5 research outputs found

    Domótica e a requalificação de edifícios

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    Para a elaboração deste artigo técnico foi necessário adoptar uma estrutura que possibilitasse fornecer um estudo teóricoprático, transversal e equilibrado, das diferentes tecnologias domóticas. Inicialmente realizou-se um pequeno estudo teórico das tecnologias domóticas mais relevantes, de uma forma transversal e resumida (Capítulo 2). Em função do estudo teórico do capítulo anterior, no Capítulo 3 realizou-se uma análise mais prática, em que ao invés de abordar um caso prático existente, de grandes instalações com o seu valor emblemático, optou-se por utilizar como modelo o edifício F do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto e apresentar uma das soluções possíveis de implementação de tecnologias domóticas em edifícios já existentes (aplicação do conceito de requalificação de edifícios). Depois da exposição do caso prático, expôs-se o futuro e oportunidades de mercado da domótica ou sistema de gestão técnica centralizada, mais focalizado para o mundo académico (Capítulo 4). Por fim, são tecidas as conclusões e considerações finais do artigo (capitulo 5). Esse artigo foi elaborado sob o ponto de vista de integrador. Por outras palavras, procurou-se realizar uma aproximação da realidade prática a nível de implementação das tecnologias domóticas em edifícios, ao dar uma linha de conhecimento abrangente e ao mesmo acessível aos leitores, que muitas das vezes esse tema acaba por transmitir conceitos errados

    Predicting suitable nesting sites for the Black caiman (Melanosuchus niger Spix 1825) in the Central Amazon basin

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    After many years of illegal hunting and commercialization, the populations of the Black caiman (Melanosuchus niger) have been recovering during the last four decades due to the enforcement of a legislation that inhibits their international commercialization. Protecting nesting sites, in which vulnerable life forms (as reproductive females, eggs, and neonates) spend considerable time, is one of the most appropriate conservation actions aimed at preserving caiman populations. Thus, identifying priority areas for this activity should be the primary concern of conservationists. As caiman nesting sites are often found across the areas with difficult access, collecting nest information requires extensive and costly fieldwork efforts. In this context, species distribution modeling can be a valuable tool for predicting the locations of caiman nests in the Amazon basin. In this work, the maximum entropy method (MaxEnt) was applied to model the M. niger nest occurrence in the Mamiraua Sustainable Development Reserve (MSDR) using remotely sensed data. By taking into account the M. niger nesting habitat, the following predictor variables were considered: conditional distance to open water, distance to bare soil, expanded contributing area from drainage, flood duration, and vegetation type. The threshold-independent prediction performance and binary prediction based on the threshold value of 0.9 were evaluated by the area under the curve (AUC) and performing a binomial test, respectively. The obtained results (AUC = 0.967 +/- 0.006 and a highly significant binomial test P< 0.01) indicated excellent performance of the proposed model in predicting the M. niger nesting occurrence in the MSDR. The variables related to hydrological regimes (conditional distance to open water, expanded contributing area from drainage, and flood duration) most strongly affected the model performance. MaxEnt can be used for developing community-based sustainable management programs to provide socioeconomic benefits to local communities and promote species conservation in a much larger area within the Amazon basin

    MMach: a mathematical morphology toolbox for the KHOROS system

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    Mathematical morphology is a general theory that studies the decomposition of operators between complete lattices in terms of some families of simple operators: dilations, erosions antidilations, and antierosions. Nowadays, this theory is largely used in image processing and computer vision to extract information from images. The KHOROS system is an open and general environment for image processing and visualization that has become very popular. One of the main characteristics of KHOROS is ifs flexibility, since it runs on standard machines, supports several standard data formats, uses a Visual programming language, and has tools to help the users to build in and install their own programs. A set of new programs can be organized as a subsystem called a toolbox. We present MMach, a fast and comprehensive mathematical morphology toolbox for the KHOROS system dealing with 1-D and 2-0 gray-scale and binary images. Each program that is applicable to gray-scale and binary images has specialized algorithms for each of these data types, and these algorithms are chosen automatically according to the input data. Several examples illustrate applications of the toolbox in image analysis. (C) 1998 SPIE and IS&T. [S1017-9909(98)01701-2].7117421

    Double-sided probing by map of Asplund's distances using Logarithmic Image Processing in the framework of Mathematical Morphology

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    The final publication is available at link.springer.com.International audienceWe establish the link between Mathematical Morphology and the map of Asplund's distances between a probe and a grey scale function, using the Logarithmic Image Processing scalar multiplication. We demonstrate that the map is the logarithm of the ratio between a dilation and an erosion of the function by a structuring function: the probe. The dilations and erosions are mappings from the lattice of the images into the lattice of the positive functions. Using a flat structuring element, the expression of the map of Asplund's distances can be simplified with a dilation and an erosion of the image; these mappings stays in the lattice of the images. We illustrate our approach by an example of pattern matching with a non-flat structuring function