Brasileira: Laranja Safra 2013/2014 Terceiro Levantamento, 11p. , Companhia Nacional De Abastecimento -Conab, Brasília: ConabDantas Neto, J., Medeiros, M.G.A., Azevedo, C.A.V., Azevedo, H.M., Performance hidráulica e perfil de distribuição de água no microaspersor NAAN 7110 sob diferentes condições de vento (1997) Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, Campina Grande, 1 (1), pp. 57-67Dumroese, R.K., Davis, A.S., Jacobs, D.F., Nursery response of acacia koa seedlings to container size, irrigation method, and fertilization rate (2011) Journal of Plant Nutrition, New York, 34 (1), pp. 877-887Dumroese, R.K., Pinto, J.R., Jacobs, D.F., Davis, A.S., Horiuchi, B., Subirrigation reduces water use, nitrogen loss, and moss growth in a container nursery (2006) Native Plants Journal, Madison, 7 (3), pp. 253-261Ferrarezi, R.S., Ribeiro, M.D., Van Iersel, M.W., Testezlaf, R., Subirrigation controlled by capacitance sensors for citrus rootstock production (2013) American Society for Horticultural Science Alexandria, 48 (9)Ferrarezi, R.S., Santos, L.N.S., Souza, A.C.M., Pereira, F.F.S., Elaiuy, M.L.C., Torrel, U., Matsura, E.E., Altura da lamina tempo e volume de enchimento de um equipamento de irrigação por pavio e determinação da uniformidade de distribuição de água em substrates (2012) Bragantia, Campinas, 71 (2), pp. 273-281Ferrarezi, R.S., Van Iersel, M.W., Monitoring and controlling subirrigation with soil moisture sensors: A case study with hibiscus (2011) Proceedings of SNA Research Conference, Water Management Section, Tennessee, 56 (1), pp. 187-191Fischer, I.H., Zanette, M.M., Injúrias em Laranja 'Valência' Produzida em Sistemas Orgânico e Convencional, 34 (6), p. 2013. , Semina: Ciências Agrárias, LondrinaFrizzone, J.A., Freitas, P.S.L., Rezende, R., Faria, M.A., Microirrigação: gotejamento e microaspersão (2012) Maringá: Editora da Universidade Estadual de Maringá, 356pGeneve, R.L., Kester, S.T., Buxton, J.W., Capillary mats alter the waqter content in medium during mist propagation of dendranthema (2004) American Society for Horticultural Science Alexandria, 39 (3), pp. 584-587Giuliani, J.C., Rieth, S., Soares, W., Lourosa, G., Souza, P.V., Substratos E Recipientes Para A Produção De Porta-Enxertos De Citros irrigados por subcapilaridade (2014) Ciência Rural Santa Maria, 44 (3), pp. 446-452Grizotto, R.K., Silva, J.A.A., Miguel, F.B., Modesto, R.T., Vieira Junior, J.B., Qualidade de frutos de laranjeira Valência cultivado sob sistema tecnificado (2012) Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, Campina Grande, 16 (7), pp. 784-789Keller, J., Karmeli, D., Trickle irrigation desing (1975) Glendora: Rain Bird Splinkles Manu-faturing Corp, 133pMangiafico, S.S., Newman, J., Mochizuki, M., Zurawski, D., Merhaut, D.J., Faber, B., Nurseries surveyed in Southern California adopt best practices for water quality (2010) California Agriculture Berkeley, 64 (1), pp. 26-30Mellano, V.J., (2011) Runoff& Nonpoint Source Pollution Self-assessment., , http://cesandiego.ucdavis.edu/files/8455.pdf, University of california cooperative extension condado de São Diego. San Diego: Greenhouses container nurseries 2014. Disponível em:Acesso em: 24 junMelo Junior, J.C.F., Gervásio, E.S., Armindo, R.A., Sistema de automação para o manejo de subirrigação em ambiente protegido (2013) Irriga Botucatu, 18 (2), pp. 337-350Montesano, F., Parente, A., Santamaria, P., Closed cycle subirrigation with low concentration nutrient solution can be used for soilless tomato production in saline conditions (2010) Scientia Horticulturae Amsterdam, 124 (3), pp. 338-344Neves, M.F., Trombin, V.G., Milan, P., Lopes, F.F., Cressoni, F., Kalaki, R., (2011) O Retrato da Citricultura Brasileira, 138p. , São Paulo: CitrusBR(1998) Laranja Cordeirópolis, 19 (2), pp. 411-421. , NORMAS PARA PRODUÇÃO DE MUDA CERTIFICADA DE CITROSPinto, J.R., Chandler, R.A., Dumroese, R.K., Growth, nitrogen use efficiency, and leachate comparison of subirrigated and overhead irrigated pale purple coneflower seedlings (2008) American Society for Horticultural Science, Alexandria, 43 (3), pp. 897-901Pire, R., Pereira, A., Propriedades físicas de componentes de substrato de uso común en la horticultura del estado de Lara Venezuela: Propuesta metodológica (2003) Bioagro, Barquisimeto, 15 (1), pp. 55-64Ribeiro, M.D., Ferrarezi, R.S., Testezlaf, R., Assessment of subirrigation performance in eucalyptus seedling production (2014) HortTechnology Alexandria, 24 (2), pp. 231-237Roeber, R.U., Environmentally sound plant production by means of soilless cultivation (2010) Comunicata Scientiae Bom Jesus, 1 (1), pp. 1-8Salvador, C.A., (2010) Sistema de Irrigação Por Capilaridade Na Produção de Porta-enxerto de Mudas Cítricas Na Fase de Sementeira., , Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Agrícola)-Faculdade de Engenharia Agrícola Universidade Estadual de Campinas, CampinasSchmal, J.L., Dumroese, R.K., Davis, A.S., Pinto, J.R., Jacobs, D.F., Subirrigation for production of native plants in nurseries-concepts, current knowledge, and implementation (2011) Native Plants Journal, Madison, 12 (2), pp. 81-93Stanghellini, M.E., Nielsen, C.J., Kim, D.H., Rasmussen, S.L., Rorbaugh, P.A., Influence of sub-versus top-irrigation and surfactants in a recirculating system on disease incidence caused by Phytophthora spp. in potted pepper plants (2000) Plant Disease, Saint Paul, 84 (10), pp. 1147-1150Teixeira, P.T.L., Shäfer, G., Souza, P.V.D., De Todeschini, A., Desenvolvimento vegetative de portaenxertos de citros produzidos em diferentes recipientes (2009) Ciência Rural, Santa Maria, 39 (6), pp. 1695-1700Uva, W.F.L., Weiler, T.C., Milligan, R.A., Albright, L.D., Haith, D.A., Risk analysis of adopting zero runoff subirrigation systems in greenhouse operations: A Monte Carlo simulation approach (2000) Agricultural and Resource Economics Review New York, 29 (1), pp. 229-23
Root Distribution Of Fertirrigated Coffee Trees In Campinas, State Of São Paulo, Brazil [distribuição Espacial Do Sistema Radicular Do Cafeeiro Fertirrigado Por Gotejamento Em Campinas]
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the drip fertirrigation system, by using emitters with different arranging of spaces (0.50 or 0.80 m) and depths of installation (superficial, 0.10 or 0.20 m on the ground), over the root spatial distribution of coffee tree. The coffee tree conventionally irrigated and fertilized presented different conditions of root development, varying according to the treatment imposed. For plants irrigated by emitters spaced every 0.50 m, the effective root depth was smaller (mean of 0.63 m) than that observed for plants irrigated by emitters spaced every 0.80 m (mean of 0.70 m). The fertirrigation nutritional management allowed an uniform effective root depth among the treatments, as well as an increase of 51.1% in root density. There was a trend of maintenance of root volume in the places closer to the emitters, while in the most distant points of development of wet bulb, the growth of roots reached 77%. The plants irrigated by 0.10 m depth emitters provided the largest root development in response to fertirrigation.654641647ALFONSI, E.L.FAHL, J.I.CARELLI, M.L.C. Estudo fisioló́ gico da parte aérea e do sistema radicular e nutrição mineral de quatro espécies de Coffea e um híbrido natural, visando conhecer seus potenciais para utilização como porta-enxertos. In: SIMPÓSIO DE PESQUISA DOS CAFÉS DO BRASIL E WORKSHOP INTERNACIONAL DE CAFÉ & SAÚDE, 3, 2003, Porto Seguro. Anais... Brasília: Embrapa Café, 2003. p. 68AMARAL, J.F.T., (2002) Eficiência de produção de raízes, absorção, translocação e utilização de nutrientes em cultivates de café arábica, pp. 97 f. , Tese Doutorado em Fitotecnia, Universidade Federal de ViçosaANTUNES, R.C.B.MANTOVANI, E.C.SOARES, A.R.RENA, A.B.BONOMO, R. Área de observação e pesquisa em cafeicultura irrigada na região das vertentes de Minas Gerais: Resultados de 1988 / 2000. In: SIMPÓSIO DE PESQUISA DE CAFÉS DO BRASIL, 1, 2000, Poços de Caldas. Anais. Brasília: Embrapa Café, 2000. v.2, p.823-826ANTUNES, R.C.B., RENA, A.B., MANTOVANI, E.C., Fertirrigação na cultura do cafeeiro arábica (2001) Viçosa: Associação dos Engenheiros Agrícolas de Minas Gerais, , Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 39 pBARROS, R.S., MOTA, J.W., DA, S., DA MATTA, F.M., MAESTRI, M., (1997) Decline of vegetative growth in Coffea arabica in relation to leaf temperature, water potential and stomatal condutance, 54, pp. 65-72. , Field Crops Research, Amsterdam, v, August, pBERNARDO, S. Irrigação por gotejamento. In: BERNARDO, S. Manual de irrigação. 3 ed. Viçosa: Imprensa Universitária, 1984. p. 389-392FRANCO, C.M., INFORZATO, R., O sistema radicular do cafeeiro nos principais tipos de solo do estado de S̃ao Paulo (1946) Bragantia, 6 (9), pp. 443-458. , Campinas, vFREITAS, R.B.OUVEIRA, L.E.M.SOARES, A.M.FARIA, M.A.DELÚ FILHO, N. Comportamento fisiológico de dois cultivares de Coffea arabica L. submetidos a duas condições de disponibilidade hfdrica. 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