203 research outputs found

    Quiver varieties and a noncommutative P²

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    To any finite group Γ ⊂ SL₂(ℂ) and each element t in the center of the group algebra Of Γ we associate a category, Coh(ℙ²_(Γ, τ),ℙ¹). It is defined as a suitable quotient of the category of graded modules over (a graded version of) the deformed preprojective algebra introduced by Crawley-Boevey and Holland. The category Coh(ℙ²_(Γ, τ),ℙ¹) should be thought of as the category of coherent sheaves on a ‘noncommutative projective space’, ℙ²_(Γ, τ), equipped with a framing at ℙ¹, the line at infinity. Our first result establishes an isomorphism between the moduli space of torsion free objects of Coh(ℙ²_(Γ, τ),ℙ¹) and the Nakajima quiver variety arising from G via the McKay correspondence. We apply the above isomorphism to deduce a generalization of the Crawley-Boevey and Holland conjecture, saying that the moduli space of ‘rank 1’ projective modules over the deformed preprojective algebra is isomorphic to a particular quiver variety. This reduces, for Γ = {1}, to the recently obtained parametrisation of the isomorphism classes of right ideals in the first Weyl algebra, A₁, by points of the Calogero– Moser space, due to Cannings and Holland and Berest and Wilson. Our approach is algebraic and is based on a monadic description of torsion free sheaves on ℙ²_(Γ, τ). It is totally different from the one used by Berest and Wilson, involving τ-functions


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    Machinery and tractor park is an important link in agricultural production. From its efficient work depends to a large extent on reducing the cost of production, timely harvesting, transportation to its consumers, harvesting of forages and other production and household processes. Increase of productivity and economy of machine-tractor aggregates is possible due to increase of the resource and terms of trouble-free operation of machines. This is achieved through the development and implementation of effective methods and means of controlling the technical condition of machines. The article presents the mathematical model of diagnostics of fuel equipment of automotive diesel engines. A diagnostic matrix and a block diagram of its synthesis were constructed.Key words: technical condition, maintenance, diagnostics of machines, matrix, fault, block diagram.доктор технічних наук, професор Барановський В. М., кандидат технічних наук, доцент Спірін А. В. Математична модель діагностування паливної апаратури автотракторних дизелів / Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя, Україна, Тернопіль; Вінницький національний аграрний університет, Україна, ВінницяМашинно-тракторний парк є важливою ланкою сільськогосподарського виробництва. Від його ефективної роботи значною мірою залежить зниження собівартості продукції, своєчасне збирання врожаю, перевезення його споживачам, заготівля кормів та інші виробничі та господарсько-побутові процеси.Підвищення продуктивності та економічності машинно-тракторних агрегатів можливе за рахунок збільшення ресурсу і термінів безвідмовної роботи машин. Це досягається шляхом розробки та впровадження ефективних методів і засобів контролю технічного стану машин. У статті наведено математичну модель діагностування паливної апаратури автотракторних дизелів. Побудовано матрицю діагностування та блок-схему її синтезу.Ключові слова: технічний стан, технічне обслуговування, діагностика машин, матриця, несправність, блок-схема


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    ГІСТОРЫЯ БЕЛАРУСКАГА ПАДЗВІННЯ І СУМЕЖНЫХ ТЭРЫТОРЫЙУ артыкуле на падставе архіўных матэрыялаў разглядаецца працэс афармлення дзяржаўнай мяжы БССР на полацка-себежскім участку.=The article based of archival materials describes the process of formation of state border of the BSSR on the Polotsk-Sebezh section


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    ГІСТОРЫЯ БЕЛАРУСКАГА ПАДЗВІННЯ І СУМЕЖНЫХ ТЭРЫТОРЫЙУ артыкуле на падставе архіўных матэрыялаў разглядаецца працэс афармлення дзяржаўнай мяжы БССР на полацка-себежскім участку.=The article based of archival materials describes the process of formation of state border of the BSSR on the Polotsk-Sebezh section

    Derived coisotropic structures II: stacks and quantization

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    We extend results about nn-shifted coisotropic structures from part I of this work to the setting of derived Artin stacks. We show that an intersection of coisotropic morphisms carries a Poisson structure of shift one less. We also compare non-degenerate shifted coisotropic structures and shifted Lagrangian structures and show that there is a natural equivalence between the two spaces in agreement with the classical result. Finally, we define quantizations of nn-shifted coisotropic structures and show that they exist for n>1n>1.Comment: 45 pages. Contains the second half of arXiv:1608.01482v1 with new material adde

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome: What Are the Reasons for Dissatisfaction with the Treatment of Patients and Doctors? (Based on the Experience of Medical Institutions of the Northwestern Federal District of Russia)

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    Аim: analyze the results of an anonymous survey of patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) to assess the degree of their satisfaction with the results of the therapy and, on this basis, determine the most optimal approaches to treatment. Material and methods. The work was carried out in 8 subjects of the North-Western Federal District of Russia. An anonymous survey was conducted in 422 patients with mild to moderate IBS. By assessing the number of people who noted the disappearance or significant decrease in the intensity of the main manifestations of the disease one and three months after treatment, the effectiveness of complex therapy was studied. Among the patients included in the study, people with a mixed variant of IBS with a predominance of pain syndrome (n = 206) self-assessed abdominal pain using a visual pain intensity scale. The rest (n = 216) completed a self-assessment of their condition using the frequency of bowel movements and the Bristol Stool Form Scale. In each of these groups, three subgroups were formed: Subgroup 1 — treatment of patients with gastroenterological drugs; Subgroup 2 — treatment with combined pharmacotherapy (with the appointment of psychotropic drugs); Subgroup 3 — treatment with a combination of gastroenterological and psychotropic drugs and the use of non-medicinal methods of psychotherapy.Results. The maximum difference in the subjective satisfaction of patients with their treatment was noted three months after the completion of the course of treatment in Subgroup 3 (79 % — mild IBS, 71 % — moderate IBS). Patients of Subgroup 2 after three months positively assessed the results of their treatment in 34 and 27 % of cases, respectively. In patients of Subgroup 1, the considered indicators were even less significant — 28 % (mild IBS) and 22 % (moderate IBS).Conclusion. The treatment complex for IBS patients can be considered optimal if, in addition to symptomatic medications, appropriate psychotropic medications are necessarily included in it basing on diagnostic assessment of the psychoemotional status of a particular patient, as well as the appointment of individually selected non-medicinal methods of psychological correction in accordance with psychosomatic symptoms. Full-time cycles on psychodiagnostics and psychotherapy should be included in the educational programs of advanced training of doctors working with IBS patients

    Режима освещенности прибрежной зоны озера княгиня на состав макрофитных биогидроценозов

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    In articlе the stuffs of researches of influence of a mode of illuminating intensity of coastal zone of a different exposition flood-land of lake Knyaginya (valley Samara) on composition of highest aqueous green and macrozoobentos macrophytes biogeocenose are submitted.Наведено результати досліджень режиму освітленості прибережної зони різної експозиції заплавного озера Княгиня (долина р. Самари Дніпровської) на склад вищої водної рослинності та макрозообентосу макрофітних біогідроценозів. Наведено результати досліджень режиму освітленості прибережної зони різної експозиції заплавного озера Княгиня (долина р. Самари Дніпровської) на склад вищої водної рослинності та макрозообентосу макрофітних біогідроценозів.